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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

17 Apr 2022
I went for a drive this morning to relax a bit and rather than turn the radio on and listen to "news that would depress me" I got thinking about a stamp "bucket list". Do you have one? I put a couple rules in place. The stamps have to be financially attainable immediately or with a bit of saving required. In other words, even though I'd love to have it, I did not include finding a copy of Canada #32 or buying the first Newfoundland airmail stamp. I also decided on a list of 10 items allowing for a set of stamps only counting once. These are not in order of preference.
1) Any Canada officials with blunt G or fish hook G - just found out about these yesterday!
2) Newfoundland airmail C18 - the last affordable Newfoundland airmail I need.
3) Canada Bluenose variety "man on mast"
4) Nova Scotia #2 - the lighter blue version and the last affordable NS stamp.
5) Prince Edward Island #'s 1, 2 and 3
6) British Columbia / Vancouver Island - any numbers except 7, 8 and 9. These are very hard to find!
7) US #2 - hard to get for a fair price!!
8) US C18 - The highest value in the Dirigible series.
9) Canal Zone #1, 2 and 3. These would need to be certified!
10) Poland #1 - Same as #9, a certificate would be needed since many fakes exist!
Thanks to one of you I am about to get one of the 10 mentioned!!
Do any of you have a list?
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

At the moment, my list is short.

About 10 years ago, I exchanged this stamp for a massive accumulation that has made me a lot of money. I need this stamp, MUH, to complete the 1933 Falklands set.

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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I don't have a bucket list per se, but there are few stamps that I'll be glad to get, if nothing else but to fill those eyesore holes
in several pages of my collection.

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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

My dilemma is that as a very old advanced U.S. collector, all of my stamp trading partners have now moved on to the great stamp club in the sky. With the front of the book pretty much complete, for quite a few years I've been focused on the back of the book into mundane areas that I do find fascinating ( Match & Medicine,Essays, Proofs, etc) and the EFO stuff

Should there be anyone else into that, do give me a shout.

Dan C.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I also got into the US BOB material, or at least what my very old Liberty Album gets into - sometimes not very fully! I started collecting the dated reds and greens and the only problem is that because they are so incredibly boring it is very hard to get enthusiastic about them. I also started collecting all former US protectorates and find that to be much more interesting. US BOB can get to be very extensive and you have to have a cut off at some point - I never got into all of the really obscure revenue stamps. A US collection can go on, and on, and on ... !

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I would like to complete the missing Q Victoria high values, which if I raid the bank account, are within reach, but then what am I going to do with them. No one else in the family collects so they get thrown away or given away to a charity somewhere.
Mind you, my wife spent C$15,000 on a sewing machine, so guess I could spend a few dollars on a couple of stamps.

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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Sheepshank- you can get to go to bed with your girl, can't say the same thing for your stamp(s).
Just saying!!!

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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Quite correct Dan, would not trade the good lady for any amount of stamps, whatever their value. Trouble is the stamps will outlast both of us.
Que sera sera

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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Sheepshanks, not necessarily so. You are making traditions to pass on to your heirs, emotionally, spiritually and hobbywise. That legacy will live on, and what we are permitted once we pass may even enable us to influence our progeny.

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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

At the moment i do not have such a list. When i did not have the money i saw all kinds of wonderful stamps just out of reach. Now if i want the item bad enough i will buy it. Also let the ladies have their hobbies..it makes it easier on us. Years ago i purhased a $1400 Husqvarna sewing machine and i thought that was PRICEY !

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

didn't know you were into sewing, Phil

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I definitely do not have a list.

The expensive stamps I do not even consider collectible as far as the fun side of the hobby is concerned. I would see no reason to spend real money on a piece of paper that I will then have to store in an album when I can put the money to better use - even if it is to buy a bottle of wine. This is not to say I do not have the odd stamp worth more than a bottle of wine; just that I do not actively go after such material.

Those stamps I need are usually listed for anywhere from 0.25 to $30-$40 in the Scott catalog. Problem here is, I simply cannot find them, unless I am lucky to pick up one here and another one there.

Since I have no cut off date, there are more stamps I need that are being issued each year than those I find for my collection.

So I may try to collect the recent inexpensive Japan or Great Britain, but are they stamps worth mentioning or putting on a bucket list?

To me it is all about the fun, and not being stressed with stamps I can not find or can not afford.

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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Sewing! Sewing! Sewing!

Please help!

