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United States/BOB & Other : What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


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06 Jun 2023
Let’s talk about USA officials - the early Interior, War. dept, etc. I don’t remember reading any threads about these series.

I have been buying USA box lots and collections and there are almost always a few of everything - parcel post, postage dues, airs, revenues, territories etc. EXCEPT for the officials - excluding the modern set. They never seem to show up, but the catalog values aren’t crazy expensive. Have I just been unlucky or are these really that elusive?

Does anyone specialize in these issues?
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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

06 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

I wouldn't say "specialize", but since they are in my US album I do collect them and you're right, they are difficult to find. Some are more expensive than others but none are grossly expensive. I probably have about two thirds of them but haven't added a new one in quite a while. I picked some up here but it's been a while. I don't keep spares to offer you but I have a feeling if one of the sellers here offered some there'd be quite a scramble for them!! My cutoff for US is 1977 so I have no interest in the newer ones that do show up occasionally. And I did have quite a few of the newer types that I passed on to my stamp dealer for credit. Good luck! Happy

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

06 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Hard to find them in decent condition too.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

06 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

This is an indication of which ones seem to show up more often just by using what I have managed to find. Are your numbers similar?
Agriculture 2 / 9, Executive 0 / 5, Interior 10 / 10, Justice 3 / 10, Navy 7 / 11, Post office 9 / 10, State 7 / 11, Treasury 11 / 11, War 9 / 11, Postal Savings 5 / 6, Those done by the American Bank Note Company 6 / 27 Some groups are much harder to find, usually because of rarity and expense.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

06 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Just for fun I searched Ebay for officials, 15,000 listed, I checked the first two pages page 1 186, page 2 192 of the orientation older officials.

So out of 15,000 perhaps there are of the right and proper orientation older officials maybe 4,000 or 5,000, seems to me there are plenty out there.

Perhaps ebay should be checked for officials?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

06 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

"Perhaps ebay should be checked for officials?"

I don't know about everyone else but I've really cut back on buying from E-Bay because of the totally outrageous shipping prices. They could have every official I need and I probably wouldn't be able to buy them. We're probably discussing why they never seem to show up here, I really couldn't care less about E-Bay much any more. I used to buy from several E-Bay sellers who have obviously switched to the Global Shipping, or whatever it's called now, and their shipping is so high now that I have nothing to do with them!
Edit: A few months ago a dealer I used to buy from regularly, DantheStampMan, had a wonderful lot of older officials for sale. It was almost a complete set and I put in what I thought was a large bid and I never even came close. These items are, I believe, very much sought after!! By the way I still check out this sellers weekly offers - great stuff but his shipping charges are now much higher!!! I hope I'm not breaking any SoR rules by mentioning the sellers name. If I am please let me know and I will erase this EDIT. Or you can do it, no problem!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories

06 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

"So out of 15,000 perhaps there are of the right and proper orientation older officials "

I tried, but even Google couldn't translate this into English for me.

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"BuckaCover.com - 8,000+ new covers coming Wednesday Jan. 15. See the website."


06 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Go back to my posting and read the entire sentence!

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APS #213005

07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

I'd be willing to bet my lunch (...and it's steak!) That Roy HAS read, and reread everything in this thread.....he's thorough like that.

Your sentence is jibberish - maybe you should make an attempt to clarify it for everyone instead of making a seemingly angry retort - thank you in advance.

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07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


You are correct it is jibberish what Roy said, but he took it out of context, all he had to do what reread the entire sentence!

I made no angry retort to anyone, I was trying to help him understand, simple!

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07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Definition of "orientation" ,

1.The act of orienting or the state of being oriented.
2. Location or position relative to the points of the compass.
3.The construction of a church so that its longitudinal axis has an east-west direction with the main altar usually at the eastern end.

Not sure what way this applies to stamps, unless it means face upwards.
Your full sentence is :- So out of 15,000 perhaps there are of the right and proper orientation older officials maybe 4,000 or 5,000, seems to me there are plenty out there.
Possibly it makes more sense as follows:-
So out of 15,000 maybe 4 or 5 thousand are older officials, seems to me etc.......

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07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Perhaps you are correct, but my sentence said the same thing, but in a different way.

Taking the words out of context does nothing and could confuse people.

Again just go back and read the WHOLE sentence!

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07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

I read the whole sentence multiple times and was never exactly sure what it meant. Several people have been trying to give you constructive criticism, but you do not seem to be at all receptive.

