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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : The postman takes a chance !!!


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10 Sep 2013
Once a month i receive a package from the APS sales division with an average retail value of four thousand dollars. The postal carrier is supposed to ring the door bell and have me sign a receipt for the box..sometimes they do and sometimes they just leave it laying against my door. The odds are no one is going to come along and grab it..but if they do..i did not sign for it !
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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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Support the Hobby -- Join the American Philatelic Society

11 Sep 2013
re: The postman takes a chance !!!

Thanks for sharing that. Where do you live?

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

11 Sep 2013

re: The postman takes a chance !!!

and what's expected in next month's delivery?

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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11 Sep 2013
re: The postman takes a chance !!!

I live on the poor East side of town 2 miles from AMSD i would give his name to STASI if anything unfortunate were to happen !!

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"

07 Oct 2013
re: The postman takes a chance !!!

I currently work as a postman in a rather rural area, and this isn't that unusual as those I work with have worked here for ages and know almost everybody on their route. So signing for a package and leaving it somewhere safe have been done to save the recipient an extra trip to get the package at the pick-up-point, some extra service in other words. Of course, they knew exactly who they can do this for, and who they couldn't do this for.

I have only done so when the recipient have said I can do so, and taken full responsibility if something happens to the package. And even then I've been cautious. This is now strictly forbidden anyway, so now nobody is doing it where I work.

But yeah, your postman is taking a very big risk. And I would not be pleased about it myself, not at all.

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To error is human -to really fowl things up takes a computer

07 Oct 2013
re: The postman takes a chance !!!

I would just like to say that my postman is an absolute gem. I have a lock box on the back side of my house on the deck. I leave the lock unlocked and when I get a package he puts in the box and locks the lock. HE then leaves the notice in the mail box for me. It also works in reverse. When I have an out going package I put a note in the mail box and he picks up the package. Needless to say he's on everyone of my holiday lists and on his b-day always gets a Dunkin Donuts Gift Card. Now if I could only train the others who take his place when he's not around.

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07 Oct 2013
re: The postman takes a chance !!!

TheBlueDude, that sounds like a great idea. Wish we could do that. It would sure be handy, but we already have trouble with mail going to the wrong address, and mail for others coming to us. So now we have to get parcels at the post office if we miss the mail man.

Where we used to live they have what is called, "Super" mailboxes. They are group boxes similar to the PO boxes, only outside in the neighbourhoods set up every few blocks. Each group has 2 large boxes as well. If you get a package, the mailman puts the key to one of the large boxes into your own box, then you can unlock the big box, get your package and then drop that key back into the mail slot for outgoing mail.

Only problem with the super boxes is walking to the mail in the rain or snow. It was great when we moved and the mailman came to us.

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"Stamp collectors don't go crazy, they just become unhinged."


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10 Sep 2013

Once a month i receive a package from the APS sales division with an average retail value of four thousand dollars. The postal carrier is supposed to ring the door bell and have me sign a receipt for the box..sometimes they do and sometimes they just leave it laying against my door. The odds are no one is going to come along and grab it..but if they do..i did not sign for it !

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"
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Support the Hobby -- Join the American Philatelic Society
11 Sep 2013

re: The postman takes a chance !!!

Thanks for sharing that. Where do you live?

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
11 Sep 2013


re: The postman takes a chance !!!

and what's expected in next month's delivery?

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...
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11 Sep 2013

re: The postman takes a chance !!!

I live on the poor East side of town 2 miles from AMSD i would give his name to STASI if anything unfortunate were to happen !!

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"And every hair is measured like every grain of sand"

07 Oct 2013

re: The postman takes a chance !!!

I currently work as a postman in a rather rural area, and this isn't that unusual as those I work with have worked here for ages and know almost everybody on their route. So signing for a package and leaving it somewhere safe have been done to save the recipient an extra trip to get the package at the pick-up-point, some extra service in other words. Of course, they knew exactly who they can do this for, and who they couldn't do this for.

I have only done so when the recipient have said I can do so, and taken full responsibility if something happens to the package. And even then I've been cautious. This is now strictly forbidden anyway, so now nobody is doing it where I work.

But yeah, your postman is taking a very big risk. And I would not be pleased about it myself, not at all.

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To error is human -to really fowl things up takes a computer
07 Oct 2013

re: The postman takes a chance !!!

I would just like to say that my postman is an absolute gem. I have a lock box on the back side of my house on the deck. I leave the lock unlocked and when I get a package he puts in the box and locks the lock. HE then leaves the notice in the mail box for me. It also works in reverse. When I have an out going package I put a note in the mail box and he picks up the package. Needless to say he's on everyone of my holiday lists and on his b-day always gets a Dunkin Donuts Gift Card. Now if I could only train the others who take his place when he's not around.

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07 Oct 2013

re: The postman takes a chance !!!

TheBlueDude, that sounds like a great idea. Wish we could do that. It would sure be handy, but we already have trouble with mail going to the wrong address, and mail for others coming to us. So now we have to get parcels at the post office if we miss the mail man.

Where we used to live they have what is called, "Super" mailboxes. They are group boxes similar to the PO boxes, only outside in the neighbourhoods set up every few blocks. Each group has 2 large boxes as well. If you get a package, the mailman puts the key to one of the large boxes into your own box, then you can unlock the big box, get your package and then drop that key back into the mail slot for outgoing mail.

Only problem with the super boxes is walking to the mail in the rain or snow. It was great when we moved and the mailman came to us.

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