Countries with overall value increases
Aden: +8.5%
Afghanistan: +0.5%
Ajman: +11.2%
Alaouites: +9.7%
Alexandretta: +9.8%
Algeria: +1.3%
Allenstein: +11.5%
Anam & Tonkin: +5.3%
Angola: +1.4%
Anguilla: 0.0%
Anjouan: +4.7%
Argentina: +4.0%
Ascension: +1.5%
Bahrain: +3.4%
Barbados: +3.3%
Basutoland: +6.8%
Bechuanaland: +3.4%
Belgian Congo / Congo Democratic Republic / Zaire: +1.0%
Bhutan: +3.0%
Bolivia: +0.04%
British East Africa: +3.6%
British Guiana: +7.8%
Bulgaria: +0.7%
Burma: +0.6%
Cameroun (including Cameroons): +0.6%
Canada and Provinces: +3.1%
Cape Juby: 0.0%
Cape Verde: +1.5%
Castellorizo: +9.1%
Ceylon / Sri Lanka: +2.5%
Chad: +0.7%
Chile: +0.3%
China (People's Republic): +0.9%
China (Republic/Taiwan): +3.2%
Cilicia: +1.4%
Colombia: +3.0%
Cook Islands: +1.2%
Costa Rica: +2.9%
Croatia: +2.7%
Cuba: +7.5%
Cyprus: +2.8%
Cyrenaica: +3.6%
Czechoslovakia: +1.0%
Danzig: +0.1%
Dominica: +3.5%
Ecuador: +0.3%
Egypt: +19.7%
Ethiopia: +0.4%
Falkland Islands: +6.4%
France - Reunion: +8.6%
France: +0.02%
French Congo: +14.7%
French Equatorial Africa: +3.8%
French Guiana: +8.7%
French India: +6.3%
French Morocco: +4.5%
French Polynesia: +0.7%
Gambia: +6.2%
Germany: +1.5%
Gibraltar: +0.4%
Gilbert and Ellice Islands / Gilbert Islands / Kiribati: +0.1%
Gold Coast: +5.3%
Great Britain: +16.7%
Greece: +63.1%
Grenada and Grenadines: +2.2%
Guadeloupe: +0.1%
Hatay: +35.8%
Heligoland: +1.8%
Hong Kong: +2.5%
Iceland: +3.5%
India: +2.0%
Indo-China: +2.8%
Inhambane: +4.5%
Ionian Islands: +15.0%
Iran: +2.1%
Iraq: +0.3%
Italian Colonies: +12.5%
Italian East Africa: +11.7%
Ivory Coast: +0.1%
Jamaica: +5.1%
Jordan: +3.2%
Karelia: +20.7%
Katanga: +8.8%
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: +9.4%
Kionga: +4.6%
Korea Democratic People's Republic: +23.7%
Korea: +24.2%
Kyrgyzstan: +7.4%
Labuan: +0.7%
Lagos: +5.7%
Latakia: +7.6%
Lebanon: +0.1%
Leeward Islands: +6.6%
Liberia: +0.02%
Libya: +0.9%
Lithuania: +0.2%
Lourenco Marques: +3.8%
Luxembourg: +3.3%
Macao: +0.2%
Madeira: +1.7%
Malagasy Republic: +0.4%
Malta: +1.2%
Manchukuo: +1.3%
Martinique: +0.01%
Mauritius: +5.4%
Memel: +0.9%
Mexico: +1.2%
Monaco: +0.03%
Montenegro: +6.4%
Morocco: +5.3%
Mozambique Company: +3.1%
Mozambique: +0.01%
Natal: +20.3%
Nepal: +0.5%
Netherlands: +1.3%
Nevis: +1.6%
New Britain: +10.0%
New Guinea: +7.7%
New Hebrides (French): +22.3%
Nicaragua: +0.5%
Niger Coast Protectorate: +16.7%
North Borneo: +2.3%
Northern Nigeria: +5.0%
Northern Rhodesia: +2.2%
Norway: +5.6%
Nyasaland Protectorate: +0.8%
Nyassa: +2.5%
Oman: +4.6%
Orange River Colony: +14.7%
Palau: +0.1%
Peru: +0.01%
Philippines: +0.3%
Pitcairn Islands: +0.5%
Ponta Delgada: +0.6%
Portuguese Congo: +18.7%
Portuguese India: +3.7%
Puerto Rico: +5.8%
Qatar: +3.7%
Quelimane: +7.4%
Rhodesia / Zimbabwe: +5.3%
Rio de Oro: +9.6%
Rio Muni: +7.3%
Romania: +1.0%
Russia: +13.4%
Rwanda: +5.1%
Saint Kitts: +6.0%
Saint Lucia: +2.0%
Saint Marie de Madagascar: +4.2%
Samoa: +6.4%
Sarawak: +0.6%
Saudi Arabia: +0.01%
Seychelles: +3.4%
Singapore: +6.4%
Somalia: +5.5%
