"C19. All items in any approval book must be directly related to philately and [b]be in the chosen approval book category[/b]. World-wide and other non-listed categories must be posted in the "World Wide" category, [b]and must be neatly arranged by country and/or topic.[/b] "
The other thing I notice is the description of the book. One word doesn't say a thing to me!
any chance you could include the object of your annoyance in your message, or are you trying to recreate the experience of having to look hard in the stock card yard? Save us some time and effort, which I thought was your goal.
As a point of interest.
The amount of space in the Book Title space is too short.
I tried a more descriptive title but could only get "Switzerland Sets, Used, 2002 to 1990, Pro Juventute Sets Used, 1995 to". I was unable to put in 1978.
Yet my title only took up half the space of the bar visible.
Therefore some better descriptions may be limited by the system.
OK you can get it all into the book description but that doesn't help the buyer when searching for books in the New books section.
Au contraire, mon ami, Ian! I look for countries of interest to me then look in the book description to see what is included. "Mix" doesn't tell me anything, but "Switzerland Sets, Used, 2002 to 1990, Pro Juventute Sets Used, 1995 to 1978" would tell me a lot!
Are other members that rushed to look at what's inside that they miss the description?
Why isn't the title JUST the country name or topic?
The description line is for just that - the description of what is included in the book!
That's how I have always viewed it.
Dave, having already felt the wrath of objections to my being specific in my criticism, I will not do so (except in private).
1. As far as disorganized World-wide books, just search on keyword worldwide and look at the chaos. How difficult is it to take a handful of 100 stamps, sort them by topic or country before sticking them on a page. This will also avoid the scattered multiple copies issue. But I bet you, no one is doing so to annoy me, just they are not aware of the rule, and this was feared which is why we banned worldwide. Policing worldwide is a LOT of extra work for the moderator. Note that "rule bending" is being done due to lack of knowledge. I had never experienced anything but cooperation when I explained the rules to sellers listing Approval Books. Sellers were all cooperative, (even the few who were technologically challenged). Unfortunately, bad example breeds more bad books, so you need to work with the few problem listers, from the very beginning.
2. As far as my suggestion for the title guideline, SOR discarded the old rule guidelines for Title Description, so I cannot blame anyone listing today for being creative, or self serving, or mysterious. First I suggest we re-institute a guideline and a rule for the title. That was my suggestion. Most books titles are fine, but some....
Ian is correct that the title length is truncated. This was done for a reason. In the early days, we saw titles that were "~10" lines long, with life stories and superlative adjectives (a no no) in the title! Title was becoming an advertising promotion. Length also made the listing very unruly, and tacky. So a limit was instituted, and a specific un-doctored description was required. You can use abbreviations to describe the content clearly and precisely.
Alternatively, Tim could increase the length allowed for the title, I have no objection, except more work for Tim, but I am in favor of having it capped, and still on the short side. It is a title, not a life story.
I think you can work around the limitation we currently have, but I do admit Ian that it is restrictive.
Once we have a clear Title rule or guideline in place, then Dave, I will gladly and privately point to books that would benefit from the title "police". Right now to re-iterate, we no longer have a rule or even a guideline for the title description.
Somehow I get the feeling that members think that since they pay a fee they should be allow to use the site as they please.
Give them a warning and if that fails, delete the unruly book.
"I tried a more descriptive title but could only get "Switzerland Sets, Used, 2002 to 1990, Pro Juventute Sets Used, 1995 to". I was unable to put in 1978."
Aye Micheal, yes it could be done as you suggested but I was trying to make the point that the Book Title space is restrictive.
The more information that is put in the title the better it is for Buyers. Especially as there appears to me more space available for the title in the New Books section with the new layout.
I am not suggesting that it should be increased by lines and lines of extra text but an extra 10 characters would not go amiss.
I know that the book description can accomodate numerous characters but this is only seen when one clicks onto the book.
Wer Großes will, muß sich zusammenraffen:
In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister,
Und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit geben.
(He who’d do great things must display restraint;
The master shows himself first in confinement,
And law alone can grant us liberation.)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Ian, my example saved 13 characters/spaces.
Sorry. I'm guilty of not reading the WW rule recently or closely when I created my recent WW approval book. I will correct my errors.
With so many areas causing worry and aggravation in our lives these days, this situation does not need to add more chaos and irritation. I'm sorry to have offended anyone. Peace, generosity, kindness, honesty, integrity, and enjoyment of good stamps are the characteristics that I hope people will notice in me and in the work I do.
In the interests of peace, please don't quickly jump to publicly using labels that malign others and their intentions.
Ian: re
"I was trying to make the point that the Book Title space is restrictive.
The more information that is put in the title the better it is for Buyers. Especially as there appears to me more space available for the title in the New Books section with the new layout.
rrraphy:- No worries as our Australian cousins say.
I suppose its just me but I really don't see much of a difference between a mish mash book in no order with a title of Worldwide and a mish mash book in no order in a book called German Commeratives for example. I will be the first to say I do not know how people collect and mount their stamps. When I actively collected Germany, I used Scotts Germany albums and had home made pages for the Germany Michel listed stamps. I had a couple of German revenue albums as well. If I were to go back into Germany it would be for Michel listed stamps and Norton revenues (just one of the revenue catalogs ). Assuming there were such stamps in any of the German books out there (5 of 6 people that have books have no catalog numbers) I would miss them. This is due to what I see on page one. If there are no numbers, I'm done. This is because my home made pages have no pictures on them so I would have to dig out my reference books to see if what the person had in their book was a Michel S282 (my catalogs are all marked up as to what I have). Do I know what a Michel S282 looks like? No. Put the number S282 on your listing and I would double check to see if it was actually that stamps based on the description and you then have a sale if it matches. Yes there are dozens of catalogs and no size fits all. If there was a move to go to a universal catalog (Stampworld) on this site I would not be adverse to it. Its free to everyone and I use it quite often as well as Colnect because I cannot afford all the catalogs from every publisher. (I'd love to be able to afford a Higgins & Gage and a complete Barefoot catalog but its not going to happen.) Yet, if I put a Stampworld catalog number into a listing, It does not even get a view for the most part.
People are fairly successful in selling out of worldwide books vs books that have a more descriptive title and as long as that is the case, I do not think anyone will change their practices, unless the w/w books are dropped if they have more than a couple of countries in them. The books are helpful for the times that you have any kind of colony issues, be it French or British. Likewise the missing catalog number. If people are successful sellers without them, they will not use them, though it boggles my mind that people can look up a stamp to see what it is worth, but not use the number on the line in the book. I tried the worldwide books a few times to see if people would purchase from them that normally do not buy my auctions. Like most of my tests of late, this one failed as well. No new buyers. So, for me anyway, worldwide books, even with every single stamp/set identified is not worth the effort. I also tried British in alphabetical order with all stamps for 10 cents each. Nope. Yes about 40% but that's not much better a result than a regular book that I do put catalog numbers in. So, I'll stick to the way I do approval books - and just hope I picked countries that there is an interest in. I will now go back to work for the day......
Just two observations after reading thru all of this:
In all of the years creatingg and selling with approval books here - I NEVER USED THE WORLDWIDE category. I can not even think of a case where I would even want to use it.
I always try to use a meaningful book description by at least putting in a date range of what is included in the title. If the country is limited in nature (such a Mozambique Company) there would be nothing else to add to the title.
As of now, of the newly listed Approval books 42 are Worldwide, out of 87. Some do state WW and some state nothing of value to the buyer, such as Number 5 or just a date, but they are WW as well.
None of the WW sellers (except a handful) has organized the material except in a totally random fashion.
To say that I am disappointed with the direction Approval has continued to evolve, under this lack of management would be understating my feelings. Seems like I am one of the few who still seem to care.
Soon I will shut up but it is just a shame to see this once unique product encouraged to spiral into mediocrity.
This is our Rule governing WW:
"C19. All items in any approval book must be directly related to philately and be in the chosen approval book category. World-wide and other non-listed categories must be posted in the "World Wide" category, and must be neatly arranged by country and/or topic.
35 of these worldwide books that rrraphy is highlighting is from one seller.
I have always said that as long as 10% or less of the Approval Books listed are in the Worldwide category then we should be able to cope and allow Worldwide Books.
Last week Worldwide Books were 12.5% of the total and today it is 15.6%
The figure is now above 10% then maybe we should re-think this category.
As a first step may I suggest that the Management Team spend a little time enforcing Rule C19.
on your last posting, I privately wrote you and invited you to send me the URLs for those things that offended your sensibilities. CRICKETS!!!!
Instead of spending your time ranting, why not help those who are willing to work with you.
if your intent is to protect the sanctity of the approvals, then facilitate that. If it's just to get out your annoyance for the world to see, carry on.
amsd:- are you berating me or rrraphy or both?
amsd: How hard is it to look at the first page of every WW or undefined titled Approval Books? For heaven sake, it takes less time than my copying just one or a few of the 42 URL.
Stop passing the buck. When I report, I get shut off. When I complain, I get admonished. It takes less time to look at a few first pages of Approvals than writing me private messages. But it does not solve the issue which is inherent to having a catch all category. My complaint is about the policy that allows it, not the sellers, who may not know better.
Want to simplify the task of the moderator, who currently is doing nothing, just eliminate WW as was initially set up, for a reason, and enforce a requirement that books should have titles describing accurately the content and be organized. Books should follow our categories, which include some grouped categories, such as Other Europe, Middle east etc...and not be poetic title puzzles.
Ian: 10% ww is your number, but if there were a way to easily verify that they are organized as per rule C19, I could live with it, or even a higher number as long as the content is described on page 1 and organized. But that is NOT going to work. Not without a lot of work by inexistant moderators.
The problem is that WW, as we have now (for reasons that escape me, it was conceptually not allowed for cause), needs inspection of every page for rule C19 to work.
And clearly we don't have moderators with this kind of time on their hands, or motivation, and moderated for a long while, I know it is too much to ask. So I say it is time to go back to basics and require books to fit our categories system and not bridge across groups, while WW or non specific books are not allowed. And the title should describe the content specifically. Voila...moderators can go back to sleep, or do other tasks of higher priority, after a simple rule change, and a brief enforcement phase.
Incidentally WW books with 24 pages and with 24 S/S are less offensive than books with 10 pages of randomly thrown stamps on the pages, bottom of the shoe box and floor droppings could, for some, be a good description. But even 24 pages of S/S of FDC or whatever "large items" should be grouped in some form of order and fit into a limited number of categories. Duplicates should not be scattered etc,,etc... still a moderator nightmare. As a volunteer organization with few moderators, let us make their life easier!
Let's go back to our earlier rule.
Do the auctioneers look after the Approval books or just the Auctions.
