The lot should appear in your sold lots. Check at the top of the sold lots page to make sure the time period is for when you actually sold the stamp (not the date of invoice). The default is 7 days but you can change that with the pull down menu that appears.
If it's not there then I guess Tim will have to look into the matter.
Another way you could identify the correct stamp is IF you scanned only the one stamp you listed, go to your image file stored on your computer.
Thanks...I guess I just have paniced too soon. I never noticed the date range at the top of the page. I increased it to 30 days and found it there. Whew! Thanks again! You've saved me a lot of grief!
I ran into a problem recently. I sold a lot of which I have 4 or 5 of the same stamp. I took a look at the sold lots list to see which of those it was...but it isn't listed there. So, I took a look at the invoice and it's there...but I cannot display it to see which one it is. So now I am in the position of having 5 of the same stamp and not knowing which one the buyer won. I've asked the buy to have a look at what I have listed to see if he can spot which one it is so I can remove it...but is there some way I could verify this by looking at something on either the sold list or invoice?
re: Use the DATE RANGE in Invoicing and Sold Lots to help find the lot you are looking for
The lot should appear in your sold lots. Check at the top of the sold lots page to make sure the time period is for when you actually sold the stamp (not the date of invoice). The default is 7 days but you can change that with the pull down menu that appears.
If it's not there then I guess Tim will have to look into the matter.
Another way you could identify the correct stamp is IF you scanned only the one stamp you listed, go to your image file stored on your computer.
re: Use the DATE RANGE in Invoicing and Sold Lots to help find the lot you are looking for
Thanks...I guess I just have paniced too soon. I never noticed the date range at the top of the page. I increased it to 30 days and found it there. Whew! Thanks again! You've saved me a lot of grief!