Well i guess i will not be showing my stamproom then..perhaps my son would shoot a video of it one day !
This is my little stamp space.
I took this photo a few days ago, before Sean started this thread!
I've opened three trays on the left: in the lower one you see the Hawid stamp mounts; above that the Lighthouse exhibition protectors into which my album pages go (and some Vario pages); above that my stock of Ryman Superior Vellum Laid 100gsm paper on which I print my pages. My worklight is on (you can just see the switch on top of the tray unit), and on the desk are some of the stamps and souvenir sheets I am in the process of mounting (hence the ruler and scissors). There are some small identification tags which were on the Vario pages - they are discarded once the stamps are mounted.
The screen shows scans of each stamp in this album ('Liberation and Victory'). Those are my favourite tongs (we call them tweezers in the UK) and the black item on the right is a mouse mat.
Not shown is the printer/scanner to the right of the screen. There's another desk at right angles to this one, with a laptop where I sit to write stuff for SOR. Behind me are ceiling-high shelves of books and CDs, and on the floor, I'm afraid to say, piles of folders and miscellaneous stuff. I'm a bit envious of Carabop's workstation and suspect her of doing a tidy-up before photoshooting! (But then again I opened up those trays especially for my own effort.)
I say chaps, what awfully spiffing stamp rooms you do have. So clean, tidy and organised. Mine is perhaps a little disorganised. Here I'm just filing away a bit of kiloware:
This is MY get-away room.
Unseen in this picture is another desk to the right with my desktop PC, all-in-one printer, and other misc. computer accessories.
Nice revealing pic's... OMG you guys are so organised and NEAT..
I'll show my messy room ASAP.
Here is my Office: 6m x 4m room separate from House.
House in background, some of my Collections in the bookshelf at rear left of pic, listed items in the folders to the left of laptop, new approval pages "in progress" in front and scattered to the right of Desktop computer.
Printer / scanner on nine drawer cabinet with three drawers (full of sorted but unlisted items) open and other un-listed and un-sorted stamps "everywhere".
Looks messy but, for me it's tidier than usual..
I pretty much tidy up after each session in the stamp room mostly because it is also a guest bedroom but only if it has to be. I have another guest bedroom that is bigger and I put my guests in the bigger room first. One bad habit I have though is leaving my albums open to the page I am working on and sometimes it can be awhile before I get back to it. Then I have to gently get the dust off the album. Bad idea to leave them open.
"One bad habit I have though is leaving my albums open to the page I am working on and sometimes it can be awhile before I get back to it. Then I have to gently get the dust off the album. Bad idea to leave them open."
If I didn't know any better Ningpo, I would have said that was my stamp room.
I've cleaned up enough to share a picture of my office / guest room / stamp room.
The folding table in the foreground (with my Denmark album and a few stamps to check) is replaced with an air mattress when guests come.
Albums in the back, computer and scanner on the side with either music playing or in this case, a frustrating Arsenal match.
I find working on stamps during the football to be soothing, especially when the Gunner's aren't scoring.
I did it! here's my work area. In the past year not too much has changed. Except a few more books have been added and, no that it, just more books have been added and the Ottlite is gone, broke, have a smaller one now.
I just love looking into other people's houses!
Then you'll love this side of the room. The red boxes now have a removable blue letter to indicate what country is filed there. Some of the other boxes have been moved around. The other table that is cut off is the shipping table. I designed the room, it was set up and only little things have changed, like the chair had to be replaced. That one is good, but old and hurt my back after a couple hours researching.
Here's an old pic of the main work area of my stamp room. My albums are stored in 3 fire file safes to the to right of the picture, only one and part of another are shown in the pic. The counter/desktop is 12 feet 1ong feet long. To the left of the pic is where I have stuff I'm working on. Underneath the counter at left is a 4 foot long 2 drawer file folder cabinet where I keep most of my dupes. At the end is a large flat screen TV to keep me company. Not much has changed except for more albums on the shelving and a 8 shelf cabinet I made to keep my Scott catalogs separate and easy to get to.
Hi AntoniusRa,
I see a really good idea in your room that I had in a previous room - I had forgotten about it.
That is the 3 " cubby holes" under your monitors they do give a lot of extra space and I am always looking for more space..
Also lift the monitors to a better level .... No more stiff neck..
Thanks for showing your room it has jogged my memory and I will soon add a cabinet under my computers.