The page listing of the management team only lists people looking after the Auctions.
we do both, Doug
Maybe it time to make a change. Take on another volunteer to look after only Approval books.
Are you volunteering, Doug?
Out of curiosity, I took a quick look at the word wide approval books. Quite honestly, I don't see a problem. Most of the books are organized by country and many of them are selling quite well. I see a lot of desirable material being offered at very reasonable prices. Even the disorganized books contained a low percentage of common material.
I think we are getting a bit over-agitated by WW books. I guess there is quite a bit of work put into even unsorted books. Just the scanning must take a lot of time. Best to just look on these unsorted books as being similar to trays of loose stamps dealers put out at stamp shows. At 5 cents a piece I find it hard to take umbrage. If you have time and you find it relaxing look through a few WW books. If they cause your blood pressure to rise, stop immediately and find something else to look at.
" I really don't see much of a difference between a mish mash book in no order with a title of Worldwide and a mish mash book in no order in a book called German Commeratives for example."
We are going to try an experiment....
Doug (D1Stamper) will serve as an auctioneer in the approvals area for three months. He will concentrate on the tidying the place up a bit.
Doug will have full authority of an auctioneer.
in our conversations, he has indicated that he will be aiming to keep all new books upstanding, organized.
Welcome him and please let him get his feet wet before writing with anything other than your congratulations and thanks.
Welcome, Doug. David will send you a kevlar jacket in a couple of weeks.
Is David in supply now ?
Is it kevlar nowadays? I thought it ought to be asbestos :-)
Welcome Doug!
Why not poll the members if they want any changes to how the approvals run. I have personally had lots of sales from worldwide books and am offended that an ongoing rant is just causing me more work when the people who I sell to have not registered any complaints. If you want to drive away sellers this is an excellent start on doing it
DannyS post above has something I have seldom seen on Stamporama that I can recall, namely 10 Likes.
Here is his post in full:-
"I think we are getting a bit over-agitated by WW books. I guess there is quite a bit of work put into even unsorted books. Just the scanning must take a lot of time. Best to just look on these unsorted books as being similar to trays of loose stamps dealers put out at stamp shows. At 5 cents a piece I find it hard to take umbrage. If you have time and you find it relaxing look through a few WW books. If they cause your blood pressure to rise, stop immediately and find something else to look at."
"Why not poll the members if they want any changes to how the approvals run. "
Bob (dell4c), As ranter-in-chief , let me say that as the only one here who was involved in the concept and the creation of Approval Books at SOR, and as one who also moderated it for over 2 years, I do feel a certain responsibility for keeping this unique platform from falling into utter mediocrity.
Worldwide is NOT the problem. Worldwide without the sellers following ANY of the (relaxed) rules is.
As a reminder:
C19. All items in any approval book must be directly related to philately and be in the chosen approval book category. World-wide and other non-listed categories must be posted in the "World Wide" category, and must be neatly arranged by country and/or topic.
C20. Each item must be identified by number. The number must be positioned so that it is clearly visible and does not overlap any other item. Numbers should preferably be located on the left side of or directly underneath the item to which it relates.
C21. Multiple copies of an item are limited to three, except for offerings such as: collectible cancellation types, pre-cancels, color shades, etc., and must be placed together on the same page.
Your books are terrific and have always respected the rules. I never had any problem with them, or books similarly organized.
The problem arises in my mind from the need to check Worldwide Books closely, something our moderators have not done well if at all.
I do understand why, as it takes a lot of time.
That is why Worldwide was a banned category from the Approval Books at inception 5 years ago. We feared that WW books would become excuses for just throwing floor droppings into Approval Books. Some have.
WW was re-allowed later and this was followed by a general relaxation of the books rules, in particular rules about titles, organization etc... have been relegated to suggestions. under "Tips for Better Sales". I suppose it is all meant to facilitate the job of the Approval moderator.
Problem as I see it is one of balancing buyers and sellers conflicting needs, and keeping some standards. If books degrade a lot, fewer sales will result. If we tighten the rules a lot, fewer sellers will post books. The demands on the platform moderator should not be unreasonable as well.
If some of the rules we still have in place were respected and enforced, the ranter-in-chief would maybe shut up .
I took a quick look at the World Wide books to see what all the fuss is about. My thoughts or comments from what I saw:
1) Please don't post stamps on white pages (background). You need contrast to see the condition of the stamp.
2) A few people just dump their stamps onto the page as if they used a backhoe. Neat and orderly would surely improve sales.
3) A few sellers are cramming their stamps onto a page so almost every stamp is overlapping. Aaarrghh!
Generally most sellers are taking time and care to post their stamps in a orderly fashion. Much appreciated!
Since I am someone that has sold thousands of stamps here over the years in Approval Books - I finally decided I need to add my opinion to this thread which I have been following. In all of the years as a seller here - I NEVER Once have created an approval book that was placed in the Worldwide Category. It has been awhile since I took a look at books in that category and I was shocked today to see some of them. If I wanted to do what others have done I could dump about 100 books in a week that look like that. I have thousands of leftover stamps and I could just slap them on pages and create books. I would never do that since I have always followed the rules. For example I may have a handful of stamps left from one country and a handful for a few others but not enough to make a meaningful book of at least 100 stamps - so I just hold onto those stamps until I have enough new material to merge the leftovers to create an appropriate book. It takes me quite some to put together my books and if I wanted to I could just dump everytihng into worldwide like I see others are doing. I have not had anyone complain about my books here in years and I would be open to constructive critisim but I feel kind of upset that I am taking the time to follow the rules and do things in an organized fashion and others are doing whatever they want. That's just how I feel... Steve
I have purchased quite a few SOR stamps over the years and most of them have been from approval books. I don't mind looking at worldwide books, but some of them really are a mess. How hard can it be to at least sort out the stamps by country before starting to fill up the approval book?
As a collector, I do not have a wealth of stamps from a single country that I could fill up an approval book. However, I do have enough stamps from a single country to fill a page or two. I have listed stamps in this manner in the "Worldwide" category where the approval book will contain stamps from several countries. Each page(s) are exclusive to a single country usually with Scott #'s or minimally in Scott order. Each page is also identified as to the country. There are probably quite a few collectors who also cannot readily fill a book with a single country. I feel this is a good use of the "Worldwide" category. As a side note, I must add that I usually do not look at books that are simply a hodgepodge of different country stamps with no order. It is simply too much trouble to try to determine which stamps I might be interested in. Just my two cents worth...
Simple solution. Start a category called "Floor Sweepings".
We have a saying in Old Caledonia:
"One mans muck is another mans brass"
i wanted to update folks on our experiment:
Doug has been working hard, looking at approval books. He is telling those with rule-averse contents to make all FUTURE books conform to the rules. He is not asking people to revise existing books.
I know he's having some trouble with some people, and when he encounters that, he's deactivating new books.
As before, i'm asking you to let Doug do his job quietly or with applause and thanks.
By all means, let the man do his job .
I hope we do approach regulation with a light touch. When I look through the worldwide books I think there could be other ways of encouraging a more organized way of displaying the sellers wares. A smaller minimum count for single country books could be one answer. This would be especially so with single topic books. Many of the worldwide books could easily supply 25 items of sports, arts, animals and flora. Just a thought on making it easier for members to trade their duplicates and unwanted stamps.
I disagree Danny, we need to be strict and vigorously enforce the rules. The offending sellers will quickly realize that their efforts were wasted and that the only way their books will be accepted is if they follow the rules. They will get the point really fast.
I just looked at one of the latest High Value Books $$$ created and almost every stamp is damaged. The rule clearly states:
Not contain damaged, altered, fake, counterfeit, etc. items.
I'll reach out to Doug and see if he can do something about it, but this makes me angry that a few sellers figure they can do whatever they want and suffer no consequences.
Larry, my suggestion of smaller minimum counts on the books came from the feeling I have that it would help those members who really do want to just trade duplicates. What we seem to have now is a range of members who range between two extremes. At one end would be those who just enjoy collecting for collecting's sake and at the other would be those whose hobby is the buying and selling of stamps. Neither is wrong and many would fit somewhere in between. This has nothing to do with the condition of the stamps on offer. I see in the current auction we have common low value stamps with obvious problems. On the other hand for many of us there is certainly a place for space-fillers with very expensive stamps. I am one of those who find it hard to discard damaged common stamps, but I do force myself to. If an item is visibly damaged then buyers should ignore it and sellers should display a damaged notification. I suspect we are in agreement on that.
Yes Danny, I agree with many of the things you have said.
On damaged stamps, the rules are clear:
C22. Stamps with defects must be identified by entering the word "Damaged" in the description. This includes repairs, thins, creases, pulled or torn perforations, scuffs, tears, stains, extraneous writing or markings in ink or marker (other than owner/authentication marks), etc. Defective items are not permitted in High Value ($$$) Books.
If it's damaged, you must ID it as such. And, really, unless it's a pretty rare stamp, just toss the sucker. Or, as some people have done, use them as resource material in color or paper variations.
David, the auctioneer
or send them off to the Holocaust Project to be used in collages!
Thanks for the plug Tommy!
With Covid winding down (for now) things are opening up again. Too late to get a school involved, so I am working with my local library to set up a space for the summer so kids can just drop in and clip/glue stamps to a template (like a colouring book).
Hopefully I can show some decent progress over the next 3-4 months.
Cheers, Dave.
P.S. Some people have told me "I'd like to donate stamps I don't need, but the US-Canada postal rates are usurious". Just to let you know, Steve Wilner ("cardstamp") has sent a regular envelope stuffed to the one ounce limit (so just requiring the one stamp) - every 2-3 weeks for the past two years or more!
"I could dump about 100 books in a week that look like that. "
Thanks - "I think" for sharing my secret of how I send you donations. When I get contacted by the postal authorities for doing this - I know who to blame - someone reading this here may be a "spy" ! Steve
No worries Steve. I think the one person who might have ratted you out is no longer a member.
My Nephews a postal inspector in North Carolina...it paid better than being a State Trooper in Virginia..hes not looking for us..he takes videos of employees unable to work lifting weights in their garage or roofing their house.
Well here I am waiting for the Liverpool- Real Madrid soccer match to start, (delayed due to crowd into getting into ground) so thought ok , I'll spend some money on the approvals. Wrong, books disorganised, multiples of the same stamp on different pages, faults not noted.
No mention of whether the stamps without postmarks are mint, mint hinged, previously hinged or used without postmark or gum.
Stamps in absolutely no order despite all being one price.
Really folks if you are serious about selling stamps start at the shop window, my money is staying in my pocket for another day.
Looks like the soccer may be starting, despite the hundreds of fans who are still outside the stadium.
In my experience, it’s uncomfortable to be approval book moderator, pitting yourself against other members, so stay tough, Doug and wear that Kevlar jacket mentioned earlier.
