It is an interesting question especially in the light of PAYPAL/Ebay (and Amazon too for that matter.
Their rules SPECIFICALLY state that they do not report income to the IRS if it is $20,000 or less as they consider it a situation resembling a large garage sale, which at least for me, I have seen people do on a regular basis. In fact, we go out to a place every year a few times for me to pick up stuff to sell. A former campground turned into a giant flea market. Cash only. You can nitpick and say that taxes should be paid yada yada yada but if you are not writing things off against it..... (I do and I have a too honest bookkeeper for my liking - my wife)
Steve with the number of stamps you and I have sold, we would have to be considered dealers. There are other people here with Hipstore links or if not a link I know they sell there. You might be right that people ignore those with links to stores in their DB comments. I have one not because I expect to sell stamps but in the hope that I might sell something that is NOT a stamp, and I have. While I admit to being a dealer, on this site only, do I sell as cheaply as I do. When something does not sell at auction here eventually it winds up in my stores at 60% CV and I will take 40% as a buy price. Sales books are usually 40% and again, if I break it down it goes to 60%. Of course the dealer resenters don't realize that. And on that note it sure is odd to hear you say that there is an anti-dealer feeling here. Why would anyone think that?
I imagine a dealer as someone who can purchase a stamp or cover and turn it over for a profit. I have not yet figured out how to do that.
Phil the hard part is knowing WHAT to purchase to turn over for a profit and how to read your buyers. Speaking for myself there is no way I could ever make a living selling stamps. It's more for the fun of it than anything else. I can't speak for Steve but for me selling all kinds of things across multiple sites I spend at a minimum 50-60 hours a week. I never think about how much I make an hour because if I did I would close up shop. Stamps don't really generate a large profit. How can they when you sell at 20% at auction and 35-40% in approvals? My sales in other areas is what generate money for me to by stamps to sell (and to kick in some to the household which my wife constantly reminds me we don't need but its my incentive to keep at it)
As an aside I swing and miss at a lot of countries here.I buy and figure wow, the price per stamp fits in with the buying habits, lots of topicals, and it winds up as zilch in sales.
I would say I spend on average about 4 to 5 hours a day working with the stamps either here or on the other site. If I broke it down to dollars per hour - I should apply for food stamps ! I could never do this for a living - it is just something to keep me occupied while I need to stay home to care for my elderly mother who lives with me. She only gets an aide 4 hours a day otherwise I am the aide ! I can only leave the house while the aide is here - so I have the time on my hands. Once in awhile I will sell other items on Ebay but again nothing much to earn a living on. Working with the stamps sure beats playing games on the computer at least and whatever little I make each month is just some extra spending money for me.. Steve
If I were a dealer I would simply dismiss such silly comments. If you can establish a good relationship with a dealer it can make all the difference when trying to put together your collection. Selling stamps anywhere requires an investment in time, technology and of course stamps to sell. It is a lot of work. If somebody can't respect that then they are just bonkers.
There are thousands of auction and approval lots on offer here at StampoRama. That would not be possible without some people who devote time and effort to selling stamps. There are also those who offer items for sale more periodically or whenever they feel like it and that is great too.
I think it takes all kinds to make StampoRama successful.
Well that's my two cents.
"There are thousands of auction and approval lots on offer here at StampoRama. That would not be possible without some people who devote time and effort to selling stamps. There are also those who offer items for sale more periodically or whenever they feel like it and that is great too.
I think it takes all kinds to make StampoRama successful."
"Recently I had someone here tell me that they will not buy anything from me because I am a "dealer" and I should not be here."
Steve, as of today...
Lots sold 60319
Lots won 0
I'm going to go on a limb and say, yes, you are a dealer.
"Lots sold 60319"
My informal opinion is a dealer is someone who makes a significant amount of the food on their table from selling the items. This is different than a casual seller who is actually a hobbyist who is selling off their extra material.
If a seller is willing to sell stamps here at 5 cents, it seems ok with me. They are filling a need.
Well if you take my PROFIT of sales on Stamporama I probably could put food on the table for 3 days. Nothing else, just food on the table. By that definition I am certainly not a dealer!
I think being profitable determines if a dealer is successful or not (not if they are a dealer or not). And I think that being profitable also has everything to do with how good a person is at purchasing material, not at selling it.
"I think being profitable determines if a dealer is successful or not (not if they are a dealer or not). And I think that being profitable also has everything to do with how good a person is at purchasing material, not at selling it.
And then there are different levels of "being a dealer", aren't there?
I attended ChicagoPex yesterday. These are dealers who are willing and able to spend large sums for table fees. Many bring items to sell along the lines of "something for everyone " and treat all who stop by their tables with respect (even if they were just looking).
But there are some who only have highly specialized or extremely high end material. While they may only need to sell one or two items to make their trip profitable, we didn't see anyone at their tables. Several also could not be bothered to look up and acknowledge us when we stopped to see what they had out for sale.
I realize Stamporama is different but it seems to me that Soundcrest and Cardstamp surely must spend a tremendous amount of time putting up items at decent prices here when they could sell them elsewhere. If they didn't list here, the selection in auctions or approvals would be much less. People must be buying from them or they wouldn't continue to sell here. (In this era of full disclosure, I must admit that I have not purchased anything from either one.)
They aren't breaking any rules, seem to offer good material, and participate in discussions to improve the process. If some don't want to buy from them because they "are dealers", that seems silly to me, but it's their choice. Why tell them that? Just don't buy if that makes you feel better. I exclude the listings of certain members (use the handy selection boxes to keep them from displaying) for the couple folks who list mint stuff at highly inflated prices - once again, they have the right to list stuff here and must be selling or they wouldn't keep listing, right?
The only reason that I would make a distinction between a hobbyist or a dealer is in my buying expectations. I have different expectations for dealers; I assume they are more knowledgeable, I assume they are more proficient at packing and shipping, I assume their prices are a bit more accurate.
Of course this is not always true but gives me a starting point with unknown sellers.
As I said previously I do not make much profit based on all of the time I spend putting together the approval books. 90% of what I sell as I said is just old material I have from when my father collected. I think I have found all of his boxes that had stamps now - so I expect I will slow down considerably in 2018. The reason I show no items bought is because I normally buy collections that have more than one item I need and then I am starting to sell off all of the duplicates in approval books - which most of the time gives me the stamps I need and the sell off brings me to a break even point - sometimes a little more - sometimes I do not recover the full cost. I normally buy via lists I keep by Scott # - so it is easier for me to find what I need to fill in on Hipstamp. For me as a buyer - I find it difficult to find stamps I need in approval books - so there you have it - I can sell via the approval books but buying is not ideal for me. I scan the auctions every so often but it is so hit & miss to find stamps I am looking for by Scott # - it is just not worth my time. I need alot of stamps that are not the garden variety items for the collections I still maintain. Steve
"I normally buy via lists"
"because I normally buy collections "
Somebody could charge 1.35 for shipping, to take care of the Paypal fees, and the packaging. That doesn't necessarily make them a dealer.
Sorry, just my opinion,
"".....charging fellow stamp collectors $1.35 when .49 cents will do ......""
While White Buffalo and Don have clearly stated my own personal feelings about the question under discussion, Steve makes a point that does require careful consideration by us all.
"For me as a buyer - I find it difficult to find stamps I need in approval books - so there you have it - I can sell via the approval books but buying is not ideal for me. I scan the auctions every so often but it is so hit & miss to find stamps I am looking for by Scott # - it is just not worth my time. I need a lot of stamps that are not the garden variety items for the collections I still maintain. Steve "
Steve is presenting the dilemma of an Intermediate/Advanced collector. Whereas the beginning/average collector might find SOR as is, perfect for their requirements/needs for the foreseeable future, for Steve and those he is speaking for it is not sufficient.
I personally am being spoken for here by Steve, although he didn't know so before this.
Interestingly, the answer to our dilemma also exists within SOR. We have all levels of expertise,knowledge,areas of interest- but we are not yet tapping into them in a systematic way. I would suggest that we make a concerted effort to connect the countries/collecting interests to the similar SOR members. Right now we pretty much leave it to the members to find the right partners for themselves.
Should there be any interest in doing this, I'd be happy to assist in any way. The trading/swapping that one ought to expect on the more advanced group ought to be negotiated buy/sell, or swapping according to cat.val.'s. Ken Perry and I did do this between ourselves for several swaps which ended up in the 5 figure ranges when we were all done. A lot of fun for us both.
Let me know if this approach seems of value- it might not, and that would be O.K. too.
Dan C.
There are indeed different levels of being a dealer. There are also different kinds of dealers and THAT is what made me a dealer to begin with back in 1981, which was very part time for me
If you are an "old timer" like me you remember the giants in approvals. Kenmore. Jamestown. Garcelon. They had these little packets of stamps which in many cases were total garbage. 3 stamps from Hungary for 10 cents. An incomplete Russia set. A mint 3 cent US commemorative for a dime. As a kid in the late 50's I became a stamp collector. I answered ads in the back of Popular Mechanics to get 100 free stamps for replying. Of course along with them came approvals which needed to be sent back. As a kid with a 48 page stamp album I was impressed! Look at all the stamps I could buy. But I had no money. So once in a while I might spend a dime which was my allowance back then. It didn't take too long for them to realize that I was a kid, and I'd get a letter saying that they were going to stop sending stamps on approval unless my purchases increased so to speak. Of course they couldn't and that ended my dealings with them. I never forgot that though and when I started out my goal was to NEVER turn away a customer no matter how little they spend unless they spend nothing over a 6 month period. It took a long time back then to hand write approval slips. I got out of the approval business in the mid 90's once I found I could sell online at auction at a place called It was pre ebay and it allowed me to put stamps in front of hundreds if not thousands of people. Of course I still never forgot my beginnings....
