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United States/Stamps : James Marshal - Are you Experienced?



15 Mar 2014
That’s right Jimi's in da house, my house. I just got back from the Post office. The Postmaster opened these for me while I was there. His TOTAL allocation was 1 bundle a total of 25 sheets! If you collect US I would get them while you can. Personally I no longer collect US. But, I still HAD to get these! I guess I'm still living in a Purple Haze.

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APS #222602 and Internet Philatelic Dealers Association #439

16 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I'm right with you on these stamps. I really like them and not sure if I want to re-sell them! Makes me wonder what they will do for The Pearl (aka The Rose or just Janis, lol)!

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"Appreciate the beauty of nature. You never know when life will deal you an unplanned twist of fate. Enjoy things while you can, because you just never know."


16 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

The Pearl was up first at my 1st concert. She was playing with the Grateful Dead at the Electric Circus. Sadly we were late and while we were going in she was finisinng Her set. I bought 3 sheets, 1 to use, 1 to save, and the 3rd I'm not sure yet.

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APS #222602 and Internet Philatelic Dealers Association #439

16 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

Great minds think alike, I also bought 3 sheets. The more I look at them the harder it will be to use one stamp, and to think about selling them.....Rich said they need to be framed. Can you tell the age we are?

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"Appreciate the beauty of nature. You never know when life will deal you an unplanned twist of fate. Enjoy things while you can, because you just never know."

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collector, seller, MT member

17 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

Jimi Hendrix was one of my first musical heroes, but I am not really impressed with this stamp. It looks silly and does not do him justice, but please remind that this is just my opinion.
Now the flood gates can be opened: I would like to see a Frank Zappa stamp, or a Jim Morrison stamp, etc. etc. etc. Rock On

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17 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

The concept for the stamp was very good. But I also am not overwhelmed by the execution. But, hay its still Jimi. Arguably the most amazing guitarist of his generation.

I would doubt we will ever see one for Frank, His lyrics were way too controversial. I had the pleasure of working a few concerts with Frank many years ago. I have never in my life felt so dumb! The man was beyond brilliant! As you started speaking to him he was already on the next response. It was like he could read your mind.
Jim Morrison I would think is a possibility, maybe. Stevie ray Vaughan would be another top choice, followed by Jerry Garcia (whom I also got to work with many times). Add Blues and Jazz and then lhe list becomes to large to ponder.
If there is a Rock & Roll band in Heaven, what a band it must be!

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collector, seller, MT member

17 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

That is interesting! You worked with Frank Zappa? What was it exactly that you did, are you a professional musician?

A stamp for Zappa, why not. If there can be a stamp for someone who - according to the popular myth - sold his soul to the devil on the crossroads in exchange for unworldly guitar ability (Robert Johnson), or a stamp for someone who - in the eyes of many - desecrated the national anthem, was openly anti-Vietnam and died because of his drugs problem (Hendrix), why not honour the most outspoken, sarcastic (and sexist) musician of his age (Zappa)?

USPS should take an example of Australia: there have been 2 AC/DC stamps already over there, and many other Australian rock bands have their stamps Happy

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17 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I worked as a Lighting Roadie on and off for about 12 years. Starting when I was in High School.

As for why would the discussing be heated about Zappa? Might I remind you of such songs as "Bobby Brown", "Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?", "Sugar Walls" and "Crew Slut” that without even giving it much thought.

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APS #220693 ATA#57179

17 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

"desecrated the national anthem"

I'm sorry, Jan-Simon, I feel obliged to take issue with that statement!

Rosanne Barr desecrated the national anthem. The Hendrix interpretation of that song was brilliant. I can understand that some may not find it to their taste, but I don't see how it is a desecration. I have heard it played at the beginning of more than one waterski competition where I was working as an official. Personally, I think it is the finest rendition of the Star Spangled Banner ever done. JMHO.


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."


