Hi Pat,
Do the stamps (in quantities of 10) have to be US stamps? I have a bunch of old stamps with many dups that are from all over the world. Would some of these work? Do you need them off paper? They are all yours if you can use them.
Regards ... Tim.
I'm still on the fence wether they should all be U.S. or not. I'm shhoting for demonstarting the fact that there are two stories for every stamp. 1) The story that the picture on the stamp tells. 2) The story behind how, why and when the stamp was made. Given that my online sources can give me a plethera of historical information on U.S. stamps, and not so much on foriegn, I was leaning more towards the U.S..
Here is an example:
From the information they gave me, I was able to give the kids a snip-it of information about Ben as well as some information about "Prexies".
If I could find an EASY online source to do that with forein stamps then I'd gladly jump the fence and give them some in thier "First Collection".
Although I'll be demonstrating soaking to the kids, I'm not going to have them do it for thier collections as we are limited to about an hour for the project.
That being said, I'm not choosey about them being off paper. As long as they can be soaked, I'll do that myself for them.
Thanks in advance for the help and advice you guys are going to give.
Email me privately and tell me exactly what you need; I believe I can help you out with everything you're looking for and at no cost other than a couple stamps for postage.
My email is available in the members info....just search for musicman or Randy.
Pat- email me offline and I'll see what I can send. no cost.
(Message edited by john_macco on November 04, 2010)
Thanks for those who are stepping forward and offereing thier duplicates for the project. I've been given the date of December 2nd's meeting for my presentation. I'm not concerend about the "mini-album", that seems like it will come together real nice. I just gotta figure out what I'm gonna talk about now and in a way that will be interesting to a bunch of 7-8 year olds, ha ha.
"Dear Scouts,
Today I will bring to you a magic mirror through which you can view the world"
All good thoughts,
I just touched up the Scout stamp section of the "Mini-Album" with some information grabbed off the internet. Here is an updated link to the latest revision:
[NOTE: The file was updated. You can find the new file link further below.]
(Message edited by pdougherty999 on November 26, 2010)
If you would put your name or E-mail on this
request you might get more help including me
as your name above doesn't work in the data base
Have another go at searching the members area for Pat's information. I found his details using "Pdougherty999".
Regards ... Tim.
Sorry for the shortness... I'm dealing with a migraine, but wanted to get the message out...
Precious and anyone else wanting to email me:
pdougherty999 at gmail dot com
I look forward to hearing from you.
For those of you who are going to donate to the project, do you have any issue with me listing your full name on the last page as a donator?
I'll just list you as, for example,
Patrick Dougherty from the Stamporama Stamp Club
I'd like to give credit where it is due.
So I've uped the anty for the kids and thier project. The second section of the mini-album is a Topical page for U.S. Issued Boy Scout stamps. I'm going to tell the kids that if they behave and listen well, there will be a special surprise for them at the end. I picked up 10 of the newly issued (07-27-2010) 44c Scouting (Scott USA # 4472) stamps and will hand them out to start them with the topical collection. I'm getting excited about this, I just hope the kids like doing the project as much as I am in putting it together.
I noticed in another thread that you gave some K-4 students a PowerPoint presentation. That brought me to the reality that December 2nd is around the corner and I need to put together the talking part of the project. I'd love to know what you thought to cover with them.
Right now, I have the following list of things to talk about:
1) What is “Stamp Collecting”? I'm also going to throw the "P" word at them which I still have trouble pronouncing, ha ha.
a) Philately (fill-lat-tell-le)
b) Philatelist (fill-lat-tell-list)
2) What do I like about collecting?
3) Types Of Collections: Stamps, Topical Stamps, Post Cards, Envelopes
Note: I'm not going to cover Blocks, Panes and Sheets due to time and attention spans.
4) Types Of Stamps: Regular Issue Stamps, Commemorative Stamps, Special (Holiday) Stamps, "Back Of Book" Stamps
5) Used Vs. Unused (I don't think I'll bore them with the many variations)
6) Tools Of The Hobby
7) How To Soak (I'm going to just demonstrate to keep the mess to a minimum).
8) How To Hindge (Then I turn them loose on thier "Mini-Collection")
Anyone have any suggestions or comments on this? This is a group of 2nd Graders, ages vary from 7-8 years old. Thanks again for the advice folks.
Sounds like you've got this project well in hand.
