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For People Who Love To Talk About Stamps
Discussion - Member to Member Sales - Research Center
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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Approvals Disc. : Order within approval books


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29 Dec 2024
I have just given up looking at a book, after 3 pages, where I am sure there are a lot of stamps that would fill gaps in my collection. There are almost 600 stamps spread over abut 20 pages. These are mostly large commemoratives.
Unfortunately they are seemingly not in any sort of year or catalogue order. Is it really so difficult to so do, and putting the same stamp on different pages does not help either.
Enlarging the pages to 3-400 percent helps to see each items condition, but brings it's own problems with purchasing.
I do not mind if stamps are not in strict catalogue order, but at least group year stamps together where pricing allows. I want to buy, you want to sell, so make it easy on the buyer by putting them in a semblance of order. With fewer stamps to a page, we can have a larger scan, use more pages (30) and if necessary have a second book.
Make it your New Year resolution to create books that are easy to purchase from and reap the rewards.
Hopefully this is the last rant of the year.
Seasons greetings and a Happy New Year to all, and many thanks to the sellers who do have great organised books.
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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

Vic, I've said the same thing several times and have taken a bit of heat for it. I see books all the time that I know contain stuff I want but I don't have the patience to look properly. The problem is the amount of time it takes the seller to organize the book for the amount of money to be made from the book, which isn't much. But that doesn't change the fact that some books, especially the ones with almost no organization, are very annoying. The same stamp, often in varying conditions, may be on a couple different pages. Countries are spread all over the place even though values are often the same. It's annoying but I guess we have to ignore these books and buy from others that are more organized!!
Happy New Year! Time to go to Tim's for a tea and donut!!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

I know it takes longer, but if you sell more and keep buyers coming back is it not more worthwhile?
If they are duplicates of a collection, then with your album open put the spares in the pages and when done use that order to create your books.
I tend to put the spares in the relevant pages of the catalogue and then onto varios to scan as book pages.
This latter method is more useful as then the cv can be looked up at the same time, although the approval book often ignores value differences. (you win some, you lose some)
I do appreciate that it takes a bit longer to properly organise a book (or auction), but if it results in better sales at maybe slightly higher prices, to me it's a no brainer.
I'm always prepared to pay extra for stamps in a well presented book especially with any faults noted, rather than relying on the buyer seeing a problem.
Enjoy your Tims and doughnut, I've just had a cuppa and an home made mince pie.

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29 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals
re: Order within approval books

" where pricing allows."

That is the question.

The solution? There is none that is viable considering the restrictions placed by the system on sellers. Namely 30 pages only with a minimum of 100 stamps.

I am currently working on a book which at present has 30 pages with 86 stamps. What is the problem? "Pricing" 15 pages have only one stamp on them why? "The Prices" (They range from $5.60 to 75 cents) Are they from the same country? NO! How long have I been working on this book so far 6 Hours!! From cataloguing to laying out on the pages. I still have to solve the "100 minimum stamps" conundrum with no extra pages available and I still have to scan and list the bloomin' book!!

To ALL those that think it is simple and easy to lay out a book in great and fantastic order I can only say one thing


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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"
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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

I'm going to mention one other thing and this is not a complaint! A person can use whichever catalog he/she wishes but many of us only use Scott's. There are a couple sellers who don't ID with Scott's and, unless it's an item that I am absolutely positive I need, I usually have to pass. Remember please, you can use whichever catalog you wish, so this is just an observation, not a complaint!!
EDIT: Note to Ian! I would never complain about your books, they are always organized and well done. I know you spend more time on them that can be justified by the money you make on them. I don't buy from you often because most of your material is more recent than I normally collect and also rarely from an area I collect. But I always check out your books, it only seems fair when you expend so much effort on them. And every once in a while there's something I can't resist. GREAT JOB, Thanks!!
EDIT #2: For some reason I am unable to use PayPal to buy from Australia so I have to ignore a couple excellent sellers. PayPal offered to change my settings but, since everything works very well everywhere else, I declined. There was an incredible Australian stamp from an Australian seller that I couldn't pass up, the last commemorative (# 132) I needed to complete my Australian collection up to my 1955 cutoff. All I need from that country now are some early high denomination kangaroos and some postage dues. I sent the seller a bank draft in USD which took well over a month to arrive, well over a month to clear his bank and about a month for the stamp to get to me. It was well worth the effort but not something I want to do often. So that also affects what I can bid on, BIN or buy from books!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

If the book provides Scott #'s... I look.
If the book appears to be in Scott order... I usually look.
If it is a mess with no order (and multiple countries)... I ignore!