Somaliland Protectorate: +2.5%
South Georgia: +0.5%
South West Africa / Namibia: +0.2%
Southern Rhodesia: +1.0%
Spanish Morocco: +0.4%
Spanish Sahara: +0.1%
Spanish West Africa: +23.8%
Straits Settlements: +18.8%
Sudan: +3.2%
Swaziland: +13.1%
Sweden: +1.2%
Syria: +0.1%
Tanganyika: +18.6%
Tannu Tuva: +1.8%
Tete: +12.2%
Tobago: +8.2%
Tonga: +1.3%
Trinidad & Tobago: +0.1%
Trinidad: +4.9%
Tripolitania: +15.8%
Tristan Da Cunha: +2.9%
Trucial States: +12.8%
Tunisia: +3.2%
Turkey: +3.0%
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: +1.7%
Turks & Caicos Islands: +2.3%
Turks Islands: +2.1%
Ubangi-Shari: +5.8%
Uganda: +0.5%
United Nations: +0.5%
United States - Hawaii: 0.0%
Upper Silesia: +4.3%
Uruguay: +3.8%
Vatican City: +1.0%
Venezuela: +0.1%
Wallis and Futuna Islands: +0.9%
Yemen: +0.4%
Yugoslavia: +0.4%
Zambezia: +26.6%
Zanzibar: +5.8%
Zululand: 0.0%
Countries with overall value decreases:
Abu Dhabi: -0.9%
Aitutaki: -0.04%
Andorra: -1.5%
Antigua: -0.3%
Armenia: -1.0%
Australia: -2.5%
Austria: -2.7%
Azerbaijan: -5.0%
Bahamas: -2.4%
Belarus: -10.6%
Belgium: -0.1%
Bermuda: -0.2%
Bosnia & Herzegovina: -0.2%
Botswana: -2.1%
British Antarctic Territories: -3.2%
British Honduras / Belize: -1.6%
Burundi: -0.9%
Cambodia: -1.0%
Cayman Islands: -1.6%
Central African Republic: -3.3%
Christmas Island: -18.6%
Cocos Islands: -11.3%
Dahomey / Benin (People's Republic): -3.9%
Danish West Indies: -0.1%
Denmark: -0.5%
Dominican Republic: -0.1%
Estonia: -2.9%
Fiji: -2.2%
Finland: -4.5%
French Guinea / Guinea: -3.3%
Gabon: -0.02%
German East Africa: -4.3%
German New Guinea: -10.7%
Grand Comoro / Comoro Islands: -0.9%
Greenland: -2.2%
Guyana: -11.5%
Haiti: -0.2%
Hungary: -2.4%
Inini: -5.4%
Ireland: -0.1%
Israel: -11.6%
Italy: -5.9%
Japan: -1.0%
Kazakhstan: -5.0%
Kenya: -0.1%
Kuwait: -0.1%
Latvia: -0.3%
Macedonia: -4.8%
Malaya / Malaysia: -1.7%
Middle Congo / Congo Peoples' Republic: -1.1%
Moldova: -2.2%
Mongolia: -14.0%
Nauru: -3.9%
New Hebrides (British Administration) / Vanuatu: -1.9%
New Zealand: -1.9%
Norfolk Island: -6.9%
North West Pacific Islands: -39.1%
Pakistan: -5.8%
Panama: -0.1%
Papua New Guinea: -4.3%
Paraguay: -1.6%
Poland: -6.6%
Portugal: -2.3%
Portuguese Guinea / Guinea-Bissau: -1.6%
Ruanda-Urundi: -4.4%
Saar: -2.1%
Saint Christopher / Saint Kitts: -10.9%
Saint Helena: -2.6%
Saint Pierre & Miquelon: -0.1%
Saint Thomas & Prince Islands: -0.01%
Saint Vincent / Saint Vincent Grenadines: -0.9%
San Marino: -5.4%
Sierre Leone: -4.0%
Solomon Islands: -13.6%
Somali Coast / Afars & Issas / Djibuti: -0.1%
Spain: -0.4%
Switzerland: -3.6%
Tanzania: -0.1%
Thrace: -5.6%
Togo: -0.01%
Tokelau: -9.9%
Turkmenistan: -1.8%
Tuvalu: -19.6%
United States - Canal Zone: -0.1%
United States - Ryukyu Islands: -7.4%
United States: -0.1%
Uzbekistan: -4.0%
Viet Nam: -22.3%
Virgin Islands: -2.9%
Yemen People's Democratic Republic: -0.5%
I make them in Alpha order
For those who may want to compare the 2015-2017 review with the previous review to get a four year picture of catalog values.