For me the only thing that worked was to simply create form letters that listed what was wrong with an approval book. If a book is not up to snuff, don’t send messages trying to cajole, wheedle, beg or grovel, simply disable the book and then send them the official sounding form letter telling them what rules are not being followed and what they have to do to correct it. If they don’t like it, too bad. You break a rule, there are consequences, end of subject. The book is not activated until it is fully in compliance.
Its over now Sheepshanks !
Yep, Liverpool lost to a keeper who had a brilliant game, behind a defence that really worked well as a team.
I understand that we no longer have an Approval Book Moderator.
I would have expected the courtesy of Management to inform the rest of us.
It is a shame, because I noticed some definite improvements for a while, and now once more it is a mess! Thanks Doug for your temporary and effective efforts while you moderated Approvals.
From Sheepshank just yesterday (edited):
"Well ... so I thought ok , I'll spend some money on the approvals. Wrong, books disorganised, multiples of the same stamp on different pages, faults not noted.
No mention of whether the stamps without postmarks are mint, mint hinged, previously hinged or used without postmark or gum.
Stamps in absolutely no order despite all being one price.
Really folks if you are serious about selling stamps start at the shop window, my money is staying in my pocket for another day."
"In my experience, it’s uncomfortable to be approval book moderator, pitting yourself against other members, so stay tough, Doug and wear that Kevlar jacket mentioned earlier.
..... If a book is not up to snuff, don’t send messages trying to cajole, wheedle, beg or grovel, simply disable the book and then send them the official sounding form letter telling them what rules are not being followed and what they have to do to correct it. If they don’t like it, too bad. You break a rule, there are consequences, end of subject. The book is not activated until it is fully in compliance "
": we need to be strict and vigorously enforce the rules. The offending sellers will quickly realize that their efforts were wasted and that the only way their books will be accepted is if they follow the rules. They will get the point really fast.
I just looked at one of the latest High Value Books $$$ created and almost every stamp is damaged. The rule clearly states:
Not contain damaged, altered, fake, counterfeit, etc. items.
...... this makes me angry that a few sellers figure they can do whatever they want and suffer no consequences"
Apparently. this discussion thread is the place for those who want to moan, groan and complain that things aren't to their own personal liking -
so be it.
Just make sure you KEEP it here so the rest of us can ignore it.
Now -
3 of us (all approval book moderators - NONE of which is Ralph) are working out some NEW & IMPROVED sellers' rules for the Approvals platform. THIS is what we have been busy with.
Some time this coming week we should have it all in place.
In the meantime, please feel free to continue your idle ranting.
I’ve read this forum since it began 3 months ago. I’ve not posted or conversed with anyone who contributed to it. I thought the opening contribution by rraphy sailed a little close to the wind in what he said, and I did not recognise many of the problems he complained about. I felt he was getting worked up about a small issue, but many members on here continually complain about very minor issues.
I said “I did not recognise many of the problems”. I did not say all of what he said in his contribution. I recognised complaints to moderators, or board members go unanswered. I’ve complained to moderators, and correspondence goes unacknowledged and unanswered.
I buy lots of stamps but never look at World Wide so this thread wasn’t of great interest to me. I’ve seen some awful books, and I stay clear of those sellers. If an image shows a stamp with all 4 perfs., and the price is right, I’m happy to run with it. To be honest, I’ve rarely been disappointed in anything I’ve bought on SoR.
I get more annoyed by professional stamp vendors who ignore rules continually. There is a place for covers, for cinderellas, and for most countries, but the same sellers continually waste my time scrolling through hundreds of these items before I find a stamp. No action is taken against them. I’ve complained privately and not received the courtesy of a response.
Rrraphy saw a rule being broken, and the people who broke the rule were not sanctioned. He complained privately but received no response from moderators. What should he then do?
It would have been simple to advise members that 3 Approval Book moderators have worked to address issues raised in this discussion, and they hoped to present a solution in the next week. Instead musicman waded in with all guns blazing. Musicman’s diatribe reminds me of an online stamp “Club” based in Australia where no criticism of any aspect of the “Club” is tolerated by the owner, and which all self respecting collectors stay miles away from.
It’s tough being an unpaid volunteer. You do all the work and take all the flak. I appreciate musicman does help out, working as a moderator, and he is trying to address points which rrraphy raised. The details he gave, lost in his diatribe, in my opinion are 3 months too late.
thanks for your comments.
I don't think you've written me privately; if you have, I don't recall.
Ralph and I have spoken several times privately; both of us have initiated those conversations. Ralph also compalins often and loudly in public fora; I tend not to reply to those, mostly because we've covered those complaints before, many, many, many times.
I've suggested to Ralph, both privately and publicly, that any time he wants to send me an offending page, I'll take a look. Ralph does not want to do that; he far prefers others do that work.
We had a new volunteer helping out for a while, but his personal life required he step away.
We also have a number of members whose age contributes to difficulties. Those whose hands shake and whose sight is diminished have a tough time.
One of our moderators took a vacation; another is working on a project. I've done some moderating, but not a whole lot, and the few approvals I've viewed mostly met the rules (imperfectly, but since we're the ones enforcing the rules, we determine how stringent to be). But, Right now, the three auctioneers have been trying to deal with the approval issue.
There are many who would agree with your appraisal:
"I thought the opening contribution by rraphy sailed a little close to the wind in what he said, and I did not recognise many of the problems he complained about. I felt he was getting worked up about a small issue"
The problem Musicman is that while members can ignore my "ranting" I think Management should take action when informed about problems or when they work at moderating themselves instead of just wearing a name tag.
I was under the impression we had a new moderator, and when I contacted him again, as I had in the past, to report some new rule violations, I was notified privately that he no longer was the moderator. For a while, things had improved dramatically, showing a moderator working at the job can acheive significant improvements. And then, things went sour again, which is why I attempted to report to him again,
Management, you included, could have bothered to inform the rest of us, instead of advising us to disregard my complaints. It would not be necessary to post again with information about why things had degraded, and I don't enjoy having to do it, in spite of what you may think.
Note that I was only responding to several other members' posts!
And attacking the messenger instead of solving the problem is a defensive move that fools no one.
David: re
" I've suggested to Ralph, both privately and publicly, that any time he wants to send me an offending page, I'll take a look. Ralph does not want to do that; he far prefers others do that work."
It was interesting to read that there may be upcoming changes to the Rules governing the Approvals to be announced this week.
We already have "Rules". They are good or bad depending on the individuals own perception.
Rules, like most things, only work if they are enforced.
May I suggest a couple of things.
a) Remove the Worldwide Category as it appears to be the more contentious category.
b) Put in a minimum price of say 10 cents per stamp.
c) Put in a minimum Book Value of say $15.00. (Many Clubs have a minimum Book Value placed on their Club Books)
Interesting ideas Ian, but they present some problems as far as I can see with my own sales. A minimum price of 10 cents per stamp, is there a way to determine what percentage of stamps here sell for less than 10 cents? I suspect at least half. Of late I could not even sell stamps for a penny at auction - so I discontinued penny auctions. All auctions may be discontinued by the end of June as the auction market at least for me, is almost non existent.
I don't bother making up worldwide books due to the fallout that they seem to get. People who do have them seem to do well with them if the stamps are cheap enough. While people complain about them, how many people who currently buy from them would buy from other books if the w/w were not available? Part of the problem with books is the requirements for a book in the first place. If for argument sake I was looking for stamps from a country where it is just about impossible to have 100 stamps from that country, where might I look if there was no worldwide category? Worldwide SHOULD exist but should have geographic specifics attached to it, AND stamps should be in country order within the area. I don't see where that is a difficult thing to do.
It will be interesting to see what "new rules" are set out for the sellers here. Personally, I feel all books should be indexed, and if Scott catalogs are the problem (cost prohibitive), I get that, except how are sellers assigning a value to a stamp in a book if they are not looking them all up to begin with. Is it random? Could a person find a $10 stamp in a book priced at a dime with no catalog number? I seriously doubt that. I would be willing to bet that almost everyone who has books in anything except world wide 5 cent mish mash books has access to a set of Scotts. If I was a buyer for my own collection, and was looking for a specific stamp, there is no way I would spend the time going through a book that did not have catalog numbers. Perhaps people don't collect as I did anymore.
I'm just a collector but one day I may be a seller to clean out my duplicates, and worldwide would definetly be one of the categories I would need as I wouldn't have enough stamps worth posting to complete a book for a single country. I also expect a lot of the stamps would be in the 5 cent price range.
When I look to buy from a book I rely on the catalog number. My want lists are by catalog number and if a book doesn't have catalog numbers I skip it. For some of the countries I collect, water marks are critical, and without a catalog reference you don't know what you're getting. I have taken chances and hence the duplicates The catalog number also provides a quick reference if I think a stamp is overpriced. I have seen examples where stamps are listed on the auction at 150-200% catalog value.
So based on my criteria -- no catalgo number, no lookie -- I don't see the worldwide books that people are complaining about, and quite frankly I don't care. I respect rules and I think people should follow them when assembling their books to maintain a level of quality in SR, but if they sell their stamps all mixed up with questionable quality, then who's to argue.
"If for argument sake I was looking for stamps from a country where it is just about impossible to have 100 stamps from that country, where might I look if there was no worldwide category? Worldwide SHOULD exist but should have geographic specifics attached to it, AND stamps should be in country order within the area. I don't see where that is a difficult thing to do.
Since the rules are being looked at, as per Musicman, here is the original set of rules written by Bobby Barhhart at the start of Approvals in 2016, and then modified after some experience was accumulated by the development team. There were further modification on a number of issues, such as retiring books etc, but the essence of the rules is here, and simple to understand. All this is preserved in documentation under "Approval Project/Original". I suggest you take a look at history instead of reinventing the wheel.
"#1 All items (stamps, sets, S/S, FDC, etc...) are clearly visible as scanned and numbered from 1 to n on each page?
NOTE: Please make sure that you indicate clearly any known defects. Please scan at a high enough resolution to clearly show the listed material.
Yes No
#2 Each item (stamps, sets, S/S, FDC, etc...) has its own individual number, clearly associated with it?
NOTE: No numbering by rows; no hidden numbers. Please make an effort to structure your books in an organized fashion.
Yes No
#3 The book offers a SUBSTANTIAL selection with a MINIMUM of 100 items (mix of stamps, sets, S/S, FDC, etc.) in the chosen collectible area and no more than 3 copies of any individual item?
