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Canada/Other : No more delivery to the door from Canada Post


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webmaster for the ISWSC http://iswsc.org.

11 Dec 2013
Interesting story in todays National Post. I already have comunity mailbox delivery, but I imagine this will cause some issues with others.


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"https://thebeardedphilatelist.ca - https://alynlunt.com"


11 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

It's been like that for quite sometime in the US. New housing projects started after a certain date (someone help me on the date) do not receive home delivery. The mail is delivered to a community mail box. My subdivision doesn't have a community mail box, but I'm sure USPS would love to change that on the older homes.

I have a PO Box, so my important mail comes there. Mostly just junk mail arrives at the home address.

Actually having a community mail box is more secure than having mail dropped in a standard mail box at the house.

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11 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

did you know that Canada Post will put a new mailing fee starting in next Marsh they will rize the basic fee at 1$ instead of 0.63$ actualy a 59% raise....they made the annoncement today in the same time the advise everybody for the end of door delivery. My postman tell me that they ask all the post office in Canada to stop immediately the sale of the "P" value stamps (permanent stamps) to avoid you and me to buy some stamps ("P" value) at 63¢ and use them when the fee will be raise at 1$....

wow so many positive (!!!!) news today...from Canada Post...


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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

11 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

They certainly don't consider the fact that many older people still live in their own homes, do they? My parents are 74 and have lived in their house for 40 years. Although they have no physical issues related to walking, there's no bloody way I want them walking a block everyday to get their mail in the winter. They don't have a computer so they depend on the postal services to receive their bills.

As it is, our city has begun converting garbage pickup to three bins. My Dad has heart issues and he has to haul three bins to the road every week. I'm a bit concerned now that winter has hit and this is the first year they've had it.

I think about a lot of others I know who are in wheelchairs who are my age and own homes, etc. who will have no access to theirr mail if they don't have home delivery because once snow hits, roads and sidewalks are not our friends. Do they expect us to have an accessible taxi pick us up everyday to drive us to the end of the block and home?

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"

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The past is a foreign country, they do things different there.

11 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post


Please see last month's "general philatelic" discussion topic
"Forecasting a lingering afterlife for a hollowed-out
philatelic zombie", for my unerring prediction of Canada Post's

Remarkably, one Canadian Stamporama member thought I was
a bit negative.

Even Bernie Madoff overcame denial and admitted he was broke.

John Derry

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"Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost anything. "


11 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Can USPS be far behind?

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11 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Community mailbox delivery is a pain in the pinfeathers for anything larger than a #10 envelope. Our daughter lives in such a community, so large items (small boxes, etc) are supposed to be deposited in a large (common use) box, with the key placed in the individual's box. We are having a devil of a time ensuring that items get to her. I have been forced to go to certified/return receipt in an attempt to ensure that SHE gets her mail--not some twit who decides it should be theirs. I know it means she'll probably have to go to the PO to pick up items, but I'm tired of sending gifts to our granddaughter that she never gets. As those non-computer-users go the way of the dinosaurs, so will the various postal services (service being an oxymoron here).


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webmaster for the ISWSC http://iswsc.org.

12 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

For more on this and the post from Patches (As discussed here Huge Canada Post stamp increases and phasing out of urban home mail delivery service job losses etc...
) saga, this is the document (.pdf) that is available on the Canada Post website that outlines their plans to "Reflect and serve Canadians' new postal needs":

Canada Posts - Five Point Action Plan

From the above document here are the interesting tidbits where stamp pricing is concerned (from page 8).

"The new pricing structure will usher in a more commercial approach benefitting those who use the mail most and that better reflects the cost of serving various customer segments."


"With rapidly declining Lettermail volumes and increasing digital alternatives to mail, Canada Post is introducing a new pricing structure for letters mailed within Canada. The new pricing structure will usher in a more commercial
approach benefitting those who use the mail most and that better reflects the cost of serving various customer segments.

On March 31, 2014, Canada Post plans to launch a new tiered stamp pricing structure.

• New prices will be launched for the customers that buy stamps in booklets and coils, representing 98 per cent of the volume sold in this category. The price (per stamp)
will be $0.85, up from $0.63 today for letters 0-30 g mailed within Canada.

• Businesses that use postage meters will pay a new discounted postal commercial rate of $0.75 (per letter 0-30 g).

• Mailers who prepare mail in such a way that
reduces processing costs (known as Incentive
Lettermail) will continue to benefit from
prices that are lower than the proposed meter
rate of $0.75 for 0-30 g.

