this is the program..its been around but its from before my Dads time (1910)
Score for sure!
Notice the price went from a quarter to a dime. Either they weren't moving, or it was towards the end of the fair!
I tape moves off the Turner network. Last week we watched "Meet Me In St Louis", which was about a family awaiting the 1903 Worlds Fair. Judy Garland movie from 1944.
Having grown up in a place that was once the property of Robert Livingston (Clermont) i can not help but have an interest in Robert Fulton and Henry Hudson that found our river. This morning we attended a flea market put on by a local high school, i was no sooner in the door when i noticed this magazine . I asked the lady who owned the booth how much it cost..she said "3 dollars" and my wife said grab it ! Its a step by step detail of the celebration September 25 1909 to October 9 1909. With the names of all the participating countries and organizations. I think it fits nicely into my collection of postcards from the event.
re: Official Program Hudson Fulton Celebration 1909
this is the program..its been around but its from before my Dads time (1910)
re: Official Program Hudson Fulton Celebration 1909
Score for sure!
Notice the price went from a quarter to a dime. Either they weren't moving, or it was towards the end of the fair!
I tape moves off the Turner network. Last week we watched "Meet Me In St Louis", which was about a family awaiting the 1903 Worlds Fair. Judy Garland movie from 1944.