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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Auction Disc. : Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive


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APS #213005

25 Jan 2012
At the risk of upsetting some of those who are posting auction lots, I nonetheless would like to address what I feel could be an issue;

I have been noticing that some postings have a LOT of cluttered info in the main heading, and then barely 3 words in the following description of the lot below the image.

Let me just say - I have been tending to skip over these lots if I have trouble "deciphering" what is being advertised....An attention-grabbing heading is great; a jumbled up mixed up heading is not. If a buyer is interested, then believe me they will check out your lot further. But if they have to slowly read over what you have cluttered into your heading they will more likely pass by and look elsewhere.

I would suggest making your heading simple and giving more attention to the details in your ensuing description.....

....just a suggestion from a frequent buyer!

(hoping this doesn't step on toes here....)

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25 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I agree. A title is just that, a title. "Little Red Riding Hood" is a title. "Little Red Riding Hood goes to grandma's house and meets a wolf on the way and then encounters the wolf again at the house", is a description. The description is where all the needed information needs to go, ESPECIALLY notes about defects!

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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org

25 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I have to respectfully disagree about defects being in the description only. I hate clicking on a listing only to find that there is a defect. I think sellers should let you know right up front if there is a tear, scuff, crease, thin, etc.


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Mike, The shirt says "Trust me I am a Philatelist".

25 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I definitely agree with Bob "Parkinlot". I think if there is any issue with a lot, it should be listed in the title. I always try to do that in my auction lots, but sometimes must list any issues in the description. I think everyone should be aware of anything that may change the value of a stamp, good or bad and at first glance. We have way too many lots to peruse, to have the luxury of looking at each and every desctiption on the stamps of our interest.

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"It's been 8 years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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25 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I think the title should have enough info to help find an item in a keyword search.

Randy, can you cite any examples of titles that you think are too detailed?

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APS #213005

25 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive


I don't want to alienate anyone by singling out their lot.....

I guess what I'm trying to say is, make it as clear as possible what the lot is, and make it simple enough that the heading doesn't go on for 2 or more lines....
If I see a lot for a country/topic I collect, it grabs my interest to look closer, unless I can't FIND the country/topic in the heading because there is so much noted there.

"U.S. Sc.# 149 Used w/crease"


"Sc# 149 u.s., used, crease - lower left corner, 2010 Scott=$xxx, fancy cancel...."

Okay, this may be extreme, but you get what I mean. A crease? Sure, put it in the heading.
But why do we need the entire description in the heading?? Isn't that what the description area is for?
YES - do describe your stamp in great detail! But do it in the description area, NOT the heading.
As I mentioned, the headings are getting so cluttered that I skip over some of them even though they might be of interest.
If I see "U.S.", or "Machin", or "Possession", or First Flight", etc. in the heading, then I'm gonna have a closer look for sure!
BUT - if I can't SEE any of these things or have to search thru a long heading for them, I'll move on by.

Do you understand what I mean? I'm definitely NOT saying don't describe it; I'm saying make it simple enough to appear uncluttered so I WILL take notice! It's to your benefit as a seller!!

(...more sore toes here, I'm afraid....)


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APS #213005

25 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

Question for Tim (the wizard) here;

Do keyword searches only search the heading/title words?

...or do they search the entire post, i.e. the description area also..???

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25 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

To some of our members using just a Scott # in the heading would mean absolutely nothing to them.

Sorry, Randy, I disagree with only putting the Scott # and condition of the stamp in the heading.


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

26 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

Randy, key word searches look at the entire auction listing, not just the title.

I have the feeling that Randy's initial comment wasn't about detail, per se (CV #, CV value, description of the topic) but extraneous verbage more along the sales or promotional lines; that's how I read it at least. If that's his intent, I'm for it.


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"


26 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I think there is an easy solution:

If the title is unappealing, don't bid on it, don't click on it, just ignore it. Find, and click on only those lots with titles that suit one's acceptability limits.

Personally, I have no problem with anyone's title unless it's completely inaccurate.


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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org

26 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I'm placing the onus on Tim our webmaster :^). Most headings on other websites only allow the seller 60 characters. I'm not sure how many characters our auction has but I think it is at least 100. I personally like having more characters in the description for when I need it. Sometimes for me 100 characters is not enough.


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APS #213005

26 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

David (amsd) is near the point regarding my comments here....but I also must include those few listings that take 3 lines to make a heading - a lot of that can be put in the description. I still stand by what I said; I pass by those that I have to 'decipher' or are a mile long to read.

I suppose Bruce is right; just click on those that appeal to me....after all, it's all a matter of personal preference.

And again, if I'm offending anyone here, that was not my intention and for that I apologize.


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26 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

Hey there, Randy,

I, for one, am in no way offended by what you said. I am very happy that we don't have all of that silliness, like

No Reserve

on our auction board.

