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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Auction Disc. : Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction



14 Nov 2009
Hi Everyone,
Here are a few points to note about the new Stamporama Auction:

1. You only have to log in once per session. You don't have to log in every time that you place a bid on an auction. The program remembers who you are for the length of your session.

2. Sellers, the first time that you post a new auction lot you will be asked to setup your default payment and shipping terms, which will then be used on all of your auction lots. Under the "sellers" drop down menu you can go in and setup or change your default shipping terms at any time.

3. You can now display two images of your philatelic material in your auction lot. If you have more than two images you can display them in the description the same as before.

4. You can load your images up onto the SOR site as part of the "create new lot" function. This is an OPTIONAL feature. You can still just paste the URL address of the image on your image hosting site the same as before. There is a limit on the size of the image that can be loaded onto the SOR site. The program allows a maximum image size of 350KB. Images larger than this become very difficult to see on the screen.

5. An auction lot can appear in more than one category. Just select the appropriate categories as you post the auction lot. You can go back later and edit the auction lot and add/change the categories.

6. When editing an auction lot, you can now change the closing date (if there are no bids yet).

7. If you want to setup an alternate username to be used in the auction, all your current auction lots, bids, history records and invoice details will all be copied across to the new username. This was not the case in the old auction.

8. You don't have to click on an auction lot after the closing date/time in order to close the auction lot. This was the way that it worked in the old auction. In the new auction, there is a program that runs every 15 mins, looking for auction lots that need to be closed.

I think these are the main points to note.

Regards ... Tim
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14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I believe in the adage of "If it aint broke,dont fix it",, just as Mike does,,,but,
SOR is not an ordinary auction.It is not a "business as usual" auction site. No rules are carved in stone.
Being a friendly web site, it only stands to reason that the auction part be just as friendly to use.
The changes instituted were suggestions from the members who frequently use the auction.We are not "all" perfect.We make mistakes,and being able to correct them in an easy to use auction is a blessing.
Pre-changes,if you made a mistake in listing it was impossible to do anything about it.Now you can.Posting images has options now,where previously it didnt.

I'm for the new look and workings of the auction,,even though I do not sell anything,just buy in the auction.


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14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I have added the "View All Auctions Posted by User" on the lot display screen.

Dan, the minimum bid amount is in the bid area at the bottom of the screen. Do you want it displayed in the Lot Information area towards the top of the screen also?

Regards ... Tim.

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14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Dan C.,

I don't think that the size of the images you are seeing has anything to do with the web site. The sellers who scan and upload the images are responsible for the size.

I certainly agree with you that images that are so large that they require scrolling to see in entirety are way too large, and serve neither sellers nor buyers well.

What I wonder is if it would be possible to have upper limits image dimensions in pixels rather than overall memory requirements. An 800 X 600 pixel image would be completely visible without scrolling.


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14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

That is a good idea to have the limit on the size in pixels rather than the total image size. I don't know how to do that. I'll have to do some research.

regards ... Tim.

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14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Dan C,
I added the "minimum bid" or "high bid" to the Lot Information at the top of the screen.

Regards ... Tim.

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14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction


Roy would probably be able to help. I believe that he had a 500 pixel limit when he was web master. There are certainly other web sites that have size limits.

One potential problem is that some sellers may not know how to resize images, but (gosh darn it all!) it seems to me that anyone who is trying to sell stamps needs to learn how to manipulate images! Photoshop Elements makes it a snap, and works with large batches of images.

To really pour some gasoline on the fire, we could prohibit images that are too small! It seems to me to be a waste of everyone's time to post images in the auction that simply provide too little information on which to base a bid/not bid decision.


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Support the Hobby -- Join the American Philatelic Society

14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I did not have time to check the new auction function, but would like to respond to the repeat requests for more limits on picture sizes etc.

Scanning and adjusting the picture size can be pretty frustrating. I always try to put in reasonable defaults, but am unable and unwilling to play for ten minutes with a picture for an auction lot that I will be offering for 25c.