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

"If it is a mess with no order (and multiple countries)... I ignore!"

I try to always do a quick look through the books, occasionally (but not often) I find a real treasure. Because of the books that Seaweed used to provide my Russia BoB has benefited greatly.
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

Just to clarify, the book I was looking at had every stamp at the same price, so pricing was not an issue.
To Ian, I'm sure if you ask the Approvals Moderator, dispensation and permission would be given for a higher value book with fewer than a 100 stamps.

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In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books


People don't realize what it takes. I am putting together several books for sometime in January and will be re-entering the world where minimum wage is an unobtainable goal. Given my age and the fact that the kids are totally uninterested I see myself putting together job lots to either: 1) walk around at shows or 2) join the local stamp club and check out the half hour buy and sell session, or getting a table or two at one of the few local shows remaining, dumping a bankers box full of stamps on a table at 5 or 10 cents each, a few $1.00 cover and postcard boxes, and a few dealer lots for the back table.

I'm going to check out the possibilities this winter. it worked well in the 80's and early 90's. About 75% of sales volume was to dealers. I know the market has changed but between shows and buying and reselling (lightly remaindered) at local auctions I grossed about 10X what I do on Hipstamp with only a small to moderate loss of profit ratio . And it was a lot less work and more fun. And the advantage of buying opportunities as a fellow dealer are sometimes incredible.

As you say - TRY IT. You should note I have bought more stamps on SOR than I have sold. I used to LOVE the unorganized books.

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29 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals
re: Order within approval books


Each and everyone has their own way of working. Nobody is wrong but also no one is wholly right.

It is dead easy to criticize, complain, state your preference, moan, suggest that your way is the correct way and others should do this or that because "that's the way you like it".

Well Hells teeth there are folkies who cannot get off their backside to buy their food. They order from the supermarket without getting out their chair!!

Thanks be to the internet.

Just accept that some folkies do it one way others do it another way. That's Life.

We have a saying in Old Caledonia:- "If you don't like it. You can lump it."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avU2aarQ ...

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"
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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

Ian, there is a difference between complaining and stating an opinion!! I am not complaining and even though I don't sell here I do know the amount of work the sellers do for a small amount of money. I look at almost all books unless they definitely have nothing of interest to me. I have bought from exactly 100 different sellers (5185 items in the approx. 5 years I've been a member which is almost 3 items/day) according to my invoices and from many of them many many times. I discriminate against no sellers and never will. Some obviously make it much easier for me to buy but all of you are very much appreciated! All of you have a great and productive and safe New year!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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Retired Consultant APS#186030

29 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

Ian: re-

"I am currently working on a book which at present has 30 pages with 86 stamps. What is the problem? "Pricing" 15 pages have only one stamp on them why? "The Prices" (They range from $5.60 to 75 cents) Are they from the same country? "

You are too good Ian. Nobody is watching, so stick a LARGE sticker and pass anything as an approval book. Go for 20 pages and 20 items.
There seems to be a new trend to have LARGE meaning nothing.

100 items Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Been a while since anyone has enforced any rules.
Large means I bypassed the count controls.

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

30 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals
re: Order within approval books

Every so often the same hoary old chestnuts appear about auctions and approvals on this site.

There are certain rules laid down by the Management Team for both sales platforms.

The majority of sellers try to adhere to them.

There are others that do not. Is it because they are "wide boys", lazy, ignorant of the rules, or there appears to be no enforcement of the rules? Believe what you like.

Buyers, as individuals, have various, what shall we call it, foibles. They won't look at, never mind buy from a seller, because of various nefarious reasons. From the year of the catalogue used, the publisher of the catalogue, not laid out in "order" (do they mean by year or catalogue number or both), the percentage of catalogue price is too high, (never because the price is too low), the postage cost is too high, the seller does not use the latest commemmorative stamps when shipping, will pay the seller only when the buyer condescends to, and god forbid even the current phase of the moon!! Rolling On The Floor Laughing

Just be thankful that members of this club will take the time to present to the other members a good selection of stamps at very reasonable prices.

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"
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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

30 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

"even the current phase of the moon!!"

Of course, doesn't everyone!!!

Something else for buyers to watch out for. Sometimes I miss interesting books because I automatically put the books in numerical order and this pushes some books down my list from people who reserved their spot several days before they eventually post. I usually scroll quickly down the list to make sure I don't miss interesting books. I almost missed a couple really interesting books from Dennis this morning!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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APS 203949

30 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

Had to look that one up....

