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Europe/Other : Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?


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01 Jun 2012
I stared at this stamp for like 5 minutes. Scanned it in and blew up the image and stared some more. It wasn't until I was posting it in the "Can you Help ID" forum that I must have stared cross eyed or something and then was suddenly able to understand what the county line said.

I swear, until my brain finally registered, the white space in the lettering was not clicking, and all I saw was the darker areas between the letters which looks like some sort of Arabic writing. The "Correos" was throwing me for a loop though.


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01 Jun 2012
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

Sometimes you just stare yourself blind on something

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01 Jun 2012
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

I suggest that you see an optometrist,

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01 Jun 2012
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

Well, i showed this post to 2 people at work and the stamp played the same trick on thier eyes too. One of them saw "ESPANA" when I pointed out but the other never did see it. i don't feel so bad now.

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01 Jun 2012
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

took me several seconds to see it, and then only because you pointed out that there was something actually written there. if you didn't say that and i just glanced at it, i definitely would not have seen it.

no need for optometrists, just a poor design.

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01 Jun 2012
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

Perhaps I should have not been so critical, as I knew what to look for, and my tiny brain expected to see ESPANA.

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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis

01 Jun 2012
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

I wouldn't have found it if you hadn't said what it was. It is a very poor design.

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"

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A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).

02 Jun 2012
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

I had to laugh at this one - I saw Espana immediately but I had one the other day that I did the exact same thing with - I was coming up with every Spanish speaking country under the sky & suddenly dawned on me that it was one of the early King Amadeo's - once that dawned on me, my headache started to dissipate but not until I kept searching King Amadeo's in Michel & finally came up with the answer! Don't feel bad, it's happened to all of us. I think the worse though is when you know the stamp (usually in my case Russian Empire) & totally miss it is Finland. By that time, my friend, it's time to shake your head & close your album!

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"


29 Dec 2014
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

I collect Spain so the stamp's origins were immediately familiar... but you should see me going through an unmounted eastern Europe collection... I've even been tempted to throw an unidentifiable stamp away rather than set it aside.

I'm a new member and I'll probably be back here at one time or another looking for help. At least you persevered... I've sustained the occasional but absolute failure.

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29 Dec 2014
re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

Welcome to SOR! We welcome members posting ID questions, but PLEASE remember to include a picture of the stamp in question.

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01 Jun 2012

I stared at this stamp for like 5 minutes. Scanned it in and blew up the image and stared some more. It wasn't until I was posting it in the "Can you Help ID" forum that I must have stared cross eyed or something and then was suddenly able to understand what the county line said.

I swear, until my brain finally registered, the white space in the lettering was not clicking, and all I saw was the darker areas between the letters which looks like some sort of Arabic writing. The "Correos" was throwing me for a loop though.


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01 Jun 2012

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

Sometimes you just stare yourself blind on something

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01 Jun 2012

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

I suggest that you see an optometrist,

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members.ebay.com/abo ...
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01 Jun 2012

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

Well, i showed this post to 2 people at work and the stamp played the same trick on thier eyes too. One of them saw "ESPANA" when I pointed out but the other never did see it. i don't feel so bad now.

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01 Jun 2012

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

took me several seconds to see it, and then only because you pointed out that there was something actually written there. if you didn't say that and i just glanced at it, i definitely would not have seen it.

no need for optometrists, just a poor design.

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01 Jun 2012

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

Perhaps I should have not been so critical, as I knew what to look for, and my tiny brain expected to see ESPANA.

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members.ebay.com/abo ...

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle Onassis
01 Jun 2012

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

I wouldn't have found it if you hadn't said what it was. It is a very poor design.

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou"


A Service Dog gives a person with a disability independence. Never approach, distract or pet a working dog, especially when (s)he is in harness. Never be afraid to ask questions to the handler (parent).
02 Jun 2012

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

I had to laugh at this one - I saw Espana immediately but I had one the other day that I did the exact same thing with - I was coming up with every Spanish speaking country under the sky & suddenly dawned on me that it was one of the early King Amadeo's - once that dawned on me, my headache started to dissipate but not until I kept searching King Amadeo's in Michel & finally came up with the answer! Don't feel bad, it's happened to all of us. I think the worse though is when you know the stamp (usually in my case Russian Empire) & totally miss it is Finland. By that time, my friend, it's time to shake your head & close your album!

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"Let's find a cure for Still's Disease, Breast Cancer and Canine Addison's Disease. We CAN find a cure and save lives!!"


29 Dec 2014

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

I collect Spain so the stamp's origins were immediately familiar... but you should see me going through an unmounted eastern Europe collection... I've even been tempted to throw an unidentifiable stamp away rather than set it aside.

I'm a new member and I'll probably be back here at one time or another looking for help. At least you persevered... I've sustained the occasional but absolute failure.

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29 Dec 2014

re: Spain - Does this one play tricks on anyone else's eyes?

Welcome to SOR! We welcome members posting ID questions, but PLEASE remember to include a picture of the stamp in question.

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