BTW, how pictures are displayed is as much a function of the original picture size as each individual's computer settings, monitor size etc. Thus, whether an 800 x 8000 picture is visible without scrolling or not depends on how large you chose the settings for your browser. You can zoom in and out by simply pressing control and turning the wheel on your mouse. Now: How hard is that? Instead we argue another program rewrite for Tim and another hoop to jump through for the sellers.

In my opinion: We should be happy to have members who are taking the time and effort to offer all these inexpensive auction lots to other members w/o "handling" fees and excessive postage cost common place on commercial websites. If some images are too small or too big -- so what. It just shows that we have some non-professional computer challenged member-sellers who are as entitled to patience and accomodation as are our non computer literate member-buyers.


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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org

14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I have to agree with Arno on this one. I think each seller should determine how they want their item displayed. This will in turn determine if the items sells or not. I am not going to purchase an item that has a blurry or too small image. Likewise, I don't like images that are too large either. If it is a matter of disk space, then I would say add a maximum size, but Most of my items will fit in the 500 pixel range but I was just looking at my images for FDC's and they are in the 800x450 pixel range and they are not all that large and I think if they were made any smaller it would decrease the quality of the scan. Also looking at my #10 Envelope scans, they are in the 1100x500 pixel range. These may be reduced a bit and still be able retain the quality of the scan. For my purposes, I hope that this just stays as is.

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14 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I designed the new auction display screen so that you can use the full width of the screen and put the auction information below it so that it wasn't taking screen space from the image.


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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction


I agree with Lee. I would like to see the prospective buyers or persons viewing the lots to be able to click on a tab/heading that says something like 'View Seller's Other Auction Lots' when they are viewing any lot of a particular seller as they were able to do with the old auction program.

This new program makes it very fast to list or relist auction lots, especially when you do not have to type or cut and paste your terms of payment :-)

So far I have had no problems with this new program and find it a vast improvement for anyone who is listing auction lots.

There is a slight learning curve until we all familiarize ourselves with the headings trying to find what we want, but certainly should not create any big problems for anyone. It would be no different if one were to buy a new computer with an updated operating system, new web browser, new email program, new scanner or a new printer. Try purchasing a new stove or new dishwasher and try to figure out all the settings without reading and re-reading the instruction books (haha)! I still haven't figured out all the buttons and controls in my new car. At least the clutch, brake pedal and gas pedal are still in the same place as my old vehicle :-)

It will be great not having to go in and click on an auction lot to get it to close. The program will do that automatically for us. I was spending quite a bit of time each day going in and checking to make sure that people's lots were closed in a timely fashion if they had not taken the time to close the lots out themselves.

Thanks Tim for giving us yet another better tool to work with!


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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

One thing I noticed which I do not think was brought up, when you complete a listing and copy the information for the next lot, you need to delete the picture url that was from the previous lot and upload a new picture for the new lot.

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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Hi John,
That is true about having to clear or change the URL for the image when using the copy function. How would you like this to work differently?

Regards ... Tim.

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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org

15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction


That was one of the things that I was letting the dust settle on. A seller should never use the same image (unless it's generic, like supplies) for 2 different lots. If this field could be cleared when pressing copy, it would make listing a little easier. That being said, it's pretty easy to wipe out the field.


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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Which one John?

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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

The one which deletes a previous picture url when copying the information for a similiar lot.

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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Just been playing around with the auction. I put one lot on more as a test and to see what the pic is like. [yes Bob I kept it to less than 800x600] Comes up great. I couldn't resist putting in some greenmouses too, well 10 actually. I hope this is ok with everyone.
Happy stamping.

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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Absolutely OK Tim. So if I bid on it, do I get the lot for 1 cent?

Regards Tim :-)

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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

It has just been pointed out to me that when you re-list an item that has been previously posted your payment terms are copied from the original listing into the posting for the re-listed item, as well as the default payment terms.


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15 Nov 2009
re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Yep, I can't really do anything about that Liz. The payment terms from the original posting have to be manually removed.

Regards ... Tim.