Image Not Found

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30 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals
re: Order within approval books


Every day on Stamporama is educational.

I say to myself:- "That taught me a lesson!"

Rolling On The Floor LaughingRolling On The Floor LaughingRolling On The Floor Laughing

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"

30 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals
re: Order within approval books

"I automatically put the books in numerical order and this pushes some books down my list "

That's why I always list by percentage!!
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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"
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30 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

I pity the Sellers and this thread touched a sore spot. The immense amount of work that goes into creating a book, often for only a few pennies. Most Sellers are here to make money, and Yes.. Time is Money! The Seller has to sort, mount, catalogue, scan and photoshop the stamps. A book of 500 stamps takes me more that 12 hours to create and as always there is no guarantee that the stamps will sell. All the while the buyers want the stamps for next to nothing. I am sure if you were perusing a 'Penny Box, in a Stamp Shop (do those exist anymore?) you would not mind that they are not catalogued.


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31 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals
re: Order within approval books

How my Worldwide books are created:

I have 2 LARGE collections/accumlations of stamps to sift for my collection: SOME if it show here!

Image Not FoundImage Not FoundImage Not FoundImage Not Found
Image Not Found

Yes I am a collector at heart.

My Collection -

Image Not Found

So as I go pick a box to sift if I find something I think I may not have I check it against my collection

IF I have it already :
IF I think its something someone might want ( not too common ) i add the stamp to my card of 12

Image Not Found

When a card is full I scan it and add that page to a folder of pages sequentially numbering them.

The stamps go in a stock book 12 to a row and numbered by page

Image Not Found

When i get to 30 I post the book

stamps that I think are common go in here and end up as a lot at the local club auction

Image Not Found

So I don't save my duplicates in country/scott order, I sift through the accumulations in any order that stikes my fancy,
I don't really care for catalog value and just list what I think that may be of interest to others in the order I find it at .10 each.

So if my books bother you please use the ingore feature and they will forever be gone from your view.


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31 Dec 2024
re: Order within approval books

Hi Bob,
I just checked out your approval books, most are over %75 sold. Apparently you have a following. I don't collect worldwide, just a few select countries so I never had the urge to check out your books. Nothing about your books or selection of stamps is a problem for me, I just don't collect worldwide.


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"The best in Big Band and Swing Music WRDV.org"



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29 Dec 2024

I have just given up looking at a book, after 3 pages, where I am sure there are a lot of stamps that would fill gaps in my collection. There are almost 600 stamps spread over abut 20 pages. These are mostly large commemoratives.
Unfortunately they are seemingly not in any sort of year or catalogue order. Is it really so difficult to so do, and putting the same stamp on different pages does not help either.
Enlarging the pages to 3-400 percent helps to see each items condition, but brings it's own problems with purchasing.
I do not mind if stamps are not in strict catalogue order, but at least group year stamps together where pricing allows. I want to buy, you want to sell, so make it easy on the buyer by putting them in a semblance of order. With fewer stamps to a page, we can have a larger scan, use more pages (30) and if necessary have a second book.
Make it your New Year resolution to create books that are easy to purchase from and reap the rewards.
Hopefully this is the last rant of the year.
Seasons greetings and a Happy New Year to all, and many thanks to the sellers who do have great organised books.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

Vic, I've said the same thing several times and have taken a bit of heat for it. I see books all the time that I know contain stuff I want but I don't have the patience to look properly. The problem is the amount of time it takes the seller to organize the book for the amount of money to be made from the book, which isn't much. But that doesn't change the fact that some books, especially the ones with almost no organization, are very annoying. The same stamp, often in varying conditions, may be on a couple different pages. Countries are spread all over the place even though values are often the same. It's annoying but I guess we have to ignore these books and buy from others that are more organized!!
Happy New Year! Time to go to Tim's for a tea and donut!!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

I know it takes longer, but if you sell more and keep buyers coming back is it not more worthwhile?
If they are duplicates of a collection, then with your album open put the spares in the pages and when done use that order to create your books.
I tend to put the spares in the relevant pages of the catalogue and then onto varios to scan as book pages.
This latter method is more useful as then the cv can be looked up at the same time, although the approval book often ignores value differences. (you win some, you lose some)
I do appreciate that it takes a bit longer to properly organise a book (or auction), but if it results in better sales at maybe slightly higher prices, to me it's a no brainer.
I'm always prepared to pay extra for stamps in a well presented book especially with any faults noted, rather than relying on the buyer seeing a problem.
Enjoy your Tims and doughnut, I've just had a cuppa and an home made mince pie.