NOTE: The Moderator may grant an exception for some books (offering a combination of stamps, sets, S/S, covers, etc.), and for countries or topics where a limited stamp selection may make the minimum item requirement difficult to achieve. Exceptions to the "3 Copies Rule" can also be claimed for cancellation varieties, if notated. To get an exception for your book, you must contact the Moderator to obtain a waiver before you publish your book. Books consisting exclusively of covers, sheets, S/S, complete sets, etc., must meet a minimum of 24 items, and are subject to Moderator review.
Yes No
#4 The book offers stamps in WELL DEFINED, collectible topics that are clearly described in its TITLE and listed in the corresponding Approval Books Category?
NOTE: Please do NOT compile books with unrelated material, "floor sweepings", and do NOT combine unrelated countries or topics, etc.. Your book must fit one of our categories. Make sure the title contains enough information, such as year range, catalog number range, condition, topical subject, etc. to define precisely its content.
Yes No
If your answer to all these questions is YES, then you may publish your book.
If you are unsure of an answer, you may message the Approval Books Moderator for an opinion.
If the Moderator determines that your published book is not in compliance with these simple rules, your book may be deactivated until it is edited appropriately, or you submit a request for a waiver from one of more of the rules.
WARNING: Do not relist old material as new after short periods of time. This defies the purpose of the New Books list and is unfriendly towards other member-sellers and buyers alike. Approval Books must remain active for a reasonable duration, not just a short time. Approval books are not to be used as quick auction substitutes, nor as "stores".
Sellers must monitor their book sales. Approval Books must be deactivated when depleted (> 90% sold), when no sales have occurred for several months, or after ONE year from the date the book was published.
Stamporama reserves the right to revoke selling privileges of members who violate the Approval Book Rules."
" All auctions may be discontinued by the end of June as the auction market at least for me, is almost non existent."
"In the past few weeks I never ever seen 20 or more members logged in at the same time."
One day last week when I checked in I was the only one logged on!!
When you consider that there are 499 members mentioned on the Home Page. Where are they all??????
In a previous post I stated
"With a daily average of Items available ie 7100 that 3550 are listed by 5 Sellers and 3550 listed by 24 Sellers. If you are one of the 24 then the suggestion is that your items are not being noticed as they are "swamped" by the 5."
Ian i often wonder about the 500 members...they pay their dues..yet the vast majority do not seem to bid or post in the discussions.. seems weird if you belong to something... oh well.
This thread is starting to take a longer time to load.
Ian, swamped is a good word. I also believe you can talk about filters till you are blue in the face so to speak, and no one is going to use them, or probably better put, many people will not use them. I noticed a drop off right away when the run forever option was put out there. The spread sheet really is easy. I had been using it for years. More than the swamping though, I am thinking the economy is paying a critical part in the drop off. Auctions at every venue I list at have been almost nil over the past couple of months. My other things, that are not stamps have remained steady. I also think that a collector will always collect, but what they collect will change. The person who would spend $10 a week so to speak and get say, 25 stamps for their collection, will now still get 25 stamps, but they only have $5 to spend. That being said, those 3-5 cent mish mash books become appealing especially if the collector decides to take up a topical, and does not mind CTO stamps in their collection. They also will not care about condition. I am sure you have seen old time albums with stamps from back in the early 1900s. The condition of what was saved is beyond belief. Yet it filled a space in their album. I don't think the average collector is collecting thinking they are creating a nest egg for the future. I hope not anyway unless they are really collecting very high end stamps. They are collecting for the fun of it, which is why I never understood the anger over a stamp in a book that was failed to have "short perf" or some other crazy thing mentioned as part of the condition, especially when we are talking about stamps that catalog for under a dollar. I guess thats just me, as this topic constantly comes up in discussion. If I was to get back into collecting, I probably lean toward US Match & Medicine and Non Scott US REvenues. If you are familiar with M&M, to find them completely undamaged is VERY difficult and quite possibly would cost at least 100% Scott. Collectors will purchase repaired or damaged stamps in this area. I certainly would if the price was right. Same with the dated Red & Green US revenues. Try finding the highest denominations that have not been perfin cancelled. To some that sort of cancel is an eyesore on a stamp. For those looking to complete their reds and greens, they would take them in that condition knowing there are no others available. I won't make a book of them. I only know one collector who would be interested....
I have been following this thread and have refrained from saying anything new. I have noticed since last year when the membership rules started that I had been putting up new approval books for a small group of my regular buyers. I rarely see a new buyer for any of my books. That worked OK for the year but as time has gone on and I create new books - there is only so much brand new items that have not been seen before - so with the same group of buyers - the sales have gone down for me. The regulars I have pick out the "new" items but the rest just sit there. The last few months have been the worse since the second year of membership started - did we have a drop in the number of members ?
As others have said the first few days of a new book see 90% of the sales. I started taking down books before they reach the threshold of closing soon. I either move some of the stamps to my other selling site, keep the leftovers and merge with other stamps to create a future new book or just donate the stamps that are just no longer worth the effort to keep and try to sell again. Lately no matter what book I put up the sales have been much lower than they used to be. I feel like I am waisting my time putting them together. Add the fact that now with the new reporting of sales over $600 for the year will be rpeorted on a 1099 - I am starting to think that maybe I will have to scale down in the future.
Steve I'm still thinking its the economy or more directly inflation. Unless you have a reasonably good income 20-30% increase in things over last year hurts. Something has to be cut out of the budget. I see it on eBay and hip as well for stamps. The other things I sell have not seen a drop off. Keep in mind too all those covid checks that were handed out like play money to people who didn't need them. What that provided was a boost to retail which is what we are a part of. Without those checks sales come back to earth.
I have scaled back and will do so until things change, but honestly I do not see that happening any time soon. I will just keep my feet wet in the water here. Because I make up small books a collection might give me 3-4 books. Smaller books are also easier to break down and redo so to speak if necessary. Giving uncle upwards of 12% does not help either as it amounts to a decrease in already reduced revenues. My wife likes the fact that i have cut out about 10 hours of work a week Personally I think next year you will see more international sellers than domestic ones. It remains to be seen what happens to the collectibles market across all things. I am certainly winning auction lots for resale in postcards at prices that are 1/3 of what I would have spent a year ago. I stopped bidding on stamp lots as I have a lot that needs to be gone through.
"Unless you have a reasonably good income 20-30% increase in things over last year hurts. Something has to be cut out of the budget."
Jules, yes, food prices have soared here. When the price is the same, the package weight is less. For some things, there has been minimum increases due to the fact that we live in farm country, so produce, eggs and milk have not seen much in the way of an increase. We have a huge freezer in the garage so we buy the sales. But gas prices do affect everything, and I too have read of the expected $10 a gallon gas in California this summer. I've lived through the inflation 70's so I have seen this before. The real issue is, how do you end it.
I've mentioned before that an old dealer that got me into the game back in 1980 once told me - you can't eat stamps. You are selling something that no one really needs, just wants. And when it comes down to putting food on the table or a stamp into an album, you can't eat stamps. My weekly sales here, and I know I have cut back which is part of it, is about 25% of what it was a year ago. No complaints, I expected it. But to beat your head against the wall and just put more stamps up for sale expecting a huge increase in sales, to me anyway, is non productive. Simply take a break, and wait for things to get better. This is the beauty of the "auction store". Once you understand the spreadsheet, and the fact that you must be careful not to relist a sold item, the amount of work is minimal on a weekly basis. Before long I think most sellers will figure that out. You then look at it with thought of "if it sells, it sells. If not there is always the potential of next week"
You are probably right - it all ls boiling down to Inflation. I have been selling on and off online (started with EBAY then BIDSTART) for about 14 years. This is the first time in all of these years where there has been inflation like we have now. I think now that I am well over the new threshold of $600 for a 1099 - I will go slower the rest of the year with adding new books here and putting up new material in Hip as well. Steve
Reading these comments, I'm absolutely gob-smacked that governments chase after folks who have revenues of $600 of stamps sold (ignoring the acquisition and distribution costs). Many of whom may use the money to buy stamps from other folks (so ultimately a trade/exchange mechanism).
Meanwhile, they let their cronies invest millions/billions in off-shore tax havens to evade taxes, and use Super-PACs to pay for haircuts and spray tans; or let cults call themselves religions to get tax-exempt status and become real estate empires.
It just seems wrong, wrong, wrong.
Moderators: If this is deemed too political feel free to remove it. But I'm disgusted that these recent policies have many well-intentioned "small-fry" folks in a group like this rethinking their service to others while the 1% become the 0.5%...I just have to say it. No apologies.
Dave, I think you may have a misunderstanding of the implications of the $600 revenue reporting requirement. This only requires you to file a Schedule C (profit or loss from a business). You will be able to deduct your acquisition and distribution costs. It is quite likely that your net income from this "business" will be near zero. The IRS does not have the resources to question the expense deductions of small volume retail sales operations.
"Reading these comments, I'm absolutely gob-smacked that governments chase after folks who have revenues of $600 of stamps sold (ignoring the acquisition and distribution costs). Many of whom may use the money to buy stamps from other folks (so ultimately a trade/exchange mechanism)."
Is it possible we could close this thread and continue it in a new thread?
It's gotten REALLLLLY long!
I'm with you Randy! Here's my last kick at the can, then I'm shutting up...
And to Harry's point...I understand that if it is business income the expenses can be also reported. My point (perhaps understated rather than misunderstood) is that the government is requiring reporting/paperwork for such a small amount, regardless of whether it is from an actual "business" or just some person selling off personal stuff no longer needed/wanted.
I still assert governments could use their energies more productively (regardless if it is a new or resurrected policy, to Tom's point).
"I still assert governments could use their energies more productively"
I assume the companies that pay taxes want others in the less regulated economy to do so as well especially the small and medium business without the money to dodge taxes. Let's take every brick and mortar stamp store. They usually have a local business license and pay local, state, and federal taxes and compete with online sellers but that is not the only reason they are disappearing. In some stamp shows, local tax authorities have forced dealers to pay local sales taxes
If every online seller contacted a CPA many will find they are operating as a business and should pay taxes. Do you think many would? All these new rules are an attempt to collect taxes on a not well documented transactions but with mega sites like ebay they have a method to see commercial transactions that could be taxed. I would not be surprised if they require a tax identification number for all sellers.
Even SOR has to pay taxes so part of the operating expense.
It would be less paperwork if they made it a simple value added sales tax where the tax is paid at time of transaction and not paid later as part of some income tax filing that allows deductions or graduated tax rates.
My state requires payment of sales tax for out of state purchases.
"In some stamp shows, local tax authorities have forced dealers to pay local sales taxes"
" would not be surprised if they require a tax identification number for all sellers."
Moving on from the Fog...
This has been a hot button of mine, for some time. World-wide Books are often very well put together, but some are also a complete disorganized mess.
World-wide was initially banned as a category. Now, they are popular with sellers and can be an excuse for a Book of random floor droppings stuck to pages.