Below is a list of the basic ups and downs for each catalog volume and country as reviewed:
Overall value changes per catalog volume:
United States: +2.3%
Volume 1: +6.1% (United States not included)
Volume 2: +4.0%
Volume 3: +8.7%
Volume 4: +3.0%
Volume 5: +8.0%
Volume 6: +4.4%
Countries with overall value increases
Greece: +63.1%
Hatay: +35.8%
Zambezia: +26.6%
Korea: +24.2%
Spanish West Africa: +23.8%
Korea Democratic People's Republic: +23.7%
New Hebrides (French): +22.3%
Karelia: +20.7%
Natal: +20.3%
Egypt: +19.7%
Straits Settlements: +18.8%
Portuguese Congo: +18.7%
Tanganyika: +18.6%
Great Britain: +16.7%
Niger Coast Protectorate: +16.7%
Tripolitania: +15.8%
Ionian Islands: +15.0%
French Congo: +14.7%
Orange River Colony: +14.7%
Russia: +13.4%
Swaziland: +13.1%
Trucial States: +12.8%
Italian Colonies: +12.5%
Tete: +12.2%
Italian East Africa: +11.7%
Allenstein: +11.5%
Ajman: +11.2%
New Britain: +10.0%
Alexandretta: +9.8%
Alaouites: +9.7%
Rio de Oro: +9.6%
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: +9.4%
Castellorizo: +9.1%
Katanga: +8.8%
French Guiana: +8.7%
France - Reunion: +8.6%
Aden: +8.5%
Tobago: +8.2%
British Guiana: +7.8%
New Guinea: +7.7%
Latakia: +7.6%
Cuba: +7.5%
Kyrgyzstan: +7.4%
Quelimane: +7.4%
Rio Muni: +7.3%
Basutoland: +6.8%
Leeward Islands: +6.6%
Falkland Islands: +6.4%
Montenegro: +6.4%
Samoa: +6.4%
Singapore: +6.4%
French India: +6.3%
Gambia: +6.2%
Saint Kitts: +6.0%
Puerto Rico: +5.8%
Ubangi-Shari: +5.8%
Zanzibar: +5.8%
Lagos: +5.7%
Norway: +5.6%
Somalia: +5.5%
Mauritius: +5.4%
Anam & Tonkin: +5.3%
Gold Coast: +5.3%
Morocco: +5.3%
Rhodesia / Zimbabwe: +5.3%
Jamaica: +5.1%
Rwanda: +5.1%
Northern Nigeria: +5.0%
Trinidad: +4.9%
Anjouan: +4.7%
Kionga: +4.6%
Oman: +4.6%
French Morocco: +4.5%
Inhambane: +4.5%
Upper Silesia: +4.3%
Saint Marie de Madagascar: +4.2%
Argentina: +4.0%
French Equatorial Africa: +3.8%
Lourenco Marques: +3.8%
Uruguay: +3.8%
Portuguese India: +3.7%
Qatar: +3.7%
British East Africa: +3.6%
Cyrenaica: +3.6%
Dominica: +3.5%
Iceland: +3.5%
Bahrain: +3.4%
Bechuanaland: +3.4%
Seychelles: +3.4%
Barbados: +3.3%
Luxembourg: +3.3%
China (Republic/Taiwan): +3.2%
Jordan: +3.2%
Sudan: +3.2%
Tunisia: +3.2%
Canada and Provinces: +3.1%
Mozambique Company: +3.1%
Bhutan: +3.0%
Colombia: +3.0%
Turkey: +3.0%
Costa Rica: +2.9%
Tristan Da Cunha: +2.9%
Cyprus: +2.8%
Indo-China: +2.8%
Croatia: +2.7%
Ceylon / Sri Lanka: +2.5%
Hong Kong: +2.5%
Nyassa: +2.5%
Somaliland Protectorate: +2.5%
North Borneo: +2.3%
Turks & Caicos Islands: +2.3%
Grenada and Grenadines: +2.2%
Northern Rhodesia: +2.2%
Iran: +2.1%
Turks Islands: +2.1%
India: +2.0%
Saint Lucia: +2.0%
Heligoland: +1.8%
Tannu Tuva: +1.8%
Madeira: +1.7%
