Those are very nicely done and demonstrate what can be done with AlbumEasy. Thanks for sharing Tim and Peter.
More than the design it is the display of a very highly specialized PNC collection that appealed to me. In one word "WOW".
Question for those who are younger and wiser:
The abbreviation PNC as used here stands for "plate number coil", I believe.
My general philatelic knowledge is wide but spread exceedingly thin. PNC is also the abbreviation for "philatelic numismatic combination" which I don't believe is synonymous with its use in this discussion. Am I on the side of the experts/specialists?
John Derry
P..S. It just occurred to me, would a currency image (coin, etc.) on a postage stamp be a PNC?
John, your usage is one that is common in the UK but not here, although I can't say what our numismatic friends call anything
I was stumped myself when at an Australian stamp site people were talking of PNCs but the subject matter was over my head! Then I asked around read earlier messages and realised that the duscussion is not about Plate Number Coils!
The Philatelic Numismatic Combination shortened to PNC is more common with collectors in UK, Australia and Canada because the Postal Departments of these countries also sell/issue commemorative coins and banknotes.
AND i don't think any of those countries issue coil stamps with plate numbers
One of the reasons I said not too long ago that abbreviations and acronyms need to be identified in the text of posts.
I was chatting last night with Peter Tukker, who is a long time Stamporama member, about his PNC collection. Peter is quite a specialized USA PNC collector who uses the AlbumEasy program to produce album pages which is a program that I have used many times and like a lot. I asked Peter if he would scan a few pages and share them with me, which he did, and he has given me permission to share them with you all as well. So here are the three pages that Peter sent me. I think Pete has done a very nice job here and presents the coils very well.
Regards ... Tim.
re: Some Plate Number Coils album pages of Peter Tukker (SOR member)
Those are very nicely done and demonstrate what can be done with AlbumEasy. Thanks for sharing Tim and Peter.
re: Some Plate Number Coils album pages of Peter Tukker (SOR member)
More than the design it is the display of a very highly specialized PNC collection that appealed to me. In one word "WOW".
re: Some Plate Number Coils album pages of Peter Tukker (SOR member)
Question for those who are younger and wiser:
The abbreviation PNC as used here stands for "plate number coil", I believe.
My general philatelic knowledge is wide but spread exceedingly thin. PNC is also the abbreviation for "philatelic numismatic combination" which I don't believe is synonymous with its use in this discussion. Am I on the side of the experts/specialists?
John Derry
P..S. It just occurred to me, would a currency image (coin, etc.) on a postage stamp be a PNC?
re: Some Plate Number Coils album pages of Peter Tukker (SOR member)
John, your usage is one that is common in the UK but not here, although I can't say what our numismatic friends call anything
re: Some Plate Number Coils album pages of Peter Tukker (SOR member)
I was stumped myself when at an Australian stamp site people were talking of PNCs but the subject matter was over my head! Then I asked around read earlier messages and realised that the duscussion is not about Plate Number Coils!
The Philatelic Numismatic Combination shortened to PNC is more common with collectors in UK, Australia and Canada because the Postal Departments of these countries also sell/issue commemorative coins and banknotes.
re: Some Plate Number Coils album pages of Peter Tukker (SOR member)
AND i don't think any of those countries issue coil stamps with plate numbers
re: Some Plate Number Coils album pages of Peter Tukker (SOR member)
One of the reasons I said not too long ago that abbreviations and acronyms need to be identified in the text of posts.