I've been a model and had pins stuck into every body part.

I've very occaisionaly had to stick pins when she has been modelling. (I must admit being very very careful. Well I still want to eat!)

I've often heard the painful cry of "*** ****** *******"when the sewing machine fails to stitch properly.

I've often heard the plea of "well Mr Sewing Machine Man you'd better have a look at this machine". I have some experience of these little so and so's.

Of course all these things happen when I am in my stamp room, minding my own business trying to get the blasted computer to behave itself!!

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"
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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Cougar "To me it is all about the fun, and not being stressed with stamps I can not find or can not afford."

You speak wisdom my friend.

Dan C.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

The comments are really different and very interesting!! I have always been a collector, when I was growing up in a single parent family there was almost no money. My mother had a $65 / month widow's allowance and, with a bit of help occasionally, always managed to put food on the table and give me a bit of an allowance which I spent most of on comic books, which I still have. I cherished anything I had and took care of it since I knew I could not just run out and replace it. I think that, plus the fact that we had some family antiques around, which I also still have, turned me into a collector. I enjoy having my things around me to look at and enjoy. I have no family so what I have is mine to enjoy while I'm here to do so. I have money to spend on the things I collect and I get a kick out of getting a new stamp. If that makes me materialistic, well, so be it. We are all different and that's a good thing. The fact that my
'bucket list" has things in it rather than family trips and outings reflects on who I am and how I grew up. We do what we do because we are what we are, no one is more right or wrong, or more bad or good, than anyone else - assuming of course that we are not knowingly causing damage to anyone or anything. I enjoy watching nature unfold and it really bothers me the way we treat the environment, but that's another story!! Keep on collecting!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

"If that makes me materialistic, well, so be it."

It is the society that shapes us - all those commercials and sales and before knowing it, we can't stop buying stuff - shopping sprees, right.

So with stamps, the way I do it is, I satisfy this need, but the amounts are usually small - a few cents here, a few cents there. Sure it adds up over time, but not the same way as going into stores and buying large items. The other good thing is, our purchases are so small, that there is always a spot for them, where they remain unseen. Not so with the results from typical shopping trips, where we end up with piles of boxes, large items and large bottles and containers that quickly clutter our space.

As you pointed out in your original post, stamps and our stamp community provide not just a distraction, but an alternative reality. A place where we can talk about our hobbies, exchange stamps, buy and sell stamps, think about stamps, varieties, designs, colors, values and de-stress.

I like those alternative realities. My other ones are hiking, fishing, photography, cycling and mushroom picking. I sometimes have nice dreams too, but forget about them once I am awake, so those are lost.
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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Harvey -" I have no family"- perhaps redefine that term. There is of course the biological one, there is an extended one, there is one of your own choosing. I would argue that we at SOR are a family-chosen by us, and relating one to another. Am I wrong?
Dan C.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

"I would argue that we at SOR are a family-chosen by us, and relating one to another. Am I wrong?"

You're absolutely right Dan!! My cat, Obie, is the only living thing that I talk to more than you people on SOR. I had lunch with a friend last week and told her that it was great to talk to someone who didn't answer "meow".

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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Tom in Exton, PA

17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I understand what Harvey is conveying, as I was an army brat and lived in some bad parts of the world. There was nothing to buy in the local economy so I knew I had to take care of the toys I brought there, as they couldn’t be replaced. So I do have things I cherished as a child.

And I’ve also surrounded myself with old family belongings. My grandmother’s Hope Chest is at the foot of our bed. I have my other grandmother’s dining room set and I swear that if I sit there late at night I can feel her presence. I have other things from my parents and souvenirs from our world travels. It’s not materialistic, it’s sentimental. It takes me back.

As far as a stamp bucket list, I’ve exhausted it. I have all the hard to find items for my Franklin collection. Now I seek things I’ve never seen before, didn’t know it existed.

I did lust after the standards for my USA collection.. over the years I bought number 1 & 2, as well as all the zeps on cover. I still keep one eye open for the $3 plus Columbians.

Instead I amuse myself by finding interesting covers. It’s the thrill of discovery.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"

17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Wow! The Zeps on cover! Impressive! You've done well.

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17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

These were on my Bucket list and took me a while to get
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

17 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

No, no bucket list.
But I do have a bucket
full of stamps to sort
and mount.
A big bucket.
More like a barrel.
Or a keg.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

18 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I am the same as Charlie, except my keg has beer in it.