World-wide DOES NOT mean anything goes. The rule governing World-wide is very SPECIFIC:
"C19. All items in any approval book must be directly related to philately and [b]be in the chosen approval book category[/b]. World-wide and other non-listed categories must be posted in the "World Wide" category, [b]and must be neatly arranged by country and/or topic.[/b] "
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
The other thing I notice is the description of the book. One word doesn't say a thing to me!
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
any chance you could include the object of your annoyance in your message, or are you trying to recreate the experience of having to look hard in the stock card yard? Save us some time and effort, which I thought was your goal.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
As a point of interest.
The amount of space in the Book Title space is too short.
I tried a more descriptive title but could only get "Switzerland Sets, Used, 2002 to 1990, Pro Juventute Sets Used, 1995 to". I was unable to put in 1978.
Yet my title only took up half the space of the bar visible.
Therefore some better descriptions may be limited by the system.
OK you can get it all into the book description but that doesn't help the buyer when searching for books in the New books section.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Au contraire, mon ami, Ian! I look for countries of interest to me then look in the book description to see what is included. "Mix" doesn't tell me anything, but "Switzerland Sets, Used, 2002 to 1990, Pro Juventute Sets Used, 1995 to 1978" would tell me a lot!
Are other members that rushed to look at what's inside that they miss the description?
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Why isn't the title JUST the country name or topic?
The description line is for just that - the description of what is included in the book!
That's how I have always viewed it.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Dave, having already felt the wrath of objections to my being specific in my criticism, I will not do so (except in private).
1. As far as disorganized World-wide books, just search on keyword worldwide and look at the chaos. How difficult is it to take a handful of 100 stamps, sort them by topic or country before sticking them on a page. This will also avoid the scattered multiple copies issue. But I bet you, no one is doing so to annoy me, just they are not aware of the rule, and this was feared which is why we banned worldwide. Policing worldwide is a LOT of extra work for the moderator. Note that "rule bending" is being done due to lack of knowledge. I had never experienced anything but cooperation when I explained the rules to sellers listing Approval Books. Sellers were all cooperative, (even the few who were technologically challenged). Unfortunately, bad example breeds more bad books, so you need to work with the few problem listers, from the very beginning.
2. As far as my suggestion for the title guideline, SOR discarded the old rule guidelines for Title Description, so I cannot blame anyone listing today for being creative, or self serving, or mysterious. First I suggest we re-institute a guideline and a rule for the title. That was my suggestion. Most books titles are fine, but some....
Ian is correct that the title length is truncated. This was done for a reason. In the early days, we saw titles that were "~10" lines long, with life stories and superlative adjectives (a no no) in the title! Title was becoming an advertising promotion. Length also made the listing very unruly, and tacky. So a limit was instituted, and a specific un-doctored description was required. You can use abbreviations to describe the content clearly and precisely.
Alternatively, Tim could increase the length allowed for the title, I have no objection, except more work for Tim, but I am in favor of having it capped, and still on the short side. It is a title, not a life story.
I think you can work around the limitation we currently have, but I do admit Ian that it is restrictive.
Once we have a clear Title rule or guideline in place, then Dave, I will gladly and privately point to books that would benefit from the title "police". Right now to re-iterate, we no longer have a rule or even a guideline for the title description.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Somehow I get the feeling that members think that since they pay a fee they should be allow to use the site as they please.
Give them a warning and if that fails, delete the unruly book.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"I tried a more descriptive title but could only get "Switzerland Sets, Used, 2002 to 1990, Pro Juventute Sets Used, 1995 to". I was unable to put in 1978."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Aye Micheal, yes it could be done as you suggested but I was trying to make the point that the Book Title space is restrictive.
The more information that is put in the title the better it is for Buyers. Especially as there appears to me more space available for the title in the New Books section with the new layout.
I am not suggesting that it should be increased by lines and lines of extra text but an extra 10 characters would not go amiss.
I know that the book description can accomodate numerous characters but this is only seen when one clicks onto the book.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Wer Großes will, muß sich zusammenraffen:
In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister,
Und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit geben.
(He who’d do great things must display restraint;
The master shows himself first in confinement,
And law alone can grant us liberation.)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Ian, my example saved 13 characters/spaces.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Sorry. I'm guilty of not reading the WW rule recently or closely when I created my recent WW approval book. I will correct my errors.
With so many areas causing worry and aggravation in our lives these days, this situation does not need to add more chaos and irritation. I'm sorry to have offended anyone. Peace, generosity, kindness, honesty, integrity, and enjoyment of good stamps are the characteristics that I hope people will notice in me and in the work I do.
In the interests of peace, please don't quickly jump to publicly using labels that malign others and their intentions.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Ian: re
"I was trying to make the point that the Book Title space is restrictive.
The more information that is put in the title the better it is for Buyers. Especially as there appears to me more space available for the title in the New Books section with the new layout.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
rrraphy:- No worries as our Australian cousins say.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I suppose its just me but I really don't see much of a difference between a mish mash book in no order with a title of Worldwide and a mish mash book in no order in a book called German Commeratives for example. I will be the first to say I do not know how people collect and mount their stamps. When I actively collected Germany, I used Scotts Germany albums and had home made pages for the Germany Michel listed stamps. I had a couple of German revenue albums as well. If I were to go back into Germany it would be for Michel listed stamps and Norton revenues (just one of the revenue catalogs ). Assuming there were such stamps in any of the German books out there (5 of 6 people that have books have no catalog numbers) I would miss them. This is due to what I see on page one. If there are no numbers, I'm done. This is because my home made pages have no pictures on them so I would have to dig out my reference books to see if what the person had in their book was a Michel S282 (my catalogs are all marked up as to what I have). Do I know what a Michel S282 looks like? No. Put the number S282 on your listing and I would double check to see if it was actually that stamps based on the description and you then have a sale if it matches. Yes there are dozens of catalogs and no size fits all. If there was a move to go to a universal catalog (Stampworld) on this site I would not be adverse to it. Its free to everyone and I use it quite often as well as Colnect because I cannot afford all the catalogs from every publisher. (I'd love to be able to afford a Higgins & Gage and a complete Barefoot catalog but its not going to happen.) Yet, if I put a Stampworld catalog number into a listing, It does not even get a view for the most part.
People are fairly successful in selling out of worldwide books vs books that have a more descriptive title and as long as that is the case, I do not think anyone will change their practices, unless the w/w books are dropped if they have more than a couple of countries in them. The books are helpful for the times that you have any kind of colony issues, be it French or British. Likewise the missing catalog number. If people are successful sellers without them, they will not use them, though it boggles my mind that people can look up a stamp to see what it is worth, but not use the number on the line in the book. I tried the worldwide books a few times to see if people would purchase from them that normally do not buy my auctions. Like most of my tests of late, this one failed as well. No new buyers. So, for me anyway, worldwide books, even with every single stamp/set identified is not worth the effort. I also tried British in alphabetical order with all stamps for 10 cents each. Nope. Yes about 40% but that's not much better a result than a regular book that I do put catalog numbers in. So, I'll stick to the way I do approval books - and just hope I picked countries that there is an interest in. I will now go back to work for the day......
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Just two observations after reading thru all of this:
In all of the years creatingg and selling with approval books here - I NEVER USED THE WORLDWIDE category. I can not even think of a case where I would even want to use it.
I always try to use a meaningful book description by at least putting in a date range of what is included in the title. If the country is limited in nature (such a Mozambique Company) there would be nothing else to add to the title.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
As of now, of the newly listed Approval books 42 are Worldwide, out of 87. Some do state WW and some state nothing of value to the buyer, such as Number 5 or just a date, but they are WW as well.
None of the WW sellers (except a handful) has organized the material except in a totally random fashion.
To say that I am disappointed with the direction Approval has continued to evolve, under this lack of management would be understating my feelings. Seems like I am one of the few who still seem to care.
Soon I will shut up but it is just a shame to see this once unique product encouraged to spiral into mediocrity.
This is our Rule governing WW:
"C19. All items in any approval book must be directly related to philately and be in the chosen approval book category. World-wide and other non-listed categories must be posted in the "World Wide" category, and must be neatly arranged by country and/or topic.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
35 of these worldwide books that rrraphy is highlighting is from one seller.
I have always said that as long as 10% or less of the Approval Books listed are in the Worldwide category then we should be able to cope and allow Worldwide Books.
Last week Worldwide Books were 12.5% of the total and today it is 15.6%
The figure is now above 10% then maybe we should re-think this category.
As a first step may I suggest that the Management Team spend a little time enforcing Rule C19.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
on your last posting, I privately wrote you and invited you to send me the URLs for those things that offended your sensibilities. CRICKETS!!!!
Instead of spending your time ranting, why not help those who are willing to work with you.
if your intent is to protect the sanctity of the approvals, then facilitate that. If it's just to get out your annoyance for the world to see, carry on.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
amsd:- are you berating me or rrraphy or both?
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
amsd: How hard is it to look at the first page of every WW or undefined titled Approval Books? For heaven sake, it takes less time than my copying just one or a few of the 42 URL.
Stop passing the buck. When I report, I get shut off. When I complain, I get admonished. It takes less time to look at a few first pages of Approvals than writing me private messages. But it does not solve the issue which is inherent to having a catch all category. My complaint is about the policy that allows it, not the sellers, who may not know better.
Want to simplify the task of the moderator, who currently is doing nothing, just eliminate WW as was initially set up, for a reason, and enforce a requirement that books should have titles describing accurately the content and be organized. Books should follow our categories, which include some grouped categories, such as Other Europe, Middle east etc...and not be poetic title puzzles.
Ian: 10% ww is your number, but if there were a way to easily verify that they are organized as per rule C19, I could live with it, or even a higher number as long as the content is described on page 1 and organized. But that is NOT going to work. Not without a lot of work by inexistant moderators.
The problem is that WW, as we have now (for reasons that escape me, it was conceptually not allowed for cause), needs inspection of every page for rule C19 to work.
And clearly we don't have moderators with this kind of time on their hands, or motivation, and moderated for a long while, I know it is too much to ask. So I say it is time to go back to basics and require books to fit our categories system and not bridge across groups, while WW or non specific books are not allowed. And the title should describe the content specifically. Voila...moderators can go back to sleep, or do other tasks of higher priority, after a simple rule change, and a brief enforcement phase.
Incidentally WW books with 24 pages and with 24 S/S are less offensive than books with 10 pages of randomly thrown stamps on the pages, bottom of the shoe box and floor droppings could, for some, be a good description. But even 24 pages of S/S of FDC or whatever "large items" should be grouped in some form of order and fit into a limited number of categories. Duplicates should not be scattered etc,,etc... still a moderator nightmare. As a volunteer organization with few moderators, let us make their life easier!