Which leads me to Stamporama - and why I sell here as Steve and I could sell elsewhere, and for me at least, I certainly do. Its all because THIS site reminds me so much of what it was like for me as a 9 year old buyer. Stamps here are priced a lot less than elsewhere and collectors who I feel just might have less to spend than a high roller, but love the hobby (as I do) and in all honesty, probably would not be big buyers on other sites as I believe there are far more stamps for sale in the low price range than anywhere else. While I sell elsewhere, you will NOT find me selling stamps there at auction for 30 cents or in approval books for 30-40%. I always hope that I list stamps that someone would like to have in their collection, and for a decent price. Case in point: I have an item at auction with no bids, Singapore #382-6 MNH for 60 cents it has a catalog value of $3.00. I just looked on another site where there are 3 copies for sale in the range of $2.00 - $3.50. Even if I was selling this set there it would be for sale for about $1.45, and if it does not sell here, it probably will be listed for that amount. So, I sell here for 60 cents because I remember what it was like to want a set of stamps, and not be able to afford it. I would sell for $1.45 elsewhere because I am not trying to feed my family by overpricing stamps.
I go back to my second line - There are also different kinds of dealers. If people here don't buy due to the fact that I have bought only 3 items (and really, when all you are looking for is Match and Medicine stamps and state revenues, how many will you find on this site?), I have no problem with that. For everyone else who does - thanks!
I could careless if I am dealing with a dealer full time or part time, collector, hoarder, etc.
The only thing that matters to me is that the price is right, shipping is proper, plus a few other things that I use to judge if I am going to buy from that person.
I do not understand why it matters if they are dealer.
Play nice and have a good day.
Ok, i will not take the Fifth...i get as much enjoyment trolling an item of mine on the auction here as i do pasting a stamp in my own albums !
First of all I do not understand what mind do I need to make up. I have lists by Scott # that I normally buy from when I am looking for stamps online. However, when I see a collection of stamps from a certain country that I know I need quite a few from - I just buy (sometimes bid on) the entire collection as I said. The problem for me with approval books - is finding the specific stamps I need - since there is no search function. Even the auctions here are hard for me - because I need the Scott # to search on to find the stamps I need. I only collect certain countries now.
As for shipping costs I always used to have a flat rate and 49 cents will not cover the costs. I use 3x5 approval cards for most orders in a Glassine 5 envelope. Then the mailing envelope. Most of the time the fee does not cover the full PayPal costs unless only a few stamps are purchased. For several years I was loosing money on my shipments because of my low prices and sales I run all of the time - it was common for certain buyers to take 400 or more stamps in a single order from me. I recently started charging a few cents more for extra ounces because it meant larger envelopes and stock cards. No one ever questioned my shipping rates before. Sad to say the days of large amounts of stamps on a single order are gone because some of my regular buyers have left or significantly reduced the number of stamps they buy here because apparently they have had issues with some of the other sellers.
Dan maybe I misunderstood what you meant but have buyers complained to you about me ? We do not have a feedback type tool here - so I wonder sometimes why a buyer does not return.. Steve
There's nothing wrong with being a stamp dealer, the only thing I take issue with is when people try to tell me what I clearly see they are not. As a stamp collector for over 60 years now, there isn't a stamp I don't want neither there's a stamp I need. I felt this way, about dealing with dealers or stamp collectors for a long time but kept it to myself, now that I can see that more people feel the way I do, I figure that I'll through in my two cents worth in this matter.
Jings! Crivvens! Help ma Boab!
Are they one?
Maybe they are one.
I think they are one.
I say yes they are one.
You think they may not be one.
You say they are not one.
Who is right?
Is it you or I?
Is it a matter of life or death?
You and I is not!
I purchase here because it feels safer. Once I feel 'safe', I follow the reputable 'dealers' to their other sales platforms.
I will eventually branch out and purchase from other parties at ebay, delcampe and hipstamp etc, but I am taking my time, trying to establish who the reputable sellers are.
If I wish to purchase expensive stamps then I go to Stanley Gibbons or other large retailers - Rushstamps etc - I don't mind paying over the odds at these places as I get piece of mind that I am purchasing top quality and no forgeries.
I don't really care if people on Stamporama are dealers or not and would prefer (except for those expensive stamps) if I could do all my transactions via Stamporama. So dealer or not, please keep listing.
Stamps are like cocaine. It's all fun and games for awhile, but you eventually wind up selling to support your habit.
There is a possible solution for the Intermediate/Advanced Collector other than individuals swap/buy.
An additional Buy It Now platform for the higher valued stamps without the 14 day listing limit, you could put a maximum of 30-60 days listing in the auction platform or fit it into the approvals section with a limit lower than 100 stamps. Or create a new category in both platforms.
You could set a minimum catalogue value/selling price for listing.
In addition rather than a "seller" having to scroll through every members interests if there was just a list of members names and their interests on a separate page(s) for easier viewing then sellers may be able to target these areas rather than the pot luck way we do it now. Or encourage collectors to remind sellers of their interest in the wanted section of the Discussion Board.
I know some of the arguments against this "These are just Stores", "We already have an auction platform" etc.
If we want to keep these Intermediate/Advanced Collectors then I feel we must strive to meet their needs, otherwise they may well go elsewhere and the club may lose their expertise and knowledge.
Brechinite- you present an interesting approach worthy of examination. So far you and I seem to be on board about addressing the issue. Let's see if there are others who may wish to join in the effort.
Steve- you asked "Dan maybe I misunderstood what you meant but have buyers complained to you about me ? We do not have a feedback type tool here - so I wonder sometimes why a buyer does not return.. Steve"
Buyers have not personally complained to me about you. On that point though, perhaps a note to the Auctioneer might also be informative. (Just thinking out loud.) Your suggestion about a feedback type tool is interesting. Perhaps a note to the Webmaster might be in order? (Again, just thinking out loud.)
Dan C.
Personally, I'm not here to just buy some stamps and if I can't find any then move on;
I'm here because of the learning, the assisting to others, the depth of knowledge found here, the opportunity to offer what I know and to glean from others what I do not.
In essence, I am here because I consider SOR a CLUB - not just a sales platform.
Ian, I think that your idea can be accomplished on the Stamps For Sale DB. I have already listed a few stamps there with no sales of yet. These however are not expensive stamps only because I have had very limited success with selling expensive stamps here
Stamps are NOT like cocaine. Lol
Well said Musicman!
I would like to see more of the higher value classics for sale though - even if it was just another category in the regular auction.
"I would like to see more of the higher value classics for sale though - even if it was just another category in the regular auction. "
Tom, i agree i have 7 or 8 bidders that we know one another..a new bidder is rare indeed !
I am curious about the widely held definition of high value classic stamps. What value might that be and what percentage are people expecting to buy at? For many months I was running Monday night auctions with many stamps with a CV of over $10. For the most part there was but one buyer of them, and he left SOR and went back where he came from. For this reason and a couple of others, I discontinued the Monday night auctions here and do them elsewhere where I have a guaranteed buyer for some of them. Are collectors looking to spend less than 20% on (based on the rules these days) a perfect stamp that has a catalog value of say $20? I'm just curious as to catalog value and percentage.
I have had an increase of bidders but most of what I have up for auction has a CV of under $10. I have found over the past couple of years there are usually no bidders on anything over that amount. It could be what I was listing, but I have no way of knowing. I have 103 lots at auction, 5 with a starting bid of $2 or more (which means a CV of $10). One has a bid. True the only reason I even put US up for auction is that there was one buyer over the past couple of weeks that was buying a US stamp from me. Foreign stamps over $10 CV with a starting bid of $2 seem to have little attraction except for some colony issues French & British (sometimes). They are usually bought by the same 2-3 people.
Greg- I just paid $20 for a booklet pane. If I see something I like and the price is reasonable, I will buy it. I saw you had 3 USA lots up now, I have all three stamps and I'm more likely to buy those mint or on cover than used. I cannot testify for the rest of the herd.
I have been giving some more thought as to why higher priced material isn't for sale. If indeed this is a site where for the most part collectors are selling their duplicates, are there a lot of sellers with duplicate expensive stamps? Collectors may not have them to sell. Dealers will, but some people do not want to buy from dealers. That being said, if its just collectors that are supposed to be selling $25 stamps for $5, are there going to be many offers of such for sale? There is also the collector cost of the stamp to consider.Say a collector is tired of collecting his British North America collection, but bought a good amount of his stamps pre 2000, before the internet exploded with stamps for sale at 40% and less, sometimes 10% of catalog value. Prices have not for the most part kept up with the percentage reduction. So if you spent $20 for a $50 stamp and that stamp is still worth $50, are you going to sell it here for $10? I don't know. Speaking for myself who last actively collected in the 80's I was spending probably 60% or more for a lot of material, mainly due to the fact that it was tough to come by. If I thought there was a market for some of it here would I sell it at a fraction of what I paid? As a dealer it is totally different and that is why we can usually sell stamps cheaper (at least honest ones will). We buy in bulk and in collection lots so we can still make a profit selling at 20% CV at auction. I will not lie and say that we don't. We also are not living in mansions and driving Rolls Royces either. Believe me if I thought higher priced material would sell here I would list it. I have a dealer friend in California who sends me stuff all the time that he buys and can't sell. I have tried some of it here at auction with no result. I once offered a signed copy of Wurttemberg #48, catalog value $140 at auction for $21. Not only did it get no bids, it got no views, and I know there are colony collectors here. Now it sits in one of my stores for $65 where I will accept a best offer on it. I myself am constantly stumped by the comments of nothing good is for sale at auction.