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14 Nov 2009

Hi Everyone,
Here are a few points to note about the new Stamporama Auction:

1. You only have to log in once per session. You don't have to log in every time that you place a bid on an auction. The program remembers who you are for the length of your session.

2. Sellers, the first time that you post a new auction lot you will be asked to setup your default payment and shipping terms, which will then be used on all of your auction lots. Under the "sellers" drop down menu you can go in and setup or change your default shipping terms at any time.

3. You can now display two images of your philatelic material in your auction lot. If you have more than two images you can display them in the description the same as before.

4. You can load your images up onto the SOR site as part of the "create new lot" function. This is an OPTIONAL feature. You can still just paste the URL address of the image on your image hosting site the same as before. There is a limit on the size of the image that can be loaded onto the SOR site. The program allows a maximum image size of 350KB. Images larger than this become very difficult to see on the screen.

5. An auction lot can appear in more than one category. Just select the appropriate categories as you post the auction lot. You can go back later and edit the auction lot and add/change the categories.

6. When editing an auction lot, you can now change the closing date (if there are no bids yet).

7. If you want to setup an alternate username to be used in the auction, all your current auction lots, bids, history records and invoice details will all be copied across to the new username. This was not the case in the old auction.

8. You don't have to click on an auction lot after the closing date/time in order to close the auction lot. This was the way that it worked in the old auction. In the new auction, there is a program that runs every 15 mins, looking for auction lots that need to be closed.

I think these are the main points to note.

Regards ... Tim

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14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I believe in the adage of "If it aint broke,dont fix it",, just as Mike does,,,but,
SOR is not an ordinary auction.It is not a "business as usual" auction site. No rules are carved in stone.
Being a friendly web site, it only stands to reason that the auction part be just as friendly to use.
The changes instituted were suggestions from the members who frequently use the auction.We are not "all" perfect.We make mistakes,and being able to correct them in an easy to use auction is a blessing.
Pre-changes,if you made a mistake in listing it was impossible to do anything about it.Now you can.Posting images has options now,where previously it didnt.

I'm for the new look and workings of the auction,,even though I do not sell anything,just buy in the auction.


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14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I have added the "View All Auctions Posted by User" on the lot display screen.

Dan, the minimum bid amount is in the bid area at the bottom of the screen. Do you want it displayed in the Lot Information area towards the top of the screen also?

Regards ... Tim.

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14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Dan C.,

I don't think that the size of the images you are seeing has anything to do with the web site. The sellers who scan and upload the images are responsible for the size.

I certainly agree with you that images that are so large that they require scrolling to see in entirety are way too large, and serve neither sellers nor buyers well.

What I wonder is if it would be possible to have upper limits image dimensions in pixels rather than overall memory requirements. An 800 X 600 pixel image would be completely visible without scrolling.


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www.ephemeraltreasur ...

14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

That is a good idea to have the limit on the size in pixels rather than the total image size. I don't know how to do that. I'll have to do some research.

regards ... Tim.

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14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Dan C,
I added the "minimum bid" or "high bid" to the Lot Information at the top of the screen.

Regards ... Tim.

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14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction


Roy would probably be able to help. I believe that he had a 500 pixel limit when he was web master. There are certainly other web sites that have size limits.

One potential problem is that some sellers may not know how to resize images, but (gosh darn it all!) it seems to me that anyone who is trying to sell stamps needs to learn how to manipulate images! Photoshop Elements makes it a snap, and works with large batches of images.

To really pour some gasoline on the fire, we could prohibit images that are too small! It seems to me to be a waste of everyone's time to post images in the auction that simply provide too little information on which to base a bid/not bid decision.


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www.ephemeraltreasur ...
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Support the Hobby -- Join the American Philatelic Society
14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I did not have time to check the new auction function, but would like to respond to the repeat requests for more limits on picture sizes etc.

Scanning and adjusting the picture size can be pretty frustrating. I always try to put in reasonable defaults, but am unable and unwilling to play for ten minutes with a picture for an auction lot that I will be offering for 25c.

