Whenever you put the check mark on collection, swaps or wish box, a new box appears just to the right of check marked box, there you can specifie if you want the stamp mint, used or otherwise.
BTW you don't have to be a paid member to use this feature.
I see on there you can add stamps to your wish list. I assume that is a want list. Is there any way to indicate if you want mint, mint never hinged or used?
There is this box beside the wish but I am not sure what it is for?
BTW I am not a paid memebr so perhaps there are other options ofr paid members.
re: Colnect want lists question
Whenever you put the check mark on collection, swaps or wish box, a new box appears just to the right of check marked box, there you can specifie if you want the stamp mint, used or otherwise.
BTW you don't have to be a paid member to use this feature.