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: +1.7%
Nevis: +1.6%
Ascension: +1.5%
Cape Verde: +1.5%
Germany: +1.5%
Angola: +1.4%
Cilicia: +1.4%
Algeria: +1.3%
Manchukuo: +1.3%
Netherlands: +1.3%
Tonga: +1.3%
Cook Islands: +1.2%
Malta: +1.2%
Mexico: +1.2%
Sweden: +1.2%
Czechoslovakia: +1.0%
Romania: +1.0%
Southern Rhodesia: +1.0%
Vatican City: +1.0%
Belgian Congo / Congo Democratic Republic / Zaire: +1.0%
China (People's Republic): +0.9%
Libya: +0.9%
Memel: +0.9%
Wallis and Futuna Islands: +0.9%
Nyasaland Protectorate: +0.8%
Bulgaria: +0.7%
Chad: +0.7%
French Polynesia: +0.7%
Labuan: +0.7%
Burma: +0.6%
Cameroun (including Cameroons): +0.6%
Ponta Delgada: +0.6%
Sarawak: +0.6%
Afghanistan: +0.5%
Nepal: +0.5%
Nicaragua: +0.5%
Pitcairn Islands: +0.5%
South Georgia: +0.5%
Uganda: +0.5%
United Nations: +0.5%
Bolivia: +0.04%
Ethiopia: +0.4%
Gibraltar: +0.4%
Malagasy Republic: +0.4%
Spanish Morocco: +0.4%
Yemen: +0.4%
Yugoslavia: +0.4%
Chile: +0.3%
Ecuador: +0.3%
Iraq: +0.3%
Philippines: +0.3%
Lithuania: +0.2%
South West Africa / Namibia: +0.2%
Danzig: +0.1%
Gilbert and Ellice Islands / Gilbert Islands / Kiribati: +0.1%
Guadeloupe: +0.1%
Ivory Coast: +0.1%
Lebanon: +0.1%
Palau: +0.1%
Spanish Sahara: +0.1%
Syria: +0.1%
Trinidad & Tobago: +0.1%
Venezuela: +0.1%
Monaco: +0.03%
France: +0.02%
Liberia: +0.02%
Macao: +0.2%
Martinique: +0.01%
Mozambique: +0.01%
Peru: +0.01%
Saudi Arabia: +0.01%
Anguilla: 0.0%
Cape Juby: 0.0%
United States - Hawaii: 0.0%
Zululand: 0.0%
Countries with no value changes
Aguera, La
Benin (French Colony)
British Central Africa
British Indian Ocean Territories
Burkina Faso
Cape of Good Hope
Caroline Islands
Central Lithuania
Diego Suarez
East Africa & Uganda Protectorates
Eastern Rumelia
Eastern Silesia
Elobey, Annobon & Corisco
Equatorial Guinea
Far Eastern Republic
Faroe Islands
Fernando Po
French Colonies
French Southern & Antarctic Territories
French Sudan
French West Africa
German South West Africa
Griqualand West
Maldive Islands
Mariana Islands
Marshall Islands
Netherlands Antilles
Netherlands Indies
Netherlands New Guinea
New Caledonia
North Ingermanland
Oltre Giuba
Palestinian Authority
Portuguese Africa
Senegambia & Niger
Sharjah & Dependencies
South Africa / South African Homelands
South Arabia
Southern Nigeria
South Russia
Spanish Guinea
Transcaucasian Federated Republic
Turkey in Asia
Umm Al Qiwain
United Arab Emirates
United States - Guam
Upper Senegal & Niger
Western Ukraine
Countries with overall value decreases:
Saint Thomas & Prince Islands: -0.01%
Togo: -0.01%
Gabon: -0.02%
Aitutaki: -0.04%
Belgium: -0.1%
Danish West Indies: -0.1%
Dominican Republic: -0.1%
Ireland: -0.1%
Kenya: -0.1%
Kuwait: -0.1%
Panama: -0.1%
Saint Pierre & Miquelon: -0.1%