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Collector, Moderator

18 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

No specific goals. While owning a US Scott No. 1 and 2 would be interesting, I know the satisfaction would be gone soon thereafter.

I wonder if I should just go to an auction and purchase a very nice worldwide collection (many thousands of stamps) and just spend the rest of the tome studying and remounting them.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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Tom in Exton, PA

18 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

" While owning a US Scott No. 1 and 2 would be interesting, I know the satisfaction would be gone soon thereafter."

Agreed. I discovered that I’m better off wanting something than actually having it.. if that makes sense!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

18 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

"Agreed. I discovered that I’m better off wanting something than actually having it.. if that makes sense"


I sort of disagree with that, when I find something that I've wanted for a while I find that I go back and look at it for quite a while. But, maybe that's just me, I tend to enjoy the moment for a bit longer. I also collect Marvel Silver Age comics and I remember when I found the last Sgt. Fury that I needed to complete the set I went back and checked it out at least a dozen times over the next month! But again, maybe I'm the strange one! By the way, I still have my Amazing Spiderman #1 that I remember buying on my way to choir practice in 1963. For me collecting is also about the memories that are sometimes associated with getting the object.
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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19 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I do have a small bucket list of items that I would like with the number one item of interest being Syria Scott #106c a 25 centimes overprint on a 10 centimes green stamp! This item is probably one of the hardest to find comparatively low cost stamps (under $240 typically based on recorded sales through eBay and its Scott catalog value).

Other mint items of intense interest include Great Britain Scott #141, Great Britain Scott #176, and Great Britain Scott #209. These are much more common than the Syria stamp but much more expensive for purchase! Finding problem free mint stamps that meet my budget has proved quite difficult and will likely only be resolved by changing my budget! Happy

And, of course, there are still thousands of mint, mostly low cost, stamps still needed for my International 1840-1963 album set although I am making progress having reached 48% completion for 1840-1940 as well as for the 1940-1963 parts of the album set. And even more thousands of mint stamps for my separate International copyright 1930 album which just recently passed 23% completion. Restricting the albums to mint stamps was originally done to slow down my purchases and, while that has been tested a bit, is continuing to keep new purchases at a practical level for me to fund. Lately it feels like postage costs to get new items to me are becoming the more critical limiting factor, especially for inexpensive stamps.

I have acquired several bucket list items related to my stamp collecting hobby over the past couple of years including new binders for the International pages, the pages themselves, clear plastic interleaves for the pages, a United States Zeppelin set which was a forty-five year want list item for my US collection which I started in 1975, some very difficult sideways watermark Great Britain definitive issues, and several very challenging representative stamps for the Smithsonian Stamp for Every Country album which was the most fun I have had in stamp collecting that I completed in 2018. A couple of additional bucket list items that have been accomplished were finding a local stamp club with whose members I am able to share information and challenges and finally making it to the SeaPex stamp show a couple of times during 18 years living in the Seattle area following a move from Alabama due to a job change.

Today, I managed to get a United Nations Scott #38 mnh souvenir sheet for the first time ever. I did have a used copy in a previous collection but won an eBay auction for a mint, non-hinged copy and received the item today for a new collection that I am working on to fill a rather beautiful Lindner hingeless album for the United Nations which has pages which go beyond the New York issues that I had completed in an older collection almost twenty years ago.

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Collector, Moderator

19 Apr 2022
re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I was not talking about wanting rather than owning but having specific expensive issue when the same funds could represent a lot more stamps. I

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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collector, seller, MT member

19 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I do not have a bucket list, but I do have several wantlists, which of course is not completely the same.
If I had to think of stamps I'd like to get most of all, a few come to mind:
- Any christmas seal from Danish West Indies, as well as the few that are still missing from Denmark pre 1950;
- The obvious ones from the Netherlands (such as the 10 guilders coronation, 10 guilders 1913 centenary, 5 guilders 1923 silver jubilee, seagull airmails), but I would have to rob the bank or have an unexpected inheritance first.
- The few stamps still missing from Allenstein, Marienwerder and Upper Silesia - just because I'd like to have more than just 2 complete countries (Netherlands New Guinea and General Gouvernement)

Apart from that, it is just a matter of filling the holes. There are still lots of them, so I won't have to worry about reaching a dead end with this hobby :-)