Lots of people have trouble with the nouns philatelist and philately. In both words, emphasis is on the second syllable -- phil-LAT-uh-lee and phi-LAT-uh-list. The adjective philatelic, however, is pronounced with emphasis on the third syllable: phi-luh-TEL-ic.
Based on my experience, your students are going to run out of attention before you get more than a third of the way through the list. That's what happened to me. It would be better if you could arrange three sessions, leaving each one with a teaser of some sort for the next session.
I have uploaded a web page with all of the images I prepared for the presentation for Shannon Hobson's class. Feel free to use any you wish.* The URL is http://www.ingraham.ca/bob/stamp-collecting-basics.html.
* Please let me know if you find any errors, typos, etc.
(Message edited by Bobstamp on November 15, 2010)
Thanks Bob. Nice presentation. I will compare notes and see what final product I come up with. I'll be sure to share my slides as well.
Just to let you know I mailed
two packages for your project.
Hi Precious,
THANKS. I just got done finishing up the work on the "mini-album" minus any additional stamps that are donated to the project. Do you mind if I list your name on the back of the book as one of the donators?
Just an update. I finished up the "Mini-Album" based off what I've gotten together from donations. right now, only one person's stuff came. Knowing the post office and the holiday schedule, I'll probably get everything else Wednesday, the day before the project will be done.
Right now, beside the Mini-Album I'm designing, the kids will be getting:
38 stamps
1 Mini Souvenir sheet
3 Special Delivery stamps
1 cut Stamped Envelope stamp
1 Cut Stamped Postal card Stamp
And then as a bonus, I'll be throwing in:
1 2010 44c Scouting Stamp
I also talked to Mystic and they are sending me 10 copies of thier "Stamp Collecting Guide" to give to the kids.
I'm working on my presentation part and once I get that settled up, I'll put the stuff online for review.
Thanks to everyone who has lent a hand or materials for this project.
Pat Mystic should be able to send you 10 copies of their USA catalogue also. It lists US stamps using Scott catalogue numbers (in colour with pictures). The stamp values shown in Mystic's catalogue are Mystic's selling price, not Scott catalogue values.
They also have their 2010 catalogue on line
Good luck with your project.
OK, here we go. If people would not mind looking it over to check for mistakes, I would greatly appreciate it.
The Mini-Album:
The PowerPoint Presentation:
Hello all,
I wanted to thank everyone for thier donations and advice for this project.
It went off very smoothly with only a small minor hicup. I had the presentation on my memory stick and while I was at home, my kids decided to mug me and wrestle me. Apparently, the memory stick decided that it didn't want to go and stayed lodged in the couch and I didn't realize it until I had the laptop and large screen monitor hooked up at the scout meeting. I ended up winging it using the Mystic "How To" guide and several souvenir sheets and panes (in plastic protective sleves of course) as my visuals. In a way, I think this worked out better because the kids had a little more hands on.
The kids were VERY attentive. And this was the most impressive part for me. the best way I can describe this particulair group of kids on a normal day is "a room full of cafinated squirrels". They were quiet, well behaved and only interupted me to ask intelligent questions. Even the worst behaved kid in the group, was quiet and very focused on doing the project.
On a side note, I did get one silly question and I didn't have an answer. Was there ever a toilet stamp issued? Anyone know the answer to this?
The "Mini-Album" was a huge success. they had about 32 stamps to put in and one mini souvenir sheet. There were several spots on the album to give them something to work on obtaining on thier own. There were also 2 late addition stamps that didn't have a spot. The kids were told to use the "blank" section in the back of the album to place these stamps.
I used Liz's idea and obtained 10 copies of the Mystic Catalog at a stamp show over the last weekend. I instructed them how to use these as a quick, down a dirty, kid's level Scott Catalog for identifying thier stamps.
From what I overheard, I believe that at least 2 or three of the kids are interested in taking up the hobby on thier own.
This has gotten me thinking of reaching out in a month or two and trying to start a club for kids that are interested. The only difference is that a parent must also be interested and involved, sort of how my kids and I have a shared, joint album that we work on together.
Once again, thanks to all for thier help.
Well, sometime in December my youngest's Tiger Cub Scout group will be doing the stamp collecting activity that I've been putting together. Here is a link to what I've thrown together so far.
[NOTE: The file was updated. You can find the new file link further below.]
The first group of stamps, I'll be providing for them to mount. The Scout stamp section is for them to find on thier own.
I still need to come up with 4 more stamps (quantity of 10 each). I think I'll have a bunch of canceled USA # 1035 that I need to soak.