BTW, how pictures are displayed is as much a function of the original picture size as each individual's computer settings, monitor size etc. Thus, whether an 800 x 8000 picture is visible without scrolling or not depends on how large you chose the settings for your browser. You can zoom in and out by simply pressing control and turning the wheel on your mouse. Now: How hard is that? Instead we argue another program rewrite for Tim and another hoop to jump through for the sellers.

In my opinion: We should be happy to have members who are taking the time and effort to offer all these inexpensive auction lots to other members w/o "handling" fees and excessive postage cost common place on commercial websites. If some images are too small or too big -- so what. It just shows that we have some non-professional computer challenged member-sellers who are as entitled to patience and accomodation as are our non computer literate member-buyers.


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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org
14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I have to agree with Arno on this one. I think each seller should determine how they want their item displayed. This will in turn determine if the items sells or not. I am not going to purchase an item that has a blurry or too small image. Likewise, I don't like images that are too large either. If it is a matter of disk space, then I would say add a maximum size, but Most of my items will fit in the 500 pixel range but I was just looking at my images for FDC's and they are in the 800x450 pixel range and they are not all that large and I think if they were made any smaller it would decrease the quality of the scan. Also looking at my #10 Envelope scans, they are in the 1100x500 pixel range. These may be reduced a bit and still be able retain the quality of the scan. For my purposes, I hope that this just stays as is.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...

14 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

I designed the new auction display screen so that you can use the full width of the screen and put the auction information below it so that it wasn't taking screen space from the image.


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15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction


I agree with Lee. I would like to see the prospective buyers or persons viewing the lots to be able to click on a tab/heading that says something like 'View Seller's Other Auction Lots' when they are viewing any lot of a particular seller as they were able to do with the old auction program.

This new program makes it very fast to list or relist auction lots, especially when you do not have to type or cut and paste your terms of payment :-)

So far I have had no problems with this new program and find it a vast improvement for anyone who is listing auction lots.

There is a slight learning curve until we all familiarize ourselves with the headings trying to find what we want, but certainly should not create any big problems for anyone. It would be no different if one were to buy a new computer with an updated operating system, new web browser, new email program, new scanner or a new printer. Try purchasing a new stove or new dishwasher and try to figure out all the settings without reading and re-reading the instruction books (haha)! I still haven't figured out all the buttons and controls in my new car. At least the clutch, brake pedal and gas pedal are still in the same place as my old vehicle :-)

It will be great not having to go in and click on an auction lot to get it to close. The program will do that automatically for us. I was spending quite a bit of time each day going in and checking to make sure that people's lots were closed in a timely fashion if they had not taken the time to close the lots out themselves.

Thanks Tim for giving us yet another better tool to work with!


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15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

One thing I noticed which I do not think was brought up, when you complete a listing and copy the information for the next lot, you need to delete the picture url that was from the previous lot and upload a new picture for the new lot.

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15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Hi John,
That is true about having to clear or change the URL for the image when using the copy function. How would you like this to work differently?

Regards ... Tim.

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Immediate Past President - West Essex Philatelic Society www.wepsonline.org
15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction


That was one of the things that I was letting the dust settle on. A seller should never use the same image (unless it's generic, like supplies) for 2 different lots. If this field could be cleared when pressing copy, it would make listing a little easier. That being said, it's pretty easy to wipe out the field.


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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...

15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Which one John?

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15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

The one which deletes a previous picture url when copying the information for a similiar lot.

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15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Just been playing around with the auction. I put one lot on more as a test and to see what the pic is like. [yes Bob I kept it to less than 800x600] Comes up great. I couldn't resist putting in some greenmouses too, well 10 actually. I hope this is ok with everyone.
Happy stamping.

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15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Absolutely OK Tim. So if I bid on it, do I get the lot for 1 cent?

Regards Tim :-)

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15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

It has just been pointed out to me that when you re-list an item that has been previously posted your payment terms are copied from the original listing into the posting for the re-listed item, as well as the default payment terms.


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15 Nov 2009

re: Uploading pics, copying lots, size of images, and other tips about the auction

Yep, I can't really do anything about that Liz. The payment terms from the original posting have to be manually removed.

Regards ... Tim.

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