UPDATED Information sheet.
Note the £10 charge for the opening day !! (Nothing unusual for major UK shows)
In the past, I have been known to pass the word around when a major Stamp Exhibition looms, more especially when I plan to attend.
Given my age and the state of my knees (and other body parts), this may well be my last major Exhibition that I will travel long-distance to. So who is up for it ?
I have passed the message on TSF also and no doubt word will appear elsewhere too. It will be the first time I have been to a major Stamp show at the NEC so it should be good.
The first EuroPhilEx event was held in London in 2015 in between the two Major UK events of 2010 and 2020 (2022 due to Covid).
It's a bit of a way ahead but for those who need to plan.............
re: EuroPhilEx 2025, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK. May 8-11
UPDATED Information sheet.
Note the £10 charge for the opening day !! (Nothing unusual for major UK shows)