"1763: The first postal service established in what would later become Canada. Following the Treaty of Paris of 1763, in which Canada is ceded to Great Britain, Benjamin Franklin and John Foxcroft, joint Deputy Postmasters General for British North America, appoint Hugh Finlay as the first Postmaster at Québec"
If I had a US album the first page would be rather empty.
Nice collection!
I am very much an old fashioned type of collector who believes in albums. I am also a bit anal and I really get a kick out of finishing a page or a series. We're all different and that's great, at least in my opinion! There's quite often stamps left out but in most cases they're totally out of reach anyway. My Canada album, on the other hand, shows almost everything. That means the page with #32 will never be filled, the same as the page with the Port Hood provisionals! But I guess I will have to put up with disappointments like that.
It's difficult to make out individual stamps on this page, please enlarge these, also add arrows to show the different types involved. Do you have any special cancels we should be aware of?
Especially show the different types to tell the One Cent blue Franklins apart!
@1898 I'm just doing this to show the page. Everything has been checked very carefully and I'm satisfied with the result. If you want to know the differences have a look in Scott's. What you want will take more work that I'm willing to put into this minor little show and tell! Sorry! And also as I've said many times I don't do scans myself yet!! Any serious US collector knows the differences already. This was not an attempt to educate, just to show the completed page.
Is it true that the One Cent Franklins that are in the Harvey's photo/scan the different types were all in one sheet?
"Is it true that the One Cent Franklins that are in the Harvey's photo/scan the different types were all in one sheet?"
Some are from the same plates, and some are exclusively found on different plates.
https://stampsmarter.org/features/SQL_1C ...
The link above contains most everything a person needs to know about these stamps including a simple 'step-by-step ID tool. It covers every plate position, which catalog number they are. etc.
There are planes, but I do not know if any sheets exist (original sheets not made up sheets)!
Very nice page!
"I am very much an old fashioned type of collector who believes in albums. "
I would never soak a vintage stamp off cover or piece, that would be a sin against philately!! I have bought most of my stamps from dealers over the years, so the guilty deed had already been done!! I have some interesting covers that will never see water, al least not because of me!!
Oh man....I am drooling here!
That is one bee-you-tee-ful page!!
It took a while but it's finally complete, a nice page!
Row 1: 1,2, 10X1 Row 2: 7, 8A, 9, 11A Row 3: 10, 11, 12, 13 Row 4: 14, 15, 17, 10A
And before anyone says anything I just noticed 10A and 11A are reversed and I will fix it ASAP!
Edit: A little bit of trivia, Benjamin Franklin was also considered to be the first "post master general of Canada".
"1763: The first postal service established in what would later become Canada. Following the Treaty of Paris of 1763, in which Canada is ceded to Great Britain, Benjamin Franklin and John Foxcroft, joint Deputy Postmasters General for British North America, appoint Hugh Finlay as the first Postmaster at Québec"
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
If I had a US album the first page would be rather empty.
Nice collection!
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
I am very much an old fashioned type of collector who believes in albums. I am also a bit anal and I really get a kick out of finishing a page or a series. We're all different and that's great, at least in my opinion! There's quite often stamps left out but in most cases they're totally out of reach anyway. My Canada album, on the other hand, shows almost everything. That means the page with #32 will never be filled, the same as the page with the Port Hood provisionals! But I guess I will have to put up with disappointments like that.
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
It's difficult to make out individual stamps on this page, please enlarge these, also add arrows to show the different types involved. Do you have any special cancels we should be aware of?
Especially show the different types to tell the One Cent blue Franklins apart!
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
@1898 I'm just doing this to show the page. Everything has been checked very carefully and I'm satisfied with the result. If you want to know the differences have a look in Scott's. What you want will take more work that I'm willing to put into this minor little show and tell! Sorry! And also as I've said many times I don't do scans myself yet!! Any serious US collector knows the differences already. This was not an attempt to educate, just to show the completed page.
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
Is it true that the One Cent Franklins that are in the Harvey's photo/scan the different types were all in one sheet?
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
"Is it true that the One Cent Franklins that are in the Harvey's photo/scan the different types were all in one sheet?"
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
Some are from the same plates, and some are exclusively found on different plates.
https://stampsmarter.org/features/SQL_1C ...
The link above contains most everything a person needs to know about these stamps including a simple 'step-by-step ID tool. It covers every plate position, which catalog number they are. etc.
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
There are planes, but I do not know if any sheets exist (original sheets not made up sheets)!
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
Very nice page!
"I am very much an old fashioned type of collector who believes in albums. "
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
I would never soak a vintage stamp off cover or piece, that would be a sin against philately!! I have bought most of my stamps from dealers over the years, so the guilty deed had already been done!! I have some interesting covers that will never see water, al least not because of me!!
re: Page #1 finished in US Liberty album
Oh man....I am drooling here!
That is one bee-you-tee-ful page!!