As an added comment, a collector who occasionally sells may also be selling on another site, though if they read this thread they are making sure no one knows about it. That being said, the exposure is huge compared to here and they are more likely to sell for a higher price there than here ESPECIALLY if they accept offers. The trick to that is to always list your stamps for more than you want to sell for and leave haggle room. But those that sell elsewhere know that don't you?
I usually don't put up much in the way of US because rarely do I get any. I have some in my stores but the powers that be say I cannot list a stamp that is for sale elsewhere so I don't. Not that they are going to sell there but its too much trouble to take down, list and then put back up. The few I have been listing of late (I have a couple of more) were in a box lot. Over the years I have found that I can't sell US at any price. There is too much of it for sale everywhere. it's like all of a sudden people just stopped collecting US. I know I did but that was back in the early 70's when I switched over exclusively to revenue stamps. Much more of a challenge to find especially non Scott ones.
When you say "Over the years I have found that I can't sell US at any price." I find I am puzzled. I do rather active bidding on major auction sites for what I need (in U.S.) and am consistently outbid by others.
I recently submitted 23 bids and only won 2. In my case clearly I am not bidding high enough, or that others just want it far more than I do. I am comfortable with what I decide to offer, and with others outbidding me. My point is that there is a very active bidding market for U.S.
In your case, might it be that the material offered or the starting bid listed is either not of high enough quality/rareity or the listing bid too high?
Dan C.
Dan, recently the only stamps I have listed at auction elsewhere (and recent being over a year) is Officials which even at 20% don't even get looks. I don't put US in my store where I do most of my auctions, but have plenty in my store elsewhere where in some cases the prices are from 2007 when I opened it. I don;t waste my time changing them. Yet (and I just looked) I have 224 US listings, nothing common, and I have not sold a US stamp in years. In fact on that site I have a MNH copy of #231 at auction for $7.50 - and it has not even gotten a look. The only reason that it is listed there is that it is a recycled auction from another site that I run every 6 months for about 3 years before not bothering. It has in fact run once here already with no looks. As I said, I no longer run recycled auctions here on Monday nights but do it elsewhere
Thanks for the quick response. When you say " nothing common" & " MNH copy of #231 at auction for $7.50 " perhaps we need to define terms.
For those on the intermediate/advanced levels of collecting that likely wouldn't be tempting. Chances are that in that series SCN#'s 241-245 would garner more interest.
If your focus remains on the beginner/average collector range, then certainly you ought to expect some close attention.
Dan C.
From a USA perspective I would consider something on the order of $250 catalog as rare, especially in true VF condition. I constantly see offerings of $200 to $1500 catalog items which are just barely Fine grade where the vendor is expecting to get 25% to 30% of catalog for in many cases a non-sound stamp while I would expect on the order of 10% to 15% for a Fine grade sound stamp with popular issues like #1, #2, C13-15, 241-245, etc. to go for up to 20-30% if truly sound, i.e. no thins, no missing perfs, no pen cancel, no obliterating heavy cancels, NH, or LH, no HR. True VF, sound stamps in the $200 to $1500 range I would expect to see frequently trading hands at anywhere from 25-35%.
Lately I have been playing with the EZGrader application to test grades of stamps offered through eBay and stamps that it considers to grade VF or better are rarely offered on eBay. When I check the final prices of those stamps that are they are frequently selling for 35% to 50% of catalog so much of the rampant discounting may represent over graded stamp listings.
More expensive stamps that are really rare that are true VF and sound should sell easily at 35-50% and at active auctions for full catalog or more if a buyer with funds available sees it.
From a non-USA perspective I generally cap purchases for individual items at a maximum of 20-25% of catalog for full VF, sound stamps.
I would like to see more offerings of collections on Stamporama especially that define date ranges more accurately.
You speak well.
Dan C.
Jbaxter wrote
"...Lately I have been playing with the EZGrader application to test grades of stamps offered through eBay and stamps that it considers to grade VF or better are rarely offered on eBay..."
"And of course their are some on eBay which use some mystery grading system that appears to be only know to them. "
Agreed, there are other factors that can remove a stamp that is properly centered from a VF grade but without that initial element it cannot grade VF at all. Most of those elements remove a stamp from being considered as sound.
Thanks for the clarification Dan and that goes back to one of my original thoughts. IF this is primarily a site for collectors to sell duplicates, how many collectors here have an extra copy of US #241-5? How many paid so little for it that they could sell it here at 20% Scott? Maybe if they are selling off their collection and want to avoid "the tax man" but otherwise I don't think you will see that level of stamp for sale here. Would a dealer sell that cheap here? Sure you would save the 6-9% fees from selling elsewhere, but the exposure to the collectors of the world is much more limited. Just my two cents. I have never gotten into the high end of selling as unless I had a specific buyer that wanted a stamp, I wouldn't spend that kind of money on "hoping for a sale". I have a dealer friend who does just that, and has gotten burned many times. He once spent $1000 for a Germany & Colonies collection that catted at around 13K, and barely got his money back. Some of his stuff I now sell elsewhere.
Dealers are overloaded with "ordinary stamps"..we start our club auction lots off at 20 percent of catalog..and they can drop WAY DOWN from there. I am starting to resist the urge to bid on an auction lot because "its a great deal".
PhilB and Greg,
Wouldn't it be helpful to sellers to know in advance what is needed by a potential buyer?
Assuming the answer to be 'yes', then encouraging groups to form along interest lines and to swap needs/wants/available for trade lists would make business sense, no?
So far our sellers have focused upon the selling aspect of their business- I'd like to suggest that more effort aimed at helping the members to organize their collections and to improve them might be well worth the time spent by the sellers. To this end I'd be happy to lend a hand if needed.
This approach should cut across all collecting levels (beginner/intermediate/advanced) and would be true to the club idea of SOR. Thoughts?
Dan C.
Perhaps. It would really depend on the expectations of the collector. Lets say I said I would like to see more Match and Medicine stamps at auction but I am willing to pay only 20% CV, how many dealers assuming they had them for sale would rush to put them up for auction? Certainly I use the shotgun approach and put up a wide variety of auction material. Over the past year I have accumulated a lot of material to put up for auction based on the buying habits I have seen at least for my material. As I have mentioned, I no longer put more expensive items up for sale because it simply is not going to work here. I was able to create 55 auctions in about 15 minutes and not have to scrutinize the images.I had pretty much one buyer for that material and he left SOR and I put the auctions up on the site he bids on. Others who occasionally have bid on those auctions I have sent the link to the site (upon their request) but they have not bid there yet.
I know too that there are auction buyers who do not buy approvals as they always want the deep discounts auctions bring, and there are approval buyers who will not buy at auction. I've tried the BIN with no success, so its not that. There are also those who don't buy because they wait to see if the item will be marked down the following week. I don;t think I have those type of lookers because if they look, they will see that it is always one and done and move them someplace else. Once you get in the habit of doing the markdown thing, people won't even spend 20% anymore.
Back to your original question, it really would depend on what a collectors expectations are. I would certainly list stuff for auction if it fell within my stock. If a collector was looking for say MNH Israel tabs from the 1990's to current, but would only pay 20% I certainly would not buy a collection to provide that because I can't buy a collection at 20%. If though they said they would pay 50-60% I might try to find one. That and China are 2 places I always try to buy for cheaply to offer in approval books but I just can;t find it cheap enough to even break even at a 35-40% selling price. Way too many collectors of those areas and dealers are selling them much higher than I would even in my own stores. I cannot compete with those buyers
The problem I have with buying the more expensive material is the fact that I still have so darn many cheap seats to fill. It's hard to make the decision to drop an entire stamp budget on 1 or 2 stamps, when I can buy 2-300+ stamps for the same money and fill lots of spaces. I do once in a while for the focused collections, but not very often.
Typically what I do, is buy moderate to large country lots until I've built a fair sized collection, then turn to the approvals to fill in a few gaps and spaces. Then move on to another country. Occasionally, I will backtrack and hit the approvals again, looking for any new books that might have material that I need. But again, most of that material is still going to be minimal value or at least bargain priced.
Of coarse, like any WW collector, I'd love to reach completion of ANY country, but with the prices of some material, that will likely never happen. We make a fair living, but I wouldn't stay married long, if I started dropping 1000's of dollars on a single stamp. That is unless I hit the Lotto jackpot and I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
Interest Groups within Stamporama sounds good.
Once a group is formed could it have its own topic or sub-topic in the discussion board?
I know that certain collecting areas are separately covered in the DB but a successful group could not be contained within one thread.
To change the subject:-
May I repeat what I said in an earlier post
Rather than a seller having to scroll through every members interests individually could that be made into a simple list of Members Name and their interests.
At least with a quick and simple list to go through a seller may be able to "target" their items a lot better and therefore the members would see stuff that they may want more often.
I regularly buy collections, take them apart and resell them. Many times I buy things specifically because I know I can resell these and make some profit. Does that make me a dealer? Perhaps it does. On the other hand, can I make a living from it? No, or at least I have not tried that. So that means I am still an amateur and not a professional, a few hundred quid profit per month is not enough to pay the mortgage :-)
Who knows what happened if I would spend 8 or 10 hours per day at it, but then I would have to find other places like eBay to sell my stuff. And it would probably not be funny anymore and I would have to buy more expensive items to have a higher turnover. But even then, it remains to be seen if I would make enough money with this hobby.
The US #241-245 are very specific classic items and probably not really representative for stamp selling as a whole. Even if I had spares of these (I don't), I would not try to sell them here. I would go to a place where you have a (much) larger audience, like ebay. I might even try my luck at a proper auction and swallow the costs. For almost all items I sell (c.v. up to $10 or $20 maximum, but mostly $2 or lower) I am fine with 20% c.v. as this most of the time turns out to be a good balance between sellability and good profits.
