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United States/Stamps : USPS Circus



03 Sep 2014
Linn's is reporting that the USPS is printing a special three-stamp sheetlet based on the circus poster sheet. The catch? This sheetlet will only be available for sale if you buy the 2014 year set from the USPS. Sounds like you'll have to spend a little bit less than $100 or maybe more than that to get the sheetlet that will have a $1.47 face value. Guess this one won't get listed in the catalogs.
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BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories

03 Sep 2014
re: USPS Circus

"Guess this one won't get listed in the catalogs."

Of course it will. Do you really think the editors of Scott's will apply the same listing rules to US issues that they do to other countries?

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"BuckaCover.com - 8,000+ new covers coming Wednesday Jan. 15. See the website."


03 Sep 2014
re: USPS Circus

Scott doesn't list the imperf stamps. They just footnote them due to the limited distribution rule.

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APS #220693 ATA#57179

17 Oct 2014
re: USPS Circus


The stamps are not imperf, and they are not the same denomination as their inspirations. It's a souvenir sheet with a $1 version of the clown poster stamp and two 50c replicas of the Transportation Series Circus Wagon stamp (originally a 5c stamp). They are valid for postage and I can't see how they won't get MAJOR catalog numbers!

Here is the info from the USPS web site:

EXCLUSIVE FOR 2014: The Circus Souvenir Sheet, available in mint form only through the yearbook. The sheet features a $1 stamp showing an alternate version of the iconic clown poster featured on the 2014 Vintage Circus Posters pane and two 50¢ Circus Wagon 1900s stamps.

They are taking pre-orders now. $64.95 plus S+H ($1.85 for mine). The listing says there are 90 stamps, so if the other 87 stamps are 49 cents, that's $42.63 in FV. I could use that for postage, use the mounts elsewhere, and only be out $24.17 for a Souvenir Sheet that is VERY likely to be scarce.


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02 Nov 2014
re: USPS Circus

Linn's reports that the USPS will be releasing press sheets of the new Circus souvenir sheets at face value. A press sheet will be 12 panes at $2 each, so $24 per press sheet. No need to purchase the stamp yearbook just to get these....


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02 Nov 2014
re: USPS Circus

After reading Linn's report, I'm under the impression that the 3 stamps on the sheet are die cut from the yearbook and imperf on the press sheet with only partial die cut around the SS only. I may be wrong.


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03 Nov 2014
re: USPS Circus

This is the article from Linn's:

The single mint three-stamp Circus souvenir sheet from the United States Postal Service, available only with the purchase of The 2014 Stamp Yearbook.

By Jay Bigalke

A press sheet will be issued Dec. 10 for the upcoming United States $2 Circus souvenir sheet. Pre-orders for the press sheet will start Nov. 10, with USPS item number 588708.

The single mint souvenir sheet with die cuts, containing a previously unissued $1 Clown stamp and two examples of a previously unissued 50¢ Circus Wagon stamp, will be available only with the purchase of The 2014 Stamp Yearbook for $64.95 from the U.S. Postal Service. The book is USPS item 991400.

Postal Service spokesman Mark Saunders told Linn’s that 10,000 press sheets will be offered, and that each will consist of 12 souvenir sheets and sell for the face value of $24.

Saunders added that “the souvenir sheets on the press sheets will be partially die-cut,” and explained that the stamps within the souvenir sheet will not be die cut, but the edges of the individual souvenir sheets will be die cut to shape.

A first-day cover of the souvenir sheet without die cuts will also be made available with a black-ink Baraboo, Wis., postmark. No digital color postmark will be offered. The first-day cover is USPS item No. 588716 and sells for $4.50.

Published 10/28/2014 12:50 PM

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03 Nov 2014
re: USPS Circus

So, there will be two varieties of the sheet. Looks like there will be up to 120,000 imperf sheets and an unknown # of the perf sheets. AND there will be FDCs of the imperf sheet. Collecting is so much fun!!!!

It will be interesting to see Scott's decisions and explanations of this sheet. They decided that a sheet only available by lottery deserves a major number but press sheets especially the imperfs deserve only a footnote.

I guess if you purchase several yearbooks, you may be even able to get a FDC of the perf sheet. Hmmmm


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03 Nov 2014
re: USPS Circus

Scott said that the Circus sheet (form the year book) will "most likely" not be listed. The press sheets already are not listed, but footnoted. Probably the Circus sheet will get a footnote too.

On the Legends of the West sheet, those sheets were issued to the post offices. When the error was found, they were recalled, but if someone got in to a post office soon enough, they could have bought one. I have thought about it over the years, and do think that maybe like the inverted Jenny, the Legends error sheet might have been more appropriately listed with a minor number instead of a major one.

With all the press sheets, I'd like to see them listed in Scott US Specialized in the back like they do with the essays and such. I'd like to see the reprints from the 19th century moved to the back as well. They did that once, but some collectors and dealers thought the move would devalue their stamps, so Scott moved them back.