Wow - you guys are so organised! My "stamp area" is called the chesterfield (couch)! If they are higher value, the stamp area moves to my bed! Lol
My biggest challenge was when the boys were young, if I dropped a stamp, they'd try to pick it up and give it to me. I spent many years over the past 13 saying, "Thank you sweetheart but I think it would be better if Mummy gets that." Hence the reason for the higher value stamp work space moves to my bed. "Here are a couple of nice toys, can you play over there while Mummy is working here?" I get a very short time in that area because within minutes it's like "Ok, I like my toys, come and play!" Somehow "Mummy wants to play with *these* toys" doesn't cut out!
Steve-o, Thanks, it looks like you have a very nice layout as well and you look to have more room. I'm pretty crammed in here and every inch is pretty much utilized.
I find the shelf under the monitor adds much space where you need it most, right in front of you. Another book shelf you can easily make for catlaogs, puts them within arms length and There is no wasted desk top space. I much prefer them separated and laying down rather than standing up.
"I find the shelf under the monitor adds much space where you need it most, right in front of you. Another book shelf you can easily make for catlaogs, puts them within arms length and There is no wasted desk top space. I much prefer them separated and laying down rather than standing up."
you all have very nice work areas. I mainly use the kitchen table. Take some stock books from the cupboard, start the laptop (and take the scanner if needed) and start. At the end of the evening, everything goes back in the cupboard, box, whatever. Sometimes I have some stockbooks and sit on the bed with them, stamps spread around me.
Perhaps, when the children move out (which will probably take 10 years at least), I will have a nice room for it all, with tables and shelves but right now I improvise.
"My albums are stored in 3 fire file safes"
This is where I store my stamps and albums.
Never really thought about a gun cabinet for storing stamps. Will have to keep an eye out for the sales! Good thought.
Sean, do you keep a .410 "perforator" in there too?
I sleep a little better at night knowing that they are much safer from theft or fire. The stamps are in the black one, and all the "perforators" are in the gray one.
Hi seanpashby
I think you are kidding - But on the off chance that you are serious -
Then, You would need a small light globe in there for some warmth to stop any condensation getting to your perforator...
I use a canister system called Damp Rid in both safes to eliminate condensation.
Loving the pictures. This is better than House Hunters on HGTV.
This is my little spot. To the right behind me is a closet full of albums and catalogs and, yes, junk. Like I tell my wife, It's my junk so leave it alone.
beautiful piece of furniture tooler. Looks antique.
Not antique Ernie, just a nice desk.
"Like I tell my wife, It's my junk so leave it alone."
The "club house" stamping area, in need of a good spring cleaning.
There's another desk with PC and scanner at the other end of the room.
This is the only space where my wife is NEVER right!
Great thread! Fun seeing others setups!
WB, Gee he's got a plucket or two, loved Lonnies "Talking guitar Blues" that he nicked off the Americans. Always wished I could play, being tone deaf doesn't help and now getting hard of hearing makes it worse, although it helps when my wife shouts.
Music soothes the savage beast.
P.S. Stevie Ray Vaughn
WB, not sure if we are both on the same Lonnie page, I was thinking of Donegan wheras Stevie was influenced by and also influenced Lonnie Macks.
However at the risk of sidetracking a thread thought I'd better post a photo of my Room of stamps where things sit until I get the chance to sit, sort, soak and organize a few pages. Working from around 7am to 4.30 pm and trying to keep a couple of sheep happy (thank goodness for wellies) as well as the chickens, cats and a dog, not to mention my nearest and dearest and a couple of sometimes wayward lads, doesn't leave a lot of time to do too much stamping.
But think Ningpo has a better system than me.
And this doesn't show the dozen or so cardboard boxes up in the loft full of unsorted Machins from the late80's/90's.
One day !
Oh My! I like your room best of all!! Stampers heaven!!!
Yes sir, I knew who you meant, but SRV is also my inspiration.
Not sure about the sir, don't think Queenie has hit me with the sword yet, though I did talk to the Duke many years ago, about 1959/60. Maybe if I can get to retire later this year I can get the house sorted and then arrange the room better. Have to rip all the lath and plaster walls out, have them sprayfoam insulated and then put in new wallboard. Problem is one son keeps coming back home and needs a room in which to live. Will start again in spring when the climate warms somewhat, Manitoba gets chilly this time of year.
