Terry, if you have a Scott 2013 United States Specialized Catalog, Scott has begun listing US counterfeits with that catalog. The section will probably grow, but it does show a genuine stamp along side a counterfeit. They also provide plenty of identifying information and a catalog value for the counterfeit.
Varro Tyler's book, "Focus on Forgeries" also lists several counterfeits from the US.
You might try contacting the U.S. Postal Inspector website and office in Washington D.C. to make an inquiry about that. I made the effort to get to know the law enforcement postal inspectors in my medium size city. They appreciate getting leads from citizens about postal crimes.
re: Counterfeit Information on present day US Postage Stamps
Terry, if you have a Scott 2013 United States Specialized Catalog, Scott has begun listing US counterfeits with that catalog. The section will probably grow, but it does show a genuine stamp along side a counterfeit. They also provide plenty of identifying information and a catalog value for the counterfeit.
Varro Tyler's book, "Focus on Forgeries" also lists several counterfeits from the US.
re: Counterfeit Information on present day US Postage Stamps
You might try contacting the U.S. Postal Inspector website and office in Washington D.C. to make an inquiry about that. I made the effort to get to know the law enforcement postal inspectors in my medium size city. They appreciate getting leads from citizens about postal crimes.