Hi Brian
The Native Animals set was issued on December 19, 2022; these stamps were not illustrated in the Stamp Bulletin No 380, 2022. This was the last Stamp Bulletin for the year. The Native Animals to my surprise was illustrated in the first Stamp Bulletin for 2023, No 381. The FDC was cancelled in Canberra on December 19, 2022.
Hi Brian
Here is the Bulletin for 2023 with the 2022 Native Animals titled on the front cover.
https://australiapostcollectables.com.au ...
Hi Brian
I found out why the 2022 stamps were illustrated in the 2023 edition of the Stamp Bulleting. I was told that the 2022 Native Animals have the new face value of $1.20, and were added to the 2023 Stamp Bulletin as all the 2023 stamps are $1.20, to keep the order of value in uniform, as 2022 was $1.10.
Issued on the 17th of January Christmas Island "Lunar New Year of the Rabbit" this was issued in numerous different formats Basic set of 3 stamps 1 x $1-20,1 x $2-40 & 1 x $3-60 and 1 x small S/S with the 3 stamps and a larger sheet with the same 3 stamps plus another 12 Stamps and the circular Zodiac sheet to name just a few .
Today the 7th of Feb. AP released a set of stamps entitled "Sporting Treasures" 4 stamps all $1-20 values ,and I suppose like the rest of their releases you very rarely see any of the sheet stamps used.these are also released in S/A booklets.And a S/S
Australia Post issued a set of stamps on the 14th of March for the AAT 2 x $1-20 & 2 x $2-40, "Sydney Nolan's Antarctica"a set of paintings issued as sheet and a S/S .
Thank you for your postings informing us of the new issues. Much appreciated!
On the 21st of March AP released a single stamp " Centenary of Legacy" It still cares for members and families of service men & women who were wounded in the WWII,It was release as a sheet of 10 stamps at $1-20 & a S/A roll of 100.
Yes. Brian, your new Aussie stamp issues page is usually one of the first topic I go to when I get to reading the discussion pages. I suppose the fact that Australian stamps are so bright, cheery and interesting helps.
A little behind again I'm afraid ,the holidays keep delaying things lol On the 11 of April APreleased a set of stamps for the Solar Eclipses 3 x $1-20 issu as sheet,S/S and a S/A booklet .
Nearly caught up .On the 27th of April we have a LEGENDS issue 4 x $1-20 Supercar drivers ,issued as sheet and a S/A booklets of 10 for each stamp .
PS and there are 2 more new releases out tomorrow the 9th of May!!!Peacock Spiders &Jellyfish Underwater Wonders
New issue from AP on the 16th of May Jellyfish Underwater Wonders 4 x $1-20 ,issued as sheet,S/S and booklet of 10 for each issue S/A
mod-correction at request of poster
(Modified by Moderator on 2023-05-19 06:55:25)
And number 3 is another release on the 9th of May for Christmas Island Caves 4 stamps 1 x $1-20, 2 x $2-40 & i x $3-00 issued in sheet & S/S formats.
Brian ,Thats all folks (for now)
Thank you for providing this information.
Beautiful stamps!
On the 27th of June (the day before my wifes birthday) AP released a set of 3 x $1-20 stamps Sustainable Future,issued as sheet ,S/S ,a S/A roll of 100 and S/A booklets of 10 for each stamp.
I'm a little late with this issue it was released on the 26 June ,three stamps for international postage $3.10 ,$3.90 & $4.30 all feature native animals Issued as sheet stamps and as far as I can make out only 2 have been released as S/A sheetlets of 5 the $3-10 & $3-90.
On the 11th of July AP issued a single stamp for the FIFA Womens world Cup at $1.20 issued in sheets of 10 .It is being played down under here in Australia ,first match kicks off to night Australia V Ireland Go the Matildas.
Awesome stamps, thank you for sharing.
On the 4th of Sept.AP released a set of stamps entitled Aussie BIG Things ,all $1-20 local stamps issued in sheet,S/S and S/A booklets of each stamp and various other formats PNC's Postal numismatic covers and postcards.It's Stamp Collecting Month.
For all you SOCCER fans out there here are a couple of issues from AP first is the sheetlet of 10 FIFA Womens Word Cup 2023 .we also have the special issue sheet of 12 S/A stamps .Enjoy ,even though we got knocked out !!!
On the 19th of Sept. AP released two sets of stamps,I only have one at the moment it is for Cocos Keeling Islands "White Breasted Waterhen" ,issued as sheet and S/S two stamps 1 x $1-20 & 1 x $2-40.
The other set is Queen ElizabethII "In Memoriam" a set of 6 stamps all $1-20 issued as sheet & S/S and several other varieties a FDC of each stamp with a different medallion on each and a concertina pack of the 6 sheets. this pic is from the Stamp bulletin.
Thanks Brian. Very nice stamps. Australia does a good job.
It must be Groundhog day at AP in the latest issue there is an issue that was released on the 10 of Oct.50 years of the Sydney Opera house 2 stamps 1 x $1-20 & 1 x $3-00 issued as sheet S/S a S/A roll of 100 & a sheetlet of 5 of the $3-00.
Due to a change of ownership at the LPO I get my standing order from AP cacelled all of her orders so she has had to reorder everything and a lot of the stamps that should be released tomorrow she hasn't received even this one now she hasn't received the design set for.Personally I think they could have done a better job with the S/S?
Here is another issue this set was released on the 24th of Oct 3 x $1-20 stamps (Poppies of Remberance) issued as sheet ,S/S and SA booklet of each ,but as I stated in my last post still missing some issues.
Released today 1st Nov the only issue of the plethora of stamps they are issuing today their Australian Xmas stamps 3 x 65cents & 2 x $3-00 issued as sheet,S/S Embellished sheetlet S/A sheetlets of the Trees & Letter & a S/A sheetlet of 5 of the $3-00 Religious stamps.
