What you are calling a surcharge is most likely the slogan portion of a slogan cancel. It could be the stamp was affixed to the envelope in an upside down orientation.
Agree with smauggie. Here are similar other examples;
Thank you for this but how can you tell if you can, if the stamp isn't on anything, it was put on something upside down.
It's likely that the stamp was affixed incorrectly, upside down, in the upper right corner of an envelope; there are actually a number of scenarios that could be imagined.
The important discovery, in my opinion, is that it is a machine cancel and not a surcharge or overprint.
Can someone please give me some information on this stamp 3c FIRST OF THE LAND GRANT COLLEGES with inverted surcharge which says WISELY SAFE U.S. SAVINGS . At the moment I can't send a picture of the stamp sorry
re: inverted surcharge
What you are calling a surcharge is most likely the slogan portion of a slogan cancel. It could be the stamp was affixed to the envelope in an upside down orientation.
re: inverted surcharge
Agree with smauggie. Here are similar other examples;
re: inverted surcharge
Thank you for this but how can you tell if you can, if the stamp isn't on anything, it was put on something upside down.
re: inverted surcharge
It's likely that the stamp was affixed incorrectly, upside down, in the upper right corner of an envelope; there are actually a number of scenarios that could be imagined.
The important discovery, in my opinion, is that it is a machine cancel and not a surcharge or overprint.