Was not too sure many Americans knew of Lonnie Donegan or Cliff Richard for that matter. Skiffle was the "in" music when I grew up and I still enjoy it's simplicity and sound.
I like Cliff Richard, Devil Woman is a long time favorite. I listen to it in my stamp room quite often.
How's that for putting the thread back on track.
Now that brings back memories, when stamping I run the gamut from Albert Lee, through new age, classics, be bop,doo-wop, really enjoy Elke Brooks rendition of Nights in white satin but if in reflective mood then some 80's soft soul instantly takes me back to a romantic time.
Somehow a tune triggers memories much easier than trying to recall the past.
Here's another view of the clutter room.
This Yank is familiar with Cliff Richard: It's So Funny How We Don't Talk Anymore, Wired for Sound (I was in Thetford, for my job, when I first heard this one).
Now THAT'S my kind of place !!!
When I see a pic like that I have this overwhelming urge to jump in and ORGANIZE the chaos. Guess that's why I just love a big ole messy box of stamps. Fun fun fun!!!
Theresa, it is organized, just not on any sort of normal system, all part of the master plan to thwart the alien philatelists trying to plunder my horde. Not a pleasant experience at any time, so it is kept in a state of dishabille but I know, sometimes, where things are or should be if I had not already moved them to elsewhere that they might not be anymore.
Are you allowed to collect stamps in a looney bin?
Now if I had a nice large work area like Roy I could fill it with even more boxes of unsorted little bits of paper instead of having to go in the attic to bring down a few bits at a time.
Nice set up everyone seems to have, good to see the photos.
Cliff Richard is my favorite singer. His incredible range and quality of voice was unequaled. Rather sad that he never had much of a following in the U.S.
I wonder if anyone has heard of my favorite female singer Esther Phillips? Then Allison Krauss came around and would have a hard time choosing between them.
Roy, Great looking stamp room!
Well what a difference a day makes; Cliff never ever played in USA, think it was the whole rival to Elvis bit. Always said he had a show ready to bring over but was never invited. Had a big following in OZ and South Africa if memory serves me aright.
Now will it be Clifton Chenier or Dory Previn for tonights music.
I saw her preform at a night club in Seattle in the 70's. During her first break I ran up to her and gave her a big kiss smack on the lips. She invited my wife and I to her table for the night. One of those nights I'll never forget. Clifton Chenier sounds good to me!
Whitebuffalo, I'm a assuming Stevie Ray was one of your heroes. I spent a half hour talking with him about twenty years ago after a concert in Kansas city. This was before he cleaned up his act and it was obvious he got a fix right after the show. Even though he was nodding out it was a thrill and can say I shook that immortal hand. Twenty years before had backstage pass to Led Zeppelin and treasure shaking Jimmy Pages' hand as well. Hard to find many more greater guitarist than them. Ah, the good old days
I'm not sure if hero is the right word, but certainly an inspiration since the '82 Montreux Jazz Festival.
I have the guitar and amp to create the SRV sound, but fall very much short in the SRV talent department. But I try.
We'll have to get together sometime and talk about the venue you met Stevie at and what year, there's a very good chance we may have bumped in to each other back then. I was born and raised in Kansas myself.
If they put SRV on a stamp, I'd have one printed on a poster and hang it in my "stamp work area".
See what I just did there?
One of my favorite songs was by Esther;
"What A Difference A Day Makes"
Great song!
(not many singers I HAVEN'T heard of, actually )
And Stevie Ray Vaughn is a favorite of mine as well.....incredible guitarist as well as vocal performer.
By the way -
did you like the Allison Krauss/ Robert Plant duets?
I sure did; especially the old Everly Brothers tune they did - "Gone, Gone, Gone"
...sorry everyone - got off topic.
WhiteBuffalo, It was at the uptown around 1988 when I saw Stevie which was my favorite place for concerts. That time I saw Led Zeppelin was 1968 at Memorial Hall. Like I said I had press pass because I had a radio show at Baker Univ. It was probably one of the worst concerts they ever did and I've always felt sorry for the audience. There was another guy backstage who gave Bonham a 1/5 of Black Jack. He downed the whole thing in a metter of minutes right in front of me before they took the stage. He was so smashed that he kept passing out on his drums and Plant would come back repeatedly to kick him to snap out of it. I happen to have had the best"seat" in the house because I was standing in back of the curtain right in back of Bonham, I could have kicked him myself without moving. Ten or so years ago my son met a guy who told him a story about how he went to see Led Zeppelin and gave Bonham a 1/5th of Jack, small world. I was one of the Wesport hippie types and did a lot of partying from the late 60's to mid seventies if that is in your range. I live 17 miles North of Lawrence in the country, are you still around these parts?