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
17 Apr 2022

I went for a drive this morning to relax a bit and rather than turn the radio on and listen to "news that would depress me" I got thinking about a stamp "bucket list". Do you have one? I put a couple rules in place. The stamps have to be financially attainable immediately or with a bit of saving required. In other words, even though I'd love to have it, I did not include finding a copy of Canada #32 or buying the first Newfoundland airmail stamp. I also decided on a list of 10 items allowing for a set of stamps only counting once. These are not in order of preference.
1) Any Canada officials with blunt G or fish hook G - just found out about these yesterday!
2) Newfoundland airmail C18 - the last affordable Newfoundland airmail I need.
3) Canada Bluenose variety "man on mast"
4) Nova Scotia #2 - the lighter blue version and the last affordable NS stamp.
5) Prince Edward Island #'s 1, 2 and 3
6) British Columbia / Vancouver Island - any numbers except 7, 8 and 9. These are very hard to find!
7) US #2 - hard to get for a fair price!!
8) US C18 - The highest value in the Dirigible series.
9) Canal Zone #1, 2 and 3. These would need to be certified!
10) Poland #1 - Same as #9, a certificate would be needed since many fakes exist!
Thanks to one of you I am about to get one of the 10 mentioned!!
Do any of you have a list?

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

At the moment, my list is short.

About 10 years ago, I exchanged this stamp for a massive accumulation that has made me a lot of money. I need this stamp, MUH, to complete the 1933 Falklands set.

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www.b1d.com/store/gl ...
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17 Apr 2022


re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I don't have a bucket list per se, but there are few stamps that I'll be glad to get, if nothing else but to fill those eyesore holes
in several pages of my collection.

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colnect.com/en/colle ...
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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

My dilemma is that as a very old advanced U.S. collector, all of my stamp trading partners have now moved on to the great stamp club in the sky. With the front of the book pretty much complete, for quite a few years I've been focused on the back of the book into mundane areas that I do find fascinating ( Match & Medicine,Essays, Proofs, etc) and the EFO stuff

Should there be anyone else into that, do give me a shout.

Dan C.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I also got into the US BOB material, or at least what my very old Liberty Album gets into - sometimes not very fully! I started collecting the dated reds and greens and the only problem is that because they are so incredibly boring it is very hard to get enthusiastic about them. I also started collecting all former US protectorates and find that to be much more interesting. US BOB can get to be very extensive and you have to have a cut off at some point - I never got into all of the really obscure revenue stamps. A US collection can go on, and on, and on ... !

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I would like to complete the missing Q Victoria high values, which if I raid the bank account, are within reach, but then what am I going to do with them. No one else in the family collects so they get thrown away or given away to a charity somewhere.
Mind you, my wife spent C$15,000 on a sewing machine, so guess I could spend a few dollars on a couple of stamps.

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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Sheepshank- you can get to go to bed with your girl, can't say the same thing for your stamp(s).
Just saying!!!

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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Quite correct Dan, would not trade the good lady for any amount of stamps, whatever their value. Trouble is the stamps will outlast both of us.
Que sera sera

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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Sheepshanks, not necessarily so. You are making traditions to pass on to your heirs, emotionally, spiritually and hobbywise. That legacy will live on, and what we are permitted once we pass may even enable us to influence our progeny.

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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

At the moment i do not have such a list. When i did not have the money i saw all kinds of wonderful stamps just out of reach. Now if i want the item bad enough i will buy it. Also let the ladies have their hobbies..it makes it easier on us. Years ago i purhased a $1400 Husqvarna sewing machine and i thought that was PRICEY !

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

didn't know you were into sewing, Phil

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I definitely do not have a list.

The expensive stamps I do not even consider collectible as far as the fun side of the hobby is concerned. I would see no reason to spend real money on a piece of paper that I will then have to store in an album when I can put the money to better use - even if it is to buy a bottle of wine. This is not to say I do not have the odd stamp worth more than a bottle of wine; just that I do not actively go after such material.

Those stamps I need are usually listed for anywhere from 0.25 to $30-$40 in the Scott catalog. Problem here is, I simply cannot find them, unless I am lucky to pick up one here and another one there.

Since I have no cut off date, there are more stamps I need that are being issued each year than those I find for my collection.

So I may try to collect the recent inexpensive Japan or Great Britain, but are they stamps worth mentioning or putting on a bucket list?

To me it is all about the fun, and not being stressed with stamps I can not find or can not afford.

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17 Apr 2022


re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Sewing! Sewing! Sewing!