17 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I happen to love Hendrix’s' interpretation of our national anthem as well. I did not take offence to the comment as it also included

"in the eyes of many "

Along with my belief that everyone is also entitled to their own opinion. I do not have to agree with all opinions. But I do try to respect them, as I would like others to do with mine. Unless they are bigoted, racist or pedophilic In which case they should just be shot.

Now of course if He said Jimi had no talent well that would have been different. Big Grin

Now let's get back to what's really important tiny scraps of paper with little holes in them. Big Grin

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APS #220693 ATA#57179

18 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

Oh, I didn't take "offense". I merely took "issue". I agree, opinions vary, and you didn't see me arguing about Hendrix having an anti-war sentiment and dying due to a drug overdose. No argument there. I realize Jan-Simon was throwing out a "strawman" opinion that wasn't necessarily his own, which is why I took issue with his preposition instead of taking offense at his statement. No offense taken here and none intended the other direction, for sure!


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."


19 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I think the Jimi stamp is a dud. I'm with Jansimon on this one. The artistic rendering is very poor. I would have preferred to see something along the lines of this famous German poster portrayal. This artist captured the essence of the musician and his otherworldly sounds from that time period.

BruceImage Not Found

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To error is human -to really fowl things up takes a computer

20 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

This thread has brought back many a memory.Thanks At my high school graduation St. Johns Military, Salina KS a student Kevin Price played the Star Spangled Banner on his electric guitar. No where as good as Jimi Hendrix but great in his own way! Long Live Rock-n-Roll!!

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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org

20 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I agree with Jan-Simon. I think Frank Zappa deserves a stamp. He was a great musician, humorist and first amendment rights defender. Tipper Gore may have something to say about that though.


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

20 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

not any more she doesn't

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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21 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I am very happy with this issue, Hemdrix is my favorite super-star!!!



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To error is human -to really fowl things up takes a computer

22 Mar 2014
re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

"Tipper Gore may have something to say about that though."

"not any more she doesn't"

made my morning!
Rolling On The Floor Laughing Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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15 Mar 2014

That’s right Jimi's in da house, my house. I just got back from the Post office. The Postmaster opened these for me while I was there. His TOTAL allocation was 1 bundle a total of 25 sheets! If you collect US I would get them while you can. Personally I no longer collect US. But, I still HAD to get these! I guess I'm still living in a Purple Haze.

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APS #222602 and Internet Philatelic Dealers Association #439
16 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I'm right with you on these stamps. I really like them and not sure if I want to re-sell them! Makes me wonder what they will do for The Pearl (aka The Rose or just Janis, lol)!

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"Appreciate the beauty of nature. You never know when life will deal you an unplanned twist of fate. Enjoy things while you can, because you just never know."

www.hipstamp.com/sto ...

16 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

The Pearl was up first at my 1st concert. She was playing with the Grateful Dead at the Electric Circus. Sadly we were late and while we were going in she was finisinng Her set. I bought 3 sheets, 1 to use, 1 to save, and the 3rd I'm not sure yet.

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APS #222602 and Internet Philatelic Dealers Association #439
16 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

Great minds think alike, I also bought 3 sheets. The more I look at them the harder it will be to use one stamp, and to think about selling them.....Rich said they need to be framed. Can you tell the age we are?

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"Appreciate the beauty of nature. You never know when life will deal you an unplanned twist of fate. Enjoy things while you can, because you just never know."

www.hipstamp.com/sto ...
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collector, seller, MT member
17 Mar 2014


re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

Jimi Hendrix was one of my first musical heroes, but I am not really impressed with this stamp. It looks silly and does not do him justice, but please remind that this is just my opinion.
Now the flood gates can be opened: I would like to see a Frank Zappa stamp, or a Jim Morrison stamp, etc. etc. etc. Rock On

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www.etsy.com/nl/shop ...

17 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

The concept for the stamp was very good. But I also am not overwhelmed by the execution. But, hay its still Jimi. Arguably the most amazing guitarist of his generation.

