2886 is thicker paper, 2887 is thinner paper.
Note; these are self-adhesives.
No mention of paper thicknesses on #'s 2881 thru 2885 in my 2010 Scott Specialized, or ANY of the other listed 'G' stamps for that matter.
By the way -
both 2886 and 2887 are booklet stamps.
My 2c worth: have noticed ATM booklets have the thin stamps but don't know if this is true for all of them. They can be soaked using my soaking method very carefully. And "THIN" is the accurate word.
Thanks a bunch. That's big help. I noticed that my catalogue does not list perfs for #2886 and #2887!! So, I reckon the way to tell them apart is one's thick, the other's thin.
Here's a comparison from the PNC3 site with links to the different G booklets: http://booklets.pnc3.org/data/1994/G-compare.htm
Philatelic Finds
So does anyone know *how* thick the paper is? I've accumulated a dozen or so of these and they all appear to be the same variety, but I don't know which one, so both spots in my album remain empty for now. If I knew which I had I could then arrange to buy or trade for the other.
I have a micrometer and could measure the thickness very accurately if I knew what either one is supposed to measure.
I know of nothing listing the paper thicknesses, but this should help you identify them;
From Scott;
"2886 is printed on surface-tagged paper which is opaque, thicker and brighter than that of no. 2887 and has only a small number of blue shading dots in the white stripes immediately below the flag's blue field.
2887 has noticeable blue shading in the white stripes immediately below the blue field and has overall tagging. The paper is translucent, thinner and duller than no.2886."
Notice the difference in the amount of shading - that should help you distinguish between the two.
Hope this helps!
The booklets dispensed through ATMs all have to be thin. The backing paper and the stamp can not be any thicker than a dollar bill. The stamps alone, are no thicker than the backing paper and very flimsy. Other stamps will be of the thickness that you'd expect of a regular stamp.
Thanks guys, I'm not sure if it helps or not. Both seem like very subjective distinctions.
I have found one that does seem to have very slightly darker shading and seems to be on thinner paper, but frankly I just thought it had been soaked too long, because I have plenty of 'thin' varieties of lots of issues.
Maybe I'll keep waiting for a better specimen to differentiate, or maybe I'll end up buying a set of two, I don't know yet.
Thanks again,
The 32-cent 'G' Old Glory (ND) stamp Scott #2881 thru 2885 cover 'booklet' stamps. My H.E. Harris album has a space for a 'G' stamp ON THICK PAPER and one for a 'G' stamp ON THIN PAPER. Which Scott numbers cover these two stamps?
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
2886 is thicker paper, 2887 is thinner paper.
Note; these are self-adhesives.
No mention of paper thicknesses on #'s 2881 thru 2885 in my 2010 Scott Specialized, or ANY of the other listed 'G' stamps for that matter.
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
By the way -
both 2886 and 2887 are booklet stamps.
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
My 2c worth: have noticed ATM booklets have the thin stamps but don't know if this is true for all of them. They can be soaked using my soaking method very carefully. And "THIN" is the accurate word.
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
Thanks a bunch. That's big help. I noticed that my catalogue does not list perfs for #2886 and #2887!! So, I reckon the way to tell them apart is one's thick, the other's thin.
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
Here's a comparison from the PNC3 site with links to the different G booklets: http://booklets.pnc3.org/data/1994/G-compare.htm
Philatelic Finds
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
So does anyone know *how* thick the paper is? I've accumulated a dozen or so of these and they all appear to be the same variety, but I don't know which one, so both spots in my album remain empty for now. If I knew which I had I could then arrange to buy or trade for the other.
I have a micrometer and could measure the thickness very accurately if I knew what either one is supposed to measure.
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
I know of nothing listing the paper thicknesses, but this should help you identify them;
From Scott;
"2886 is printed on surface-tagged paper which is opaque, thicker and brighter than that of no. 2887 and has only a small number of blue shading dots in the white stripes immediately below the flag's blue field.
2887 has noticeable blue shading in the white stripes immediately below the blue field and has overall tagging. The paper is translucent, thinner and duller than no.2886."
Notice the difference in the amount of shading - that should help you distinguish between the two.
Hope this helps!
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
The booklets dispensed through ATMs all have to be thin. The backing paper and the stamp can not be any thicker than a dollar bill. The stamps alone, are no thicker than the backing paper and very flimsy. Other stamps will be of the thickness that you'd expect of a regular stamp.
re: Need Help Identifying 'G' Old Glory Stamps
Thanks guys, I'm not sure if it helps or not. Both seem like very subjective distinctions.
I have found one that does seem to have very slightly darker shading and seems to be on thinner paper, but frankly I just thought it had been soaked too long, because I have plenty of 'thin' varieties of lots of issues.
Maybe I'll keep waiting for a better specimen to differentiate, or maybe I'll end up buying a set of two, I don't know yet.
Thanks again,