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29 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals

re: Order within approval books

" where pricing allows."

That is the question.

The solution? There is none that is viable considering the restrictions placed by the system on sellers. Namely 30 pages only with a minimum of 100 stamps.

I am currently working on a book which at present has 30 pages with 86 stamps. What is the problem? "Pricing" 15 pages have only one stamp on them why? "The Prices" (They range from $5.60 to 75 cents) Are they from the same country? NO! How long have I been working on this book so far 6 Hours!! From cataloguing to laying out on the pages. I still have to solve the "100 minimum stamps" conundrum with no extra pages available and I still have to scan and list the bloomin' book!!

To ALL those that think it is simple and easy to lay out a book in great and fantastic order I can only say one thing


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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

I'm going to mention one other thing and this is not a complaint! A person can use whichever catalog he/she wishes but many of us only use Scott's. There are a couple sellers who don't ID with Scott's and, unless it's an item that I am absolutely positive I need, I usually have to pass. Remember please, you can use whichever catalog you wish, so this is just an observation, not a complaint!!
EDIT: Note to Ian! I would never complain about your books, they are always organized and well done. I know you spend more time on them that can be justified by the money you make on them. I don't buy from you often because most of your material is more recent than I normally collect and also rarely from an area I collect. But I always check out your books, it only seems fair when you expend so much effort on them. And every once in a while there's something I can't resist. GREAT JOB, Thanks!!
EDIT #2: For some reason I am unable to use PayPal to buy from Australia so I have to ignore a couple excellent sellers. PayPal offered to change my settings but, since everything works very well everywhere else, I declined. There was an incredible Australian stamp from an Australian seller that I couldn't pass up, the last commemorative (# 132) I needed to complete my Australian collection up to my 1955 cutoff. All I need from that country now are some early high denomination kangaroos and some postage dues. I sent the seller a bank draft in USD which took well over a month to arrive, well over a month to clear his bank and about a month for the stamp to get to me. It was well worth the effort but not something I want to do often. So that also affects what I can bid on, BIN or buy from books!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

If the book provides Scott #'s... I look.
If the book appears to be in Scott order... I usually look.
If it is a mess with no order (and multiple countries)... I ignore!

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

"If it is a mess with no order (and multiple countries)... I ignore!"

I try to always do a quick look through the books, occasionally (but not often) I find a real treasure. Because of the books that Seaweed used to provide my Russia BoB has benefited greatly.
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

Just to clarify, the book I was looking at had every stamp at the same price, so pricing was not an issue.
To Ian, I'm sure if you ask the Approvals Moderator, dispensation and permission would be given for a higher value book with fewer than a 100 stamps.

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In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books


People don't realize what it takes. I am putting together several books for sometime in January and will be re-entering the world where minimum wage is an unobtainable goal. Given my age and the fact that the kids are totally uninterested I see myself putting together job lots to either: 1) walk around at shows or 2) join the local stamp club and check out the half hour buy and sell session, or getting a table or two at one of the few local shows remaining, dumping a bankers box full of stamps on a table at 5 or 10 cents each, a few $1.00 cover and postcard boxes, and a few dealer lots for the back table.

I'm going to check out the possibilities this winter. it worked well in the 80's and early 90's. About 75% of sales volume was to dealers. I know the market has changed but between shows and buying and reselling (lightly remaindered) at local auctions I grossed about 10X what I do on Hipstamp with only a small to moderate loss of profit ratio . And it was a lot less work and more fun. And the advantage of buying opportunities as a fellow dealer are sometimes incredible.

As you say - TRY IT. You should note I have bought more stamps on SOR than I have sold. I used to LOVE the unorganized books.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...

29 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals

re: Order within approval books


Each and everyone has their own way of working. Nobody is wrong but also no one is wholly right.

It is dead easy to criticize, complain, state your preference, moan, suggest that your way is the correct way and others should do this or that because "that's the way you like it".

Well Hells teeth there are folkies who cannot get off their backside to buy their food. They order from the supermarket without getting out their chair!!

Thanks be to the internet.

Just accept that some folkies do it one way others do it another way. That's Life.

We have a saying in Old Caledonia:- "If you don't like it. You can lump it."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avU2aarQ ...

