Part 5.
Part 6.
Now you can all pick your favourite.
These pages are great! Are you making the underlying AlbumEasy file (or the PDF) available to others by any chance?
Thanks for the comment Jim. I have emailed the 30 pages to Clive so he can put them up on site (if he so wishes)after checking them.
The stamp boxes were set up for mint stamps in mounts and will need to be adjusted for size if hinged used stamps or mint without mounts.
Also some folks might like to put the years on separate pages but they are easily split.
Edit. One unforeseen problem is that the backing paper on the self adhesive stamps was not a standard amount surrounding each stamp but I have not trimmed any as that would have meant they would not be "as issued".
I've been keeping my UK Christmas stamps separately in Vario stock pages. I've used AlbumEasy many times, but never thought to do what you did for the Christmas stamps. I hope Clive puts up your pages during this holiday season.
Very nice... I've been using PowerPoint to make custom pages. I'll have to scan a few and post them.
Paul, I'm sure we would all like to see your pages. It is good to see how others do things and we can all learn new tricks, whatever our ages.
Sometimes I get stuck in a rut when trying to find new ways to put boxes on a page but AlbumEasy sure makes things easier than using a pencil and ruler and frequently an eraser (rubber to my UK brethren).
As far as my favourites go I'm stuck for choice between 1982, 1987, 1990, 2015 and 2019.
Those pages are awesome Vic!
I started with the basic Steiner Pages 5-6 years ago when I joined SOR but as my collecting focus has grown I have converted the PDF pages to PPT for customization and have done the (sort of) same thing.
Putting together all the Christmas/Europa/Etc in consecutive pages - showing the progressions of these recurring issues - makes for a better illustration especially when sharing your collection with others (which I like to do with friends/family) as opposed to seemingly "random" stamps grouped together just based on issue year. At least I've found it maintains their interest more.
Maybe not for everyone (or "purists") but personally I really like your idea!
Cheers, Dave.
My favourites are the 1987 and 1995 issues
Those pages look fantastic, I will most definitely add them to the website for others to download.
Unfortunately, as I am away this weekend it will probably only happen on Monday but I will update this thread once they are available.
Beautiful stamps on very nicely laid-out album pages.
Thanks David, bit cramped in places was my thought, but I guess it worked ok. Hopefully I can put them in the frames for our next club meet in Brandon for the 11th. Depends how many other folks need space.
Ps I did notice the printer hiccup on the border of the second page and have redone same.
My favourite is the 1973 issue for Good King Wenceslas. I remember that well, as my first (and last piano recital) was to play "Good King Wenceslas". My mother thought I'd make a good piano player as I apparently had long fingers. She didn't know about the ataxia, which made it a not so nice recital for me! No more piano lessons after that!
But that issue is quite nice in any case!
I use Album Easy too and it's the best!
Here is a sample of the custom pages I made with PowerPoint. These are made primarily for Cinderella's.
@Paul, the pages look good, a lot more information than my effort. Looks like you have put boxes but like me have trouble getting them the right size for minted stamps in mounts.
Without wishing to be picky, in the second image you seem to have repeated the second sentence in the first paragraph. Yes I did read all the words in all the images!
Album Easy allows blocks of text to be placed on the page in various positions, not that I have needed that as yet.
As I said before I like to see how others approach their self made pages, always helps when making my own pages. Thank you for putting those up for us to see.
Very nice! If I may suggest something: The 2005 - 2011, 2015, and 2018 pages might look even better if the stamps were arranged in a more symmetrical manner. But that may be a simple matter of personal preferences.
For those that want the black mounts to cover the stamp box getting the size of the box should be a non-issue.
I am different in that I use coloured cardstock and clear mount for my stamps. Here is a sample from my Canadian collection. This was made using the Mac app "Graphic" but I have since switched over to Album Easy.
Yellow for our Christmas, Orange for all the Flower souvenir sheets issued in this century, which continues next year, Blue for airmail, Red for postage dues and Green for most everything else.
Peter, I like the added images in the corners, and again the extra information as to number issued and catalogue details. Not sure on the coloured pages, sort of makes it difficult on the eyes, well mine at least.
@jmh67, I know what you mean about symmetry on the pages but with a lot of the issues being the same size it gets a bit boring, so I tended to mix them up a bit.
Some years ago I started to assemble and mount the USA X-mas issues,
but never even approached the efforts or results of the absolutely
awesome pages illustrated. I just wanted to do something with the
growing number of duplicate US X-mas issues jamming up a large envelope.
I seem to have stopped during the 1990s, for no discernable reason
beyond other interests.
