44¢ American Flag Self-adhesive Coil of 100 Ashton Potter Printing (05/08/09) - Printed by SSP; Die Cut 11; "USPS" microprinted at bottom center of flag; Scott #4392; USPS #787042 coil of 100.
This information is from the Washington Press
Neither gave me a good clear view of the microprint. The PNC3 site uses the same picture no matter which scott number you look at for this series. I'm still paging through ebay listings to see if anyone posted a nice BIG clear picture. This one is starting to frustrate me, grrr. Thanks for looking though.
I'm sorry I can't help you Pat. I do not collect USA stamps myself, so perhaps someone who does could be of more help.
If you have a scanner, you can get a larger picture that way. I don't have that many of the flag series, sorry. OR you can go online and get Mystic, and click on the image and it'll enlarge it too.
I'm just getting to the 15 or so different Forever Liberty Bells! But with my 30x loupe I'm limping along...
I finally see it. Geez, I went cross-eyed and bald from pulling my hair out looking, but I can now see the microprint. Thanks for the help from both of you.
Does anyone have a current catalog value for the complete set? The Scott #'s are 4391-96. Thanks.
In the Scott 2011 US Specialized they each catalog at 90 cents each, so $5.40.
I guess I'm running into the problem of having a 2008 Scott catalog. I'm going through some stamps and the series of 4391-96 is giving me a little difficulties. My Mystic Catalog's pictures are not really making it clear where I should be looking for the microprint USPS on #4392. Does anyone have a clear picture that I can see where I should be looking? I'll be honest, I had a heck of a time spotting it on the 4393 until I found a nice big picture. Now I can spot it easily. Thanks for the help.
Just to clarify, as I'm overly tired this morning, I'm trying to figure out where I should be looking for the microprint "USPS" on #4392.
re: USA #4392 & #4395
44¢ American Flag Self-adhesive Coil of 100 Ashton Potter Printing (05/08/09) - Printed by SSP; Die Cut 11; "USPS" microprinted at bottom center of flag; Scott #4392; USPS #787042 coil of 100.
This information is from the Washington Press
re: USA #4392 & #4395
Neither gave me a good clear view of the microprint. The PNC3 site uses the same picture no matter which scott number you look at for this series. I'm still paging through ebay listings to see if anyone posted a nice BIG clear picture. This one is starting to frustrate me, grrr. Thanks for looking though.
re: USA #4392 & #4395
I'm sorry I can't help you Pat. I do not collect USA stamps myself, so perhaps someone who does could be of more help.
re: USA #4392 & #4395
If you have a scanner, you can get a larger picture that way. I don't have that many of the flag series, sorry. OR you can go online and get Mystic, and click on the image and it'll enlarge it too.
I'm just getting to the 15 or so different Forever Liberty Bells! But with my 30x loupe I'm limping along...
re: USA #4392 & #4395
I finally see it. Geez, I went cross-eyed and bald from pulling my hair out looking, but I can now see the microprint. Thanks for the help from both of you.
re: USA #4392 & #4395
Does anyone have a current catalog value for the complete set? The Scott #'s are 4391-96. Thanks.
re: USA #4392 & #4395
In the Scott 2011 US Specialized they each catalog at 90 cents each, so $5.40.