Delivery stamps (Zustellungsmarken) were issued to temporarily supply smaller places with mail.
When the General Government was being established, the German postal service was unable to ensure postal delivery or collection even in remote areas.
The delivery stamps were the payment for trustworthy people from small towns who collected the mail and delivered it to the nearest post office on horseback, cart or foot.
The stamps are usually canceled by hand or canceled by the nearest post office.
Mail from these places is proven to be rare!
The stamps on letters cancelled in purple with 2 languages oval stamps outside of documents are socalled collector items that were given as a courtesy stamp from the shipping point in Krakow 1b.
A list of locations :
Bieliny, Bogdanow, Dymini, Jasieniec, Kanie, Konary, Lechowice, Lucka, Misie, Paszkowka, Podolany, Prostyn, Przeslawice, Przewoz, Przewrotne, Rudno, Rybitwy, Ahaiki
From around the middle of 1941, the stamps were no longer used, as the post office could supply the entire GG with mail directly.
The 4 stamps MNH
The 4 stamps cancelled in Warsaw
Collecter-item with BIELINY cancel
Collector-item with LECNOWICE cancel
Collector-item with MISIE cancel
Brief Czernichow nach Warschau portogerechte Entwertung der Z1
GG-R-Brief-Lancut-Absender-Poststuetzpunkt-portorichtige-Entwertung FRONT
GG-R-Brief-Lancut-Absender-Poststuetzpunkt-portorichtige-Entwertung BACK
Poststützpunkt Mrowla nach Reichshof von Sammler gemacht aber portogerecht
Poststützpunkt Tichomin vermutlich Blanko Karte mit späterer Adresse
Another not well-known item of the General-Gouvernement are the radio stamps (RUNDFUNK marken)
After the end of the Polish campaign, the General Government was established on October 26, 1939.
As part of the reorganization, the residents were supposed to hand over all radio sets to the German Wehrmacht.
Later, upon request, the approved people's receivers were distributed, on which, it is reported, it was allegedly not possible to receive any other channels than the preset ones.
On July 1, 1940, two radio stamps appeared - one with a face value of 4 zloty - which were stuck into the subscriber's broadcasting license and stamped as confirmation of the fee paid.
The second stamp with the letter “A” remained at the post office as confirmation of payment, a so-called confirmation form, of course also stamped.
A wonderful bureaucracy, many parts of which have survived to this day.
Michel nr 1 and 2 MNH
Michel nr 1 and 2 cancelled LEMBERG
Rundfunkmarke GG 2 Drei Stück auf Rundfunkgebührenzettel (DPO Formular 12.41) für die Monate April bis Juni 1943, sauber entwertet mit Ortsstempel NEU SANDEZ 1 16.04.43
Radio stamp GG 2 three pieces on a DPO form (12.41) for the months APRIL, MAY and JUNE 1943, cancelled NEU SANDEZ 1 on April 16th 1943.
Another not well-known item of the General-Gouvernement are the EVIDENZ stamps (they are not really stamps!)
Evidenz marken (FELDEISENBAHN)
These were used to evidence current employment, usually slave labour, on the railroad built to supply the Eastern Front.
They were inserted in the passports of the railway workers.
The stamps were issued on a monthly basis during 1943 and 1944.
1943 :
1944 :
I do not know if they exists in more colors but I think they will (probably 1 color for every month in the year)
Thank you! Fascinating article and information. I really appreciate posts such as these.
Larry (Johnnystamp)
Litzmannstadt (Ghettopost)
Probably already mentioned here on this forum, but anyway.....
Litzmannstadt (German) / Lodz (Polish)
The city of Lodz was captured by the Wehrmacht on 8 Sep 1939. The ghetto was created and was opened on 8 Feb 1940, closing a few months later, on 1 May 1940. Numerous deportations took place from the ghetto to extermination camps such as Chelmo. The ghetto was liquidated from 10 Jun 1944 to Aug 1944. The ghetto was liberated on 19 Jan 1945. Perhaps 10,000 of the 200,000 Jews who once passed through the Lodz ghetto survived. After liberation by the Soviet army, approximately nine hundred Jews were found alive.
Lodz was the only ghetto which had its own stamps, albeit for a very short period. Many Germans bought large quantities of these stamps in the hope that they would have great value after the war.