Musicman, Are you Randy from the old Ebay chat? You know 'Little Ester Phillips" was a child star back in the 30's. It wasn't until she made a comeback in the mid seventies with 3 or so good albums that she came on my radar. I heard of the Allison and Robert Plant team up but don't think I've heard them. I've been pretty much out of the music scene for quite awhile. Someday, if I ever get my house finished I can get my gear set up and get back into it. I did happen to meet the Everly brothers about 15 years ago at the Grand Palace in Branson. One of my best friends was stage manager there for a long time.. They were kind of run down and did not even like each other much they even had seperate tour buses. A lot of years on the road for them but they were so great back in the day!
My contribution....
From this weekend, as I was moving stamps from some Scott albums to Steiner pages. On the computer, I had Stamp Manage running to inventory and adding cat numbers to Steiner pages prior to printing. The third display was streaming a movie.
I am officially jealous. Sure beats dining room table for work area, albums and catalogs in bookcase in back bedroom, and computer and printer in family room.
No one has slept in the back bedroom for about ten years, but suggestions about using part of it as a stamp room have met fierce resistance. Never mind that the closet no longer has doors and now holds a sewing desk with machine, a serger on a separate stand, and several shelves with 'stuff.'
For the time being my work area is at the right of the picture and the stamps in five trunks. On the picture you can see two of them. They stayed eight months in storage. I hope being operational within two months.
Soon fully enjoying again.
Well since everyone is showing theirs, I might as well show mine and this does not even show the storage room with all the unopened boxes. Second picture is my coffee mug and what my wife says I look like before I have my first cup.
This was the family room I built out of half my garage,and it is now my stamp room
Here I am in my work area (20 hours a week chained to the dialysis machine gives me plenty of time to work on Stamp Smarter and do other online stamping!)
Hi Don,
I like your ingenuity!
Gotta stamp where you can, no matter the location, I say!
Its nice to be orderly and logical thinking...but our stamproom is along Sheepshanks method.At our last stamp meeting/auction one older fellow told me he was not spending much at this stage of the game..thinking of his kids. I think of my kids also...but after raising them i think we are entitled to a little fun !
" ... he was not spending much at this stage
of the game..thinking of his kids. I think
of my kids also.. ..."
I hate to say this as if a judgement is being made,
But some of my happiest memories of the kids growing up,
have been when the children came to my desk to watch,
play with some stamps I'd give them or ask a question.
And my wife always knew where I was, never having to
send someone to the nearest ginmill to tell dad supper
is getting cold.
dutchman !! Now that is the space I need... I am in the process of becoming an emptynester... as soon as the lsat has officially flown the coop.. There is a certain wall between my stamp loft and a large bedroom that will become one room :-) love my kids but will be fun to steal a bedroom. The youngest is 20 and in college so at the moment I would feel quality kicking him out of his room to take it.. should have planed ahead better LOL !
"" ... he was not spending much at this stage
of the game..thinking of his kids. I think
of my kids also.. ...""
I'm curious to see where everyone does there serious work on their stamps. Mine is an unused dining room with nice North and East facing windows that provide a lot of indirect daylight and I have 3 60 watt "Reveal" full spectrum lights overhead. The only thing I add is my laptop when using the microscope, and several other catalogs/books that are scattered around the house. Oh, and the PussKat, who is usually right in the middle of whatever I'm working on
re: Stamp Work Area
Well i guess i will not be showing my stamproom then..perhaps my son would shoot a video of it one day !
re: Stamp Work Area
This is my little stamp space.
re: Stamp Work Area
I took this photo a few days ago, before Sean started this thread!
I've opened three trays on the left: in the lower one you see the Hawid stamp mounts; above that the Lighthouse exhibition protectors into which my album pages go (and some Vario pages); above that my stock of Ryman Superior Vellum Laid 100gsm paper on which I print my pages. My worklight is on (you can just see the switch on top of the tray unit), and on the desk are some of the stamps and souvenir sheets I am in the process of mounting (hence the ruler and scissors). There are some small identification tags which were on the Vario pages - they are discarded once the stamps are mounted.