One difference is my lack or "boxes". I simply drew a lightly penciled
line down the center of the page. A two set issue was hinged, yes hinged
postally used and hinged, an equal distance, about 3/8ths" from the center
line. A three or other odd number issue has one central stamp straddling
the line. Small sized equal number issues may have four issues about 5/16ths"
apart unless they are the wider issues. Year of issue is penciled beneath
the sets as needed. Small notes are added where I feel they are needed.
Much of the spacing and layout is by eye, and thirty years ago I had both
excellent vision and printed in a steady hand.
As with many of the things I do, in life as well as stamping, I usually
try to keep it simple, especially timewise. I think my pages look rather
nice and feel that unless there is some exhibition planned before judges,
detailed enough for my purposes. The few people I care to show such things
seldom have the expertise to be disturbed by the pages homemade nature.
I am amazd at the time and effort the pages shown must have taken.
CDJ: Using Album Easy doesn't take much effort. I am now able to print out quite a few pages at a time. The old way was one at a time, and in some cases was a slog!
Charlie, a lot of the time was spent getting the stamps together, measuring them, then allowing an additional 6mm width and height to allow for the mount and box.
Much of the computer work is really cut and paste, especially where issue sizes are repeated. The basic page design is the same for all pages, so once done can be forgotten.
Checking the attributions of illustrators/ designers/ subjects, as not all sources seemed to agree all the time, also caused a few problems.
Having designed a page the program creates a pdf which can be viewed and adjustments made and reviewed until satisfied.
I guess at the end of the day it is what works for the person creating the pages, there is no "right" way, just whatever works.
" ... Having designed a page the program creates
a pdf which can be viewed and adjustments made
and reviewed until satisfied. ..."
I suppose the procedures have become easier
as technical advancements have been made.
Perhaps I will resume assembling the needed
issues from where I left off and possibly
improve the copies that I already mounted.
I probably have most of them in envelopes
that are in the duplicates file boxes here.
Of course, that is one of several albums
left in Texas till someone is driving here.
When I left last year we filled a rented
trailer to the towing weight limit of the
motor home hitch. Some treasures were left
behind of necessity.
I even brought a change of clothes or two !
One way to start learning AlbumEasy is to take an already existing one to study and modify to see how it works.
Just a heads-up that sheepshanks' excellent UK Christmas Album pages are now available for download from here:
Scroll down to the Great Britain section.
The pages may be downloaded in both PDF form or as AlbumEasy source files for easy modification.
Compliments of the Season to all,
Brighton Pete:
I really like the coloured pages. You've done a wonderful job!
Ottawa, Ont.
Thanks David.
I never really liked white or cream coloured paper. The coloured cardstock makes the stamp pop. I also like clear mounts. When I was a kid, I bought black quadrille pages and used black mounts, but not any more. Colours are where it's at!
I will note that BrightonPete's page shows several more advanced AlbumEasy aspects. One is putting the "Christmas" over the border (something Clive showed me how to do) and the other is centering text across two stamp boxes.
Oh angore... back then I was using "Graphic" on my iMac! It was very easy to do all that extra bits like what's shown on that page. I haven't figured out how yet with Album Easy, but good to know one can do that!
Just in case everyone has been living under a stone of late, here are the UK Christmas stamps on an AlbumEasy page.
Thanks, sheepshanks,
I have added the 2022 page to the website, it is now also available for download along with the original 1966 - 2021 album from:
Scroll down to the Great Britain section.
The pages may be downloaded as both PDF files and as AlbumEasy source files for easy modification.
Today I received the new Christmas stamps, so here they are on an AlbumEasy page, only five stamps this year.
The file has been forwarded to Clive and will be available on his website in due course.
Like last year, lovely 'stamps' totally ruined by that tab ! They look awful.
Glad I don't collect GB any more but I see many countries going the same way.
Agreed! The latest German stamps (2021 onwards) look awful as well thanks to the QR code. No matter how beautiful the design, the overall result is awkward.
I know, stamps are primarily functional objects with a very specific purpose, but nevertheless.
It would have been nice if they could have implemented these with luminescent ink so less obstrusive in natural light.
Thanks again to sheepshanks for sharing his GB Christmas albums
I have now added the 2023 album to ... for anyone to download
scroll down to GB, about half way down the web page.
Just realised I had not shown the 2024 Christmas issues.
Bring back good thoughts when I was posted to RAF Mildenhall, England!
Just to give my idle hands a task I have used Clive's most excellent program to produce an album to show all the UK Christmas issues, year by year. I have not included the Father Christmas stamp that was part of the greetings set nor the Christmas Truce sheet.