I would doubt we will ever see one for Frank, His lyrics were way too controversial. I had the pleasure of working a few concerts with Frank many years ago. I have never in my life felt so dumb! The man was beyond brilliant! As you started speaking to him he was already on the next response. It was like he could read your mind.
Jim Morrison I would think is a possibility, maybe. Stevie ray Vaughan would be another top choice, followed by Jerry Garcia (whom I also got to work with many times). Add Blues and Jazz and then lhe list becomes to large to ponder.
If there is a Rock & Roll band in Heaven, what a band it must be!

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collector, seller, MT member
17 Mar 2014


re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

That is interesting! You worked with Frank Zappa? What was it exactly that you did, are you a professional musician?

A stamp for Zappa, why not. If there can be a stamp for someone who - according to the popular myth - sold his soul to the devil on the crossroads in exchange for unworldly guitar ability (Robert Johnson), or a stamp for someone who - in the eyes of many - desecrated the national anthem, was openly anti-Vietnam and died because of his drugs problem (Hendrix), why not honour the most outspoken, sarcastic (and sexist) musician of his age (Zappa)?

USPS should take an example of Australia: there have been 2 AC/DC stamps already over there, and many other Australian rock bands have their stamps Happy

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www.etsy.com/nl/shop ...

17 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I worked as a Lighting Roadie on and off for about 12 years. Starting when I was in High School.

As for why would the discussing be heated about Zappa? Might I remind you of such songs as "Bobby Brown", "Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?", "Sugar Walls" and "Crew Slut” that without even giving it much thought.

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APS #220693 ATA#57179
17 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

"desecrated the national anthem"

I'm sorry, Jan-Simon, I feel obliged to take issue with that statement!

Rosanne Barr desecrated the national anthem. The Hendrix interpretation of that song was brilliant. I can understand that some may not find it to their taste, but I don't see how it is a desecration. I have heard it played at the beginning of more than one waterski competition where I was working as an official. Personally, I think it is the finest rendition of the Star Spangled Banner ever done. JMHO.


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."


17 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I happen to love Hendrix’s' interpretation of our national anthem as well. I did not take offence to the comment as it also included

"in the eyes of many "

Along with my belief that everyone is also entitled to their own opinion. I do not have to agree with all opinions. But I do try to respect them, as I would like others to do with mine. Unless they are bigoted, racist or pedophilic In which case they should just be shot.

Now of course if He said Jimi had no talent well that would have been different. Big Grin

Now let's get back to what's really important tiny scraps of paper with little holes in them. Big Grin

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APS #220693 ATA#57179
18 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

Oh, I didn't take "offense". I merely took "issue". I agree, opinions vary, and you didn't see me arguing about Hendrix having an anti-war sentiment and dying due to a drug overdose. No argument there. I realize Jan-Simon was throwing out a "strawman" opinion that wasn't necessarily his own, which is why I took issue with his preposition instead of taking offense at his statement. No offense taken here and none intended the other direction, for sure!


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."


19 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I think the Jimi stamp is a dud. I'm with Jansimon on this one. The artistic rendering is very poor. I would have preferred to see something along the lines of this famous German poster portrayal. This artist captured the essence of the musician and his otherworldly sounds from that time period.

BruceImage Not Found

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To error is human -to really fowl things up takes a computer
20 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

This thread has brought back many a memory.Thanks At my high school graduation St. Johns Military, Salina KS a student Kevin Price played the Star Spangled Banner on his electric guitar. No where as good as Jimi Hendrix but great in his own way! Long Live Rock-n-Roll!!

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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org
20 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I agree with Jan-Simon. I think Frank Zappa deserves a stamp. He was a great musician, humorist and first amendment rights defender. Tipper Gore may have something to say about that though.


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
20 Mar 2014


re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

not any more she doesn't

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...
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21 Mar 2014


re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

I am very happy with this issue, Hemdrix is my favorite super-star!!!



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rtvmodeler.com/Stamp ...

To error is human -to really fowl things up takes a computer
22 Mar 2014

re: James Marshal - Are you Experienced?

"Tipper Gore may have something to say about that though."

"not any more she doesn't"

made my morning!
Rolling On The Floor Laughing Rolling On The Floor Laughing

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