• Single stamps will cost $1 each, up from $0.63 today. Canada Post estimates
that only 2 per cent of all stamps are purchased as singles. The vast majority
of stamp purchases will be at the rate of $0.85, which is available for a
minimum purchase of a booklet or coil.

• With this tiered-pricing approach, most customers will pay between 15 and approximately 30 per cent less than the single-stamp price.

The pricing for U.S., international and oversized Lettermail and mail weighing more than 30 g will also increase, and will typically fall in line with the new established pricing levels. However, unlike Lettermail less than 30 g within Canada, the pricing for these products will not include a uniquely differentiated
booklet or coil price.

Prices for parcels and for addressed and unaddressed advertising mail are not affected by the Lettermail increase."

It will be an interesting period for the current government as the opposition parties are slamimg them for the reforms and timining of them.

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"https://thebeardedphilatelist.ca - https://alynlunt.com"

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webmaster for the ISWSC http://iswsc.org.

12 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Here is a quick comparison of what it would cost between the major players in Canada:

Letter mailed from My House to My Office (15.8km, 9.8 miles)

Canada Post $1.00
UPS $13.74
FedEx Ground $7.71
Purolator $15.26


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"https://thebeardedphilatelist.ca - https://alynlunt.com"

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BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories

12 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Interesting that they keep talking about the "price of stamps", rather than postal rates. What will be the rate for those of us who prepay with previously issued stamps we already have? Will we also get a 75c rate or will it be 85c?


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"BuckaCover.com - Since 2003 - Over One million covers sold - What have you been missing? Over 10,000 new covers added June 20!"

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

12 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

For my fellow Canadians - writing to your MP and MPP regarding the elimination of door-to-door service.

You can visit this website to write your comments. I really encourage everyone to write a letter. This needs to stop before it starts.


Here is what I wrote:

Re: Postal Service

I am furious over the issue of phasing out door-to-door postal services. The comment about individuals with disabilities or seniors having care-givers or people who visit on a regular basis who can retrieve someone's mail from a community box is a bunch of baloney.

Not everyone has someone coming to assist them. My parents are in their 70s, they are physically capable of keeping their home that they have had for 40 years and independence of driving. HOWEVER, I personally do not want them to have to walk to a community mailbox in snow, ice or other dangerous weather. To assume people have access to computers and receive and pay for their bills online is also ridiculous.

In addition, I am in a wheelchair. Once there is more than one inch of snow maximum on the sidewalk, I am unable to access the sidewalk in my power chair. *I* do not have someone to go and retrieve my mail for me in bad weather. Who is going to take responsibility for seniors and disabled people when they are injured or stuck in snow, or slide on black ice in a wheelchair and go off a curb into traffic, having a 100 lb+ chair fall on top of them. Or a senior who slips on black ice and breaks a hip or hits their head in a fall and is unable to call for help?

I find this even more shocking considering the fact that we are now getting into the "baby boomer" generation that will be seniors by the time all of this is implemented. If this policy stands as it is, I can't wait to see how many lawsuits come against cities and provinces due to injuries sustained by individuals who are independent, yet are seniors or disabled and forced to retrieve their mail through dangerous methods.

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"


13 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

"The new pricing structure will usher in a more commercial approach benefiting those who use the mail most...

Someone please explain to me how, if I use the mail, would raising the postage rates and eliminating my home mailbox benefit me? Oh, I know. I would do more and more of my business that I used to do via mail on the internet instead. That would save me lots of money.
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17 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Michael, Canada Post wants you to stay focused on the 15% you are saving over buying one stamp at a time, on those infrequent occasions when you use their system, since you as a frequent user will be buying stamps in booklets/coils/sheets. Aren't you pleased to know that in the eyes of Canada Post you are now a "business class" customer?

I'll never be in John Derry's league of prognosticators, but I have to wonder if, as the issue continues to be contested, Canada Post will suggest that the new plan is truly in the service of Canadians' well-being, assuring everyone gets out for a bit of walking each weekday?Happy

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Support the Hobby -- Join the American Philatelic Society

17 Dec 2013
re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

It is very obvious that in the internet age home delivery is the present and the near future, not the past. Canada post appears to be clueless or helpless with respect to the tremendous opportunities it is presented as an established logistics player. Other postal services are clearly more astute and ready themselves to take home delivery to the next level: Deutsche Post completes drone delivery flight. So, other than Canada Post, carriers worldwide look towards a couple of very good decades yet.

The far future of course will involve making more items than we can currently conceive of at home using modern 3-D printing techniques. Buying a pair of shoes will mean the instantaneous delivery of a bunch of data. In fact, you can download a pair of shoes from the internet already now: print shoes. This will mark the true end of home delivery.