Like Jansimon said "It don't pay the mortgage"
What I sold here at the weekend doesn't even fill the gas tank in the Ferrari!!!!
Yes WB, you have hit the nail on the head. Why would a collector who is truly collecting for enjoyment and not (I hope) thinking they are creating a collection to use as their nest egg buy very expensive stamps? This is why when it comes time for me to sell off things like my almost complete US Dated Docs collection from the 1950's I don't know if I will find a buyer at the price I'd be looking for. Worse, it seems of late all the more recent issues have Scott values that too me at least, seem insane. Those stamps will be difficult to find here cheaply but you never know. It has also been said that there are minimum cv stamps in Scott that simply cannot be found.
I create my approval books with the general collector in mind who might for arguments sake, have $5 this week to spend on stamps. You can fill a number of holes for $5. If I have room, and since I began to index I have less pages, I will put higher priced material in the back. Nothing ridiculous like $50 stamps, but some better sets.
The cost per stamp is the big difference between buying your stamps here and elsewhere. I do not believe you will find many 5-20 cent stamps anyplace else. The fees involved with listing stamps at that price are prohibitive unless you do wild things like charge $3 p&h per order to try to make it back. Ebay of course knows that trick and they take their percentage on the postage as well as the sale of the item.
Maybe the buyers could put up a weekly want list of say 3 to 5 items and ask for prospective sellers to weigh in with a price. (private message of course)
In my situation I do not have large amounts of spare money but will, a couple of times a year, buy to fill a space. The latest items being Great Britain SG 476 MH at CA$36 and 478 MH at $138. This will be the last purchases for this year as Christmas makes heavy demands on a tight cash flow.
I think the problem with higher value items is the price expectation by both parties, one to get it cheap as possible, the other to make a decent profit.
Dear Greg,White Buffalo,Brechnite and Jan Simon,
What you write is all accurate and true-but it comes from the perspective of a seller. What I am suggesting is that as sellers (and of course you guys are much more than that) we are missing the concern expressed in previous DB posts highlighting the issue of SOR becoming more of a selling platform rather than a club.
My remarks are trying to bridge that gap, and suggesting that if you as sellers can get behind efforts to encourage/help the collector in his/her journey, ultimately it would make business sense. (The model for that would be Roy, who has dedicated much treasury/time and effort on behalf of SOR.)
If this approach seems reasonable to you, then let's brainstorm to see how we can implement. We can do that by pm, email or phone rather than take up DB space. Or is this just a 'pie in the sky' view without hope of reality?
Dan C.
Sheepshank, we posted at the same time-your suggestion is interesting. I'd be happy to explore that and any other thoughts to implement.Let's see if we are alone on this or we have support from others.
Dan, I'm not sure how I fit into your scenario, I've not gotten into the selling aspect.
A little over a year ago, I helped start a stamp club with our local school by donating most of my duplicates and unwanted material to get them started. This school runs from preschool through 8th grade and the club is open to kids 4th through 8th. With kids graduating each year and new kids joining, they have a fairly constant need for new material. The way they set it up was, there is a club collection that stays with the school and then any leftover material is put into 100 lot packets. Then, each member/student is given a packet at a time to go through for their own personal collections.(no cost) I do sort out any modest cv material to make sure that it stays with the school collection. If there happens to be any duplicates of that material, the teacher has a monthly drawing amongst the members and those stamps are given to the winner. I have high hopes that at least some of those kids will carry their collections on into and through high school and beyond.
The short of it is, I keep very little trading and/or selling stock on hand. While I do keep most any higher value stamps, those don't amount to more then a couple of dozen stamps and most of those are confined to 2 or 3 countries.
None of this is meant to toot my own whistle, only to show a different angle to being a collector. Although, I have to admit that I probably get just as much out of this arrangement as the kids do.
I guess I just don't get it. We already have a "stamps I am looking to buy" thread where I thought people could post what they are looking for and if someone has it they would contact them. Am I wrong on this? I think sellers try to put up stamps that others would want. Certainly people could trade between each other, but I don't think dealers would get involved in trading unless they had a buyer elsewhere for something that someone here on SOR was looking to trade. Lets face it, dealers (and anyone who resells should be calling themselves a dealer even if they can't feed the family with their earnings. I call myself a dealer and can't do it....)are not paying a lot for material. If they were they could not sell at 20% at auction. So they also have that issue when it comes to trading catalog value for catalog value. They need to trade their "less than 20% paid for" stock with someone. I don't know if that is always possible. Again, maybe I have missed the point here but it seems like its a trading situation that is looking to be set up. If not that, then why not utilize the "stamps I am looking to buy" thread?
Dear Greg & White Buffalo,
You both fit into a possible scenario that I am suggesting, but clearly I have not stated it well enough.
White Buffalo, you are doing good work with what you do, and it is in the best tradition of 'giving back'. Namaste.
Greg, your assumption about folks utilizing the opportunities that already exist for SOR members is logical, but the reality doesn't appear to match that. Apparently a more personal connection is needed, thus the suggestion that I made to try to do that.
I believe that if we can put a group together to brainstorm ideas, and then present them as an approach to the Management Team for consideration, we may be able to generate the reactions we all seek-greater involvement of the members, more effective communication about wants/needs/availability of items and in general an increased activity all around.
That increased activity would encourage trading, selling, buying and just good member to member vibes.
Dan, greater in involvement by the members would be a good there a chart of how many members "on the books" actually bid on the auction or purchase approvals ? phil
There may be but I am not aware of it. Possibly we'll get an answer for you from others who may have researched this. Let's give them a chance to respond.
If nothing is forthcoming in the next several days, I'll reach out and try to get an answer.
Dan, Just pressure ..its almost Thanksgiving, lots of other things to keep us amused . phil
Dan, as a suggestion, a couple of unrelated forums that I belong to have live chat features. It goes a long way toward personal interaction within the groups. They're not always real active, but sometimes members get into some great conversations about their take on the related hobbies and they also use the chat to discuss buying, selling and trading amongst the members. I'm not sure if it's doable here, but such a feature might help toward what you have in mind.
An interesting thought, White Buffalo. Let's put it on our radar, but on the back burner for now. Ian is doing some research related to the question posed by PhilB. Let's see what
develops as we go along. Apparently we have a group of interested folks who are sharing thoughts and exploring possible approaches. Excellent. We'll keep in touch through this board as well as pm/email.
Enjoy the holidays, and we'll be in touch as things begin to shape up.
"... a couple of unrelated forums that I belong to have live chat features. It goes a long way toward personal interaction within the groups ..."
Dave, I certainly considered everything that was worth considering.
To answer philb's question of "How many members take part in the Auctions and Approvals".
A quick survey shows that 30% of the current "Active" members take part in A & As.
39% of "Active" members have never sold or bought A & As.
31% of "Active" members have never accessed the site in 2017!!!!
These figures do not include those members still listed who have died, resigned, banned or suspended due to lack of use!
On average 38% of auction lots are sold at an average selling price of $1.31 / lot, with 16% of lots having multiple bids, and 12% of lots sold as Buy It Now.
Everyone can draw their own conclusions from these figures, as we all know that there are lies, damned lies and statistics.
Well done Ian- a valuable contribution to our understanding.
Dan C.
There is one figure I did not include in the above and that was those members that have decided that Stamporama was not for them. If they are included in the above it would read as follows:-
17% of the members take part in A & As.
22% of members have never sold or bought A & As.
18% of members have never accessed the site in 2017!!!!
43% of "members" have left or had their membership suspended for lack of use.
The number of members who have left or felt that Stamporama is not for them, is the most
worrying of ALL!!
The home page says there are 1771 members. Therefore there are some 700 members who either take part in the club or click in to observe, read etc..
This thread has diverged. I started a new thread re: Membership Statistics here:
for those interested, here's my wants, which have been listed i INTERESTS in the MEMBER SECTION for two decades or so:
"Tied Easter, Christmas, Santa Claus Post, Boys Town and other seals; US postal history; US military postal history; Chrsitmas and Easter seals and such; souvenir post card folders; and Air Mail Special Delivery covers"
With 4565 members listed in the members section what chance a seller finding you?
I can't even find myself.
OH here I am!!
nicely done, Ian, and in record time.
I don't know what to tell you, then, truth be told. The information is there, if one wants to mine it. If one just wants assume, that's fine, too.
We could just list our wants, here, or somewhere else, and use the same search function available on each sections of the site. It's the search function I just used to see who else collects seals.
Well Happy Thanksgiving anyway !
Yes sellers could use the search facility in the members area, the problem is that when you type in a country (eg Norway) in the interest area the list includes ALL the suspended/inactive members.
With 4565 total members and only 1771 or less "active" members then on average two thirds of any enquiry is useless!!
"the problem is that when you type in a country (eg Norway) in the interest area the list includes ALL the suspended/inactive members. "
Recently I had someone here tell me that they will not buy anything from me because I am a "dealer" and I should not be here. Well I told them I was not a dealer. So my question is - just because I have a store on Hipstamp does that make me a "Dealer" ?? I have been selling stamps online first on Bidstart and I have tried Ebay and Delcampe over the years but I am basically selling off vast amounts of collections my father had accumulated over the years. I have sold some parts of my own collections as well but I still collect certain countries. So is doing that make me a dealer ? What I have been doing lately is when I see a collection on sale (usually on EBAY) and I know I could use certain items for my own collection - I buy or bid on it. Then the remainders I put up here in Approval Books. Does that make me a dealer ? If I was a dealer would I run 40-50% Off sales all of the time ? I really like to know what classifies someone as a dealer vs just a seller who is doing this as an extension to my hobby ? If someone gets a stamp from me that does not meet their criteria for condition - all they need to do is tell me about it and I always give refunds and I do not need the stamp back. Would a dealer do that ? Since I put my Hipstamp store link in my profile - I have noticed a slow down on whom buys from me here. Maybe it is just a coincidence. Any thoughts ? Thanks, Steve
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
It is an interesting question especially in the light of PAYPAL/Ebay (and Amazon too for that matter.