The first issue consisted of two stamps, 5pf and 10pf (issued on march 1944). Below are pictures of various first issue stamps. The first stamp below is a 5pf color proof of the first issue in dark olive green on carton paper. The second stamp is a 10pf proof of the first issue in bright blue gray. The third stamp is a 5pf crimson proof of the first issue on carton paper. The fourth and fifth stamps are a set of the 5pf and 10 pf stamps. The last item is a tete-beche set of two of the 5pf red stamps.
Serie 1 Probedruck 1 (5 pfg)
Serie 1 Probedruck 1 (10 pfg)
Serie 1 Probedruck 2 (5 pfg)
Michel Nr I and IIby
Michel I tete-beche
The second issue was designed by Pinchas Szaar.
The stamps feature the image of Rumkowski and the symbols of the labor guilds active in the ghetto.
They were issued in 5pf, 10pf and 20pf denominations.
These stamps were in circulation for a few months.
Below are examples of the second issue stamps.
The first item is a 5pf original essay of the second issue on carton paper.
The second item is a set of second issue stamps: 5pf; 10pf; and 20pf.
Serie 2 5Pfg ESSAY
Serie 2 Probedruck 1
Michel Nr III, IV and V
Hans Biebow, the Nazi head of the ghetto administration, was a stamp and money collector.
On March 14 Biebow forbade further printing and use of the stamps, and confiscated the unsold supply.
Michel lists and prices the JUDENPOST stamps only in unused condition.
Fewer than ten covers have been reported, and the authenticity of several has been challenged.
Be aware that there are a lot of forgeries of these stamps.
LODZ forgeries 1
LODZ all forgeries except number 2 and 3
Cancellation (April 17th 1944) and stamps are forgeries.
Cancellation (June 16th 1944) and stamps are forgeries.
Local editions Warsaw. Post during the 1944 uprising.
On 1 August 1944, the Polish Home Army (the Armia Krajowa, or AK) launched a major operation in an attempt to liberate Warsaw from Nazi German control. This operation would come to be known as the Warsaw Uprising.
Initially, the AK was able to gain control over large portions of the city. However, the Russians chose to withhold any assistance, and over the next two months, the Germans eventually gained the upper hand. On 2 October 1944, the final AK elements surrendered, returning full control of the city back over to the Germans.
During the 2 months in which the Poles controlled portions of the city, there were several provisional postage stamps designed and/or issued for use. Here are a few.
The first overprint issue consisted of overprints of the Generalgouvernement Hitler Head issues.
The stamps of the General Government of Warsaw were found by the insurgents during the fighting in the Warsaw 1 post office.
On the orders of the head of the field post office, Major Maksimillian Broszkiewicz, pseudonym "EMBICZ", overprinted during the uprising in August 1944 and intended for postal circulation. However, they did not enter into postal circulation. The original edition was very small, and after the overprint most of it was officially destroyed by order.
The overprint reads "Poczta Polowa 1-VIII-1944 Warszawa", or "Fieldpost 1 August 1944 Warsaw". These were never issued for use.
Michel I - X
Michel I- X Certificate
The second set consisted of overprints of common Generalgouvernement stamps with a design featuring an eagle and the text "Poczta Powstancza W-wa Sierpien 1944", or "Post of the Uprising of 6 August 1944".
Most stamps of this set (I have a strong feeling these stamps are all forgeries)
In addition, the AK had Fieldpost issues.
1944, September 3rd; 1. final editions, without indication of value.
Five values, in different colors, which were intended for distribution to the different city districts. The values were already completed on August 6th, 1944, but they were not issued until September 3rd, so that due to military developments, only the Downtown-South post office in Wilcza Street remained (with the exception of a sheet that reached the PA in Mokotow ) was delivered. The values, in all colors, were used here.
The text reads "Poczta polowa", or "Fieldpost", with "AK" for the Armia Krajowa, and "1. VII 1944", the date of the uprising.
5 different colors together (Front)
5 different colors together (Back)
Finally, a second AK Fieldpost issue was designed, but it is not believed to have been used due to the end of the uprising.
There are 6 different types in one sheet.
Type 1: an indentation in the letter “P” at the bottom left, as well as another indentation in the letter “T” at the top, both in "POCZTA"
Type 2: in the fourth chimney from the left, an indentation at the top left
Type 3: The cross bar of the second number "4" of "1944" thickens to the frame bar
Type 4: a notch outside the letter "C" in "POCZTA" in the lower part
Type 5: the letter "P" in "POCZTA" is connected to the upper frame by a dash; The crossbar of the letter "Z" is thickened
Type 6: Above the soldier's head there appears to be a "bump" in the vertical wall of the house
Hello everyone.
After a long time I am now starting part 3 of interesting facts and explanations.
