Hmmmm, An artist's eye, that must be something like a poet's license ?
A tennis elbow, and a runner's cramp.
A busman's Holiday.
...a ploughman's lunch...
Good one, Pat!
A lot of women wear a Red dot on their forehead, but a huge diamond like that, WOW!!!
Great cancel, and a great catch Patrick.
Swimmer's Ear
i love how the artist has been perfectly framed herself
When I was 5 or 6 years old an Indian family moved into the big house next door. I was curious about the new neighbors because they were different than I was, they dressed differently, looked different, and the smell of their food was different. They also had two boys right around my age that I that I am still friends with. All the differences between us aside one thing I could not reconcile in my 6 year old brain was why my friends mother had a dot on her forehead and my mother did not. Being the precocious 6 year old I was I asked my friend’s father one day while he was washing his car. He smiled at me and told that the red dot was his wife’s on and off switch. Being 6 and believing just about anything an adult told me I believed it. So that night at the dinner table I told my mom and everyone else at the table that she should get an on and off switch like my friends mother next door. My dad choked on his food and my mom almost fell off her chair laughing. My sisters of course told the neighbors and their friends at school. 47 years later my old neighbor friends still call me Switch.
Stumbled across this odd placement of a cancellation. Thought I'd share it with you guys. I kept coming back to it trying to think why it was so intriguing. I guess it ultimately was the placement of the diamond. It also took a while for my eyes to adjust to it so that I could make it out.
re: Slogan cancel gives stamp a new look: Mary Cassatt has a third eye
Hmmmm, An artist's eye, that must be something like a poet's license ?
A tennis elbow, and a runner's cramp.
A busman's Holiday.
re: Slogan cancel gives stamp a new look: Mary Cassatt has a third eye
...a ploughman's lunch...
re: Slogan cancel gives stamp a new look: Mary Cassatt has a third eye
Good one, Pat!
re: Slogan cancel gives stamp a new look: Mary Cassatt has a third eye
A lot of women wear a Red dot on their forehead, but a huge diamond like that, WOW!!!
Great cancel, and a great catch Patrick.
re: Slogan cancel gives stamp a new look: Mary Cassatt has a third eye
Swimmer's Ear
re: Slogan cancel gives stamp a new look: Mary Cassatt has a third eye
i love how the artist has been perfectly framed herself
re: Slogan cancel gives stamp a new look: Mary Cassatt has a third eye
When I was 5 or 6 years old an Indian family moved into the big house next door. I was curious about the new neighbors because they were different than I was, they dressed differently, looked different, and the smell of their food was different. They also had two boys right around my age that I that I am still friends with. All the differences between us aside one thing I could not reconcile in my 6 year old brain was why my friends mother had a dot on her forehead and my mother did not. Being the precocious 6 year old I was I asked my friend’s father one day while he was washing his car. He smiled at me and told that the red dot was his wife’s on and off switch. Being 6 and believing just about anything an adult told me I believed it. So that night at the dinner table I told my mom and everyone else at the table that she should get an on and off switch like my friends mother next door. My dad choked on his food and my mom almost fell off her chair laughing. My sisters of course told the neighbors and their friends at school. 47 years later my old neighbor friends still call me Switch.