I'm on the prowl for a bunch of canceled long stamps, tall stamps and some sort of christmas stamps, to include in thier "collection". If anyone has 10 of a particulair canceled USA stamp that they are willing to sell CHEAP, email me and we can arrange soemthing. Thanks.
(Message edited by pdougherty999 on November 04, 2010)
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Hi Pat,
Do the stamps (in quantities of 10) have to be US stamps? I have a bunch of old stamps with many dups that are from all over the world. Would some of these work? Do you need them off paper? They are all yours if you can use them.
Regards ... Tim.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
I'm still on the fence wether they should all be U.S. or not. I'm shhoting for demonstarting the fact that there are two stories for every stamp. 1) The story that the picture on the stamp tells. 2) The story behind how, why and when the stamp was made. Given that my online sources can give me a plethera of historical information on U.S. stamps, and not so much on foriegn, I was leaning more towards the U.S..
Here is an example:
From the information they gave me, I was able to give the kids a snip-it of information about Ben as well as some information about "Prexies".
If I could find an EASY online source to do that with forein stamps then I'd gladly jump the fence and give them some in thier "First Collection".
Although I'll be demonstrating soaking to the kids, I'm not going to have them do it for thier collections as we are limited to about an hour for the project.
That being said, I'm not choosey about them being off paper. As long as they can be soaked, I'll do that myself for them.
Thanks in advance for the help and advice you guys are going to give.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Email me privately and tell me exactly what you need; I believe I can help you out with everything you're looking for and at no cost other than a couple stamps for postage.
My email is available in the members info....just search for musicman or Randy.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Pat- email me offline and I'll see what I can send. no cost.
(Message edited by john_macco on November 04, 2010)
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Thanks for those who are stepping forward and offereing thier duplicates for the project. I've been given the date of December 2nd's meeting for my presentation. I'm not concerend about the "mini-album", that seems like it will come together real nice. I just gotta figure out what I'm gonna talk about now and in a way that will be interesting to a bunch of 7-8 year olds, ha ha.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
"Dear Scouts,
Today I will bring to you a magic mirror through which you can view the world"
All good thoughts,
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
I just touched up the Scout stamp section of the "Mini-Album" with some information grabbed off the internet. Here is an updated link to the latest revision:
[NOTE: The file was updated. You can find the new file link further below.]
(Message edited by pdougherty999 on November 26, 2010)
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
If you would put your name or E-mail on this
request you might get more help including me
as your name above doesn't work in the data base
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Have another go at searching the members area for Pat's information. I found his details using "Pdougherty999".
Regards ... Tim.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Sorry for the shortness... I'm dealing with a migraine, but wanted to get the message out...
Precious and anyone else wanting to email me:
pdougherty999 at gmail dot com
I look forward to hearing from you.
For those of you who are going to donate to the project, do you have any issue with me listing your full name on the last page as a donator?
I'll just list you as, for example,
Patrick Dougherty from the Stamporama Stamp Club
I'd like to give credit where it is due.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
So I've uped the anty for the kids and thier project. The second section of the mini-album is a Topical page for U.S. Issued Boy Scout stamps. I'm going to tell the kids that if they behave and listen well, there will be a special surprise for them at the end. I picked up 10 of the newly issued (07-27-2010) 44c Scouting (Scott USA # 4472) stamps and will hand them out to start them with the topical collection. I'm getting excited about this, I just hope the kids like doing the project as much as I am in putting it together.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
I noticed in another thread that you gave some K-4 students a PowerPoint presentation. That brought me to the reality that December 2nd is around the corner and I need to put together the talking part of the project. I'd love to know what you thought to cover with them.
Right now, I have the following list of things to talk about:
1) What is “Stamp Collecting”? I'm also going to throw the "P" word at them which I still have trouble pronouncing, ha ha.
a) Philately (fill-lat-tell-le)
b) Philatelist (fill-lat-tell-list)
2) What do I like about collecting?
3) Types Of Collections: Stamps, Topical Stamps, Post Cards, Envelopes
Note: I'm not going to cover Blocks, Panes and Sheets due to time and attention spans.
4) Types Of Stamps: Regular Issue Stamps, Commemorative Stamps, Special (Holiday) Stamps, "Back Of Book" Stamps
5) Used Vs. Unused (I don't think I'll bore them with the many variations)
6) Tools Of The Hobby
7) How To Soak (I'm going to just demonstrate to keep the mess to a minimum).