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03 Sep 2014

Linn's is reporting that the USPS is printing a special three-stamp sheetlet based on the circus poster sheet. The catch? This sheetlet will only be available for sale if you buy the 2014 year set from the USPS. Sounds like you'll have to spend a little bit less than $100 or maybe more than that to get the sheetlet that will have a $1.47 face value. Guess this one won't get listed in the catalogs.

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BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories
03 Sep 2014

re: USPS Circus

"Guess this one won't get listed in the catalogs."

Of course it will. Do you really think the editors of Scott's will apply the same listing rules to US issues that they do to other countries?

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"BuckaCover.com - 8,000+ new covers coming Wednesday Jan. 15. See the website."


03 Sep 2014

re: USPS Circus

Scott doesn't list the imperf stamps. They just footnote them due to the limited distribution rule.

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APS #220693 ATA#57179
17 Oct 2014

re: USPS Circus


The stamps are not imperf, and they are not the same denomination as their inspirations. It's a souvenir sheet with a $1 version of the clown poster stamp and two 50c replicas of the Transportation Series Circus Wagon stamp (originally a 5c stamp). They are valid for postage and I can't see how they won't get MAJOR catalog numbers!

Here is the info from the USPS web site:

EXCLUSIVE FOR 2014: The Circus Souvenir Sheet, available in mint form only through the yearbook. The sheet features a $1 stamp showing an alternate version of the iconic clown poster featured on the 2014 Vintage Circus Posters pane and two 50¢ Circus Wagon 1900s stamps.

They are taking pre-orders now. $64.95 plus S+H ($1.85 for mine). The listing says there are 90 stamps, so if the other 87 stamps are 49 cents, that's $42.63 in FV. I could use that for postage, use the mounts elsewhere, and only be out $24.17 for a Souvenir Sheet that is VERY likely to be scarce.


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02 Nov 2014

re: USPS Circus

Linn's reports that the USPS will be releasing press sheets of the new Circus souvenir sheets at face value. A press sheet will be 12 panes at $2 each, so $24 per press sheet. No need to purchase the stamp yearbook just to get these....


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02 Nov 2014

re: USPS Circus

After reading Linn's report, I'm under the impression that the 3 stamps on the sheet are die cut from the yearbook and imperf on the press sheet with only partial die cut around the SS only. I may be wrong.


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03 Nov 2014

re: USPS Circus

This is the article from Linn's:

The single mint three-stamp Circus souvenir sheet from the United States Postal Service, available only with the purchase of The 2014 Stamp Yearbook.

By Jay Bigalke

A press sheet will be issued Dec. 10 for the upcoming United States $2 Circus souvenir sheet. Pre-orders for the press sheet will start Nov. 10, with USPS item number 588708.

The single mint souvenir sheet with die cuts, containing a previously unissued $1 Clown stamp and two examples of a previously unissued 50¢ Circus Wagon stamp, will be available only with the purchase of The 2014 Stamp Yearbook for $64.95 from the U.S. Postal Service. The book is USPS item 991400.

Postal Service spokesman Mark Saunders told Linn’s that 10,000 press sheets will be offered, and that each will consist of 12 souvenir sheets and sell for the face value of $24.

Saunders added that “the souvenir sheets on the press sheets will be partially die-cut,” and explained that the stamps within the souvenir sheet will not be die cut, but the edges of the individual souvenir sheets will be die cut to shape.

A first-day cover of the souvenir sheet without die cuts will also be made available with a black-ink Baraboo, Wis., postmark. No digital color postmark will be offered. The first-day cover is USPS item No. 588716 and sells for $4.50.

Published 10/28/2014 12:50 PM

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03 Nov 2014

re: USPS Circus

So, there will be two varieties of the sheet. Looks like there will be up to 120,000 imperf sheets and an unknown # of the perf sheets. AND there will be FDCs of the imperf sheet. Collecting is so much fun!!!!

It will be interesting to see Scott's decisions and explanations of this sheet. They decided that a sheet only available by lottery deserves a major number but press sheets especially the imperfs deserve only a footnote.

I guess if you purchase several yearbooks, you may be even able to get a FDC of the perf sheet. Hmmmm


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03 Nov 2014

re: USPS Circus

Scott said that the Circus sheet (form the year book) will "most likely" not be listed. The press sheets already are not listed, but footnoted. Probably the Circus sheet will get a footnote too.

On the Legends of the West sheet, those sheets were issued to the post offices. When the error was found, they were recalled, but if someone got in to a post office soon enough, they could have bought one. I have thought about it over the years, and do think that maybe like the inverted Jenny, the Legends error sheet might have been more appropriately listed with a minor number instead of a major one.

With all the press sheets, I'd like to see them listed in Scott US Specialized in the back like they do with the essays and such. I'd like to see the reprints from the 19th century moved to the back as well. They did that once, but some collectors and dealers thought the move would devalue their stamps, so Scott moved them back.

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