Their rules SPECIFICALLY state that they do not report income to the IRS if it is $20,000 or less as they consider it a situation resembling a large garage sale, which at least for me, I have seen people do on a regular basis. In fact, we go out to a place every year a few times for me to pick up stuff to sell. A former campground turned into a giant flea market. Cash only. You can nitpick and say that taxes should be paid yada yada yada but if you are not writing things off against it..... (I do and I have a too honest bookkeeper for my liking - my wife)
Steve with the number of stamps you and I have sold, we would have to be considered dealers. There are other people here with Hipstore links or if not a link I know they sell there. You might be right that people ignore those with links to stores in their DB comments. I have one not because I expect to sell stamps but in the hope that I might sell something that is NOT a stamp, and I have. While I admit to being a dealer, on this site only, do I sell as cheaply as I do. When something does not sell at auction here eventually it winds up in my stores at 60% CV and I will take 40% as a buy price. Sales books are usually 40% and again, if I break it down it goes to 60%. Of course the dealer resenters don't realize that. And on that note it sure is odd to hear you say that there is an anti-dealer feeling here. Why would anyone think that?
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I imagine a dealer as someone who can purchase a stamp or cover and turn it over for a profit. I have not yet figured out how to do that.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Phil the hard part is knowing WHAT to purchase to turn over for a profit and how to read your buyers. Speaking for myself there is no way I could ever make a living selling stamps. It's more for the fun of it than anything else. I can't speak for Steve but for me selling all kinds of things across multiple sites I spend at a minimum 50-60 hours a week. I never think about how much I make an hour because if I did I would close up shop. Stamps don't really generate a large profit. How can they when you sell at 20% at auction and 35-40% in approvals? My sales in other areas is what generate money for me to by stamps to sell (and to kick in some to the household which my wife constantly reminds me we don't need but its my incentive to keep at it)
As an aside I swing and miss at a lot of countries here.I buy and figure wow, the price per stamp fits in with the buying habits, lots of topicals, and it winds up as zilch in sales.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I would say I spend on average about 4 to 5 hours a day working with the stamps either here or on the other site. If I broke it down to dollars per hour - I should apply for food stamps ! I could never do this for a living - it is just something to keep me occupied while I need to stay home to care for my elderly mother who lives with me. She only gets an aide 4 hours a day otherwise I am the aide ! I can only leave the house while the aide is here - so I have the time on my hands. Once in awhile I will sell other items on Ebay but again nothing much to earn a living on. Working with the stamps sure beats playing games on the computer at least and whatever little I make each month is just some extra spending money for me.. Steve
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
If I were a dealer I would simply dismiss such silly comments. If you can establish a good relationship with a dealer it can make all the difference when trying to put together your collection. Selling stamps anywhere requires an investment in time, technology and of course stamps to sell. It is a lot of work. If somebody can't respect that then they are just bonkers.
There are thousands of auction and approval lots on offer here at StampoRama. That would not be possible without some people who devote time and effort to selling stamps. There are also those who offer items for sale more periodically or whenever they feel like it and that is great too.
I think it takes all kinds to make StampoRama successful.
Well that's my two cents.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"There are thousands of auction and approval lots on offer here at StampoRama. That would not be possible without some people who devote time and effort to selling stamps. There are also those who offer items for sale more periodically or whenever they feel like it and that is great too.
I think it takes all kinds to make StampoRama successful."
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"Recently I had someone here tell me that they will not buy anything from me because I am a "dealer" and I should not be here."
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Steve, as of today...
Lots sold 60319
Lots won 0
I'm going to go on a limb and say, yes, you are a dealer.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"Lots sold 60319"
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
My informal opinion is a dealer is someone who makes a significant amount of the food on their table from selling the items. This is different than a casual seller who is actually a hobbyist who is selling off their extra material.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
If a seller is willing to sell stamps here at 5 cents, it seems ok with me. They are filling a need.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Well if you take my PROFIT of sales on Stamporama I probably could put food on the table for 3 days. Nothing else, just food on the table. By that definition I am certainly not a dealer!
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I think being profitable determines if a dealer is successful or not (not if they are a dealer or not). And I think that being profitable also has everything to do with how good a person is at purchasing material, not at selling it.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"I think being profitable determines if a dealer is successful or not (not if they are a dealer or not). And I think that being profitable also has everything to do with how good a person is at purchasing material, not at selling it.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
And then there are different levels of "being a dealer", aren't there?
I attended ChicagoPex yesterday. These are dealers who are willing and able to spend large sums for table fees. Many bring items to sell along the lines of "something for everyone " and treat all who stop by their tables with respect (even if they were just looking).
But there are some who only have highly specialized or extremely high end material. While they may only need to sell one or two items to make their trip profitable, we didn't see anyone at their tables. Several also could not be bothered to look up and acknowledge us when we stopped to see what they had out for sale.
I realize Stamporama is different but it seems to me that Soundcrest and Cardstamp surely must spend a tremendous amount of time putting up items at decent prices here when they could sell them elsewhere. If they didn't list here, the selection in auctions or approvals would be much less. People must be buying from them or they wouldn't continue to sell here. (In this era of full disclosure, I must admit that I have not purchased anything from either one.)
They aren't breaking any rules, seem to offer good material, and participate in discussions to improve the process. If some don't want to buy from them because they "are dealers", that seems silly to me, but it's their choice. Why tell them that? Just don't buy if that makes you feel better. I exclude the listings of certain members (use the handy selection boxes to keep them from displaying) for the couple folks who list mint stuff at highly inflated prices - once again, they have the right to list stuff here and must be selling or they wouldn't keep listing, right?
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
The only reason that I would make a distinction between a hobbyist or a dealer is in my buying expectations. I have different expectations for dealers; I assume they are more knowledgeable, I assume they are more proficient at packing and shipping, I assume their prices are a bit more accurate.
Of course this is not always true but gives me a starting point with unknown sellers.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
As I said previously I do not make much profit based on all of the time I spend putting together the approval books. 90% of what I sell as I said is just old material I have from when my father collected. I think I have found all of his boxes that had stamps now - so I expect I will slow down considerably in 2018. The reason I show no items bought is because I normally buy collections that have more than one item I need and then I am starting to sell off all of the duplicates in approval books - which most of the time gives me the stamps I need and the sell off brings me to a break even point - sometimes a little more - sometimes I do not recover the full cost. I normally buy via lists I keep by Scott # - so it is easier for me to find what I need to fill in on Hipstamp. For me as a buyer - I find it difficult to find stamps I need in approval books - so there you have it - I can sell via the approval books but buying is not ideal for me. I scan the auctions every so often but it is so hit & miss to find stamps I am looking for by Scott # - it is just not worth my time. I need alot of stamps that are not the garden variety items for the collections I still maintain. Steve
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"I normally buy via lists"
"because I normally buy collections "
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Somebody could charge 1.35 for shipping, to take care of the Paypal fees, and the packaging. That doesn't necessarily make them a dealer.
Sorry, just my opinion,
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"".....charging fellow stamp collectors $1.35 when .49 cents will do ......""
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
While White Buffalo and Don have clearly stated my own personal feelings about the question under discussion, Steve makes a point that does require careful consideration by us all.
"For me as a buyer - I find it difficult to find stamps I need in approval books - so there you have it - I can sell via the approval books but buying is not ideal for me. I scan the auctions every so often but it is so hit & miss to find stamps I am looking for by Scott # - it is just not worth my time. I need a lot of stamps that are not the garden variety items for the collections I still maintain. Steve "
Steve is presenting the dilemma of an Intermediate/Advanced collector. Whereas the beginning/average collector might find SOR as is, perfect for their requirements/needs for the foreseeable future, for Steve and those he is speaking for it is not sufficient.
I personally am being spoken for here by Steve, although he didn't know so before this.
Interestingly, the answer to our dilemma also exists within SOR. We have all levels of expertise,knowledge,areas of interest- but we are not yet tapping into them in a systematic way. I would suggest that we make a concerted effort to connect the countries/collecting interests to the similar SOR members. Right now we pretty much leave it to the members to find the right partners for themselves.
Should there be any interest in doing this, I'd be happy to assist in any way. The trading/swapping that one ought to expect on the more advanced group ought to be negotiated buy/sell, or swapping according to cat.val.'s. Ken Perry and I did do this between ourselves for several swaps which ended up in the 5 figure ranges when we were all done. A lot of fun for us both.
Let me know if this approach seems of value- it might not, and that would be O.K. too.