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07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


You did not understand that on ebay there was 15,000 officials, and maybe 4,000 or 5,000 (my guess) would be the older officials?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

I understood what @1898 was trying to say. It was said a bit awkwardly but it was understandable. He was saying there are a lot of older officials on E-bay. It didn't really speak to the original comment that there were not many older officials showing up in stamp lots or collections. I've noticed the same thing with this site, not many older officials show up here. There are piles of them on E-Bay, as David noted, but I've found that in many cases the amount of shipping makes buying them or bidding on them unreasonable. There are a huge number there now on auction, as opposed to BIN, with reasonable shipping prices but that's not the normal state of affairs. I wish someone would post a few on SoR just to see how much interest there would be!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories

07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Had the sentence said

"So out of 15,000 perhaps there are ... maybe 4,000 or 5,000 [older officials] , seems to me there are plenty out there.",

I would have no problem understanding.

I still don't know what this means:

" right and proper orientation older officials"

and based on the other responses, I feel like I am not alone.


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"BuckaCover.com - 8,000+ new covers coming Wednesday Jan. 15. See the website."


07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Makes no difference which words are used, the meaning is still there, you used what I said out of context which would be confusing to anyone!!!

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APS #213005

07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

...good grief all over again....

I Don't Want To See

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07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Oh good grief - between this silly conversation and the climate change rants on the other threads I’m beginning to feel guilty about recommending this site to a thousand people. Could we please go back to talking about stamps?

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

This is the first time I've ben reading posts where I have spent more time laughing than reading. It's very similar to Abbott and Costello's "who's on first" routine!!
https://www.wimp.com/abbott-costello-who ...

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


It was my posting that started this whole mess! I really regret this whole mess.

So let's do talk about stamps again, I promise not to mention the where to find Officials stamps again, I thought I was helping, then it turned into something else, a big waste of time!


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07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Hah! Good one Harvey! And - no worries 1898.

FYI - I don’t think using an @ for tagging works in this forum like it does in others at least it doesn’t on my ipad.

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"


07 Jun 2023
re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Have you found any of the older officials with any of the plate varieties, if so any you'd like to show?

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06 Jun 2023

Let’s talk about USA officials - the early Interior, War. dept, etc. I don’t remember reading any threads about these series.

I have been buying USA box lots and collections and there are almost always a few of everything - parcel post, postage dues, airs, revenues, territories etc. EXCEPT for the officials - excluding the modern set. They never seem to show up, but the catalog values aren’t crazy expensive. Have I just been unlucky or are these really that elusive?

Does anyone specialize in these issues?

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
06 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

I wouldn't say "specialize", but since they are in my US album I do collect them and you're right, they are difficult to find. Some are more expensive than others but none are grossly expensive. I probably have about two thirds of them but haven't added a new one in quite a while. I picked some up here but it's been a while. I don't keep spares to offer you but I have a feeling if one of the sellers here offered some there'd be quite a scramble for them!! My cutoff for US is 1977 so I have no interest in the newer ones that do show up occasionally. And I did have quite a few of the newer types that I passed on to my stamp dealer for credit. Good luck! Happy

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

06 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Hard to find them in decent condition too.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
06 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

This is an indication of which ones seem to show up more often just by using what I have managed to find. Are your numbers similar?
Agriculture 2 / 9, Executive 0 / 5, Interior 10 / 10, Justice 3 / 10, Navy 7 / 11, Post office 9 / 10, State 7 / 11, Treasury 11 / 11, War 9 / 11, Postal Savings 5 / 6, Those done by the American Bank Note Company 6 / 27 Some groups are much harder to find, usually because of rarity and expense.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

06 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Just for fun I searched Ebay for officials, 15,000 listed, I checked the first two pages page 1 186, page 2 192 of the orientation older officials.

So out of 15,000 perhaps there are of the right and proper orientation older officials maybe 4,000 or 5,000, seems to me there are plenty out there.

Perhaps ebay should be checked for officials?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
06 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

"Perhaps ebay should be checked for officials?"