Somali Coast / Afars & Issas / Djibuti: -0.1%
Tanzania: -0.1%
United States: -0.1%
United States - Canal Zone: -0.1%
Bermuda: -0.2%
Bosnia & Herzegovina: -0.2%
Haiti: -0.2%
Antigua: -0.3%
Latvia: -0.3%
Spain: -0.4%
Denmark: -0.5%
Yemen People's Democratic Republic: -0.5%
Abu Dhabi: -0.9%
Burundi: -0.9%
Grand Comoro / Comoro Islands: -0.9%
Saint Vincent / Saint Vincent Grenadines: -0.9%
Armenia: -1.0%
Cambodia: -1.0%
Japan: -1.0%
Middle Congo / Congo Peoples' Republic: -1.1%
Andorra: -1.5%
British Honduras / Belize: -1.6%
Cayman Islands: -1.6%
Paraguay: -1.6%
Portuguese Guinea / Guinea-Bissau: -1.6%
Malaya / Malaysia: -1.7%
Turkmenistan: -1.8%
New Zealand: -1.9%
New Hebrides (British Administration) / Vanuatu: -1.9%
Botswana: -2.1%
Saar: -2.1%
Fiji: -2.2%
Greenland: -2.2%
Moldova: -2.2%
Portugal: -2.3%
Bahamas: -2.4%
Hungary: -2.4%
Australia: -2.5%
Saint Helena: -2.6%
Austria: -2.7%
Estonia: -2.9%
Virgin Islands: -2.9%
British Antarctic Territories: -3.2%
Central African Republic: -3.3%
French Guinea / Guinea: -3.3%
Switzerland: -3.6%
Dahomey / Benin (People's Republic): -3.9%
Nauru: -3.9%
Sierre Leone: -4.0%
Uzbekistan: -4.0%
German East Africa: -4.3%
Papua New Guinea: -4.3%
Ruanda-Urundi: -4.4%
Finland: -4.5%
Macedonia: -4.8%
Azerbaijan: -5.0%
Kazakhstan: -5.0%
Inini: -5.4%
San Marino: -5.4%
Thrace: -5.6%
Pakistan: -5.8%
Italy: -5.9%
Poland: -6.6%
Norfolk Island: -6.9%
United States - Ryukyu Islands: -7.4%
Tokelau: -9.9%
Belarus: -10.6%
German New Guinea: -10.7%
Saint Christopher / Saint Kitts: -10.9%
Cocos Islands: -11.3%
Guyana: -11.5%
Israel: -11.6%
Solomon Islands: -13.6%
Mongolia: -14.0%
Christmas Island: -18.6%
Tuvalu: -19.6%
Viet Nam: -22.3%
North West Pacific Islands: -39.1%
Countries not reviewed due to my not having any stamps from them
Caribbean Netherlands
Cochin China
Madagascar (British)
New Republic
Ras Al Khaima
Saint Martin
South Sudan
re: 2013-2015 Scott Catalog Review High-Level Summary
Countries with overall value increases
Aden: +8.5%
Afghanistan: +0.5%
Ajman: +11.2%
Alaouites: +9.7%
Alexandretta: +9.8%
Algeria: +1.3%
Allenstein: +11.5%
Anam & Tonkin: +5.3%
Angola: +1.4%
Anguilla: 0.0%
Anjouan: +4.7%
Argentina: +4.0%
Ascension: +1.5%
Bahrain: +3.4%
Barbados: +3.3%
Basutoland: +6.8%
Bechuanaland: +3.4%
Belgian Congo / Congo Democratic Republic / Zaire: +1.0%
Bhutan: +3.0%
Bolivia: +0.04%
British East Africa: +3.6%
British Guiana: +7.8%
Bulgaria: +0.7%
Burma: +0.6%
Cameroun (including Cameroons): +0.6%
Canada and Provinces: +3.1%
Cape Juby: 0.0%
Cape Verde: +1.5%
Castellorizo: +9.1%
Ceylon / Sri Lanka: +2.5%
Chad: +0.7%
Chile: +0.3%
China (People's Republic): +0.9%
China (Republic/Taiwan): +3.2%
Cilicia: +1.4%
Colombia: +3.0%
Cook Islands: +1.2%