Please help!

I've been a model and had pins stuck into every body part.

I've very occaisionaly had to stick pins when she has been modelling. (I must admit being very very careful. Well I still want to eat!)

I've often heard the painful cry of "*** ****** *******"when the sewing machine fails to stitch properly.

I've often heard the plea of "well Mr Sewing Machine Man you'd better have a look at this machine". I have some experience of these little so and so's.

Of course all these things happen when I am in my stamp room, minding my own business trying to get the blasted computer to behave itself!!

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"
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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Cougar "To me it is all about the fun, and not being stressed with stamps I can not find or can not afford."

You speak wisdom my friend.

Dan C.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

The comments are really different and very interesting!! I have always been a collector, when I was growing up in a single parent family there was almost no money. My mother had a $65 / month widow's allowance and, with a bit of help occasionally, always managed to put food on the table and give me a bit of an allowance which I spent most of on comic books, which I still have. I cherished anything I had and took care of it since I knew I could not just run out and replace it. I think that, plus the fact that we had some family antiques around, which I also still have, turned me into a collector. I enjoy having my things around me to look at and enjoy. I have no family so what I have is mine to enjoy while I'm here to do so. I have money to spend on the things I collect and I get a kick out of getting a new stamp. If that makes me materialistic, well, so be it. We are all different and that's a good thing. The fact that my
'bucket list" has things in it rather than family trips and outings reflects on who I am and how I grew up. We do what we do because we are what we are, no one is more right or wrong, or more bad or good, than anyone else - assuming of course that we are not knowingly causing damage to anyone or anything. I enjoy watching nature unfold and it really bothers me the way we treat the environment, but that's another story!! Keep on collecting!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

"If that makes me materialistic, well, so be it."

It is the society that shapes us - all those commercials and sales and before knowing it, we can't stop buying stuff - shopping sprees, right.

So with stamps, the way I do it is, I satisfy this need, but the amounts are usually small - a few cents here, a few cents there. Sure it adds up over time, but not the same way as going into stores and buying large items. The other good thing is, our purchases are so small, that there is always a spot for them, where they remain unseen. Not so with the results from typical shopping trips, where we end up with piles of boxes, large items and large bottles and containers that quickly clutter our space.

As you pointed out in your original post, stamps and our stamp community provide not just a distraction, but an alternative reality. A place where we can talk about our hobbies, exchange stamps, buy and sell stamps, think about stamps, varieties, designs, colors, values and de-stress.

I like those alternative realities. My other ones are hiking, fishing, photography, cycling and mushroom picking. I sometimes have nice dreams too, but forget about them once I am awake, so those are lost.
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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Harvey -" I have no family"- perhaps redefine that term. There is of course the biological one, there is an extended one, there is one of your own choosing. I would argue that we at SOR are a family-chosen by us, and relating one to another. Am I wrong?
Dan C.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

"I would argue that we at SOR are a family-chosen by us, and relating one to another. Am I wrong?"

You're absolutely right Dan!! My cat, Obie, is the only living thing that I talk to more than you people on SOR. I had lunch with a friend last week and told her that it was great to talk to someone who didn't answer "meow".

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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Tom in Exton, PA
17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I understand what Harvey is conveying, as I was an army brat and lived in some bad parts of the world. There was nothing to buy in the local economy so I knew I had to take care of the toys I brought there, as they couldn’t be replaced. So I do have things I cherished as a child.

And I’ve also surrounded myself with old family belongings. My grandmother’s Hope Chest is at the foot of our bed. I have my other grandmother’s dining room set and I swear that if I sit there late at night I can feel her presence. I have other things from my parents and souvenirs from our world travels. It’s not materialistic, it’s sentimental. It takes me back.

As far as a stamp bucket list, I’ve exhausted it. I have all the hard to find items for my Franklin collection. Now I seek things I’ve never seen before, didn’t know it existed.

I did lust after the standards for my USA collection.. over the years I bought number 1 & 2, as well as all the zeps on cover. I still keep one eye open for the $3 plus Columbians.

Instead I amuse myself by finding interesting covers. It’s the thrill of discovery.

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"

17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

Wow! The Zeps on cover! Impressive! You've done well.

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17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

These were on my Bucket list and took me a while to get
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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
17 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

No, no bucket list.
But I do have a bucket
full of stamps to sort
and mount.
A big bucket.
More like a barrel.
Or a keg.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "

18 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I am the same as Charlie, except my keg has beer in it.