That said, there's always a fine line between being too succinct and too verbose. Liz mentioned that some of our members don't go by Scott's; so, what would be Bahamas # 73 to you, is Bahamas King George V 1921-34 1.5 Penny Definitive to others. I haven't got a Stanley Gibbons or a current Michel handy; so we need to be as descriptive as possible for everyone.

Let's face it, as sellers, we want to catch as many eyes as possible. Also, it's a bit of a pain in the butt to go in and edit the description section every time we post a new item, beyond the most straightforward stuff. I, for one, still try to make an honest effort to do so; but it's pretty tempting to avoid it as much as possible when I'm listing an item that goes for 20 cents as an opening bid. Hopefully, if Tim can work his magic and we can preload our auction lots, things might get better. Right now, though, posting items with more than the minimum of descriptions is time consuming; and trying to get all of our auctions uploaded within a reasonable timeframe is a challenge. It took me a good 3 hours today to get almost 60 lots posted - Yeah, I had a cold and a head that feels like it wants to explode; but three hours is a lot of time that I don't normally have (and that's not counting the image uploads etc.).

I know that none of you doubt this, but we all do our best. The success of this auction is phenomenal. That, alone, says it all. All we have are our own interpretations of what needs to be said to catch your eye...

My 2.03 cents (with the exchange rate).


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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"

26 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

True, Andrew. Sellers have the ways that they like to list their items for sale, and they will develop a customer base that looks for their listings based on that. It's all a matter of taste. L@@K!!! Yeah, I automatically pass by anything that has that. So lame. Plus I do not like descriptors, such as "fantastic item!!!" Seller, don't tell me it's a fantastic item. My eyes and your properly written description along with the image will tell me that. It is what I judge it to be not the seller that determines if I buy or not. It's like a restaurant that has a sign outside saying "Good Food". Well, it better be. If it's bad food they won't be in business for long, but it is the buyer/customer that determines what is good, bad, fantastic, etc.

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27 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

"Also, it's a bit of a pain in the butt to go in and edit the description section every time we post a new item,"

I pre-type my descriptions and headings up in Word and then copy and paste the data in when posting. That way I also know my spelling is correct as well.

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27 Jan 2012
re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I tried that method, Pat. I even used it regularly, before all of these wonderful auction enhancements that we now have. I felt it was another thing to double-check before posting, which was making fun resemble work to me... It's probably me, but I don't like switching between so many multiple windows to get everything I need on the one screen. Hopefully, the option to upload inactive lots will help things along and not make posting such a hectic affair.

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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"


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APS #213005
25 Jan 2012

At the risk of upsetting some of those who are posting auction lots, I nonetheless would like to address what I feel could be an issue;

I have been noticing that some postings have a LOT of cluttered info in the main heading, and then barely 3 words in the following description of the lot below the image.

Let me just say - I have been tending to skip over these lots if I have trouble "deciphering" what is being advertised....An attention-grabbing heading is great; a jumbled up mixed up heading is not. If a buyer is interested, then believe me they will check out your lot further. But if they have to slowly read over what you have cluttered into your heading they will more likely pass by and look elsewhere.

I would suggest making your heading simple and giving more attention to the details in your ensuing description.....

....just a suggestion from a frequent buyer!

(hoping this doesn't step on toes here....)


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25 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I agree. A title is just that, a title. "Little Red Riding Hood" is a title. "Little Red Riding Hood goes to grandma's house and meets a wolf on the way and then encounters the wolf again at the house", is a description. The description is where all the needed information needs to go, ESPECIALLY notes about defects!

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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org
25 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I have to respectfully disagree about defects being in the description only. I hate clicking on a listing only to find that there is a defect. I think sellers should let you know right up front if there is a tear, scuff, crease, thin, etc.


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Mike, The shirt says "Trust me I am a Philatelist".
25 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I definitely agree with Bob "Parkinlot". I think if there is any issue with a lot, it should be listed in the title. I always try to do that in my auction lots, but sometimes must list any issues in the description. I think everyone should be aware of anything that may change the value of a stamp, good or bad and at first glance. We have way too many lots to peruse, to have the luxury of looking at each and every desctiption on the stamps of our interest.

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"It's been 8 years now, since I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet..."
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25 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I think the title should have enough info to help find an item in a keyword search.

Randy, can you cite any examples of titles that you think are too detailed?

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APS #213005
25 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive


I don't want to alienate anyone by singling out their lot.....

I guess what I'm trying to say is, make it as clear as possible what the lot is, and make it simple enough that the heading doesn't go on for 2 or more lines....
If I see a lot for a country/topic I collect, it grabs my interest to look closer, unless I can't FIND the country/topic in the heading because there is so much noted there.

"U.S. Sc.# 149 Used w/crease"


"Sc# 149 u.s., used, crease - lower left corner, 2010 Scott=$xxx, fancy cancel...."