Dan C.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
There are indeed different levels of being a dealer. There are also different kinds of dealers and THAT is what made me a dealer to begin with back in 1981, which was very part time for me
If you are an "old timer" like me you remember the giants in approvals. Kenmore. Jamestown. Garcelon. They had these little packets of stamps which in many cases were total garbage. 3 stamps from Hungary for 10 cents. An incomplete Russia set. A mint 3 cent US commemorative for a dime. As a kid in the late 50's I became a stamp collector. I answered ads in the back of Popular Mechanics to get 100 free stamps for replying. Of course along with them came approvals which needed to be sent back. As a kid with a 48 page stamp album I was impressed! Look at all the stamps I could buy. But I had no money. So once in a while I might spend a dime which was my allowance back then. It didn't take too long for them to realize that I was a kid, and I'd get a letter saying that they were going to stop sending stamps on approval unless my purchases increased so to speak. Of course they couldn't and that ended my dealings with them. I never forgot that though and when I started out my goal was to NEVER turn away a customer no matter how little they spend unless they spend nothing over a 6 month period. It took a long time back then to hand write approval slips. I got out of the approval business in the mid 90's once I found I could sell online at auction at a place called It was pre ebay and it allowed me to put stamps in front of hundreds if not thousands of people. Of course I still never forgot my beginnings....
Which leads me to Stamporama - and why I sell here as Steve and I could sell elsewhere, and for me at least, I certainly do. Its all because THIS site reminds me so much of what it was like for me as a 9 year old buyer. Stamps here are priced a lot less than elsewhere and collectors who I feel just might have less to spend than a high roller, but love the hobby (as I do) and in all honesty, probably would not be big buyers on other sites as I believe there are far more stamps for sale in the low price range than anywhere else. While I sell elsewhere, you will NOT find me selling stamps there at auction for 30 cents or in approval books for 30-40%. I always hope that I list stamps that someone would like to have in their collection, and for a decent price. Case in point: I have an item at auction with no bids, Singapore #382-6 MNH for 60 cents it has a catalog value of $3.00. I just looked on another site where there are 3 copies for sale in the range of $2.00 - $3.50. Even if I was selling this set there it would be for sale for about $1.45, and if it does not sell here, it probably will be listed for that amount. So, I sell here for 60 cents because I remember what it was like to want a set of stamps, and not be able to afford it. I would sell for $1.45 elsewhere because I am not trying to feed my family by overpricing stamps.
I go back to my second line - There are also different kinds of dealers. If people here don't buy due to the fact that I have bought only 3 items (and really, when all you are looking for is Match and Medicine stamps and state revenues, how many will you find on this site?), I have no problem with that. For everyone else who does - thanks!
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I could careless if I am dealing with a dealer full time or part time, collector, hoarder, etc.
The only thing that matters to me is that the price is right, shipping is proper, plus a few other things that I use to judge if I am going to buy from that person.
I do not understand why it matters if they are dealer.
Play nice and have a good day.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Ok, i will not take the Fifth...i get as much enjoyment trolling an item of mine on the auction here as i do pasting a stamp in my own albums !
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
First of all I do not understand what mind do I need to make up. I have lists by Scott # that I normally buy from when I am looking for stamps online. However, when I see a collection of stamps from a certain country that I know I need quite a few from - I just buy (sometimes bid on) the entire collection as I said. The problem for me with approval books - is finding the specific stamps I need - since there is no search function. Even the auctions here are hard for me - because I need the Scott # to search on to find the stamps I need. I only collect certain countries now.
As for shipping costs I always used to have a flat rate and 49 cents will not cover the costs. I use 3x5 approval cards for most orders in a Glassine 5 envelope. Then the mailing envelope. Most of the time the fee does not cover the full PayPal costs unless only a few stamps are purchased. For several years I was loosing money on my shipments because of my low prices and sales I run all of the time - it was common for certain buyers to take 400 or more stamps in a single order from me. I recently started charging a few cents more for extra ounces because it meant larger envelopes and stock cards. No one ever questioned my shipping rates before. Sad to say the days of large amounts of stamps on a single order are gone because some of my regular buyers have left or significantly reduced the number of stamps they buy here because apparently they have had issues with some of the other sellers.
Dan maybe I misunderstood what you meant but have buyers complained to you about me ? We do not have a feedback type tool here - so I wonder sometimes why a buyer does not return.. Steve
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
There's nothing wrong with being a stamp dealer, the only thing I take issue with is when people try to tell me what I clearly see they are not. As a stamp collector for over 60 years now, there isn't a stamp I don't want neither there's a stamp I need. I felt this way, about dealing with dealers or stamp collectors for a long time but kept it to myself, now that I can see that more people feel the way I do, I figure that I'll through in my two cents worth in this matter.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Jings! Crivvens! Help ma Boab!
Are they one?
Maybe they are one.
I think they are one.
I say yes they are one.
You think they may not be one.
You say they are not one.
Who is right?
Is it you or I?
Is it a matter of life or death?
You and I is not!
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I purchase here because it feels safer. Once I feel 'safe', I follow the reputable 'dealers' to their other sales platforms.
I will eventually branch out and purchase from other parties at ebay, delcampe and hipstamp etc, but I am taking my time, trying to establish who the reputable sellers are.
If I wish to purchase expensive stamps then I go to Stanley Gibbons or other large retailers - Rushstamps etc - I don't mind paying over the odds at these places as I get piece of mind that I am purchasing top quality and no forgeries.
I don't really care if people on Stamporama are dealers or not and would prefer (except for those expensive stamps) if I could do all my transactions via Stamporama. So dealer or not, please keep listing.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Stamps are like cocaine. It's all fun and games for awhile, but you eventually wind up selling to support your habit.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
There is a possible solution for the Intermediate/Advanced Collector other than individuals swap/buy.
An additional Buy It Now platform for the higher valued stamps without the 14 day listing limit, you could put a maximum of 30-60 days listing in the auction platform or fit it into the approvals section with a limit lower than 100 stamps. Or create a new category in both platforms.
You could set a minimum catalogue value/selling price for listing.
In addition rather than a "seller" having to scroll through every members interests if there was just a list of members names and their interests on a separate page(s) for easier viewing then sellers may be able to target these areas rather than the pot luck way we do it now. Or encourage collectors to remind sellers of their interest in the wanted section of the Discussion Board.
I know some of the arguments against this "These are just Stores", "We already have an auction platform" etc.
If we want to keep these Intermediate/Advanced Collectors then I feel we must strive to meet their needs, otherwise they may well go elsewhere and the club may lose their expertise and knowledge.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Brechinite- you present an interesting approach worthy of examination. So far you and I seem to be on board about addressing the issue. Let's see if there are others who may wish to join in the effort.
Steve- you asked "Dan maybe I misunderstood what you meant but have buyers complained to you about me ? We do not have a feedback type tool here - so I wonder sometimes why a buyer does not return.. Steve"
Buyers have not personally complained to me about you. On that point though, perhaps a note to the Auctioneer might also be informative. (Just thinking out loud.) Your suggestion about a feedback type tool is interesting. Perhaps a note to the Webmaster might be in order? (Again, just thinking out loud.)
Dan C.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Personally, I'm not here to just buy some stamps and if I can't find any then move on;
I'm here because of the learning, the assisting to others, the depth of knowledge found here, the opportunity to offer what I know and to glean from others what I do not.
In essence, I am here because I consider SOR a CLUB - not just a sales platform.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Ian, I think that your idea can be accomplished on the Stamps For Sale DB. I have already listed a few stamps there with no sales of yet. These however are not expensive stamps only because I have had very limited success with selling expensive stamps here
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Stamps are NOT like cocaine. Lol
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Well said Musicman!
I would like to see more of the higher value classics for sale though - even if it was just another category in the regular auction.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"I would like to see more of the higher value classics for sale though - even if it was just another category in the regular auction. "
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Tom, i agree i have 7 or 8 bidders that we know one another..a new bidder is rare indeed !
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I am curious about the widely held definition of high value classic stamps. What value might that be and what percentage are people expecting to buy at? For many months I was running Monday night auctions with many stamps with a CV of over $10. For the most part there was but one buyer of them, and he left SOR and went back where he came from. For this reason and a couple of others, I discontinued the Monday night auctions here and do them elsewhere where I have a guaranteed buyer for some of them. Are collectors looking to spend less than 20% on (based on the rules these days) a perfect stamp that has a catalog value of say $20? I'm just curious as to catalog value and percentage.
I have had an increase of bidders but most of what I have up for auction has a CV of under $10. I have found over the past couple of years there are usually no bidders on anything over that amount. It could be what I was listing, but I have no way of knowing. I have 103 lots at auction, 5 with a starting bid of $2 or more (which means a CV of $10). One has a bid. True the only reason I even put US up for auction is that there was one buyer over the past couple of weeks that was buying a US stamp from me. Foreign stamps over $10 CV with a starting bid of $2 seem to have little attraction except for some colony issues French & British (sometimes). They are usually bought by the same 2-3 people.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Greg- I just paid $20 for a booklet pane. If I see something I like and the price is reasonable, I will buy it. I saw you had 3 USA lots up now, I have all three stamps and I'm more likely to buy those mint or on cover than used. I cannot testify for the rest of the herd.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I have been giving some more thought as to why higher priced material isn't for sale. If indeed this is a site where for the most part collectors are selling their duplicates, are there a lot of sellers with duplicate expensive stamps? Collectors may not have them to sell. Dealers will, but some people do not want to buy from dealers. That being said, if its just collectors that are supposed to be selling $25 stamps for $5, are there going to be many offers of such for sale? There is also the collector cost of the stamp to consider.Say a collector is tired of collecting his British North America collection, but bought a good amount of his stamps pre 2000, before the internet exploded with stamps for sale at 40% and less, sometimes 10% of catalog value. Prices have not for the most part kept up with the percentage reduction. So if you spent $20 for a $50 stamp and that stamp is still worth $50, are you going to sell it here for $10? I don't know. Speaking for myself who last actively collected in the 80's I was spending probably 60% or more for a lot of material, mainly due to the fact that it was tough to come by. If I thought there was a market for some of it here would I sell it at a fraction of what I paid? As a dealer it is totally different and that is why we can usually sell stamps cheaper (at least honest ones will). We buy in bulk and in collection lots so we can still make a profit selling at 20% CV at auction. I will not lie and say that we don't. We also are not living in mansions and driving Rolls Royces either. Believe me if I thought higher priced material would sell here I would list it. I have a dealer friend in California who sends me stuff all the time that he buys and can't sell. I have tried some of it here at auction with no result. I once offered a signed copy of Wurttemberg #48, catalog value $140 at auction for $21. Not only did it get no bids, it got no views, and I know there are colony collectors here. Now it sits in one of my stores for $65 where I will accept a best offer on it. I myself am constantly stumped by the comments of nothing good is for sale at auction.