The screen shows scans of each stamp in this album ('Liberation and Victory'). Those are my favourite tongs (we call them tweezers in the UK) and the black item on the right is a mouse mat.
Not shown is the printer/scanner to the right of the screen. There's another desk at right angles to this one, with a laptop where I sit to write stuff for SOR. Behind me are ceiling-high shelves of books and CDs, and on the floor, I'm afraid to say, piles of folders and miscellaneous stuff. I'm a bit envious of Carabop's workstation and suspect her of doing a tidy-up before photoshooting! (But then again I opened up those trays especially for my own effort.)
re: Stamp Work Area
I say chaps, what awfully spiffing stamp rooms you do have. So clean, tidy and organised. Mine is perhaps a little disorganised. Here I'm just filing away a bit of kiloware:
re: Stamp Work Area
This is MY get-away room.
Unseen in this picture is another desk to the right with my desktop PC, all-in-one printer, and other misc. computer accessories.
re: Stamp Work Area
Nice revealing pic's... OMG you guys are so organised and NEAT..
I'll show my messy room ASAP.
re: Stamp Work Area
Here is my Office: 6m x 4m room separate from House.
House in background, some of my Collections in the bookshelf at rear left of pic, listed items in the folders to the left of laptop, new approval pages "in progress" in front and scattered to the right of Desktop computer.
Printer / scanner on nine drawer cabinet with three drawers (full of sorted but unlisted items) open and other un-listed and un-sorted stamps "everywhere".
Looks messy but, for me it's tidier than usual..
re: Stamp Work Area
I pretty much tidy up after each session in the stamp room mostly because it is also a guest bedroom but only if it has to be. I have another guest bedroom that is bigger and I put my guests in the bigger room first. One bad habit I have though is leaving my albums open to the page I am working on and sometimes it can be awhile before I get back to it. Then I have to gently get the dust off the album. Bad idea to leave them open.
re: Stamp Work Area
"One bad habit I have though is leaving my albums open to the page I am working on and sometimes it can be awhile before I get back to it. Then I have to gently get the dust off the album. Bad idea to leave them open."
re: Stamp Work Area
If I didn't know any better Ningpo, I would have said that was my stamp room.
re: Stamp Work Area
I've cleaned up enough to share a picture of my office / guest room / stamp room.
The folding table in the foreground (with my Denmark album and a few stamps to check) is replaced with an air mattress when guests come.
Albums in the back, computer and scanner on the side with either music playing or in this case, a frustrating Arsenal match.
I find working on stamps during the football to be soothing, especially when the Gunner's aren't scoring.
re: Stamp Work Area
I did it! here's my work area. In the past year not too much has changed. Except a few more books have been added and, no that it, just more books have been added and the Ottlite is gone, broke, have a smaller one now.
re: Stamp Work Area
I just love looking into other people's houses!
re: Stamp Work Area
Then you'll love this side of the room. The red boxes now have a removable blue letter to indicate what country is filed there. Some of the other boxes have been moved around. The other table that is cut off is the shipping table. I designed the room, it was set up and only little things have changed, like the chair had to be replaced. That one is good, but old and hurt my back after a couple hours researching.
re: Stamp Work Area
Here's an old pic of the main work area of my stamp room. My albums are stored in 3 fire file safes to the to right of the picture, only one and part of another are shown in the pic. The counter/desktop is 12 feet 1ong feet long. To the left of the pic is where I have stuff I'm working on. Underneath the counter at left is a 4 foot long 2 drawer file folder cabinet where I keep most of my dupes. At the end is a large flat screen TV to keep me company. Not much has changed except for more albums on the shelving and a 8 shelf cabinet I made to keep my Scott catalogs separate and easy to get to.
re: Stamp Work Area
Hi AntoniusRa,
I see a really good idea in your room that I had in a previous room - I had forgotten about it.
That is the 3 " cubby holes" under your monitors they do give a lot of extra space and I am always looking for more space..
Also lift the monitors to a better level .... No more stiff neck..