Okay, this may be extreme, but you get what I mean. A crease? Sure, put it in the heading.
But why do we need the entire description in the heading?? Isn't that what the description area is for?
YES - do describe your stamp in great detail! But do it in the description area, NOT the heading.
As I mentioned, the headings are getting so cluttered that I skip over some of them even though they might be of interest.
If I see "U.S.", or "Machin", or "Possession", or First Flight", etc. in the heading, then I'm gonna have a closer look for sure!
BUT - if I can't SEE any of these things or have to search thru a long heading for them, I'll move on by.

Do you understand what I mean? I'm definitely NOT saying don't describe it; I'm saying make it simple enough to appear uncluttered so I WILL take notice! It's to your benefit as a seller!!

(...more sore toes here, I'm afraid....)


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APS #213005
25 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

Question for Tim (the wizard) here;

Do keyword searches only search the heading/title words?

...or do they search the entire post, i.e. the description area also..???

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25 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

To some of our members using just a Scott # in the heading would mean absolutely nothing to them.

Sorry, Randy, I disagree with only putting the Scott # and condition of the stamp in the heading.


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
26 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

Randy, key word searches look at the entire auction listing, not just the title.

I have the feeling that Randy's initial comment wasn't about detail, per se (CV #, CV value, description of the topic) but extraneous verbage more along the sales or promotional lines; that's how I read it at least. If that's his intent, I'm for it.


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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...

26 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I think there is an easy solution:

If the title is unappealing, don't bid on it, don't click on it, just ignore it. Find, and click on only those lots with titles that suit one's acceptability limits.

Personally, I have no problem with anyone's title unless it's completely inaccurate.


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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org
26 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I'm placing the onus on Tim our webmaster :^). Most headings on other websites only allow the seller 60 characters. I'm not sure how many characters our auction has but I think it is at least 100. I personally like having more characters in the description for when I need it. Sometimes for me 100 characters is not enough.


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APS #213005
26 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

David (amsd) is near the point regarding my comments here....but I also must include those few listings that take 3 lines to make a heading - a lot of that can be put in the description. I still stand by what I said; I pass by those that I have to 'decipher' or are a mile long to read.

I suppose Bruce is right; just click on those that appeal to me....after all, it's all a matter of personal preference.

And again, if I'm offending anyone here, that was not my intention and for that I apologize.


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26 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

Hey there, Randy,

I, for one, am in no way offended by what you said. I am very happy that we don't have all of that silliness, like

No Reserve

on our auction board.

That said, there's always a fine line between being too succinct and too verbose. Liz mentioned that some of our members don't go by Scott's; so, what would be Bahamas # 73 to you, is Bahamas King George V 1921-34 1.5 Penny Definitive to others. I haven't got a Stanley Gibbons or a current Michel handy; so we need to be as descriptive as possible for everyone.

Let's face it, as sellers, we want to catch as many eyes as possible. Also, it's a bit of a pain in the butt to go in and edit the description section every time we post a new item, beyond the most straightforward stuff. I, for one, still try to make an honest effort to do so; but it's pretty tempting to avoid it as much as possible when I'm listing an item that goes for 20 cents as an opening bid. Hopefully, if Tim can work his magic and we can preload our auction lots, things might get better. Right now, though, posting items with more than the minimum of descriptions is time consuming; and trying to get all of our auctions uploaded within a reasonable timeframe is a challenge. It took me a good 3 hours today to get almost 60 lots posted - Yeah, I had a cold and a head that feels like it wants to explode; but three hours is a lot of time that I don't normally have (and that's not counting the image uploads etc.).

I know that none of you doubt this, but we all do our best. The success of this auction is phenomenal. That, alone, says it all. All we have are our own interpretations of what needs to be said to catch your eye...

My 2.03 cents (with the exchange rate).


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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"

26 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

True, Andrew. Sellers have the ways that they like to list their items for sale, and they will develop a customer base that looks for their listings based on that. It's all a matter of taste. L@@K!!! Yeah, I automatically pass by anything that has that. So lame. Plus I do not like descriptors, such as "fantastic item!!!" Seller, don't tell me it's a fantastic item. My eyes and your properly written description along with the image will tell me that. It is what I judge it to be not the seller that determines if I buy or not. It's like a restaurant that has a sign outside saying "Good Food". Well, it better be. If it's bad food they won't be in business for long, but it is the buyer/customer that determines what is good, bad, fantastic, etc.

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27 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

"Also, it's a bit of a pain in the butt to go in and edit the description section every time we post a new item,"

I pre-type my descriptions and headings up in Word and then copy and paste the data in when posting. That way I also know my spelling is correct as well.

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27 Jan 2012

re: Auction searches cover entire listing, not just title. Titles ought to be descriptive

I tried that method, Pat. I even used it regularly, before all of these wonderful auction enhancements that we now have. I felt it was another thing to double-check before posting, which was making fun resemble work to me... It's probably me, but I don't like switching between so many multiple windows to get everything I need on the one screen. Hopefully, the option to upload inactive lots will help things along and not make posting such a hectic affair.

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""If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Rush"

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