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Collector, Moderator
18 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

No specific goals. While owning a US Scott No. 1 and 2 would be interesting, I know the satisfaction would be gone soon thereafter.

I wonder if I should just go to an auction and purchase a very nice worldwide collection (many thousands of stamps) and just spend the rest of the tome studying and remounting them.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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Tom in Exton, PA
18 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

" While owning a US Scott No. 1 and 2 would be interesting, I know the satisfaction would be gone soon thereafter."

Agreed. I discovered that I’m better off wanting something than actually having it.. if that makes sense!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
18 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

"Agreed. I discovered that I’m better off wanting something than actually having it.. if that makes sense"


I sort of disagree with that, when I find something that I've wanted for a while I find that I go back and look at it for quite a while. But, maybe that's just me, I tend to enjoy the moment for a bit longer. I also collect Marvel Silver Age comics and I remember when I found the last Sgt. Fury that I needed to complete the set I went back and checked it out at least a dozen times over the next month! But again, maybe I'm the strange one! By the way, I still have my Amazing Spiderman #1 that I remember buying on my way to choir practice in 1963. For me collecting is also about the memories that are sometimes associated with getting the object.
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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19 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I do have a small bucket list of items that I would like with the number one item of interest being Syria Scott #106c a 25 centimes overprint on a 10 centimes green stamp! This item is probably one of the hardest to find comparatively low cost stamps (under $240 typically based on recorded sales through eBay and its Scott catalog value).

Other mint items of intense interest include Great Britain Scott #141, Great Britain Scott #176, and Great Britain Scott #209. These are much more common than the Syria stamp but much more expensive for purchase! Finding problem free mint stamps that meet my budget has proved quite difficult and will likely only be resolved by changing my budget! Happy

And, of course, there are still thousands of mint, mostly low cost, stamps still needed for my International 1840-1963 album set although I am making progress having reached 48% completion for 1840-1940 as well as for the 1940-1963 parts of the album set. And even more thousands of mint stamps for my separate International copyright 1930 album which just recently passed 23% completion. Restricting the albums to mint stamps was originally done to slow down my purchases and, while that has been tested a bit, is continuing to keep new purchases at a practical level for me to fund. Lately it feels like postage costs to get new items to me are becoming the more critical limiting factor, especially for inexpensive stamps.

I have acquired several bucket list items related to my stamp collecting hobby over the past couple of years including new binders for the International pages, the pages themselves, clear plastic interleaves for the pages, a United States Zeppelin set which was a forty-five year want list item for my US collection which I started in 1975, some very difficult sideways watermark Great Britain definitive issues, and several very challenging representative stamps for the Smithsonian Stamp for Every Country album which was the most fun I have had in stamp collecting that I completed in 2018. A couple of additional bucket list items that have been accomplished were finding a local stamp club with whose members I am able to share information and challenges and finally making it to the SeaPex stamp show a couple of times during 18 years living in the Seattle area following a move from Alabama due to a job change.

Today, I managed to get a United Nations Scott #38 mnh souvenir sheet for the first time ever. I did have a used copy in a previous collection but won an eBay auction for a mint, non-hinged copy and received the item today for a new collection that I am working on to fill a rather beautiful Lindner hingeless album for the United Nations which has pages which go beyond the New York issues that I had completed in an older collection almost twenty years ago.

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Collector, Moderator
19 Apr 2022

re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I was not talking about wanting rather than owning but having specific expensive issue when the same funds could represent a lot more stamps. I

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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collector, seller, MT member
19 Apr 2022


re: Do you have a stamp "bucket list"?

I do not have a bucket list, but I do have several wantlists, which of course is not completely the same.
If I had to think of stamps I'd like to get most of all, a few come to mind:
- Any christmas seal from Danish West Indies, as well as the few that are still missing from Denmark pre 1950;
- The obvious ones from the Netherlands (such as the 10 guilders coronation, 10 guilders 1913 centenary, 5 guilders 1923 silver jubilee, seagull airmails), but I would have to rob the bank or have an unexpected inheritance first.
- The few stamps still missing from Allenstein, Marienwerder and Upper Silesia - just because I'd like to have more than just 2 complete countries (Netherlands New Guinea and General Gouvernement)

Apart from that, it is just a matter of filling the holes. There are still lots of them, so I won't have to worry about reaching a dead end with this hobby :-)

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