I also read read somewhere that you don't get all the stamps for the year in the yearbook. You have to pay an extra $25 or something close to that to complete the collection.
yes,I believe it was discussed on just about every web site pertaining to stamp collecting.
USPS changed the venue,without due notice of the contents of the packets.
They assumed that the new title would be self explanatory.
Was- Stamp Year Book and all the stamps issued,in singles or pair/block/pane where multiples appeared on same pane/sheet/SS.
The "new" format is the (year) Commemorative Yearbook. Only basic commemoratives.Not special issues,no regular issues,no airmail,nothing but the 1st class rate commemoratives.
I can see part of the reason.We use to have low denominations,even for higher cost services.A yearbook cost was 20 some dollars and climbed steady to almost 100 dollars.
The average collector dropped out for lack of interest and cost.
Todays' Com yearbook lists for 64.95.And that's for coms only,,you need to buy separately the other stamps issued,at 25 dollars,,and that packet does not include the high end stamp services like priority and express--for those add another 23-25 dollars.
It still adds up to about the same cost,but only if you collect everything.
Someone did complain,that the yearbook contained spaces for 'ALL' stamps,,but only the commems are included in the packet.
A sort of wrong approach by the USPS to get you to buy the extra packet.
After all,it says Commemorative yearbook,and should only have spaces for coms.
All they did was change the name of the book.
I wonder if I could stick a RollsRoyce label on my Lincoln and sell it for a better price .If it's OK for the USPS to change labels,it must be within the law for me to do the same.Hmmmmm,,interesting.
BTW, I have empty yearbooks for 1995 to 2001,if anyone is interested. And no,I did not purchase them,they were a given from Local PO that was cleaning house.All stamps were removed for return and doisposal,and books were going into the dumpster.I just happen to be there at the right time to salvage the books.You know me,dont like to see anything wasted,or thrown out.There's always someone who can use it.
I checked the 1995 book and it does not have regular issue pics,just coms.Unless you count the James K. Polk,sct# 2587.USPS includes that in the book.I guess at the time they considered it a commemorative,,but my 2008 scotts lists it as a regular issue stamp.??????
So dont know when they changed the books to Commemorative Yearbooks.And the more recent complaints must mainly be for the cost-64.95 .
Everything else aside,these books have pictures and commentaries about each issue.A nice presentation.
ps// I'll email you about exchange.
An article,in Linn's,,Readers'Opinion,with a complaint about USPS sending damaged stamps .
Seems that when you order the Commemorative Stamp Yearbook,with a packet of the stamps for that year,you will recieve stamps with cut off perfs.
When buyer called to complain,and inquire,,the response was "We cant help it,there's nothing we can do about it".
In response,Linns ordered the same deal,and indeed found 13 of the stamps damaged.
Buyer was not imagining things,and Linns confirmed the problem.
This is not just a packet of stamps someone wanted for mailing letters.This is a specific order for stamp collectors,as advertised.
And USPS is wondering why revenue is down.
True,stamp collectors are a small percentage of their sales,,but it very well could be the percentage that could balance their budget.Or at least move the bottom line over one digit.
But ,,I'm posting this as a warning for those who may be thinking of buying into the Commemorative Yearbook thing.
Until USPS corrects their problem,and/or gaurentees good mint stamps(undamaged),,then I would say,,stay away from this product.
(I'm hoping the USPS doesnt read this,,and stops delivery of my mail)
re: Damaged Stamps from USPS
I also read read somewhere that you don't get all the stamps for the year in the yearbook. You have to pay an extra $25 or something close to that to complete the collection.
re: Damaged Stamps from USPS
yes,I believe it was discussed on just about every web site pertaining to stamp collecting.
USPS changed the venue,without due notice of the contents of the packets.
They assumed that the new title would be self explanatory.
Was- Stamp Year Book and all the stamps issued,in singles or pair/block/pane where multiples appeared on same pane/sheet/SS.
The "new" format is the (year) Commemorative Yearbook. Only basic commemoratives.Not special issues,no regular issues,no airmail,nothing but the 1st class rate commemoratives.
I can see part of the reason.We use to have low denominations,even for higher cost services.A yearbook cost was 20 some dollars and climbed steady to almost 100 dollars.
The average collector dropped out for lack of interest and cost.
Todays' Com yearbook lists for 64.95.And that's for coms only,,you need to buy separately the other stamps issued,at 25 dollars,,and that packet does not include the high end stamp services like priority and express--for those add another 23-25 dollars.
It still adds up to about the same cost,but only if you collect everything.
Someone did complain,that the yearbook contained spaces for 'ALL' stamps,,but only the commems are included in the packet.
A sort of wrong approach by the USPS to get you to buy the extra packet.
After all,it says Commemorative yearbook,and should only have spaces for coms.
All they did was change the name of the book.
I wonder if I could stick a RollsRoyce label on my Lincoln and sell it for a better price .If it's OK for the USPS to change labels,it must be within the law for me to do the same.Hmmmmm,,interesting.
BTW, I have empty yearbooks for 1995 to 2001,if anyone is interested. And no,I did not purchase them,they were a given from Local PO that was cleaning house.All stamps were removed for return and doisposal,and books were going into the dumpster.I just happen to be there at the right time to salvage the books.You know me,dont like to see anything wasted,or thrown out.There's always someone who can use it.
re: Damaged Stamps from USPS
I checked the 1995 book and it does not have regular issue pics,just coms.Unless you count the James K. Polk,sct# 2587.USPS includes that in the book.I guess at the time they considered it a commemorative,,but my 2008 scotts lists it as a regular issue stamp.??????
So dont know when they changed the books to Commemorative Yearbooks.And the more recent complaints must mainly be for the cost-64.95 .
Everything else aside,these books have pictures and commentaries about each issue.A nice presentation.
ps// I'll email you about exchange.