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webmaster for the ISWSC http://iswsc.org.
11 Dec 2013

Interesting story in todays National Post. I already have comunity mailbox delivery, but I imagine this will cause some issues with others.



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"https://thebeardedphilatelist.ca - https://alynlunt.com"


11 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

It's been like that for quite sometime in the US. New housing projects started after a certain date (someone help me on the date) do not receive home delivery. The mail is delivered to a community mail box. My subdivision doesn't have a community mail box, but I'm sure USPS would love to change that on the older homes.

I have a PO Box, so my important mail comes there. Mostly just junk mail arrives at the home address.

Actually having a community mail box is more secure than having mail dropped in a standard mail box at the house.

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11 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

did you know that Canada Post will put a new mailing fee starting in next Marsh they will rize the basic fee at 1$ instead of 0.63$ actualy a 59% raise....they made the annoncement today in the same time the advise everybody for the end of door delivery. My postman tell me that they ask all the post office in Canada to stop immediately the sale of the "P" value stamps (permanent stamps) to avoid you and me to buy some stamps ("P" value) at 63¢ and use them when the fee will be raise at 1$....

wow so many positive (!!!!) news today...from Canada Post...


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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
11 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

They certainly don't consider the fact that many older people still live in their own homes, do they? My parents are 74 and have lived in their house for 40 years. Although they have no physical issues related to walking, there's no bloody way I want them walking a block everyday to get their mail in the winter. They don't have a computer so they depend on the postal services to receive their bills.

As it is, our city has begun converting garbage pickup to three bins. My Dad has heart issues and he has to haul three bins to the road every week. I'm a bit concerned now that winter has hit and this is the first year they've had it.

I think about a lot of others I know who are in wheelchairs who are my age and own homes, etc. who will have no access to theirr mail if they don't have home delivery because once snow hits, roads and sidewalks are not our friends. Do they expect us to have an accessible taxi pick us up everyday to drive us to the end of the block and home?

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"


The past is a foreign country, they do things different there.
11 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post


Please see last month's "general philatelic" discussion topic
"Forecasting a lingering afterlife for a hollowed-out
philatelic zombie", for my unerring prediction of Canada Post's

Remarkably, one Canadian Stamporama member thought I was
a bit negative.

Even Bernie Madoff overcame denial and admitted he was broke.

John Derry

3 Members
like this post.
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"Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost anything. "

parklanemews@gmail.c ...

11 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Can USPS be far behind?

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11 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Community mailbox delivery is a pain in the pinfeathers for anything larger than a #10 envelope. Our daughter lives in such a community, so large items (small boxes, etc) are supposed to be deposited in a large (common use) box, with the key placed in the individual's box. We are having a devil of a time ensuring that items get to her. I have been forced to go to certified/return receipt in an attempt to ensure that SHE gets her mail--not some twit who decides it should be theirs. I know it means she'll probably have to go to the PO to pick up items, but I'm tired of sending gifts to our granddaughter that she never gets. As those non-computer-users go the way of the dinosaurs, so will the various postal services (service being an oxymoron here).


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webmaster for the ISWSC http://iswsc.org.
12 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

For more on this and the post from Patches (As discussed here Huge Canada Post stamp increases and phasing out of urban home mail delivery service job losses etc...
) saga, this is the document (.pdf) that is available on the Canada Post website that outlines their plans to "Reflect and serve Canadians' new postal needs":

Canada Posts - Five Point Action Plan

From the above document here are the interesting tidbits where stamp pricing is concerned (from page 8).

"The new pricing structure will usher in a more commercial approach benefitting those who use the mail most and that better reflects the cost of serving various customer segments."


"With rapidly declining Lettermail volumes and increasing digital alternatives to mail, Canada Post is introducing a new pricing structure for letters mailed within Canada. The new pricing structure will usher in a more commercial
approach benefitting those who use the mail most and that better reflects the cost of serving various customer segments.

On March 31, 2014, Canada Post plans to launch a new tiered stamp pricing structure.

• New prices will be launched for the customers that buy stamps in booklets and coils, representing 98 per cent of the volume sold in this category. The price (per stamp)
will be $0.85, up from $0.63 today for letters 0-30 g mailed within Canada.

• Businesses that use postage meters will pay a new discounted postal commercial rate of $0.75 (per letter 0-30 g).

• Mailers who prepare mail in such a way that
reduces processing costs (known as Incentive
Lettermail) will continue to benefit from
prices that are lower than the proposed meter
rate of $0.75 for 0-30 g.

• Single stamps will cost $1 each, up from $0.63 today. Canada Post estimates
that only 2 per cent of all stamps are purchased as singles. The vast majority
of stamp purchases will be at the rate of $0.85, which is available for a
minimum purchase of a booklet or coil.