8) How To Hindge (Then I turn them loose on thier "Mini-Collection")
Anyone have any suggestions or comments on this? This is a group of 2nd Graders, ages vary from 7-8 years old. Thanks again for the advice folks.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Sounds like you've got this project well in hand.
Lots of people have trouble with the nouns philatelist and philately. In both words, emphasis is on the second syllable -- phil-LAT-uh-lee and phi-LAT-uh-list. The adjective philatelic, however, is pronounced with emphasis on the third syllable: phi-luh-TEL-ic.
Based on my experience, your students are going to run out of attention before you get more than a third of the way through the list. That's what happened to me. It would be better if you could arrange three sessions, leaving each one with a teaser of some sort for the next session.
I have uploaded a web page with all of the images I prepared for the presentation for Shannon Hobson's class. Feel free to use any you wish.* The URL is http://www.ingraham.ca/bob/stamp-collecting-basics.html.
* Please let me know if you find any errors, typos, etc.
(Message edited by Bobstamp on November 15, 2010)
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Thanks Bob. Nice presentation. I will compare notes and see what final product I come up with. I'll be sure to share my slides as well.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Just to let you know I mailed
two packages for your project.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Hi Precious,
THANKS. I just got done finishing up the work on the "mini-album" minus any additional stamps that are donated to the project. Do you mind if I list your name on the back of the book as one of the donators?
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Just an update. I finished up the "Mini-Album" based off what I've gotten together from donations. right now, only one person's stuff came. Knowing the post office and the holiday schedule, I'll probably get everything else Wednesday, the day before the project will be done.
Right now, beside the Mini-Album I'm designing, the kids will be getting:
38 stamps
1 Mini Souvenir sheet
3 Special Delivery stamps
1 cut Stamped Envelope stamp
1 Cut Stamped Postal card Stamp
And then as a bonus, I'll be throwing in:
1 2010 44c Scouting Stamp
I also talked to Mystic and they are sending me 10 copies of thier "Stamp Collecting Guide" to give to the kids.
I'm working on my presentation part and once I get that settled up, I'll put the stuff online for review.
Thanks to everyone who has lent a hand or materials for this project.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Pat Mystic should be able to send you 10 copies of their USA catalogue also. It lists US stamps using Scott catalogue numbers (in colour with pictures). The stamp values shown in Mystic's catalogue are Mystic's selling price, not Scott catalogue values.
They also have their 2010 catalogue on line
Good luck with your project.
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
OK, here we go. If people would not mind looking it over to check for mistakes, I would greatly appreciate it.
The Mini-Album:
The PowerPoint Presentation:
re: Talking points for teaching kids about stamps
Hello all,
I wanted to thank everyone for thier donations and advice for this project.
It went off very smoothly with only a small minor hicup. I had the presentation on my memory stick and while I was at home, my kids decided to mug me and wrestle me. Apparently, the memory stick decided that it didn't want to go and stayed lodged in the couch and I didn't realize it until I had the laptop and large screen monitor hooked up at the scout meeting. I ended up winging it using the Mystic "How To" guide and several souvenir sheets and panes (in plastic protective sleves of course) as my visuals. In a way, I think this worked out better because the kids had a little more hands on.
The kids were VERY attentive. And this was the most impressive part for me. the best way I can describe this particulair group of kids on a normal day is "a room full of cafinated squirrels". They were quiet, well behaved and only interupted me to ask intelligent questions. Even the worst behaved kid in the group, was quiet and very focused on doing the project.
On a side note, I did get one silly question and I didn't have an answer. Was there ever a toilet stamp issued? Anyone know the answer to this?
The "Mini-Album" was a huge success. they had about 32 stamps to put in and one mini souvenir sheet. There were several spots on the album to give them something to work on obtaining on thier own. There were also 2 late addition stamps that didn't have a spot. The kids were told to use the "blank" section in the back of the album to place these stamps.
I used Liz's idea and obtained 10 copies of the Mystic Catalog at a stamp show over the last weekend. I instructed them how to use these as a quick, down a dirty, kid's level Scott Catalog for identifying thier stamps.
From what I overheard, I believe that at least 2 or three of the kids are interested in taking up the hobby on thier own.
This has gotten me thinking of reaching out in a month or two and trying to start a club for kids that are interested. The only difference is that a parent must also be interested and involved, sort of how my kids and I have a shared, joint album that we work on together.
Once again, thanks to all for thier help.