I don't know about everyone else but I've really cut back on buying from E-Bay because of the totally outrageous shipping prices. They could have every official I need and I probably wouldn't be able to buy them. We're probably discussing why they never seem to show up here, I really couldn't care less about E-Bay much any more. I used to buy from several E-Bay sellers who have obviously switched to the Global Shipping, or whatever it's called now, and their shipping is so high now that I have nothing to do with them!
Edit: A few months ago a dealer I used to buy from regularly, DantheStampMan, had a wonderful lot of older officials for sale. It was almost a complete set and I put in what I thought was a large bid and I never even came close. These items are, I believe, very much sought after!! By the way I still check out this sellers weekly offers - great stuff but his shipping charges are now much higher!!! I hope I'm not breaking any SoR rules by mentioning the sellers name. If I am please let me know and I will erase this EDIT. Or you can do it, no problem!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories
06 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

"So out of 15,000 perhaps there are of the right and proper orientation older officials "

I tried, but even Google couldn't translate this into English for me.

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"BuckaCover.com - 8,000+ new covers coming Wednesday Jan. 15. See the website."


06 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Go back to my posting and read the entire sentence!

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APS #213005
07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

I'd be willing to bet my lunch (...and it's steak!) That Roy HAS read, and reread everything in this thread.....he's thorough like that.

Your sentence is jibberish - maybe you should make an attempt to clarify it for everyone instead of making a seemingly angry retort - thank you in advance.

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07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


You are correct it is jibberish what Roy said, but he took it out of context, all he had to do what reread the entire sentence!

I made no angry retort to anyone, I was trying to help him understand, simple!

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07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Definition of "orientation" ,

1.The act of orienting or the state of being oriented.
2. Location or position relative to the points of the compass.
3.The construction of a church so that its longitudinal axis has an east-west direction with the main altar usually at the eastern end.

Not sure what way this applies to stamps, unless it means face upwards.
Your full sentence is :- So out of 15,000 perhaps there are of the right and proper orientation older officials maybe 4,000 or 5,000, seems to me there are plenty out there.
Possibly it makes more sense as follows:-
So out of 15,000 maybe 4 or 5 thousand are older officials, seems to me etc.......

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07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Perhaps you are correct, but my sentence said the same thing, but in a different way.

Taking the words out of context does nothing and could confuse people.

Again just go back and read the WHOLE sentence!

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07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

I read the whole sentence multiple times and was never exactly sure what it meant. Several people have been trying to give you constructive criticism, but you do not seem to be at all receptive.

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07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


You did not understand that on ebay there was 15,000 officials, and maybe 4,000 or 5,000 (my guess) would be the older officials?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

I understood what @1898 was trying to say. It was said a bit awkwardly but it was understandable. He was saying there are a lot of older officials on E-bay. It didn't really speak to the original comment that there were not many older officials showing up in stamp lots or collections. I've noticed the same thing with this site, not many older officials show up here. There are piles of them on E-Bay, as David noted, but I've found that in many cases the amount of shipping makes buying them or bidding on them unreasonable. There are a huge number there now on auction, as opposed to BIN, with reasonable shipping prices but that's not the normal state of affairs. I wish someone would post a few on SoR just to see how much interest there would be!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

BuckaCover.com - 80,000 covers priced 60c to $1.50 - Easy browsing 500 categories
07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Had the sentence said

"So out of 15,000 perhaps there are ... maybe 4,000 or 5,000 [older officials] , seems to me there are plenty out there.",

I would have no problem understanding.

I still don't know what this means:

" right and proper orientation older officials"

and based on the other responses, I feel like I am not alone.


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"BuckaCover.com - 8,000+ new covers coming Wednesday Jan. 15. See the website."


07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Makes no difference which words are used, the meaning is still there, you used what I said out of context which would be confusing to anyone!!!

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APS #213005
07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

...good grief all over again....

I Don't Want To See

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07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Oh good grief - between this silly conversation and the climate change rants on the other threads I’m beginning to feel guilty about recommending this site to a thousand people. Could we please go back to talking about stamps?

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

This is the first time I've ben reading posts where I have spent more time laughing than reading. It's very similar to Abbott and Costello's "who's on first" routine!!
https://www.wimp.com/abbott-costello-who ...

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


It was my posting that started this whole mess! I really regret this whole mess.

So let's do talk about stamps again, I promise not to mention the where to find Officials stamps again, I thought I was helping, then it turned into something else, a big waste of time!


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07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?

Hah! Good one Harvey! And - no worries 1898.

FYI - I don’t think using an @ for tagging works in this forum like it does in others at least it doesn’t on my ipad.

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"August 2023 - selling penny start bargain lots on EBay - https://www.ebay.com/str/philatelia"

www.ebay.com/str/phi ...

07 Jun 2023

re: What’s up with older USA Official stamps?


Have you found any of the older officials with any of the plate varieties, if so any you'd like to show?

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