Costa Rica: +2.9%
Croatia: +2.7%
Cuba: +7.5%
Cyprus: +2.8%
Cyrenaica: +3.6%
Czechoslovakia: +1.0%
Danzig: +0.1%
Dominica: +3.5%
Ecuador: +0.3%
Egypt: +19.7%
Ethiopia: +0.4%
Falkland Islands: +6.4%
France - Reunion: +8.6%
France: +0.02%
French Congo: +14.7%
French Equatorial Africa: +3.8%
French Guiana: +8.7%
French India: +6.3%
French Morocco: +4.5%
French Polynesia: +0.7%
Gambia: +6.2%
Germany: +1.5%
Gibraltar: +0.4%
Gilbert and Ellice Islands / Gilbert Islands / Kiribati: +0.1%
Gold Coast: +5.3%
Great Britain: +16.7%
Greece: +63.1%
Grenada and Grenadines: +2.2%
Guadeloupe: +0.1%
Hatay: +35.8%
Heligoland: +1.8%
Hong Kong: +2.5%
Iceland: +3.5%
India: +2.0%
Indo-China: +2.8%
Inhambane: +4.5%
Ionian Islands: +15.0%
Iran: +2.1%
Iraq: +0.3%
Italian Colonies: +12.5%
Italian East Africa: +11.7%
Ivory Coast: +0.1%
Jamaica: +5.1%
Jordan: +3.2%
Karelia: +20.7%
Katanga: +8.8%
Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania: +9.4%
Kionga: +4.6%
Korea Democratic People's Republic: +23.7%
Korea: +24.2%
Kyrgyzstan: +7.4%
Labuan: +0.7%
Lagos: +5.7%
Latakia: +7.6%
Lebanon: +0.1%
Leeward Islands: +6.6%
Liberia: +0.02%
Libya: +0.9%
Lithuania: +0.2%
Lourenco Marques: +3.8%
Luxembourg: +3.3%
Macao: +0.2%
Madeira: +1.7%
Malagasy Republic: +0.4%
Malta: +1.2%
Manchukuo: +1.3%
Martinique: +0.01%
Mauritius: +5.4%
Memel: +0.9%
Mexico: +1.2%
Monaco: +0.03%
Montenegro: +6.4%
Morocco: +5.3%
Mozambique Company: +3.1%
Mozambique: +0.01%
Natal: +20.3%
Nepal: +0.5%
Netherlands: +1.3%
Nevis: +1.6%
New Britain: +10.0%
New Guinea: +7.7%
New Hebrides (French): +22.3%
Nicaragua: +0.5%
Niger Coast Protectorate: +16.7%
North Borneo: +2.3%
Northern Nigeria: +5.0%
Northern Rhodesia: +2.2%
Norway: +5.6%
Nyasaland Protectorate: +0.8%
Nyassa: +2.5%
Oman: +4.6%
Orange River Colony: +14.7%
Palau: +0.1%
Peru: +0.01%
Philippines: +0.3%
Pitcairn Islands: +0.5%
Ponta Delgada: +0.6%
Portuguese Congo: +18.7%
Portuguese India: +3.7%
Puerto Rico: +5.8%
Qatar: +3.7%
Quelimane: +7.4%
Rhodesia / Zimbabwe: +5.3%
Rio de Oro: +9.6%
Rio Muni: +7.3%
Romania: +1.0%
Russia: +13.4%
Rwanda: +5.1%
Saint Kitts: +6.0%
Saint Lucia: +2.0%
Saint Marie de Madagascar: +4.2%
Samoa: +6.4%
Sarawak: +0.6%
Saudi Arabia: +0.01%
Seychelles: +3.4%
Singapore: +6.4%
Somalia: +5.5%
Somaliland Protectorate: +2.5%
South Georgia: +0.5%
South West Africa / Namibia: +0.2%
Southern Rhodesia: +1.0%
Spanish Morocco: +0.4%
Spanish Sahara: +0.1%
Spanish West Africa: +23.8%
Straits Settlements: +18.8%
Sudan: +3.2%
Swaziland: +13.1%
Sweden: +1.2%
Syria: +0.1%
Tanganyika: +18.6%
Tannu Tuva: +1.8%
Tete: +12.2%
Tobago: +8.2%
Tonga: +1.3%
Trinidad & Tobago: +0.1%
Trinidad: +4.9%
Tripolitania: +15.8%
Tristan Da Cunha: +2.9%
Trucial States: +12.8%
