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United States/Stamps : Nebraska Overprints Precanceled?


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29 Aug 2012
Came across these two issues Scott #673 & #675 the Nebraska overprints with pre-cancels? Are these genuine?

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Image Not Found

If these are genuine than what was the need to overprint the stamps and then apply precancel? Wouldn't it be better to precancel the original issues before the overprints?
Or was the overprint applied on the precanceled stamps?
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"Experience is the name you give to the mistakes you made yesterday."
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

29 Aug 2012

re: Nebraska Overprints Precanceled?

Saleem, the two overprints serve two different purposes. the KS and NB overprints were a test to see whether theft might be reduced from POs if stamps were marked with the states to which they were supplied. The experiment was abandoned early on. The city/state overprints are precancels allowing for expedited usage and/or discounts. I am an expert on neither area, but I don't see any reason why one overprint would interfere with another, although one should never see an overprint of a KS or NB stamp with a city outside the state, or so I assume.


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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29 Aug 2012
re: Nebraska Overprints Precanceled?

David the overprint quantities were not infinite and were limited therefore chances of left over stock getting precancels is remote. Also there is no mention in Scott catalog of precancels of these overprinted issues. This is the first time in my 14 years of web browsing that I am seeing these precancels, I will have to check the US Precancel Society website.

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"Experience is the name you give to the mistakes you made yesterday."


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29 Aug 2012

Came across these two issues Scott #673 & #675 the Nebraska overprints with pre-cancels? Are these genuine?

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Image Not Found

If these are genuine than what was the need to overprint the stamps and then apply precancel? Wouldn't it be better to precancel the original issues before the overprints?
Or was the overprint applied on the precanceled stamps?

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"Experience is the name you give to the mistakes you made yesterday."
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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
29 Aug 2012


re: Nebraska Overprints Precanceled?

Saleem, the two overprints serve two different purposes. the KS and NB overprints were a test to see whether theft might be reduced from POs if stamps were marked with the states to which they were supplied. The experiment was abandoned early on. The city/state overprints are precancels allowing for expedited usage and/or discounts. I am an expert on neither area, but I don't see any reason why one overprint would interfere with another, although one should never see an overprint of a KS or NB stamp with a city outside the state, or so I assume.


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...
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29 Aug 2012

re: Nebraska Overprints Precanceled?

David the overprint quantities were not infinite and were limited therefore chances of left over stock getting precancels is remote. Also there is no mention in Scott catalog of precancels of these overprinted issues. This is the first time in my 14 years of web browsing that I am seeing these precancels, I will have to check the US Precancel Society website.

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"Experience is the name you give to the mistakes you made yesterday."

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