Let's go back to our earlier rule.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Do the auctioneers look after the Approval books or just the Auctions.
The page listing of the management team only lists people looking after the Auctions.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
we do both, Doug
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Maybe it time to make a change. Take on another volunteer to look after only Approval books.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Are you volunteering, Doug?
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Out of curiosity, I took a quick look at the word wide approval books. Quite honestly, I don't see a problem. Most of the books are organized by country and many of them are selling quite well. I see a lot of desirable material being offered at very reasonable prices. Even the disorganized books contained a low percentage of common material.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I think we are getting a bit over-agitated by WW books. I guess there is quite a bit of work put into even unsorted books. Just the scanning must take a lot of time. Best to just look on these unsorted books as being similar to trays of loose stamps dealers put out at stamp shows. At 5 cents a piece I find it hard to take umbrage. If you have time and you find it relaxing look through a few WW books. If they cause your blood pressure to rise, stop immediately and find something else to look at.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
" I really don't see much of a difference between a mish mash book in no order with a title of Worldwide and a mish mash book in no order in a book called German Commeratives for example."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
We are going to try an experiment....
Doug (D1Stamper) will serve as an auctioneer in the approvals area for three months. He will concentrate on the tidying the place up a bit.
Doug will have full authority of an auctioneer.
in our conversations, he has indicated that he will be aiming to keep all new books upstanding, organized.
Welcome him and please let him get his feet wet before writing with anything other than your congratulations and thanks.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Welcome, Doug. David will send you a kevlar jacket in a couple of weeks.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Is David in supply now ?
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Is it kevlar nowadays? I thought it ought to be asbestos :-)
Welcome Doug!
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Why not poll the members if they want any changes to how the approvals run. I have personally had lots of sales from worldwide books and am offended that an ongoing rant is just causing me more work when the people who I sell to have not registered any complaints. If you want to drive away sellers this is an excellent start on doing it
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
DannyS post above has something I have seldom seen on Stamporama that I can recall, namely 10 Likes.
Here is his post in full:-
"I think we are getting a bit over-agitated by WW books. I guess there is quite a bit of work put into even unsorted books. Just the scanning must take a lot of time. Best to just look on these unsorted books as being similar to trays of loose stamps dealers put out at stamp shows. At 5 cents a piece I find it hard to take umbrage. If you have time and you find it relaxing look through a few WW books. If they cause your blood pressure to rise, stop immediately and find something else to look at."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"Why not poll the members if they want any changes to how the approvals run. "
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Bob (dell4c), As ranter-in-chief , let me say that as the only one here who was involved in the concept and the creation of Approval Books at SOR, and as one who also moderated it for over 2 years, I do feel a certain responsibility for keeping this unique platform from falling into utter mediocrity.
Worldwide is NOT the problem. Worldwide without the sellers following ANY of the (relaxed) rules is.
As a reminder:
C19. All items in any approval book must be directly related to philately and be in the chosen approval book category. World-wide and other non-listed categories must be posted in the "World Wide" category, and must be neatly arranged by country and/or topic.
C20. Each item must be identified by number. The number must be positioned so that it is clearly visible and does not overlap any other item. Numbers should preferably be located on the left side of or directly underneath the item to which it relates.
C21. Multiple copies of an item are limited to three, except for offerings such as: collectible cancellation types, pre-cancels, color shades, etc., and must be placed together on the same page.
Your books are terrific and have always respected the rules. I never had any problem with them, or books similarly organized.
The problem arises in my mind from the need to check Worldwide Books closely, something our moderators have not done well if at all.
I do understand why, as it takes a lot of time.
That is why Worldwide was a banned category from the Approval Books at inception 5 years ago. We feared that WW books would become excuses for just throwing floor droppings into Approval Books. Some have.
WW was re-allowed later and this was followed by a general relaxation of the books rules, in particular rules about titles, organization etc... have been relegated to suggestions. under "Tips for Better Sales". I suppose it is all meant to facilitate the job of the Approval moderator.
Problem as I see it is one of balancing buyers and sellers conflicting needs, and keeping some standards. If books degrade a lot, fewer sales will result. If we tighten the rules a lot, fewer sellers will post books. The demands on the platform moderator should not be unreasonable as well.
If some of the rules we still have in place were respected and enforced, the ranter-in-chief would maybe shut up .
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I took a quick look at the World Wide books to see what all the fuss is about. My thoughts or comments from what I saw:
1) Please don't post stamps on white pages (background). You need contrast to see the condition of the stamp.
2) A few people just dump their stamps onto the page as if they used a backhoe. Neat and orderly would surely improve sales.
3) A few sellers are cramming their stamps onto a page so almost every stamp is overlapping. Aaarrghh!
Generally most sellers are taking time and care to post their stamps in a orderly fashion. Much appreciated!
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Since I am someone that has sold thousands of stamps here over the years in Approval Books - I finally decided I need to add my opinion to this thread which I have been following. In all of the years as a seller here - I NEVER Once have created an approval book that was placed in the Worldwide Category. It has been awhile since I took a look at books in that category and I was shocked today to see some of them. If I wanted to do what others have done I could dump about 100 books in a week that look like that. I have thousands of leftover stamps and I could just slap them on pages and create books. I would never do that since I have always followed the rules. For example I may have a handful of stamps left from one country and a handful for a few others but not enough to make a meaningful book of at least 100 stamps - so I just hold onto those stamps until I have enough new material to merge the leftovers to create an appropriate book. It takes me quite some to put together my books and if I wanted to I could just dump everytihng into worldwide like I see others are doing. I have not had anyone complain about my books here in years and I would be open to constructive critisim but I feel kind of upset that I am taking the time to follow the rules and do things in an organized fashion and others are doing whatever they want. That's just how I feel... Steve
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I have purchased quite a few SOR stamps over the years and most of them have been from approval books. I don't mind looking at worldwide books, but some of them really are a mess. How hard can it be to at least sort out the stamps by country before starting to fill up the approval book?
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
As a collector, I do not have a wealth of stamps from a single country that I could fill up an approval book. However, I do have enough stamps from a single country to fill a page or two. I have listed stamps in this manner in the "Worldwide" category where the approval book will contain stamps from several countries. Each page(s) are exclusive to a single country usually with Scott #'s or minimally in Scott order. Each page is also identified as to the country. There are probably quite a few collectors who also cannot readily fill a book with a single country. I feel this is a good use of the "Worldwide" category. As a side note, I must add that I usually do not look at books that are simply a hodgepodge of different country stamps with no order. It is simply too much trouble to try to determine which stamps I might be interested in. Just my two cents worth...
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Simple solution. Start a category called "Floor Sweepings".
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
We have a saying in Old Caledonia:
"One mans muck is another mans brass"
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
i wanted to update folks on our experiment:
Doug has been working hard, looking at approval books. He is telling those with rule-averse contents to make all FUTURE books conform to the rules. He is not asking people to revise existing books.
I know he's having some trouble with some people, and when he encounters that, he's deactivating new books.
As before, i'm asking you to let Doug do his job quietly or with applause and thanks.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
By all means, let the man do his job .
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I hope we do approach regulation with a light touch. When I look through the worldwide books I think there could be other ways of encouraging a more organized way of displaying the sellers wares. A smaller minimum count for single country books could be one answer. This would be especially so with single topic books. Many of the worldwide books could easily supply 25 items of sports, arts, animals and flora. Just a thought on making it easier for members to trade their duplicates and unwanted stamps.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I disagree Danny, we need to be strict and vigorously enforce the rules. The offending sellers will quickly realize that their efforts were wasted and that the only way their books will be accepted is if they follow the rules. They will get the point really fast.
I just looked at one of the latest High Value Books $$$ created and almost every stamp is damaged. The rule clearly states:
Not contain damaged, altered, fake, counterfeit, etc. items.
I'll reach out to Doug and see if he can do something about it, but this makes me angry that a few sellers figure they can do whatever they want and suffer no consequences.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Larry, my suggestion of smaller minimum counts on the books came from the feeling I have that it would help those members who really do want to just trade duplicates. What we seem to have now is a range of members who range between two extremes. At one end would be those who just enjoy collecting for collecting's sake and at the other would be those whose hobby is the buying and selling of stamps. Neither is wrong and many would fit somewhere in between. This has nothing to do with the condition of the stamps on offer. I see in the current auction we have common low value stamps with obvious problems. On the other hand for many of us there is certainly a place for space-fillers with very expensive stamps. I am one of those who find it hard to discard damaged common stamps, but I do force myself to. If an item is visibly damaged then buyers should ignore it and sellers should display a damaged notification. I suspect we are in agreement on that.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
On damaged stamps, the rules are clear:
C22. Stamps with defects must be identified by entering the word "Damaged" in the description. This includes repairs, thins, creases, pulled or torn perforations, scuffs, tears, stains, extraneous writing or markings in ink or marker (other than owner/authentication marks), etc. Defective items are not permitted in High Value ($$$) Books.
If it's damaged, you must ID it as such. And, really, unless it's a pretty rare stamp, just toss the sucker. Or, as some people have done, use them as resource material in color or paper variations.
David, the auctioneer
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
or send them off to the Holocaust Project to be used in collages!
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Thanks for the plug Tommy!
With Covid winding down (for now) things are opening up again. Too late to get a school involved, so I am working with my local library to set up a space for the summer so kids can just drop in and clip/glue stamps to a template (like a colouring book).
Hopefully I can show some decent progress over the next 3-4 months.
Cheers, Dave.
P.S. Some people have told me "I'd like to donate stamps I don't need, but the US-Canada postal rates are usurious". Just to let you know, Steve Wilner ("cardstamp") has sent a regular envelope stuffed to the one ounce limit (so just requiring the one stamp) - every 2-3 weeks for the past two years or more!
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"I could dump about 100 books in a week that look like that. "
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Thanks - "I think" for sharing my secret of how I send you donations. When I get contacted by the postal authorities for doing this - I know who to blame - someone reading this here may be a "spy" ! Steve
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
No worries Steve. I think the one person who might have ratted you out is no longer a member.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
My Nephews a postal inspector in North Carolina...it paid better than being a State Trooper in Virginia..hes not looking for us..he takes videos of employees unable to work lifting weights in their garage or roofing their house.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Well here I am waiting for the Liverpool- Real Madrid soccer match to start, (delayed due to crowd into getting into ground) so thought ok , I'll spend some money on the approvals. Wrong, books disorganised, multiples of the same stamp on different pages, faults not noted.
No mention of whether the stamps without postmarks are mint, mint hinged, previously hinged or used without postmark or gum.
Stamps in absolutely no order despite all being one price.
Really folks if you are serious about selling stamps start at the shop window, my money is staying in my pocket for another day.