Thanks for showing your room it has jogged my memory and I will soon add a cabinet under my computers.
re: Stamp Work Area
Wow - you guys are so organised! My "stamp area" is called the chesterfield (couch)! If they are higher value, the stamp area moves to my bed! Lol
My biggest challenge was when the boys were young, if I dropped a stamp, they'd try to pick it up and give it to me. I spent many years over the past 13 saying, "Thank you sweetheart but I think it would be better if Mummy gets that." Hence the reason for the higher value stamp work space moves to my bed. "Here are a couple of nice toys, can you play over there while Mummy is working here?" I get a very short time in that area because within minutes it's like "Ok, I like my toys, come and play!" Somehow "Mummy wants to play with *these* toys" doesn't cut out!
re: Stamp Work Area
Steve-o, Thanks, it looks like you have a very nice layout as well and you look to have more room. I'm pretty crammed in here and every inch is pretty much utilized.
I find the shelf under the monitor adds much space where you need it most, right in front of you. Another book shelf you can easily make for catlaogs, puts them within arms length and There is no wasted desk top space. I much prefer them separated and laying down rather than standing up.
re: Stamp Work Area
"I find the shelf under the monitor adds much space where you need it most, right in front of you. Another book shelf you can easily make for catlaogs, puts them within arms length and There is no wasted desk top space. I much prefer them separated and laying down rather than standing up."
re: Stamp Work Area
you all have very nice work areas. I mainly use the kitchen table. Take some stock books from the cupboard, start the laptop (and take the scanner if needed) and start. At the end of the evening, everything goes back in the cupboard, box, whatever. Sometimes I have some stockbooks and sit on the bed with them, stamps spread around me.
Perhaps, when the children move out (which will probably take 10 years at least), I will have a nice room for it all, with tables and shelves but right now I improvise.
re: Stamp Work Area
"My albums are stored in 3 fire file safes"
re: Stamp Work Area
This is where I store my stamps and albums.
re: Stamp Work Area
Never really thought about a gun cabinet for storing stamps. Will have to keep an eye out for the sales! Good thought.
re: Stamp Work Area
Sean, do you keep a .410 "perforator" in there too?
re: Stamp Work Area
I sleep a little better at night knowing that they are much safer from theft or fire. The stamps are in the black one, and all the "perforators" are in the gray one.
re: Stamp Work Area
Hi seanpashby
I think you are kidding - But on the off chance that you are serious -
Then, You would need a small light globe in there for some warmth to stop any condensation getting to your perforator...
re: Stamp Work Area
I use a canister system called Damp Rid in both safes to eliminate condensation.
re: Stamp Work Area
Loving the pictures. This is better than House Hunters on HGTV.
re: Stamp Work Area
This is my little spot. To the right behind me is a closet full of albums and catalogs and, yes, junk. Like I tell my wife, It's my junk so leave it alone.
re: Stamp Work Area
beautiful piece of furniture tooler. Looks antique.
re: Stamp Work Area
Not antique Ernie, just a nice desk.
re: Stamp Work Area
"Like I tell my wife, It's my junk so leave it alone."
re: Stamp Work Area
The "club house" stamping area, in need of a good spring cleaning.
There's another desk with PC and scanner at the other end of the room.
This is the only space where my wife is NEVER right!
Great thread! Fun seeing others setups!
re: Stamp Work Area
WB, Gee he's got a plucket or two, loved Lonnies "Talking guitar Blues" that he nicked off the Americans. Always wished I could play, being tone deaf doesn't help and now getting hard of hearing makes it worse, although it helps when my wife shouts.
re: Stamp Work Area
Music soothes the savage beast.
P.S. Stevie Ray Vaughn
re: Stamp Work Area
WB, not sure if we are both on the same Lonnie page, I was thinking of Donegan wheras Stevie was influenced by and also influenced Lonnie Macks.
However at the risk of sidetracking a thread thought I'd better post a photo of my Room of stamps where things sit until I get the chance to sit, sort, soak and organize a few pages. Working from around 7am to 4.30 pm and trying to keep a couple of sheep happy (thank goodness for wellies) as well as the chickens, cats and a dog, not to mention my nearest and dearest and a couple of sometimes wayward lads, doesn't leave a lot of time to do too much stamping.
But think Ningpo has a better system than me.
And this doesn't show the dozen or so cardboard boxes up in the loft full of unsorted Machins from the late80's/90's.
One day !
re: Stamp Work Area
Oh My! I like your room best of all!! Stampers heaven!!!