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

Ian, there is a difference between complaining and stating an opinion!! I am not complaining and even though I don't sell here I do know the amount of work the sellers do for a small amount of money. I look at almost all books unless they definitely have nothing of interest to me. I have bought from exactly 100 different sellers (5185 items in the approx. 5 years I've been a member which is almost 3 items/day) according to my invoices and from many of them many many times. I discriminate against no sellers and never will. Some obviously make it much easier for me to buy but all of you are very much appreciated! All of you have a great and productive and safe New year!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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Retired Consultant APS#186030
29 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

Ian: re-

"I am currently working on a book which at present has 30 pages with 86 stamps. What is the problem? "Pricing" 15 pages have only one stamp on them why? "The Prices" (They range from $5.60 to 75 cents) Are they from the same country? "

You are too good Ian. Nobody is watching, so stick a LARGE sticker and pass anything as an approval book. Go for 20 pages and 20 items.
There seems to be a new trend to have LARGE meaning nothing.

100 items Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Been a while since anyone has enforced any rules.
Large means I bypassed the count controls.

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"E. Rutherford: All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

30 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals

re: Order within approval books

Every so often the same hoary old chestnuts appear about auctions and approvals on this site.

There are certain rules laid down by the Management Team for both sales platforms.

The majority of sellers try to adhere to them.

There are others that do not. Is it because they are "wide boys", lazy, ignorant of the rules, or there appears to be no enforcement of the rules? Believe what you like.

Buyers, as individuals, have various, what shall we call it, foibles. They won't look at, never mind buy from a seller, because of various nefarious reasons. From the year of the catalogue used, the publisher of the catalogue, not laid out in "order" (do they mean by year or catalogue number or both), the percentage of catalogue price is too high, (never because the price is too low), the postage cost is too high, the seller does not use the latest commemmorative stamps when shipping, will pay the seller only when the buyer condescends to, and god forbid even the current phase of the moon!! Rolling On The Floor Laughing

Just be thankful that members of this club will take the time to present to the other members a good selection of stamps at very reasonable prices.

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
30 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

"even the current phase of the moon!!"

Of course, doesn't everyone!!!

Something else for buyers to watch out for. Sometimes I miss interesting books because I automatically put the books in numerical order and this pushes some books down my list from people who reserved their spot several days before they eventually post. I usually scroll quickly down the list to make sure I don't miss interesting books. I almost missed a couple really interesting books from Dennis this morning!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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APS 203949
30 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

Had to look that one up....

Image Not Found

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30 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals

re: Order within approval books


Every day on Stamporama is educational.

I say to myself:- "That taught me a lesson!"

Rolling On The Floor LaughingRolling On The Floor LaughingRolling On The Floor Laughing

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"

30 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals

re: Order within approval books

"I automatically put the books in numerical order and this pushes some books down my list "

That's why I always list by percentage!!
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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"
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30 Dec 2024


re: Order within approval books

I pity the Sellers and this thread touched a sore spot. The immense amount of work that goes into creating a book, often for only a few pennies. Most Sellers are here to make money, and Yes.. Time is Money! The Seller has to sort, mount, catalogue, scan and photoshop the stamps. A book of 500 stamps takes me more that 12 hours to create and as always there is no guarantee that the stamps will sell. All the while the buyers want the stamps for next to nothing. I am sure if you were perusing a 'Penny Box, in a Stamp Shop (do those exist anymore?) you would not mind that they are not catalogued.


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31 Dec 2024

Auctions - Approvals

re: Order within approval books

How my Worldwide books are created:

I have 2 LARGE collections/accumlations of stamps to sift for my collection: SOME if it show here!

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Yes I am a collector at heart.

My Collection -

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So as I go pick a box to sift if I find something I think I may not have I check it against my collection

IF I have it already :
IF I think its something someone might want ( not too common ) i add the stamp to my card of 12

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When a card is full I scan it and add that page to a folder of pages sequentially numbering them.

The stamps go in a stock book 12 to a row and numbered by page

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When i get to 30 I post the book

stamps that I think are common go in here and end up as a lot at the local club auction

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So I don't save my duplicates in country/scott order, I sift through the accumulations in any order that stikes my fancy,
I don't really care for catalog value and just list what I think that may be of interest to others in the order I find it at .10 each.

So if my books bother you please use the ingore feature and they will forever be gone from your view.


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31 Dec 2024

re: Order within approval books

Hi Bob,
I just checked out your approval books, most are over %75 sold. Apparently you have a following. I don't collect worldwide, just a few select countries so I never had the urge to check out your books. Nothing about your books or selection of stamps is a problem for me, I just don't collect worldwide.


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