Here you can see most of the stamps you listed:
No reference to authenticity at all, so i suppose this site is not really helpful.
Thanks Jan-Simon.
Your hint brought me this :
I have circled 3 places : Stuttgart, Sigmaringen and Ravensburg
Campaigns in France and Germany 1944–1945
The spearhead of the Free French First Army that had landed in Provence was the Ist Corps.
Its leading unit, the French 1st Armoured Division, was the first Western Allied unit to reach the Rhône (25 August 1944),
the Rhine (19 November 1944) and the Danube (21 April 1945).
On 22 April 1945, it captured Sigmaringen in Baden-Württemberg, where the last Vichy regime exiles,
including Marshal Pétain, were hosted by the Germans in one of the ancestral castles of the Hohenzollern dynasty.
They participated in stopping operation Nordwind, the very last German major offensive on the western front in January 1945,
and in collapsing the Colmar Pocket in January–February 1945, capturing and destroying most of the German XIXth Army.
Operations by the First Army in April 1945 encircled and captured the German XVIII SS Corps in the Black Forest,
and cleared and occupied south-western Germany.
At the end of the war, the motto of the French First Army was Rhin et Danube, referring to the two great German rivers
that it had reached and crossed during its combat operations.
The first stamp was difficult but I found this :
"1er Groupement de Tabors Marocains (GTM)" = 1st Group of Moroccan Tabors (GMT)
but now the date : 8 mai 1945 Was the capitulation of the 3rd Reich but who can explain me why this date
SO ONLY NR 5 AND 6 are left.
Nr 5 :
Draw a circle at Savarne in Alsace
On November 22, 1944, the hard-fighting French 2nd Armored Division, along with the French First Army, had been assigned the capture of Strasbourg by Allied Supreme Command. That same day, the 2nd Armored moved up to the vital pass at Saverne, which had been taken by the Americans, about 40 km northwest of Strasbourg. This Saverne "gap" is the historic gateway through the barrier of the Vosges Mountains, opening a line of advance on Strasbourg.
Hello HockeyNut,
Haguenau is shown on your US XV Corps map at the right side 30km north of Strasbourg.
According to the Haguenau article in Wikipedia, the town was liberated by the US XV Corps on 11th November 1944 but was recaptured by the Germans in late January 1945.
"On March 15 the Allied Operation Undertone, a combined effort of the U.S. Seventh and French 1st Armies of the U.S. Sixth Army Group was launched to drive the Germans back along a 75 km line from Saarbrücken to Haguenau. The last German soldier was not cleared out of the town until March 19, 1945, after house-to-house fighting."
I've not seen these French 1st Army overprints before. I wonder if they had any official character at all, if only as souvenirs?
"Haguenau is shown on your US XV Corps map at the right side 30km north of Strasbourg."
Now I have a question for you guys :
Can any one help me with the following questions :
1) What kind of stamp is this and what is its background?
And if possible catalognr and catalogname (I think its in the Yvert or MAYER)
Can not read French
Tabor Marocains
2) Same question for the following image
3) And for this one.....
4) And of course this one......
5) And this one.....
6) And these.......
re: Help / Hilfe
Here you can see most of the stamps you listed:
No reference to authenticity at all, so i suppose this site is not really helpful.
re: Help / Hilfe
Thanks Jan-Simon.
Your hint brought me this :
I have circled 3 places : Stuttgart, Sigmaringen and Ravensburg
Campaigns in France and Germany 1944–1945
The spearhead of the Free French First Army that had landed in Provence was the Ist Corps.
Its leading unit, the French 1st Armoured Division, was the first Western Allied unit to reach the Rhône (25 August 1944),
the Rhine (19 November 1944) and the Danube (21 April 1945).
On 22 April 1945, it captured Sigmaringen in Baden-Württemberg, where the last Vichy regime exiles,
including Marshal Pétain, were hosted by the Germans in one of the ancestral castles of the Hohenzollern dynasty.
They participated in stopping operation Nordwind, the very last German major offensive on the western front in January 1945,
and in collapsing the Colmar Pocket in January–February 1945, capturing and destroying most of the German XIXth Army.
Operations by the First Army in April 1945 encircled and captured the German XVIII SS Corps in the Black Forest,
and cleared and occupied south-western Germany.
At the end of the war, the motto of the French First Army was Rhin et Danube, referring to the two great German rivers
that it had reached and crossed during its combat operations.
re: Help / Hilfe
The first stamp was difficult but I found this :
"1er Groupement de Tabors Marocains (GTM)" = 1st Group of Moroccan Tabors (GMT)
but now the date : 8 mai 1945 Was the capitulation of the 3rd Reich but who can explain me why this date
SO ONLY NR 5 AND 6 are left.
re: Help / Hilfe
Nr 5 :
Draw a circle at Savarne in Alsace
On November 22, 1944, the hard-fighting French 2nd Armored Division, along with the French First Army, had been assigned the capture of Strasbourg by Allied Supreme Command. That same day, the 2nd Armored moved up to the vital pass at Saverne, which had been taken by the Americans, about 40 km northwest of Strasbourg. This Saverne "gap" is the historic gateway through the barrier of the Vosges Mountains, opening a line of advance on Strasbourg.
re: Help / Hilfe
Hello HockeyNut,
Haguenau is shown on your US XV Corps map at the right side 30km north of Strasbourg.
According to the Haguenau article in Wikipedia, the town was liberated by the US XV Corps on 11th November 1944 but was recaptured by the Germans in late January 1945.
"On March 15 the Allied Operation Undertone, a combined effort of the U.S. Seventh and French 1st Armies of the U.S. Sixth Army Group was launched to drive the Germans back along a 75 km line from Saarbrücken to Haguenau. The last German soldier was not cleared out of the town until March 19, 1945, after house-to-house fighting."
I've not seen these French 1st Army overprints before. I wonder if they had any official character at all, if only as souvenirs?
re: Help / Hilfe
"Haguenau is shown on your US XV Corps map at the right side 30km north of Strasbourg."