My two cents.
Lighter fluid, besides the potential explosive effect, seems to me to have a very thin oily feel that may leave a residue.
I use rubbing alcohol which I think is far less expensive, probably less explosive (Probably ???) and does not seem to have left that oily feeling on my fingers.
Anything that is a hydrocarbon will be useful. I personally use isooctane (I am a chemist!), which is the main component of gasoline. Its advantage is that it is not as volatile as lighter fluid. Guess that gasoline will also do (it´s cheaper). Obviously it requires the use of baby talc afterwards to neutralize the gum leftover.
It appears there are several ways to do this now, with all kinds of stuff. I still maintain that lighter fluid/ baby powder is best, quickest and easiest. just made 2010 pages for U.S. used my method to get stamps off paper and it still works great. Also, I check the others I have done in the past occasionally to see how they are holding up.
I see no problems. Also, I check my Intn'l Vol.I for stamps I used lighter fluid to wm stamps 50 years ago, they are all in excellent shape. Have seen more effects by air than lighter fluid. Happy New Year to all .
re: Soaking the unsoakabe-2012 update.
My two cents.
Lighter fluid, besides the potential explosive effect, seems to me to have a very thin oily feel that may leave a residue.
I use rubbing alcohol which I think is far less expensive, probably less explosive (Probably ???) and does not seem to have left that oily feeling on my fingers.
re: Soaking the unsoakabe-2012 update.
Anything that is a hydrocarbon will be useful. I personally use isooctane (I am a chemist!), which is the main component of gasoline. Its advantage is that it is not as volatile as lighter fluid. Guess that gasoline will also do (it´s cheaper). Obviously it requires the use of baby talc afterwards to neutralize the gum leftover.