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United States/Stamps : Inverted Jenny - Soakable??


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APS member since 2004

04 Nov 2013

I collect used USA, the whole thing.

My friend in Wisconsin sent me a parcel with a sheet of the $2 Inverted Jenny. It is nicely cancelled.

Canada Post killed the bottom of the souvenir sheet by putting one of those stickers on it, that will ruin the souvenir sheet if I try to peel it off (it won't, I've tried on others). Really, I just need one used single for my collection.

It's on a cardboard box, so there is no way it will fit into my album.

Thoughts? Ideas?

Looking forward to your suggestions!

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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"
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To error is human -to really fowl things up takes a computer

04 Nov 2013
re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

I would try soaking on a single first. These new U.S. issue the gum is tricky. I think Michael #'s has a procedure that works well maybe he will chime in and help. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress as I am sure many other U.S. used collectors would be interested.

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04 Nov 2013
re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

Hi David,

Try using lighter fluid/watermark fluid/Pure Citrus to get the Post Office label off. It will leave some residue on the s/s. I've used lighter fluid with some success.


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APS #220693 ATA#57179

04 Nov 2013
re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

If all else fails, separate the top layer of the cardboard. Assuming it's corrugated cardboard, there is a top layer and a bottom layer with a corrugated layer sandwiched between. The outer layers are actually several layers and I have almost always been able to peel away one or two layers from the top with the stamps intact. Try it on a section of cardboard away from the stamps until you have the technique down. Then peel off the SS and detach one stamp as your fall-back. If all your efforts to separate the others from the backing fail, you have at least one you can place in your album.


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."


Past President Cortlandt Stamp Club

05 Nov 2013
re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

Supersafe Stamp Lift Fluid SLF
Amazon .com

Price: $3.95

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

05 Nov 2013
re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

And if you do not want to mess with the bottom row, send them to me and I'll try it out.
Sometimes I am very fortunate doing things like that and sometimes I windup crying in my beer.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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APS member since 2004

05 Nov 2013
re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

I have stamp lift fluid at work. Will try that first, and report back to the group.

Thank-you, all!


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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"


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APS member since 2004
04 Nov 2013


I collect used USA, the whole thing.

My friend in Wisconsin sent me a parcel with a sheet of the $2 Inverted Jenny. It is nicely cancelled.

Canada Post killed the bottom of the souvenir sheet by putting one of those stickers on it, that will ruin the souvenir sheet if I try to peel it off (it won't, I've tried on others). Really, I just need one used single for my collection.

It's on a cardboard box, so there is no way it will fit into my album.

Thoughts? Ideas?

Looking forward to your suggestions!


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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"

To error is human -to really fowl things up takes a computer
04 Nov 2013

re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

I would try soaking on a single first. These new U.S. issue the gum is tricky. I think Michael #'s has a procedure that works well maybe he will chime in and help. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress as I am sure many other U.S. used collectors would be interested.

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04 Nov 2013

re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

Hi David,

Try using lighter fluid/watermark fluid/Pure Citrus to get the Post Office label off. It will leave some residue on the s/s. I've used lighter fluid with some success.


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APS #220693 ATA#57179
04 Nov 2013

re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

If all else fails, separate the top layer of the cardboard. Assuming it's corrugated cardboard, there is a top layer and a bottom layer with a corrugated layer sandwiched between. The outer layers are actually several layers and I have almost always been able to peel away one or two layers from the top with the stamps intact. Try it on a section of cardboard away from the stamps until you have the technique down. Then peel off the SS and detach one stamp as your fall-back. If all your efforts to separate the others from the backing fail, you have at least one you can place in your album.


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"Expanding your knowledge faster than your collection can save you a few bucks."


Past President Cortlandt Stamp Club

05 Nov 2013

re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

Supersafe Stamp Lift Fluid SLF
Amazon .com

Price: $3.95

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
05 Nov 2013

re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

And if you do not want to mess with the bottom row, send them to me and I'll try it out.
Sometimes I am very fortunate doing things like that and sometimes I windup crying in my beer.

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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APS member since 2004
05 Nov 2013

re: Inverted Jenny - Soakable??

I have stamp lift fluid at work. Will try that first, and report back to the group.

Thank-you, all!


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"President, The Society for Costa Rica Collectors"

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