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United States/Stamps : 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study


Mike Cherrington (Kovertx)

22 Nov 2008
I have two boxes of the 2002 37c US flag definitive stamp. I have been observing and attempting to distinguish as many varities as I can. The "lick and stick" variety seems most scarce, especially in the non denominated "first class postage" stamp first issued.

Any SOR member researching this issue please educate me on any varities you seek and I'll see what I can find.


Mike Cherrington
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Thomas Harley (Harley)

22 Nov 2008
re: 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study

the L & S- water activated gum variety came in sheets of 100 and coils rolls. So useages were low. most patrons used SA booklets,as sold (pushed) over the counter, and not many wanted a sheet,or roll, of 100,in any type gum.
Mass mailers opted for the SA,seeing as their equiptment was changed(upgraded) to use SA stamps.

I have some 3000 covers,commercial and domestic with the 37 cent flags,and only 2 with the sheet stamp(WA) and 8 with coil (WA) . So I'd say they are rather had to find,because of very low useage,and not because of low print quantity.
Of the several -off paper-used WA stamps I only have 4 nd coils, 3 denom coils,4 denom plate number coils, and no sheet stamps.
I do have the sheets of 100 mint,in both non denom and denom 37c flags.

This shortage of used WA gum regular issue flag stamps is the same with each issue.
The other shortage is the "round corner" coil stamps in used or on cover examples. There is probrably a limited amount of companies useing them, and I havent found them yet, to get a ready supply of on cover examples.

If you need good pictures of all the varieties,check out the new Mystic cataolg,on line, you can enlarge the image for better viewing.-- http://www.Mysticstampcatalog.com/2008/index.cfm

Sorry,I dont know how to do that short URL thingie.


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04 Dec 2008
re: 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study

If you want to look at USA varieties in depth there is a very good "Yahoo" group called US specialised with deals with such issues.

I am an all-world collector, collecting beyond the simplified but below the really specialised and I find this group meets my needs in repect of USA.


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

04 Dec 2008

re: 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study

Mike, US Specialized was developed by SOR member Steve Davis; if you haven't checked it out, you might want to. There's lots of cover collectors there focusing on rates, services, or individual stamps that paid for them. contact me privately and i'll give you details if you're interested.

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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09 Dec 2008
re: 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study

David I believe Mike has been a member of US Specialized on a couple of occasions and has left.

He is more than welcome to rejoin anytime. I'm sure if he posted the question as it was clearly posted here, an answer and some info would be forthcoming.


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Mike Cherrington (Kovertx)

22 Nov 2008

I have two boxes of the 2002 37c US flag definitive stamp. I have been observing and attempting to distinguish as many varities as I can. The "lick and stick" variety seems most scarce, especially in the non denominated "first class postage" stamp first issued.

Any SOR member researching this issue please educate me on any varities you seek and I'll see what I can find.


Mike Cherrington

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Thomas Harley (Harley)

22 Nov 2008

re: 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study

the L & S- water activated gum variety came in sheets of 100 and coils rolls. So useages were low. most patrons used SA booklets,as sold (pushed) over the counter, and not many wanted a sheet,or roll, of 100,in any type gum.
Mass mailers opted for the SA,seeing as their equiptment was changed(upgraded) to use SA stamps.

I have some 3000 covers,commercial and domestic with the 37 cent flags,and only 2 with the sheet stamp(WA) and 8 with coil (WA) . So I'd say they are rather had to find,because of very low useage,and not because of low print quantity.
Of the several -off paper-used WA stamps I only have 4 nd coils, 3 denom coils,4 denom plate number coils, and no sheet stamps.
I do have the sheets of 100 mint,in both non denom and denom 37c flags.

This shortage of used WA gum regular issue flag stamps is the same with each issue.
The other shortage is the "round corner" coil stamps in used or on cover examples. There is probrably a limited amount of companies useing them, and I havent found them yet, to get a ready supply of on cover examples.

If you need good pictures of all the varieties,check out the new Mystic cataolg,on line, you can enlarge the image for better viewing.-- http://www.Mysticstampcatalog.com/2008/index.cfm

Sorry,I dont know how to do that short URL thingie.


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04 Dec 2008

re: 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study

If you want to look at USA varieties in depth there is a very good "Yahoo" group called US specialised with deals with such issues.

I am an all-world collector, collecting beyond the simplified but below the really specialised and I find this group meets my needs in repect of USA.


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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
04 Dec 2008


re: 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study

Mike, US Specialized was developed by SOR member Steve Davis; if you haven't checked it out, you might want to. There's lots of cover collectors there focusing on rates, services, or individual stamps that paid for them. contact me privately and i'll give you details if you're interested.

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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09 Dec 2008

re: 37c flag definitive of 2002 variety study

David I believe Mike has been a member of US Specialized on a couple of occasions and has left.

He is more than welcome to rejoin anytime. I'm sure if he posted the question as it was clearly posted here, an answer and some info would be forthcoming.


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