I believe the green one is #9 (Scott catalog);
upper row left - #14 (gray violet)?
Not sure about the rest - hard to tell colors from the scan.
They appear to be from two number series -
7,8,9 and 13 thru 17 (again, this is Scott)
a note in the Scott catalog states;
"Used values for Nos. 9-49 are for telegraph cancels."
Maybe someone here can be of better assistance.
this may help
That's a wonderful work of reference. It even prevents me from asking how to recognize telegraph cancels
Thank you!
Most excellent, Ron!
That is a very useful and well done site for recognizing Nepal related stamps! Much appreciated!
Hi everybody,
These stamps I got in a trade yesterday afternoon. I know they are Nepalese, but I find it difficult to pinpoint which they are. Can anyone help?
re: Early Nepal
I believe the green one is #9 (Scott catalog);
upper row left - #14 (gray violet)?
Not sure about the rest - hard to tell colors from the scan.
They appear to be from two number series -
7,8,9 and 13 thru 17 (again, this is Scott)
a note in the Scott catalog states;
"Used values for Nos. 9-49 are for telegraph cancels."
Maybe someone here can be of better assistance.
re: Early Nepal
this may help
re: Early Nepal
That's a wonderful work of reference. It even prevents me from asking how to recognize telegraph cancels
Thank you!
re: Early Nepal
That is a very useful and well done site for recognizing Nepal related stamps! Much appreciated!