I start with 3 parts of the General Government.
Hope you will like it.....
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Delivery stamps (Zustellungsmarken) were issued to temporarily supply smaller places with mail.
When the General Government was being established, the German postal service was unable to ensure postal delivery or collection even in remote areas.
The delivery stamps were the payment for trustworthy people from small towns who collected the mail and delivered it to the nearest post office on horseback, cart or foot.
The stamps are usually canceled by hand or canceled by the nearest post office.
Mail from these places is proven to be rare!
The stamps on letters cancelled in purple with 2 languages oval stamps outside of documents are socalled collector items that were given as a courtesy stamp from the shipping point in Krakow 1b.
A list of locations :
Bieliny, Bogdanow, Dymini, Jasieniec, Kanie, Konary, Lechowice, Lucka, Misie, Paszkowka, Podolany, Prostyn, Przeslawice, Przewoz, Przewrotne, Rudno, Rybitwy, Ahaiki
From around the middle of 1941, the stamps were no longer used, as the post office could supply the entire GG with mail directly.
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
The 4 stamps MNH
The 4 stamps cancelled in Warsaw
Collecter-item with BIELINY cancel
Collector-item with LECNOWICE cancel
Collector-item with MISIE cancel
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Brief Czernichow nach Warschau portogerechte Entwertung der Z1
GG-R-Brief-Lancut-Absender-Poststuetzpunkt-portorichtige-Entwertung FRONT
GG-R-Brief-Lancut-Absender-Poststuetzpunkt-portorichtige-Entwertung BACK
Poststützpunkt Mrowla nach Reichshof von Sammler gemacht aber portogerecht
Poststützpunkt Tichomin vermutlich Blanko Karte mit späterer Adresse
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Another not well-known item of the General-Gouvernement are the radio stamps (RUNDFUNK marken)
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
After the end of the Polish campaign, the General Government was established on October 26, 1939.
As part of the reorganization, the residents were supposed to hand over all radio sets to the German Wehrmacht.
Later, upon request, the approved people's receivers were distributed, on which, it is reported, it was allegedly not possible to receive any other channels than the preset ones.
On July 1, 1940, two radio stamps appeared - one with a face value of 4 zloty - which were stuck into the subscriber's broadcasting license and stamped as confirmation of the fee paid.
The second stamp with the letter “A” remained at the post office as confirmation of payment, a so-called confirmation form, of course also stamped.
A wonderful bureaucracy, many parts of which have survived to this day.
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Michel nr 1 and 2 MNH
Michel nr 1 and 2 cancelled LEMBERG
Rundfunkmarke GG 2 Drei Stück auf Rundfunkgebührenzettel (DPO Formular 12.41) für die Monate April bis Juni 1943, sauber entwertet mit Ortsstempel NEU SANDEZ 1 16.04.43
Radio stamp GG 2 three pieces on a DPO form (12.41) for the months APRIL, MAY and JUNE 1943, cancelled NEU SANDEZ 1 on April 16th 1943.
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Another not well-known item of the General-Gouvernement are the EVIDENZ stamps (they are not really stamps!)
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Evidenz marken (FELDEISENBAHN)
These were used to evidence current employment, usually slave labour, on the railroad built to supply the Eastern Front.
They were inserted in the passports of the railway workers.
The stamps were issued on a monthly basis during 1943 and 1944.
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
1943 :
1944 :
I do not know if they exists in more colors but I think they will (probably 1 color for every month in the year)
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Litzmannstadt (Ghettopost)
Probably already mentioned here on this forum, but anyway.....
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Litzmannstadt (German) / Lodz (Polish)
The city of Lodz was captured by the Wehrmacht on 8 Sep 1939. The ghetto was created and was opened on 8 Feb 1940, closing a few months later, on 1 May 1940. Numerous deportations took place from the ghetto to extermination camps such as Chelmo. The ghetto was liquidated from 10 Jun 1944 to Aug 1944. The ghetto was liberated on 19 Jan 1945. Perhaps 10,000 of the 200,000 Jews who once passed through the Lodz ghetto survived. After liberation by the Soviet army, approximately nine hundred Jews were found alive.
Lodz was the only ghetto which had its own stamps, albeit for a very short period. Many Germans bought large quantities of these stamps in the hope that they would have great value after the war.
