Dave - I checked what copies of the two different shades of the 10c RCMP stamp and none of mine have the red scratch through the A that shows on your stamp. I also checked through some old reference material on 'errors, freaks & oddities' and found nothing relative.
Out of curiousity did you list the stamp on EBay and if so, did it sell?
Liz, thanks for the effort and info, much appreciated. I haven't listed it yet, as I was waiting to find out it's status.
It seems like it's a striking but non-constant variety. Possibly a hair on the plate.
When you say a "hair on the plate" are you actually talking hair?
Yes, hair, fluff and other detritus on the plate can cause all sorts of oddities
I'm going to list this for sale in my Ebay store. There's a scratch through the second A of CANADA, extending into the margin. It's not listed in Unitrade, so I doubt that it's constant, but has anyone seen it before?
re: Unlisted Variety on 10c Mountie
Dave - I checked what copies of the two different shades of the 10c RCMP stamp and none of mine have the red scratch through the A that shows on your stamp. I also checked through some old reference material on 'errors, freaks & oddities' and found nothing relative.
Out of curiousity did you list the stamp on EBay and if so, did it sell?
re: Unlisted Variety on 10c Mountie
Liz, thanks for the effort and info, much appreciated. I haven't listed it yet, as I was waiting to find out it's status.
It seems like it's a striking but non-constant variety. Possibly a hair on the plate.
re: Unlisted Variety on 10c Mountie
When you say a "hair on the plate" are you actually talking hair?
re: Unlisted Variety on 10c Mountie
Yes, hair, fluff and other detritus on the plate can cause all sorts of oddities