. Hello friend Roy!
I have the following information.
The Estafetas were small located postal offices in places of little population. They received letters and turned them in the next postal agency so that they followed his course normal. Estafeta, by their size, did not offer all the postal services as the big agencies. Like money orders for example.
The system were used from 1850 till 1880. To the Rural civil servants of Mail and Mailmen were called "The Estafetas"
Were used two ways for Estafeta: On cover without touch the stamp and over the stamp.
From beginnings of the decade of 1880 the Estafeta becomes partly of the big postal Agencies with all the services available.
I hope this helps!
I have come across the topic of "Estafeta" cancels on Chilean stamps, such as this one:
I have been unable to find any English information on these. I wonder if someone knows about them, could give me a short tutorial? The seems to be information via Google, but only in Spanish.
Thanks for any help,
re: Chile: Estafeta cancellations
. Hello friend Roy!
I have the following information.
The Estafetas were small located postal offices in places of little population. They received letters and turned them in the next postal agency so that they followed his course normal. Estafeta, by their size, did not offer all the postal services as the big agencies. Like money orders for example.
The system were used from 1850 till 1880. To the Rural civil servants of Mail and Mailmen were called "The Estafetas"
Were used two ways for Estafeta: On cover without touch the stamp and over the stamp.
From beginnings of the decade of 1880 the Estafeta becomes partly of the big postal Agencies with all the services available.
I hope this helps!