The first issue consisted of two stamps, 5pf and 10pf (issued on march 1944). Below are pictures of various first issue stamps. The first stamp below is a 5pf color proof of the first issue in dark olive green on carton paper. The second stamp is a 10pf proof of the first issue in bright blue gray. The third stamp is a 5pf crimson proof of the first issue on carton paper. The fourth and fifth stamps are a set of the 5pf and 10 pf stamps. The last item is a tete-beche set of two of the 5pf red stamps.
Serie 1 Probedruck 1 (5 pfg)
Serie 1 Probedruck 1 (10 pfg)
Serie 1 Probedruck 2 (5 pfg)
Michel Nr I and IIby
Michel I tete-beche
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
The second issue was designed by Pinchas Szaar.
The stamps feature the image of Rumkowski and the symbols of the labor guilds active in the ghetto.
They were issued in 5pf, 10pf and 20pf denominations.
These stamps were in circulation for a few months.
Below are examples of the second issue stamps.
The first item is a 5pf original essay of the second issue on carton paper.
The second item is a set of second issue stamps: 5pf; 10pf; and 20pf.
Serie 2 5Pfg ESSAY
Serie 2 Probedruck 1
Michel Nr III, IV and V
Hans Biebow, the Nazi head of the ghetto administration, was a stamp and money collector.
On March 14 Biebow forbade further printing and use of the stamps, and confiscated the unsold supply.
Michel lists and prices the JUDENPOST stamps only in unused condition.
Fewer than ten covers have been reported, and the authenticity of several has been challenged.
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Be aware that there are a lot of forgeries of these stamps.
LODZ forgeries 1
LODZ all forgeries except number 2 and 3
Cancellation (April 17th 1944) and stamps are forgeries.
Cancellation (June 16th 1944) and stamps are forgeries.
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Local editions Warsaw. Post during the 1944 uprising.
On 1 August 1944, the Polish Home Army (the Armia Krajowa, or AK) launched a major operation in an attempt to liberate Warsaw from Nazi German control. This operation would come to be known as the Warsaw Uprising.
Initially, the AK was able to gain control over large portions of the city. However, the Russians chose to withhold any assistance, and over the next two months, the Germans eventually gained the upper hand. On 2 October 1944, the final AK elements surrendered, returning full control of the city back over to the Germans.
During the 2 months in which the Poles controlled portions of the city, there were several provisional postage stamps designed and/or issued for use. Here are a few.
The first overprint issue consisted of overprints of the Generalgouvernement Hitler Head issues.
The stamps of the General Government of Warsaw were found by the insurgents during the fighting in the Warsaw 1 post office.
On the orders of the head of the field post office, Major Maksimillian Broszkiewicz, pseudonym "EMBICZ", overprinted during the uprising in August 1944 and intended for postal circulation. However, they did not enter into postal circulation. The original edition was very small, and after the overprint most of it was officially destroyed by order.
The overprint reads "Poczta Polowa 1-VIII-1944 Warszawa", or "Fieldpost 1 August 1944 Warsaw". These were never issued for use.
Michel I - X
Michel I- X Certificate
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
The second set consisted of overprints of common Generalgouvernement stamps with a design featuring an eagle and the text "Poczta Powstancza W-wa Sierpien 1944", or "Post of the Uprising of 6 August 1944".
Most stamps of this set (I have a strong feeling these stamps are all forgeries)
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
In addition, the AK had Fieldpost issues.
1944, September 3rd; 1. final editions, without indication of value.
Five values, in different colors, which were intended for distribution to the different city districts. The values were already completed on August 6th, 1944, but they were not issued until September 3rd, so that due to military developments, only the Downtown-South post office in Wilcza Street remained (with the exception of a sheet that reached the PA in Mokotow ) was delivered. The values, in all colors, were used here.
The text reads "Poczta polowa", or "Fieldpost", with "AK" for the Armia Krajowa, and "1. VII 1944", the date of the uprising.
5 different colors together (Front)
5 different colors together (Back)
re: interesting facts and explanations PART 3
Finally, a second AK Fieldpost issue was designed, but it is not believed to have been used due to the end of the uprising.
There are 6 different types in one sheet.
Type 1: an indentation in the letter “P” at the bottom left, as well as another indentation in the letter “T” at the top, both in "POCZTA"
Type 2: in the fourth chimney from the left, an indentation at the top left
Type 3: The cross bar of the second number "4" of "1944" thickens to the frame bar
Type 4: a notch outside the letter "C" in "POCZTA" in the lower part
Type 5: the letter "P" in "POCZTA" is connected to the upper frame by a dash; The crossbar of the letter "Z" is thickened
Type 6: Above the soldier's head there appears to be a "bump" in the vertical wall of the house