Looks like the soccer may be starting, despite the hundreds of fans who are still outside the stadium.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
In my experience, it’s uncomfortable to be approval book moderator, pitting yourself against other members, so stay tough, Doug and wear that Kevlar jacket mentioned earlier.
For me the only thing that worked was to simply create form letters that listed what was wrong with an approval book. If a book is not up to snuff, don’t send messages trying to cajole, wheedle, beg or grovel, simply disable the book and then send them the official sounding form letter telling them what rules are not being followed and what they have to do to correct it. If they don’t like it, too bad. You break a rule, there are consequences, end of subject. The book is not activated until it is fully in compliance.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Its over now Sheepshanks !
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Yep, Liverpool lost to a keeper who had a brilliant game, behind a defence that really worked well as a team.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I understand that we no longer have an Approval Book Moderator.
I would have expected the courtesy of Management to inform the rest of us.
It is a shame, because I noticed some definite improvements for a while, and now once more it is a mess! Thanks Doug for your temporary and effective efforts while you moderated Approvals.
From Sheepshank just yesterday (edited):
"Well ... so I thought ok , I'll spend some money on the approvals. Wrong, books disorganised, multiples of the same stamp on different pages, faults not noted.
No mention of whether the stamps without postmarks are mint, mint hinged, previously hinged or used without postmark or gum.
Stamps in absolutely no order despite all being one price.
Really folks if you are serious about selling stamps start at the shop window, my money is staying in my pocket for another day."
"In my experience, it’s uncomfortable to be approval book moderator, pitting yourself against other members, so stay tough, Doug and wear that Kevlar jacket mentioned earlier.
..... If a book is not up to snuff, don’t send messages trying to cajole, wheedle, beg or grovel, simply disable the book and then send them the official sounding form letter telling them what rules are not being followed and what they have to do to correct it. If they don’t like it, too bad. You break a rule, there are consequences, end of subject. The book is not activated until it is fully in compliance "
": we need to be strict and vigorously enforce the rules. The offending sellers will quickly realize that their efforts were wasted and that the only way their books will be accepted is if they follow the rules. They will get the point really fast.
I just looked at one of the latest High Value Books $$$ created and almost every stamp is damaged. The rule clearly states:
Not contain damaged, altered, fake, counterfeit, etc. items.
...... this makes me angry that a few sellers figure they can do whatever they want and suffer no consequences"
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Apparently. this discussion thread is the place for those who want to moan, groan and complain that things aren't to their own personal liking -
so be it.
Just make sure you KEEP it here so the rest of us can ignore it.
Now -
3 of us (all approval book moderators - NONE of which is Ralph) are working out some NEW & IMPROVED sellers' rules for the Approvals platform. THIS is what we have been busy with.
Some time this coming week we should have it all in place.
In the meantime, please feel free to continue your idle ranting.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I’ve read this forum since it began 3 months ago. I’ve not posted or conversed with anyone who contributed to it. I thought the opening contribution by rraphy sailed a little close to the wind in what he said, and I did not recognise many of the problems he complained about. I felt he was getting worked up about a small issue, but many members on here continually complain about very minor issues.
I said “I did not recognise many of the problems”. I did not say all of what he said in his contribution. I recognised complaints to moderators, or board members go unanswered. I’ve complained to moderators, and correspondence goes unacknowledged and unanswered.
I buy lots of stamps but never look at World Wide so this thread wasn’t of great interest to me. I’ve seen some awful books, and I stay clear of those sellers. If an image shows a stamp with all 4 perfs., and the price is right, I’m happy to run with it. To be honest, I’ve rarely been disappointed in anything I’ve bought on SoR.
I get more annoyed by professional stamp vendors who ignore rules continually. There is a place for covers, for cinderellas, and for most countries, but the same sellers continually waste my time scrolling through hundreds of these items before I find a stamp. No action is taken against them. I’ve complained privately and not received the courtesy of a response.
Rrraphy saw a rule being broken, and the people who broke the rule were not sanctioned. He complained privately but received no response from moderators. What should he then do?
It would have been simple to advise members that 3 Approval Book moderators have worked to address issues raised in this discussion, and they hoped to present a solution in the next week. Instead musicman waded in with all guns blazing. Musicman’s diatribe reminds me of an online stamp “Club” based in Australia where no criticism of any aspect of the “Club” is tolerated by the owner, and which all self respecting collectors stay miles away from.
It’s tough being an unpaid volunteer. You do all the work and take all the flak. I appreciate musicman does help out, working as a moderator, and he is trying to address points which rrraphy raised. The details he gave, lost in his diatribe, in my opinion are 3 months too late.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
thanks for your comments.
I don't think you've written me privately; if you have, I don't recall.
Ralph and I have spoken several times privately; both of us have initiated those conversations. Ralph also compalins often and loudly in public fora; I tend not to reply to those, mostly because we've covered those complaints before, many, many, many times.
I've suggested to Ralph, both privately and publicly, that any time he wants to send me an offending page, I'll take a look. Ralph does not want to do that; he far prefers others do that work.
We had a new volunteer helping out for a while, but his personal life required he step away.
We also have a number of members whose age contributes to difficulties. Those whose hands shake and whose sight is diminished have a tough time.
One of our moderators took a vacation; another is working on a project. I've done some moderating, but not a whole lot, and the few approvals I've viewed mostly met the rules (imperfectly, but since we're the ones enforcing the rules, we determine how stringent to be). But, Right now, the three auctioneers have been trying to deal with the approval issue.
There are many who would agree with your appraisal:
"I thought the opening contribution by rraphy sailed a little close to the wind in what he said, and I did not recognise many of the problems he complained about. I felt he was getting worked up about a small issue"
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
The problem Musicman is that while members can ignore my "ranting" I think Management should take action when informed about problems or when they work at moderating themselves instead of just wearing a name tag.
I was under the impression we had a new moderator, and when I contacted him again, as I had in the past, to report some new rule violations, I was notified privately that he no longer was the moderator. For a while, things had improved dramatically, showing a moderator working at the job can acheive significant improvements. And then, things went sour again, which is why I attempted to report to him again,
Management, you included, could have bothered to inform the rest of us, instead of advising us to disregard my complaints. It would not be necessary to post again with information about why things had degraded, and I don't enjoy having to do it, in spite of what you may think.
Note that I was only responding to several other members' posts!
And attacking the messenger instead of solving the problem is a defensive move that fools no one.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
David: re
" I've suggested to Ralph, both privately and publicly, that any time he wants to send me an offending page, I'll take a look. Ralph does not want to do that; he far prefers others do that work."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
It was interesting to read that there may be upcoming changes to the Rules governing the Approvals to be announced this week.
We already have "Rules". They are good or bad depending on the individuals own perception.
Rules, like most things, only work if they are enforced.
May I suggest a couple of things.
a) Remove the Worldwide Category as it appears to be the more contentious category.
b) Put in a minimum price of say 10 cents per stamp.
c) Put in a minimum Book Value of say $15.00. (Many Clubs have a minimum Book Value placed on their Club Books)
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Interesting ideas Ian, but they present some problems as far as I can see with my own sales. A minimum price of 10 cents per stamp, is there a way to determine what percentage of stamps here sell for less than 10 cents? I suspect at least half. Of late I could not even sell stamps for a penny at auction - so I discontinued penny auctions. All auctions may be discontinued by the end of June as the auction market at least for me, is almost non existent.
I don't bother making up worldwide books due to the fallout that they seem to get. People who do have them seem to do well with them if the stamps are cheap enough. While people complain about them, how many people who currently buy from them would buy from other books if the w/w were not available? Part of the problem with books is the requirements for a book in the first place. If for argument sake I was looking for stamps from a country where it is just about impossible to have 100 stamps from that country, where might I look if there was no worldwide category? Worldwide SHOULD exist but should have geographic specifics attached to it, AND stamps should be in country order within the area. I don't see where that is a difficult thing to do.
It will be interesting to see what "new rules" are set out for the sellers here. Personally, I feel all books should be indexed, and if Scott catalogs are the problem (cost prohibitive), I get that, except how are sellers assigning a value to a stamp in a book if they are not looking them all up to begin with. Is it random? Could a person find a $10 stamp in a book priced at a dime with no catalog number? I seriously doubt that. I would be willing to bet that almost everyone who has books in anything except world wide 5 cent mish mash books has access to a set of Scotts. If I was a buyer for my own collection, and was looking for a specific stamp, there is no way I would spend the time going through a book that did not have catalog numbers. Perhaps people don't collect as I did anymore.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I'm just a collector but one day I may be a seller to clean out my duplicates, and worldwide would definetly be one of the categories I would need as I wouldn't have enough stamps worth posting to complete a book for a single country. I also expect a lot of the stamps would be in the 5 cent price range.
When I look to buy from a book I rely on the catalog number. My want lists are by catalog number and if a book doesn't have catalog numbers I skip it. For some of the countries I collect, water marks are critical, and without a catalog reference you don't know what you're getting. I have taken chances and hence the duplicates The catalog number also provides a quick reference if I think a stamp is overpriced. I have seen examples where stamps are listed on the auction at 150-200% catalog value.
So based on my criteria -- no catalgo number, no lookie -- I don't see the worldwide books that people are complaining about, and quite frankly I don't care. I respect rules and I think people should follow them when assembling their books to maintain a level of quality in SR, but if they sell their stamps all mixed up with questionable quality, then who's to argue.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"If for argument sake I was looking for stamps from a country where it is just about impossible to have 100 stamps from that country, where might I look if there was no worldwide category? Worldwide SHOULD exist but should have geographic specifics attached to it, AND stamps should be in country order within the area. I don't see where that is a difficult thing to do.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Since the rules are being looked at, as per Musicman, here is the original set of rules written by Bobby Barhhart at the start of Approvals in 2016, and then modified after some experience was accumulated by the development team. There were further modification on a number of issues, such as retiring books etc, but the essence of the rules is here, and simple to understand. All this is preserved in documentation under "Approval Project/Original". I suggest you take a look at history instead of reinventing the wheel.
"#1 All items (stamps, sets, S/S, FDC, etc...) are clearly visible as scanned and numbered from 1 to n on each page?
NOTE: Please make sure that you indicate clearly any known defects. Please scan at a high enough resolution to clearly show the listed material.
Yes No
#2 Each item (stamps, sets, S/S, FDC, etc...) has its own individual number, clearly associated with it?
NOTE: No numbering by rows; no hidden numbers. Please make an effort to structure your books in an organized fashion.
Yes No
#3 The book offers a SUBSTANTIAL selection with a MINIMUM of 100 items (mix of stamps, sets, S/S, FDC, etc.) in the chosen collectible area and no more than 3 copies of any individual item?