Yes sir, I knew who you meant, but SRV is also my inspiration.
re: Stamp Work Area
Not sure about the sir, don't think Queenie has hit me with the sword yet, though I did talk to the Duke many years ago, about 1959/60. Maybe if I can get to retire later this year I can get the house sorted and then arrange the room better. Have to rip all the lath and plaster walls out, have them sprayfoam insulated and then put in new wallboard. Problem is one son keeps coming back home and needs a room in which to live. Will start again in spring when the climate warms somewhat, Manitoba gets chilly this time of year.
Was not too sure many Americans knew of Lonnie Donegan or Cliff Richard for that matter. Skiffle was the "in" music when I grew up and I still enjoy it's simplicity and sound.
re: Stamp Work Area
I like Cliff Richard, Devil Woman is a long time favorite. I listen to it in my stamp room quite often.
How's that for putting the thread back on track.
re: Stamp Work Area
Now that brings back memories, when stamping I run the gamut from Albert Lee, through new age, classics, be bop,doo-wop, really enjoy Elke Brooks rendition of Nights in white satin but if in reflective mood then some 80's soft soul instantly takes me back to a romantic time.
Somehow a tune triggers memories much easier than trying to recall the past.
Here's another view of the clutter room.
re: Stamp Work Area
This Yank is familiar with Cliff Richard: It's So Funny How We Don't Talk Anymore, Wired for Sound (I was in Thetford, for my job, when I first heard this one).
re: Stamp Work Area
When I see a pic like that I have this overwhelming urge to jump in and ORGANIZE the chaos. Guess that's why I just love a big ole messy box of stamps. Fun fun fun!!!
re: Stamp Work Area
re: Stamp Work Area
Theresa, it is organized, just not on any sort of normal system, all part of the master plan to thwart the alien philatelists trying to plunder my horde. Not a pleasant experience at any time, so it is kept in a state of dishabille but I know, sometimes, where things are or should be if I had not already moved them to elsewhere that they might not be anymore.
Are you allowed to collect stamps in a looney bin?
re: Stamp Work Area
Now if I had a nice large work area like Roy I could fill it with even more boxes of unsorted little bits of paper instead of having to go in the attic to bring down a few bits at a time.
Nice set up everyone seems to have, good to see the photos.
re: Stamp Work Area
Cliff Richard is my favorite singer. His incredible range and quality of voice was unequaled. Rather sad that he never had much of a following in the U.S.
I wonder if anyone has heard of my favorite female singer Esther Phillips? Then Allison Krauss came around and would have a hard time choosing between them.
Roy, Great looking stamp room!
re: Stamp Work Area
Well what a difference a day makes; Cliff never ever played in USA, think it was the whole rival to Elvis bit. Always said he had a show ready to bring over but was never invited. Had a big following in OZ and South Africa if memory serves me aright.
Now will it be Clifton Chenier or Dory Previn for tonights music.
re: Stamp Work Area
I saw her preform at a night club in Seattle in the 70's. During her first break I ran up to her and gave her a big kiss smack on the lips. She invited my wife and I to her table for the night. One of those nights I'll never forget. Clifton Chenier sounds good to me!
Whitebuffalo, I'm a assuming Stevie Ray was one of your heroes. I spent a half hour talking with him about twenty years ago after a concert in Kansas city. This was before he cleaned up his act and it was obvious he got a fix right after the show. Even though he was nodding out it was a thrill and can say I shook that immortal hand. Twenty years before had backstage pass to Led Zeppelin and treasure shaking Jimmy Pages' hand as well. Hard to find many more greater guitarist than them. Ah, the good old days
re: Stamp Work Area
I'm not sure if hero is the right word, but certainly an inspiration since the '82 Montreux Jazz Festival.
I have the guitar and amp to create the SRV sound, but fall very much short in the SRV talent department. But I try.
We'll have to get together sometime and talk about the venue you met Stevie at and what year, there's a very good chance we may have bumped in to each other back then. I was born and raised in Kansas myself.
If they put SRV on a stamp, I'd have one printed on a poster and hang it in my "stamp work area".
See what I just did there?
re: Stamp Work Area
One of my favorite songs was by Esther;
"What A Difference A Day Makes"
Great song!
(not many singers I HAVEN'T heard of, actually )
And Stevie Ray Vaughn is a favorite of mine as well.....incredible guitarist as well as vocal performer.
re: Stamp Work Area
By the way -
did you like the Allison Krauss/ Robert Plant duets?