• With this tiered-pricing approach, most customers will pay between 15 and approximately 30 per cent less than the single-stamp price.

The pricing for U.S., international and oversized Lettermail and mail weighing more than 30 g will also increase, and will typically fall in line with the new established pricing levels. However, unlike Lettermail less than 30 g within Canada, the pricing for these products will not include a uniquely differentiated
booklet or coil price.

Prices for parcels and for addressed and unaddressed advertising mail are not affected by the Lettermail increase."

It will be an interesting period for the current government as the opposition parties are slamimg them for the reforms and timining of them.

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"https://thebeardedphilatelist.ca - https://alynlunt.com"

Members Picture

webmaster for the ISWSC http://iswsc.org.
12 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Here is a quick comparison of what it would cost between the major players in Canada:

Letter mailed from My House to My Office (15.8km, 9.8 miles)

Canada Post $1.00
UPS $13.74
FedEx Ground $7.71
Purolator $15.26


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"https://thebeardedphilatelist.ca - https://alynlunt.com"


BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories
12 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Interesting that they keep talking about the "price of stamps", rather than postal rates. What will be the rate for those of us who prepay with previously issued stamps we already have? Will we also get a 75c rate or will it be 85c?


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"BuckaCover.com - Since 2003 - Over One million covers sold - What have you been missing? Over 10,000 new covers added June 20!"


A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
12 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

For my fellow Canadians - writing to your MP and MPP regarding the elimination of door-to-door service.

You can visit this website to write your comments. I really encourage everyone to write a letter. This needs to stop before it starts.


Here is what I wrote:

Re: Postal Service

I am furious over the issue of phasing out door-to-door postal services. The comment about individuals with disabilities or seniors having care-givers or people who visit on a regular basis who can retrieve someone's mail from a community box is a bunch of baloney.

Not everyone has someone coming to assist them. My parents are in their 70s, they are physically capable of keeping their home that they have had for 40 years and independence of driving. HOWEVER, I personally do not want them to have to walk to a community mailbox in snow, ice or other dangerous weather. To assume people have access to computers and receive and pay for their bills online is also ridiculous.

In addition, I am in a wheelchair. Once there is more than one inch of snow maximum on the sidewalk, I am unable to access the sidewalk in my power chair. *I* do not have someone to go and retrieve my mail for me in bad weather. Who is going to take responsibility for seniors and disabled people when they are injured or stuck in snow, or slide on black ice in a wheelchair and go off a curb into traffic, having a 100 lb+ chair fall on top of them. Or a senior who slips on black ice and breaks a hip or hits their head in a fall and is unable to call for help?

I find this even more shocking considering the fact that we are now getting into the "baby boomer" generation that will be seniors by the time all of this is implemented. If this policy stands as it is, I can't wait to see how many lawsuits come against cities and provinces due to injuries sustained by individuals who are independent, yet are seniors or disabled and forced to retrieve their mail through dangerous methods.

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"


13 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

"The new pricing structure will usher in a more commercial approach benefiting those who use the mail most...

Someone please explain to me how, if I use the mail, would raising the postage rates and eliminating my home mailbox benefit me? Oh, I know. I would do more and more of my business that I used to do via mail on the internet instead. That would save me lots of money.
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17 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

Michael, Canada Post wants you to stay focused on the 15% you are saving over buying one stamp at a time, on those infrequent occasions when you use their system, since you as a frequent user will be buying stamps in booklets/coils/sheets. Aren't you pleased to know that in the eyes of Canada Post you are now a "business class" customer?

I'll never be in John Derry's league of prognosticators, but I have to wonder if, as the issue continues to be contested, Canada Post will suggest that the new plan is truly in the service of Canadians' well-being, assuring everyone gets out for a bit of walking each weekday?Happy

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Support the Hobby -- Join the American Philatelic Society
17 Dec 2013

re: No more delivery to the door from Canada Post

It is very obvious that in the internet age home delivery is the present and the near future, not the past. Canada post appears to be clueless or helpless with respect to the tremendous opportunities it is presented as an established logistics player. Other postal services are clearly more astute and ready themselves to take home delivery to the next level: Deutsche Post completes drone delivery flight. So, other than Canada Post, carriers worldwide look towards a couple of very good decades yet.

The far future of course will involve making more items than we can currently conceive of at home using modern 3-D printing techniques. Buying a pair of shoes will mean the instantaneous delivery of a bunch of data. In fact, you can download a pair of shoes from the internet already now: print shoes. This will mark the true end of home delivery.


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