As an added comment, a collector who occasionally sells may also be selling on another site, though if they read this thread they are making sure no one knows about it. That being said, the exposure is huge compared to here and they are more likely to sell for a higher price there than here ESPECIALLY if they accept offers. The trick to that is to always list your stamps for more than you want to sell for and leave haggle room. But those that sell elsewhere know that don't you?
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I usually don't put up much in the way of US because rarely do I get any. I have some in my stores but the powers that be say I cannot list a stamp that is for sale elsewhere so I don't. Not that they are going to sell there but its too much trouble to take down, list and then put back up. The few I have been listing of late (I have a couple of more) were in a box lot. Over the years I have found that I can't sell US at any price. There is too much of it for sale everywhere. it's like all of a sudden people just stopped collecting US. I know I did but that was back in the early 70's when I switched over exclusively to revenue stamps. Much more of a challenge to find especially non Scott ones.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
When you say "Over the years I have found that I can't sell US at any price." I find I am puzzled. I do rather active bidding on major auction sites for what I need (in U.S.) and am consistently outbid by others.
I recently submitted 23 bids and only won 2. In my case clearly I am not bidding high enough, or that others just want it far more than I do. I am comfortable with what I decide to offer, and with others outbidding me. My point is that there is a very active bidding market for U.S.
In your case, might it be that the material offered or the starting bid listed is either not of high enough quality/rareity or the listing bid too high?
Dan C.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dan, recently the only stamps I have listed at auction elsewhere (and recent being over a year) is Officials which even at 20% don't even get looks. I don't put US in my store where I do most of my auctions, but have plenty in my store elsewhere where in some cases the prices are from 2007 when I opened it. I don;t waste my time changing them. Yet (and I just looked) I have 224 US listings, nothing common, and I have not sold a US stamp in years. In fact on that site I have a MNH copy of #231 at auction for $7.50 - and it has not even gotten a look. The only reason that it is listed there is that it is a recycled auction from another site that I run every 6 months for about 3 years before not bothering. It has in fact run once here already with no looks. As I said, I no longer run recycled auctions here on Monday nights but do it elsewhere
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Thanks for the quick response. When you say " nothing common" & " MNH copy of #231 at auction for $7.50 " perhaps we need to define terms.
For those on the intermediate/advanced levels of collecting that likely wouldn't be tempting. Chances are that in that series SCN#'s 241-245 would garner more interest.
If your focus remains on the beginner/average collector range, then certainly you ought to expect some close attention.
Dan C.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
From a USA perspective I would consider something on the order of $250 catalog as rare, especially in true VF condition. I constantly see offerings of $200 to $1500 catalog items which are just barely Fine grade where the vendor is expecting to get 25% to 30% of catalog for in many cases a non-sound stamp while I would expect on the order of 10% to 15% for a Fine grade sound stamp with popular issues like #1, #2, C13-15, 241-245, etc. to go for up to 20-30% if truly sound, i.e. no thins, no missing perfs, no pen cancel, no obliterating heavy cancels, NH, or LH, no HR. True VF, sound stamps in the $200 to $1500 range I would expect to see frequently trading hands at anywhere from 25-35%.
Lately I have been playing with the EZGrader application to test grades of stamps offered through eBay and stamps that it considers to grade VF or better are rarely offered on eBay. When I check the final prices of those stamps that are they are frequently selling for 35% to 50% of catalog so much of the rampant discounting may represent over graded stamp listings.
More expensive stamps that are really rare that are true VF and sound should sell easily at 35-50% and at active auctions for full catalog or more if a buyer with funds available sees it.
From a non-USA perspective I generally cap purchases for individual items at a maximum of 20-25% of catalog for full VF, sound stamps.
I would like to see more offerings of collections on Stamporama especially that define date ranges more accurately.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
You speak well.
Dan C.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Jbaxter wrote
"...Lately I have been playing with the EZGrader application to test grades of stamps offered through eBay and stamps that it considers to grade VF or better are rarely offered on eBay..."
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"And of course their are some on eBay which use some mystery grading system that appears to be only know to them. "
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Agreed, there are other factors that can remove a stamp that is properly centered from a VF grade but without that initial element it cannot grade VF at all. Most of those elements remove a stamp from being considered as sound.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Thanks for the clarification Dan and that goes back to one of my original thoughts. IF this is primarily a site for collectors to sell duplicates, how many collectors here have an extra copy of US #241-5? How many paid so little for it that they could sell it here at 20% Scott? Maybe if they are selling off their collection and want to avoid "the tax man" but otherwise I don't think you will see that level of stamp for sale here. Would a dealer sell that cheap here? Sure you would save the 6-9% fees from selling elsewhere, but the exposure to the collectors of the world is much more limited. Just my two cents. I have never gotten into the high end of selling as unless I had a specific buyer that wanted a stamp, I wouldn't spend that kind of money on "hoping for a sale". I have a dealer friend who does just that, and has gotten burned many times. He once spent $1000 for a Germany & Colonies collection that catted at around 13K, and barely got his money back. Some of his stuff I now sell elsewhere.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dealers are overloaded with "ordinary stamps"..we start our club auction lots off at 20 percent of catalog..and they can drop WAY DOWN from there. I am starting to resist the urge to bid on an auction lot because "its a great deal".
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
PhilB and Greg,
Wouldn't it be helpful to sellers to know in advance what is needed by a potential buyer?
Assuming the answer to be 'yes', then encouraging groups to form along interest lines and to swap needs/wants/available for trade lists would make business sense, no?
So far our sellers have focused upon the selling aspect of their business- I'd like to suggest that more effort aimed at helping the members to organize their collections and to improve them might be well worth the time spent by the sellers. To this end I'd be happy to lend a hand if needed.
This approach should cut across all collecting levels (beginner/intermediate/advanced) and would be true to the club idea of SOR. Thoughts?
Dan C.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Perhaps. It would really depend on the expectations of the collector. Lets say I said I would like to see more Match and Medicine stamps at auction but I am willing to pay only 20% CV, how many dealers assuming they had them for sale would rush to put them up for auction? Certainly I use the shotgun approach and put up a wide variety of auction material. Over the past year I have accumulated a lot of material to put up for auction based on the buying habits I have seen at least for my material. As I have mentioned, I no longer put more expensive items up for sale because it simply is not going to work here. I was able to create 55 auctions in about 15 minutes and not have to scrutinize the images.I had pretty much one buyer for that material and he left SOR and I put the auctions up on the site he bids on. Others who occasionally have bid on those auctions I have sent the link to the site (upon their request) but they have not bid there yet.
I know too that there are auction buyers who do not buy approvals as they always want the deep discounts auctions bring, and there are approval buyers who will not buy at auction. I've tried the BIN with no success, so its not that. There are also those who don't buy because they wait to see if the item will be marked down the following week. I don;t think I have those type of lookers because if they look, they will see that it is always one and done and move them someplace else. Once you get in the habit of doing the markdown thing, people won't even spend 20% anymore.
Back to your original question, it really would depend on what a collectors expectations are. I would certainly list stuff for auction if it fell within my stock. If a collector was looking for say MNH Israel tabs from the 1990's to current, but would only pay 20% I certainly would not buy a collection to provide that because I can't buy a collection at 20%. If though they said they would pay 50-60% I might try to find one. That and China are 2 places I always try to buy for cheaply to offer in approval books but I just can;t find it cheap enough to even break even at a 35-40% selling price. Way too many collectors of those areas and dealers are selling them much higher than I would even in my own stores. I cannot compete with those buyers
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
The problem I have with buying the more expensive material is the fact that I still have so darn many cheap seats to fill. It's hard to make the decision to drop an entire stamp budget on 1 or 2 stamps, when I can buy 2-300+ stamps for the same money and fill lots of spaces. I do once in a while for the focused collections, but not very often.
Typically what I do, is buy moderate to large country lots until I've built a fair sized collection, then turn to the approvals to fill in a few gaps and spaces. Then move on to another country. Occasionally, I will backtrack and hit the approvals again, looking for any new books that might have material that I need. But again, most of that material is still going to be minimal value or at least bargain priced.
Of coarse, like any WW collector, I'd love to reach completion of ANY country, but with the prices of some material, that will likely never happen. We make a fair living, but I wouldn't stay married long, if I started dropping 1000's of dollars on a single stamp. That is unless I hit the Lotto jackpot and I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Interest Groups within Stamporama sounds good.
Once a group is formed could it have its own topic or sub-topic in the discussion board?
I know that certain collecting areas are separately covered in the DB but a successful group could not be contained within one thread.
To change the subject:-
May I repeat what I said in an earlier post
Rather than a seller having to scroll through every members interests individually could that be made into a simple list of Members Name and their interests.
At least with a quick and simple list to go through a seller may be able to "target" their items a lot better and therefore the members would see stuff that they may want more often.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I regularly buy collections, take them apart and resell them. Many times I buy things specifically because I know I can resell these and make some profit. Does that make me a dealer? Perhaps it does. On the other hand, can I make a living from it? No, or at least I have not tried that. So that means I am still an amateur and not a professional, a few hundred quid profit per month is not enough to pay the mortgage :-)
Who knows what happened if I would spend 8 or 10 hours per day at it, but then I would have to find other places like eBay to sell my stuff. And it would probably not be funny anymore and I would have to buy more expensive items to have a higher turnover. But even then, it remains to be seen if I would make enough money with this hobby.