Tunisia: +3.2%
Turkey: +3.0%
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: +1.7%
Turks & Caicos Islands: +2.3%
Turks Islands: +2.1%
Ubangi-Shari: +5.8%
Uganda: +0.5%
United Nations: +0.5%
United States - Hawaii: 0.0%
Upper Silesia: +4.3%
Uruguay: +3.8%
Vatican City: +1.0%
Venezuela: +0.1%
Wallis and Futuna Islands: +0.9%
Yemen: +0.4%
Yugoslavia: +0.4%
Zambezia: +26.6%
Zanzibar: +5.8%
Zululand: 0.0%
re: 2013-2015 Scott Catalog Review High-Level Summary
Countries with overall value decreases:
Abu Dhabi: -0.9%
Aitutaki: -0.04%
Andorra: -1.5%
Antigua: -0.3%
Armenia: -1.0%
Australia: -2.5%
Austria: -2.7%
Azerbaijan: -5.0%
Bahamas: -2.4%
Belarus: -10.6%
Belgium: -0.1%
Bermuda: -0.2%
Bosnia & Herzegovina: -0.2%
Botswana: -2.1%
British Antarctic Territories: -3.2%
British Honduras / Belize: -1.6%
Burundi: -0.9%
Cambodia: -1.0%
Cayman Islands: -1.6%
Central African Republic: -3.3%
Christmas Island: -18.6%
Cocos Islands: -11.3%
Dahomey / Benin (People's Republic): -3.9%
Danish West Indies: -0.1%
Denmark: -0.5%
Dominican Republic: -0.1%
Estonia: -2.9%
Fiji: -2.2%
Finland: -4.5%
French Guinea / Guinea: -3.3%
Gabon: -0.02%
German East Africa: -4.3%
German New Guinea: -10.7%
Grand Comoro / Comoro Islands: -0.9%
Greenland: -2.2%
Guyana: -11.5%
Haiti: -0.2%
Hungary: -2.4%
Inini: -5.4%
Ireland: -0.1%
Israel: -11.6%
Italy: -5.9%
Japan: -1.0%
Kazakhstan: -5.0%
Kenya: -0.1%
Kuwait: -0.1%
Latvia: -0.3%
Macedonia: -4.8%
Malaya / Malaysia: -1.7%
Middle Congo / Congo Peoples' Republic: -1.1%
Moldova: -2.2%
Mongolia: -14.0%
Nauru: -3.9%
New Hebrides (British Administration) / Vanuatu: -1.9%
New Zealand: -1.9%
Norfolk Island: -6.9%
North West Pacific Islands: -39.1%
Pakistan: -5.8%
Panama: -0.1%
Papua New Guinea: -4.3%
Paraguay: -1.6%
Poland: -6.6%
Portugal: -2.3%
Portuguese Guinea / Guinea-Bissau: -1.6%
Ruanda-Urundi: -4.4%
Saar: -2.1%
Saint Christopher / Saint Kitts: -10.9%
Saint Helena: -2.6%
Saint Pierre & Miquelon: -0.1%
Saint Thomas & Prince Islands: -0.01%
Saint Vincent / Saint Vincent Grenadines: -0.9%
San Marino: -5.4%
Sierre Leone: -4.0%
Solomon Islands: -13.6%
Somali Coast / Afars & Issas / Djibuti: -0.1%
Spain: -0.4%
Switzerland: -3.6%
Tanzania: -0.1%
Thrace: -5.6%
Togo: -0.01%
Tokelau: -9.9%
Turkmenistan: -1.8%
Tuvalu: -19.6%
United States - Canal Zone: -0.1%
United States - Ryukyu Islands: -7.4%
United States: -0.1%
Uzbekistan: -4.0%
Viet Nam: -22.3%
Virgin Islands: -2.9%
Yemen People's Democratic Republic: -0.5%
re: 2013-2015 Scott Catalog Review High-Level Summary
I make them in Alpha order
re: 2013-2015 Scott Catalog Review High-Level Summary
For those who may want to compare the 2015-2017 review with the previous review to get a four year picture of catalog values.