NOTE: The Moderator may grant an exception for some books (offering a combination of stamps, sets, S/S, covers, etc.), and for countries or topics where a limited stamp selection may make the minimum item requirement difficult to achieve. Exceptions to the "3 Copies Rule" can also be claimed for cancellation varieties, if notated. To get an exception for your book, you must contact the Moderator to obtain a waiver before you publish your book. Books consisting exclusively of covers, sheets, S/S, complete sets, etc., must meet a minimum of 24 items, and are subject to Moderator review.
Yes No
#4 The book offers stamps in WELL DEFINED, collectible topics that are clearly described in its TITLE and listed in the corresponding Approval Books Category?
NOTE: Please do NOT compile books with unrelated material, "floor sweepings", and do NOT combine unrelated countries or topics, etc.. Your book must fit one of our categories. Make sure the title contains enough information, such as year range, catalog number range, condition, topical subject, etc. to define precisely its content.
Yes No
If your answer to all these questions is YES, then you may publish your book.
If you are unsure of an answer, you may message the Approval Books Moderator for an opinion.
If the Moderator determines that your published book is not in compliance with these simple rules, your book may be deactivated until it is edited appropriately, or you submit a request for a waiver from one of more of the rules.
WARNING: Do not relist old material as new after short periods of time. This defies the purpose of the New Books list and is unfriendly towards other member-sellers and buyers alike. Approval Books must remain active for a reasonable duration, not just a short time. Approval books are not to be used as quick auction substitutes, nor as "stores".
Sellers must monitor their book sales. Approval Books must be deactivated when depleted (> 90% sold), when no sales have occurred for several months, or after ONE year from the date the book was published.
Stamporama reserves the right to revoke selling privileges of members who violate the Approval Book Rules."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
" All auctions may be discontinued by the end of June as the auction market at least for me, is almost non existent."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"In the past few weeks I never ever seen 20 or more members logged in at the same time."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
One day last week when I checked in I was the only one logged on!!
When you consider that there are 499 members mentioned on the Home Page. Where are they all??????
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
In a previous post I stated
"With a daily average of Items available ie 7100 that 3550 are listed by 5 Sellers and 3550 listed by 24 Sellers. If you are one of the 24 then the suggestion is that your items are not being noticed as they are "swamped" by the 5."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Ian i often wonder about the 500 members...they pay their dues..yet the vast majority do not seem to bid or post in the discussions.. seems weird if you belong to something... oh well.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
This thread is starting to take a longer time to load.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Ian, swamped is a good word. I also believe you can talk about filters till you are blue in the face so to speak, and no one is going to use them, or probably better put, many people will not use them. I noticed a drop off right away when the run forever option was put out there. The spread sheet really is easy. I had been using it for years. More than the swamping though, I am thinking the economy is paying a critical part in the drop off. Auctions at every venue I list at have been almost nil over the past couple of months. My other things, that are not stamps have remained steady. I also think that a collector will always collect, but what they collect will change. The person who would spend $10 a week so to speak and get say, 25 stamps for their collection, will now still get 25 stamps, but they only have $5 to spend. That being said, those 3-5 cent mish mash books become appealing especially if the collector decides to take up a topical, and does not mind CTO stamps in their collection. They also will not care about condition. I am sure you have seen old time albums with stamps from back in the early 1900s. The condition of what was saved is beyond belief. Yet it filled a space in their album. I don't think the average collector is collecting thinking they are creating a nest egg for the future. I hope not anyway unless they are really collecting very high end stamps. They are collecting for the fun of it, which is why I never understood the anger over a stamp in a book that was failed to have "short perf" or some other crazy thing mentioned as part of the condition, especially when we are talking about stamps that catalog for under a dollar. I guess thats just me, as this topic constantly comes up in discussion. If I was to get back into collecting, I probably lean toward US Match & Medicine and Non Scott US REvenues. If you are familiar with M&M, to find them completely undamaged is VERY difficult and quite possibly would cost at least 100% Scott. Collectors will purchase repaired or damaged stamps in this area. I certainly would if the price was right. Same with the dated Red & Green US revenues. Try finding the highest denominations that have not been perfin cancelled. To some that sort of cancel is an eyesore on a stamp. For those looking to complete their reds and greens, they would take them in that condition knowing there are no others available. I won't make a book of them. I only know one collector who would be interested....
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I have been following this thread and have refrained from saying anything new. I have noticed since last year when the membership rules started that I had been putting up new approval books for a small group of my regular buyers. I rarely see a new buyer for any of my books. That worked OK for the year but as time has gone on and I create new books - there is only so much brand new items that have not been seen before - so with the same group of buyers - the sales have gone down for me. The regulars I have pick out the "new" items but the rest just sit there. The last few months have been the worse since the second year of membership started - did we have a drop in the number of members ?
As others have said the first few days of a new book see 90% of the sales. I started taking down books before they reach the threshold of closing soon. I either move some of the stamps to my other selling site, keep the leftovers and merge with other stamps to create a future new book or just donate the stamps that are just no longer worth the effort to keep and try to sell again. Lately no matter what book I put up the sales have been much lower than they used to be. I feel like I am waisting my time putting them together. Add the fact that now with the new reporting of sales over $600 for the year will be rpeorted on a 1099 - I am starting to think that maybe I will have to scale down in the future.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Steve I'm still thinking its the economy or more directly inflation. Unless you have a reasonably good income 20-30% increase in things over last year hurts. Something has to be cut out of the budget. I see it on eBay and hip as well for stamps. The other things I sell have not seen a drop off. Keep in mind too all those covid checks that were handed out like play money to people who didn't need them. What that provided was a boost to retail which is what we are a part of. Without those checks sales come back to earth.
I have scaled back and will do so until things change, but honestly I do not see that happening any time soon. I will just keep my feet wet in the water here. Because I make up small books a collection might give me 3-4 books. Smaller books are also easier to break down and redo so to speak if necessary. Giving uncle upwards of 12% does not help either as it amounts to a decrease in already reduced revenues. My wife likes the fact that i have cut out about 10 hours of work a week Personally I think next year you will see more international sellers than domestic ones. It remains to be seen what happens to the collectibles market across all things. I am certainly winning auction lots for resale in postcards at prices that are 1/3 of what I would have spent a year ago. I stopped bidding on stamp lots as I have a lot that needs to be gone through.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"Unless you have a reasonably good income 20-30% increase in things over last year hurts. Something has to be cut out of the budget."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Jules, yes, food prices have soared here. When the price is the same, the package weight is less. For some things, there has been minimum increases due to the fact that we live in farm country, so produce, eggs and milk have not seen much in the way of an increase. We have a huge freezer in the garage so we buy the sales. But gas prices do affect everything, and I too have read of the expected $10 a gallon gas in California this summer. I've lived through the inflation 70's so I have seen this before. The real issue is, how do you end it.
I've mentioned before that an old dealer that got me into the game back in 1980 once told me - you can't eat stamps. You are selling something that no one really needs, just wants. And when it comes down to putting food on the table or a stamp into an album, you can't eat stamps. My weekly sales here, and I know I have cut back which is part of it, is about 25% of what it was a year ago. No complaints, I expected it. But to beat your head against the wall and just put more stamps up for sale expecting a huge increase in sales, to me anyway, is non productive. Simply take a break, and wait for things to get better. This is the beauty of the "auction store". Once you understand the spreadsheet, and the fact that you must be careful not to relist a sold item, the amount of work is minimal on a weekly basis. Before long I think most sellers will figure that out. You then look at it with thought of "if it sells, it sells. If not there is always the potential of next week"
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
You are probably right - it all ls boiling down to Inflation. I have been selling on and off online (started with EBAY then BIDSTART) for about 14 years. This is the first time in all of these years where there has been inflation like we have now. I think now that I am well over the new threshold of $600 for a 1099 - I will go slower the rest of the year with adding new books here and putting up new material in Hip as well. Steve
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Reading these comments, I'm absolutely gob-smacked that governments chase after folks who have revenues of $600 of stamps sold (ignoring the acquisition and distribution costs). Many of whom may use the money to buy stamps from other folks (so ultimately a trade/exchange mechanism).
Meanwhile, they let their cronies invest millions/billions in off-shore tax havens to evade taxes, and use Super-PACs to pay for haircuts and spray tans; or let cults call themselves religions to get tax-exempt status and become real estate empires.
It just seems wrong, wrong, wrong.
Moderators: If this is deemed too political feel free to remove it. But I'm disgusted that these recent policies have many well-intentioned "small-fry" folks in a group like this rethinking their service to others while the 1% become the 0.5%...I just have to say it. No apologies.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Dave, I think you may have a misunderstanding of the implications of the $600 revenue reporting requirement. This only requires you to file a Schedule C (profit or loss from a business). You will be able to deduct your acquisition and distribution costs. It is quite likely that your net income from this "business" will be near zero. The IRS does not have the resources to question the expense deductions of small volume retail sales operations.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"Reading these comments, I'm absolutely gob-smacked that governments chase after folks who have revenues of $600 of stamps sold (ignoring the acquisition and distribution costs). Many of whom may use the money to buy stamps from other folks (so ultimately a trade/exchange mechanism)."
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
Is it possible we could close this thread and continue it in a new thread?
It's gotten REALLLLLY long!
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I'm with you Randy! Here's my last kick at the can, then I'm shutting up...
And to Harry's point...I understand that if it is business income the expenses can be also reported. My point (perhaps understated rather than misunderstood) is that the government is requiring reporting/paperwork for such a small amount, regardless of whether it is from an actual "business" or just some person selling off personal stuff no longer needed/wanted.
I still assert governments could use their energies more productively (regardless if it is a new or resurrected policy, to Tom's point).
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"I still assert governments could use their energies more productively"
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
I assume the companies that pay taxes want others in the less regulated economy to do so as well especially the small and medium business without the money to dodge taxes. Let's take every brick and mortar stamp store. They usually have a local business license and pay local, state, and federal taxes and compete with online sellers but that is not the only reason they are disappearing. In some stamp shows, local tax authorities have forced dealers to pay local sales taxes
If every online seller contacted a CPA many will find they are operating as a business and should pay taxes. Do you think many would? All these new rules are an attempt to collect taxes on a not well documented transactions but with mega sites like ebay they have a method to see commercial transactions that could be taxed. I would not be surprised if they require a tax identification number for all sellers.
Even SOR has to pay taxes so part of the operating expense.
It would be less paperwork if they made it a simple value added sales tax where the tax is paid at time of transaction and not paid later as part of some income tax filing that allows deductions or graduated tax rates.
My state requires payment of sales tax for out of state purchases.
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
"In some stamp shows, local tax authorities have forced dealers to pay local sales taxes"
re: Another of the Approval Rules being totally disregarded. (and a suggestion)
" would not be surprised if they require a tax identification number for all sellers."