As there are 30 images I will split them into groups of 5 in chronological order.
What is really noticeable is the cost of the first years stamps compared to this year.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Part 5.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Part 6.
Now you can all pick your favourite.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
These pages are great! Are you making the underlying AlbumEasy file (or the PDF) available to others by any chance?
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Thanks for the comment Jim. I have emailed the 30 pages to Clive so he can put them up on site (if he so wishes)after checking them.
The stamp boxes were set up for mint stamps in mounts and will need to be adjusted for size if hinged used stamps or mint without mounts.
Also some folks might like to put the years on separate pages but they are easily split.
Edit. One unforeseen problem is that the backing paper on the self adhesive stamps was not a standard amount surrounding each stamp but I have not trimmed any as that would have meant they would not be "as issued".
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
I've been keeping my UK Christmas stamps separately in Vario stock pages. I've used AlbumEasy many times, but never thought to do what you did for the Christmas stamps. I hope Clive puts up your pages during this holiday season.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Very nice... I've been using PowerPoint to make custom pages. I'll have to scan a few and post them.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Paul, I'm sure we would all like to see your pages. It is good to see how others do things and we can all learn new tricks, whatever our ages.
Sometimes I get stuck in a rut when trying to find new ways to put boxes on a page but AlbumEasy sure makes things easier than using a pencil and ruler and frequently an eraser (rubber to my UK brethren).
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
As far as my favourites go I'm stuck for choice between 1982, 1987, 1990, 2015 and 2019.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Those pages are awesome Vic!
I started with the basic Steiner Pages 5-6 years ago when I joined SOR but as my collecting focus has grown I have converted the PDF pages to PPT for customization and have done the (sort of) same thing.
Putting together all the Christmas/Europa/Etc in consecutive pages - showing the progressions of these recurring issues - makes for a better illustration especially when sharing your collection with others (which I like to do with friends/family) as opposed to seemingly "random" stamps grouped together just based on issue year. At least I've found it maintains their interest more.
Maybe not for everyone (or "purists") but personally I really like your idea!
Cheers, Dave.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
My favourites are the 1987 and 1995 issues
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Those pages look fantastic, I will most definitely add them to the website for others to download.
Unfortunately, as I am away this weekend it will probably only happen on Monday but I will update this thread once they are available.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Beautiful stamps on very nicely laid-out album pages.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Thanks David, bit cramped in places was my thought, but I guess it worked ok. Hopefully I can put them in the frames for our next club meet in Brandon for the 11th. Depends how many other folks need space.
Ps I did notice the printer hiccup on the border of the second page and have redone same.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
My favourite is the 1973 issue for Good King Wenceslas. I remember that well, as my first (and last piano recital) was to play "Good King Wenceslas". My mother thought I'd make a good piano player as I apparently had long fingers. She didn't know about the ataxia, which made it a not so nice recital for me! No more piano lessons after that!
But that issue is quite nice in any case!
I use Album Easy too and it's the best!
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Here is a sample of the custom pages I made with PowerPoint. These are made primarily for Cinderella's.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
@Paul, the pages look good, a lot more information than my effort. Looks like you have put boxes but like me have trouble getting them the right size for minted stamps in mounts.
Without wishing to be picky, in the second image you seem to have repeated the second sentence in the first paragraph. Yes I did read all the words in all the images!
Album Easy allows blocks of text to be placed on the page in various positions, not that I have needed that as yet.
As I said before I like to see how others approach their self made pages, always helps when making my own pages. Thank you for putting those up for us to see.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Very nice! If I may suggest something: The 2005 - 2011, 2015, and 2018 pages might look even better if the stamps were arranged in a more symmetrical manner. But that may be a simple matter of personal preferences.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
For those that want the black mounts to cover the stamp box getting the size of the box should be a non-issue.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
I am different in that I use coloured cardstock and clear mount for my stamps. Here is a sample from my Canadian collection. This was made using the Mac app "Graphic" but I have since switched over to Album Easy.
Yellow for our Christmas, Orange for all the Flower souvenir sheets issued in this century, which continues next year, Blue for airmail, Red for postage dues and Green for most everything else.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Peter, I like the added images in the corners, and again the extra information as to number issued and catalogue details. Not sure on the coloured pages, sort of makes it difficult on the eyes, well mine at least.
@jmh67, I know what you mean about symmetry on the pages but with a lot of the issues being the same size it gets a bit boring, so I tended to mix them up a bit.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Some years ago I started to assemble and mount the USA X-mas issues,
but never even approached the efforts or results of the absolutely
awesome pages illustrated. I just wanted to do something with the
growing number of duplicate US X-mas issues jamming up a large envelope.
