Dealers use Harris and Brookman values instead of the Scott values, because most of the time the Harris and/or Brookman values are higher than Scott. That means they make more money selling stamps using other than Scott pricing.
Depending on who and why, another possibility is that the Harris catalog is often free, and the brookman is often cheap, properties that do not apply to the scott, ever! Scott used to be a stamp dealer, in the very early days, and sold stamps for the prices shown in their catalog, but discovered that they could sell their catalog and make more money. They invented and control their numbering system, and that is their primary asset. Harris and Brookman are dealers, and license the use of the Scott numbers to identify their merchandise.
i wrote and tried to sell a software system for stamp dealers, with mixed success. i had to give it up, though. scott was willing to license their numbering system to me, but it was clear from the agreement they suggested that they get marketing advice from their legal department.
In browsing through the Auction Lots this evening, I noticed that a number of lots reference a Harris Catalog value while still listing the Scott Catalog number. I compared the Harris Cat Value of a few lots with the value in my 2007 Scott Cat and while different, they were not out of the ball park different. Could someone shed some light on this for me? What is the value of adding the Harris Cat Value?
Regards ... Tim.
re: Harris vs Scott catalog numbers and values
Dealers use Harris and Brookman values instead of the Scott values, because most of the time the Harris and/or Brookman values are higher than Scott. That means they make more money selling stamps using other than Scott pricing.
re: Harris vs Scott catalog numbers and values
Depending on who and why, another possibility is that the Harris catalog is often free, and the brookman is often cheap, properties that do not apply to the scott, ever! Scott used to be a stamp dealer, in the very early days, and sold stamps for the prices shown in their catalog, but discovered that they could sell their catalog and make more money. They invented and control their numbering system, and that is their primary asset. Harris and Brookman are dealers, and license the use of the Scott numbers to identify their merchandise.
i wrote and tried to sell a software system for stamp dealers, with mixed success. i had to give it up, though. scott was willing to license their numbering system to me, but it was clear from the agreement they suggested that they get marketing advice from their legal department.