The US #241-245 are very specific classic items and probably not really representative for stamp selling as a whole. Even if I had spares of these (I don't), I would not try to sell them here. I would go to a place where you have a (much) larger audience, like ebay. I might even try my luck at a proper auction and swallow the costs. For almost all items I sell (c.v. up to $10 or $20 maximum, but mostly $2 or lower) I am fine with 20% c.v. as this most of the time turns out to be a good balance between sellability and good profits.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Like Jansimon said "It don't pay the mortgage"
What I sold here at the weekend doesn't even fill the gas tank in the Ferrari!!!!
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Yes WB, you have hit the nail on the head. Why would a collector who is truly collecting for enjoyment and not (I hope) thinking they are creating a collection to use as their nest egg buy very expensive stamps? This is why when it comes time for me to sell off things like my almost complete US Dated Docs collection from the 1950's I don't know if I will find a buyer at the price I'd be looking for. Worse, it seems of late all the more recent issues have Scott values that too me at least, seem insane. Those stamps will be difficult to find here cheaply but you never know. It has also been said that there are minimum cv stamps in Scott that simply cannot be found.
I create my approval books with the general collector in mind who might for arguments sake, have $5 this week to spend on stamps. You can fill a number of holes for $5. If I have room, and since I began to index I have less pages, I will put higher priced material in the back. Nothing ridiculous like $50 stamps, but some better sets.
The cost per stamp is the big difference between buying your stamps here and elsewhere. I do not believe you will find many 5-20 cent stamps anyplace else. The fees involved with listing stamps at that price are prohibitive unless you do wild things like charge $3 p&h per order to try to make it back. Ebay of course knows that trick and they take their percentage on the postage as well as the sale of the item.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Maybe the buyers could put up a weekly want list of say 3 to 5 items and ask for prospective sellers to weigh in with a price. (private message of course)
In my situation I do not have large amounts of spare money but will, a couple of times a year, buy to fill a space. The latest items being Great Britain SG 476 MH at CA$36 and 478 MH at $138. This will be the last purchases for this year as Christmas makes heavy demands on a tight cash flow.
I think the problem with higher value items is the price expectation by both parties, one to get it cheap as possible, the other to make a decent profit.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dear Greg,White Buffalo,Brechnite and Jan Simon,
What you write is all accurate and true-but it comes from the perspective of a seller. What I am suggesting is that as sellers (and of course you guys are much more than that) we are missing the concern expressed in previous DB posts highlighting the issue of SOR becoming more of a selling platform rather than a club.
My remarks are trying to bridge that gap, and suggesting that if you as sellers can get behind efforts to encourage/help the collector in his/her journey, ultimately it would make business sense. (The model for that would be Roy, who has dedicated much treasury/time and effort on behalf of SOR.)
If this approach seems reasonable to you, then let's brainstorm to see how we can implement. We can do that by pm, email or phone rather than take up DB space. Or is this just a 'pie in the sky' view without hope of reality?
Dan C.
Sheepshank, we posted at the same time-your suggestion is interesting. I'd be happy to explore that and any other thoughts to implement.Let's see if we are alone on this or we have support from others.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dan, I'm not sure how I fit into your scenario, I've not gotten into the selling aspect.
A little over a year ago, I helped start a stamp club with our local school by donating most of my duplicates and unwanted material to get them started. This school runs from preschool through 8th grade and the club is open to kids 4th through 8th. With kids graduating each year and new kids joining, they have a fairly constant need for new material. The way they set it up was, there is a club collection that stays with the school and then any leftover material is put into 100 lot packets. Then, each member/student is given a packet at a time to go through for their own personal collections.(no cost) I do sort out any modest cv material to make sure that it stays with the school collection. If there happens to be any duplicates of that material, the teacher has a monthly drawing amongst the members and those stamps are given to the winner. I have high hopes that at least some of those kids will carry their collections on into and through high school and beyond.
The short of it is, I keep very little trading and/or selling stock on hand. While I do keep most any higher value stamps, those don't amount to more then a couple of dozen stamps and most of those are confined to 2 or 3 countries.
None of this is meant to toot my own whistle, only to show a different angle to being a collector. Although, I have to admit that I probably get just as much out of this arrangement as the kids do.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
I guess I just don't get it. We already have a "stamps I am looking to buy" thread where I thought people could post what they are looking for and if someone has it they would contact them. Am I wrong on this? I think sellers try to put up stamps that others would want. Certainly people could trade between each other, but I don't think dealers would get involved in trading unless they had a buyer elsewhere for something that someone here on SOR was looking to trade. Lets face it, dealers (and anyone who resells should be calling themselves a dealer even if they can't feed the family with their earnings. I call myself a dealer and can't do it....)are not paying a lot for material. If they were they could not sell at 20% at auction. So they also have that issue when it comes to trading catalog value for catalog value. They need to trade their "less than 20% paid for" stock with someone. I don't know if that is always possible. Again, maybe I have missed the point here but it seems like its a trading situation that is looking to be set up. If not that, then why not utilize the "stamps I am looking to buy" thread?
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dear Greg & White Buffalo,
You both fit into a possible scenario that I am suggesting, but clearly I have not stated it well enough.
White Buffalo, you are doing good work with what you do, and it is in the best tradition of 'giving back'. Namaste.
Greg, your assumption about folks utilizing the opportunities that already exist for SOR members is logical, but the reality doesn't appear to match that. Apparently a more personal connection is needed, thus the suggestion that I made to try to do that.
I believe that if we can put a group together to brainstorm ideas, and then present them as an approach to the Management Team for consideration, we may be able to generate the reactions we all seek-greater involvement of the members, more effective communication about wants/needs/availability of items and in general an increased activity all around.
That increased activity would encourage trading, selling, buying and just good member to member vibes.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dan, greater in involvement by the members would be a good there a chart of how many members "on the books" actually bid on the auction or purchase approvals ? phil
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
There may be but I am not aware of it. Possibly we'll get an answer for you from others who may have researched this. Let's give them a chance to respond.
If nothing is forthcoming in the next several days, I'll reach out and try to get an answer.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dan, Just pressure ..its almost Thanksgiving, lots of other things to keep us amused . phil
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dan, as a suggestion, a couple of unrelated forums that I belong to have live chat features. It goes a long way toward personal interaction within the groups. They're not always real active, but sometimes members get into some great conversations about their take on the related hobbies and they also use the chat to discuss buying, selling and trading amongst the members. I'm not sure if it's doable here, but such a feature might help toward what you have in mind.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
An interesting thought, White Buffalo. Let's put it on our radar, but on the back burner for now. Ian is doing some research related to the question posed by PhilB. Let's see what
develops as we go along. Apparently we have a group of interested folks who are sharing thoughts and exploring possible approaches. Excellent. We'll keep in touch through this board as well as pm/email.
Enjoy the holidays, and we'll be in touch as things begin to shape up.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"... a couple of unrelated forums that I belong to have live chat features. It goes a long way toward personal interaction within the groups ..."
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Dave, I certainly considered everything that was worth considering.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
To answer philb's question of "How many members take part in the Auctions and Approvals".
A quick survey shows that 30% of the current "Active" members take part in A & As.
39% of "Active" members have never sold or bought A & As.
31% of "Active" members have never accessed the site in 2017!!!!
These figures do not include those members still listed who have died, resigned, banned or suspended due to lack of use!
On average 38% of auction lots are sold at an average selling price of $1.31 / lot, with 16% of lots having multiple bids, and 12% of lots sold as Buy It Now.
Everyone can draw their own conclusions from these figures, as we all know that there are lies, damned lies and statistics.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Well done Ian- a valuable contribution to our understanding.
Dan C.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
There is one figure I did not include in the above and that was those members that have decided that Stamporama was not for them. If they are included in the above it would read as follows:-
17% of the members take part in A & As.
22% of members have never sold or bought A & As.
18% of members have never accessed the site in 2017!!!!
43% of "members" have left or had their membership suspended for lack of use.
The number of members who have left or felt that Stamporama is not for them, is the most
worrying of ALL!!
The home page says there are 1771 members. Therefore there are some 700 members who either take part in the club or click in to observe, read etc..
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
This thread has diverged. I started a new thread re: Membership Statistics here:
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
for those interested, here's my wants, which have been listed i INTERESTS in the MEMBER SECTION for two decades or so:
"Tied Easter, Christmas, Santa Claus Post, Boys Town and other seals; US postal history; US military postal history; Chrsitmas and Easter seals and such; souvenir post card folders; and Air Mail Special Delivery covers"
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
With 4565 members listed in the members section what chance a seller finding you?
I can't even find myself.
OH here I am!!
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
nicely done, Ian, and in record time.
I don't know what to tell you, then, truth be told. The information is there, if one wants to mine it. If one just wants assume, that's fine, too.
We could just list our wants, here, or somewhere else, and use the same search function available on each sections of the site. It's the search function I just used to see who else collects seals.
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Well Happy Thanksgiving anyway !
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
Yes sellers could use the search facility in the members area, the problem is that when you type in a country (eg Norway) in the interest area the list includes ALL the suspended/inactive members.
With 4565 total members and only 1771 or less "active" members then on average two thirds of any enquiry is useless!!
re: What Makes Someone A Dealer ?
"the problem is that when you type in a country (eg Norway) in the interest area the list includes ALL the suspended/inactive members. "