I seem to have stopped during the 1990s, for no discernable reason
beyond other interests.
One difference is my lack or "boxes". I simply drew a lightly penciled
line down the center of the page. A two set issue was hinged, yes hinged
postally used and hinged, an equal distance, about 3/8ths" from the center
line. A three or other odd number issue has one central stamp straddling
the line. Small sized equal number issues may have four issues about 5/16ths"
apart unless they are the wider issues. Year of issue is penciled beneath
the sets as needed. Small notes are added where I feel they are needed.
Much of the spacing and layout is by eye, and thirty years ago I had both
excellent vision and printed in a steady hand.
As with many of the things I do, in life as well as stamping, I usually
try to keep it simple, especially timewise. I think my pages look rather
nice and feel that unless there is some exhibition planned before judges,
detailed enough for my purposes. The few people I care to show such things
seldom have the expertise to be disturbed by the pages homemade nature.
I am amazd at the time and effort the pages shown must have taken.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
CDJ: Using Album Easy doesn't take much effort. I am now able to print out quite a few pages at a time. The old way was one at a time, and in some cases was a slog!
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Charlie, a lot of the time was spent getting the stamps together, measuring them, then allowing an additional 6mm width and height to allow for the mount and box.
Much of the computer work is really cut and paste, especially where issue sizes are repeated. The basic page design is the same for all pages, so once done can be forgotten.
Checking the attributions of illustrators/ designers/ subjects, as not all sources seemed to agree all the time, also caused a few problems.
Having designed a page the program creates a pdf which can be viewed and adjustments made and reviewed until satisfied.
I guess at the end of the day it is what works for the person creating the pages, there is no "right" way, just whatever works.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
" ... Having designed a page the program creates
a pdf which can be viewed and adjustments made
and reviewed until satisfied. ..."
I suppose the procedures have become easier
as technical advancements have been made.
Perhaps I will resume assembling the needed
issues from where I left off and possibly
improve the copies that I already mounted.
I probably have most of them in envelopes
that are in the duplicates file boxes here.
Of course, that is one of several albums
left in Texas till someone is driving here.
When I left last year we filled a rented
trailer to the towing weight limit of the
motor home hitch. Some treasures were left
behind of necessity.
I even brought a change of clothes or two !
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
One way to start learning AlbumEasy is to take an already existing one to study and modify to see how it works.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Just a heads-up that sheepshanks' excellent UK Christmas Album pages are now available for download from here:
Scroll down to the Great Britain section.
The pages may be downloaded in both PDF form or as AlbumEasy source files for easy modification.
Compliments of the Season to all,
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Brighton Pete:
I really like the coloured pages. You've done a wonderful job!
Ottawa, Ont.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Thanks David.
I never really liked white or cream coloured paper. The coloured cardstock makes the stamp pop. I also like clear mounts. When I was a kid, I bought black quadrille pages and used black mounts, but not any more. Colours are where it's at!
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
I will note that BrightonPete's page shows several more advanced AlbumEasy aspects. One is putting the "Christmas" over the border (something Clive showed me how to do) and the other is centering text across two stamp boxes.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Oh angore... back then I was using "Graphic" on my iMac! It was very easy to do all that extra bits like what's shown on that page. I haven't figured out how yet with Album Easy, but good to know one can do that!
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Just in case everyone has been living under a stone of late, here are the UK Christmas stamps on an AlbumEasy page.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Thanks, sheepshanks,
I have added the 2022 page to the website, it is now also available for download along with the original 1966 - 2021 album from:
Scroll down to the Great Britain section.
The pages may be downloaded as both PDF files and as AlbumEasy source files for easy modification.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Today I received the new Christmas stamps, so here they are on an AlbumEasy page, only five stamps this year.
The file has been forwarded to Clive and will be available on his website in due course.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Like last year, lovely 'stamps' totally ruined by that tab ! They look awful.
Glad I don't collect GB any more but I see many countries going the same way.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Agreed! The latest German stamps (2021 onwards) look awful as well thanks to the QR code. No matter how beautiful the design, the overall result is awkward.
I know, stamps are primarily functional objects with a very specific purpose, but nevertheless.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
It would have been nice if they could have implemented these with luminescent ink so less obstrusive in natural light.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Thanks again to sheepshanks for sharing his GB Christmas albums
I have now added the 2023 album to ... for anyone to download
scroll down to GB, about half way down the web page.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Just realised I had not shown the 2024 Christmas issues.
re: UK Christmas stamp issues
Bring back good thoughts when I was posted to RAF Mildenhall, England!