I sure did; especially the old Everly Brothers tune they did - "Gone, Gone, Gone"
re: Stamp Work Area
...sorry everyone - got off topic.
re: Stamp Work Area
WhiteBuffalo, It was at the uptown around 1988 when I saw Stevie which was my favorite place for concerts. That time I saw Led Zeppelin was 1968 at Memorial Hall. Like I said I had press pass because I had a radio show at Baker Univ. It was probably one of the worst concerts they ever did and I've always felt sorry for the audience. There was another guy backstage who gave Bonham a 1/5 of Black Jack. He downed the whole thing in a metter of minutes right in front of me before they took the stage. He was so smashed that he kept passing out on his drums and Plant would come back repeatedly to kick him to snap out of it. I happen to have had the best"seat" in the house because I was standing in back of the curtain right in back of Bonham, I could have kicked him myself without moving. Ten or so years ago my son met a guy who told him a story about how he went to see Led Zeppelin and gave Bonham a 1/5th of Jack, small world. I was one of the Wesport hippie types and did a lot of partying from the late 60's to mid seventies if that is in your range. I live 17 miles North of Lawrence in the country, are you still around these parts?
Musicman, Are you Randy from the old Ebay chat? You know 'Little Ester Phillips" was a child star back in the 30's. It wasn't until she made a comeback in the mid seventies with 3 or so good albums that she came on my radar. I heard of the Allison and Robert Plant team up but don't think I've heard them. I've been pretty much out of the music scene for quite awhile. Someday, if I ever get my house finished I can get my gear set up and get back into it. I did happen to meet the Everly brothers about 15 years ago at the Grand Palace in Branson. One of my best friends was stage manager there for a long time.. They were kind of run down and did not even like each other much they even had seperate tour buses. A lot of years on the road for them but they were so great back in the day!
re: Stamp Work Area
My contribution....
From this weekend, as I was moving stamps from some Scott albums to Steiner pages. On the computer, I had Stamp Manage running to inventory and adding cat numbers to Steiner pages prior to printing. The third display was streaming a movie.
re: Stamp Work Area
I am officially jealous. Sure beats dining room table for work area, albums and catalogs in bookcase in back bedroom, and computer and printer in family room.
No one has slept in the back bedroom for about ten years, but suggestions about using part of it as a stamp room have met fierce resistance. Never mind that the closet no longer has doors and now holds a sewing desk with machine, a serger on a separate stand, and several shelves with 'stuff.'
re: Stamp Work Area
For the time being my work area is at the right of the picture and the stamps in five trunks. On the picture you can see two of them. They stayed eight months in storage. I hope being operational within two months.
Soon fully enjoying again.
re: Stamp Work Area
Well since everyone is showing theirs, I might as well show mine and this does not even show the storage room with all the unopened boxes. Second picture is my coffee mug and what my wife says I look like before I have my first cup.
re: Stamp Work Area
This was the family room I built out of half my garage,and it is now my stamp room
re: Stamp Work Area
Here I am in my work area (20 hours a week chained to the dialysis machine gives me plenty of time to work on Stamp Smarter and do other online stamping!)
re: Stamp Work Area
Hi Don,
I like your ingenuity!
Gotta stamp where you can, no matter the location, I say!
re: Stamp Work Area
Its nice to be orderly and logical thinking...but our stamproom is along Sheepshanks method.At our last stamp meeting/auction one older fellow told me he was not spending much at this stage of the game..thinking of his kids. I think of my kids also...but after raising them i think we are entitled to a little fun !
re: Stamp Work Area
" ... he was not spending much at this stage
of the game..thinking of his kids. I think
of my kids also.. ..."
I hate to say this as if a judgement is being made,
But some of my happiest memories of the kids growing up,
have been when the children came to my desk to watch,
play with some stamps I'd give them or ask a question.
And my wife always knew where I was, never having to
send someone to the nearest ginmill to tell dad supper
is getting cold.
re: Stamp Work Area
dutchman !! Now that is the space I need... I am in the process of becoming an emptynester... as soon as the lsat has officially flown the coop.. There is a certain wall between my stamp loft and a large bedroom that will become one room :-) love my kids but will be fun to steal a bedroom. The youngest is 20 and in college so at the moment I would feel quality kicking him out of his room to take it.. should have planed ahead better LOL !
re: Stamp Work Area
"" ... he was not spending much at this stage
of the game..thinking of his kids. I think
of my kids also.. ...""