Here are more of the 1st of Novembers issues Christmas Island 1 x 65c & 1 x $3-00. Issued as sheet ,S/S ,Embellished sheetlet pack & a S/A sheetlet of 5 of the $3.00
Also the king's birthday 2 x $1-20 issued as sheet & S/S .
Just the coronation stamp to come!!
Well welcome to the new Australia post issues for 2023.
We kick of with the new "Special Occasions set of 10 stamps 9 x $1.20 (new postal rate) and 1 x $2.40.they show a sheetlet of 10 but don't list it ? all are also issued in S/A booklets
all are
Also issued the same day 3rd of Jan "Native Animals" 4 stamps 2 x $1.20 ,1 x $2.40 & 1 x 3.60 .issued as sheet,S/A booklets and a S/A roll of 100.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Hi Brian
The Native Animals set was issued on December 19, 2022; these stamps were not illustrated in the Stamp Bulletin No 380, 2022. This was the last Stamp Bulletin for the year. The Native Animals to my surprise was illustrated in the first Stamp Bulletin for 2023, No 381. The FDC was cancelled in Canberra on December 19, 2022.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Hi Brian
Here is the Bulletin for 2023 with the 2022 Native Animals titled on the front cover.
https://australiapostcollectables.com.au ...
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Hi Brian
I found out why the 2022 stamps were illustrated in the 2023 edition of the Stamp Bulleting. I was told that the 2022 Native Animals have the new face value of $1.20, and were added to the 2023 Stamp Bulletin as all the 2023 stamps are $1.20, to keep the order of value in uniform, as 2022 was $1.10.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Issued on the 17th of January Christmas Island "Lunar New Year of the Rabbit" this was issued in numerous different formats Basic set of 3 stamps 1 x $1-20,1 x $2-40 & 1 x $3-60 and 1 x small S/S with the 3 stamps and a larger sheet with the same 3 stamps plus another 12 Stamps and the circular Zodiac sheet to name just a few .
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Today the 7th of Feb. AP released a set of stamps entitled "Sporting Treasures" 4 stamps all $1-20 values ,and I suppose like the rest of their releases you very rarely see any of the sheet stamps used.these are also released in S/A booklets.And a S/S
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Thank you for your postings informing us of the new issues. Much appreciated!
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
On the 21st of March AP released a single stamp " Centenary of Legacy" It still cares for members and families of service men & women who were wounded in the WWII,It was release as a sheet of 10 stamps at $1-20 & a S/A roll of 100.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Yes. Brian, your new Aussie stamp issues page is usually one of the first topic I go to when I get to reading the discussion pages. I suppose the fact that Australian stamps are so bright, cheery and interesting helps.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Nearly caught up .On the 27th of April we have a LEGENDS issue 4 x $1-20 Supercar drivers ,issued as sheet and a S/A booklets of 10 for each stamp .
PS and there are 2 more new releases out tomorrow the 9th of May!!!Peacock Spiders &Jellyfish Underwater Wonders
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
New issue from AP on the 16th of May Jellyfish Underwater Wonders 4 x $1-20 ,issued as sheet,S/S and booklet of 10 for each issue S/A
mod-correction at request of poster
(Modified by Moderator on 2023-05-19 06:55:25)
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Thank you for providing this information.
Beautiful stamps!
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
I'm a little late with this issue it was released on the 26 June ,three stamps for international postage $3.10 ,$3.90 & $4.30 all feature native animals Issued as sheet stamps and as far as I can make out only 2 have been released as S/A sheetlets of 5 the $3-10 & $3-90.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
On the 11th of July AP issued a single stamp for the FIFA Womens world Cup at $1.20 issued in sheets of 10 .It is being played down under here in Australia ,first match kicks off to night Australia V Ireland Go the Matildas.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Awesome stamps, thank you for sharing.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
On the 4th of Sept.AP released a set of stamps entitled Aussie BIG Things ,all $1-20 local stamps issued in sheet,S/S and S/A booklets of each stamp and various other formats PNC's Postal numismatic covers and postcards.It's Stamp Collecting Month.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
For all you SOCCER fans out there here are a couple of issues from AP first is the sheetlet of 10 FIFA Womens Word Cup 2023 .we also have the special issue sheet of 12 S/A stamps .Enjoy ,even though we got knocked out !!!
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
On the 19th of Sept. AP released two sets of stamps,I only have one at the moment it is for Cocos Keeling Islands "White Breasted Waterhen" ,issued as sheet and S/S two stamps 1 x $1-20 & 1 x $2-40.
The other set is Queen ElizabethII "In Memoriam" a set of 6 stamps all $1-20 issued as sheet & S/S and several other varieties a FDC of each stamp with a different medallion on each and a concertina pack of the 6 sheets. this pic is from the Stamp bulletin.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Thanks Brian. Very nice stamps. Australia does a good job.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
It must be Groundhog day at AP in the latest issue there is an issue that was released on the 10 of Oct.50 years of the Sydney Opera house 2 stamps 1 x $1-20 & 1 x $3-00 issued as sheet S/S a S/A roll of 100 & a sheetlet of 5 of the $3-00.
Due to a change of ownership at the LPO I get my standing order from AP cacelled all of her orders so she has had to reorder everything and a lot of the stamps that should be released tomorrow she hasn't received even this one now she hasn't received the design set for.Personally I think they could have done a better job with the S/S?
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Here is another issue this set was released on the 24th of Oct 3 x $1-20 stamps (Poppies of Remberance) issued as sheet ,S/S and SA booklet of each ,but as I stated in my last post still missing some issues.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Released today 1st Nov the only issue of the plethora of stamps they are issuing today their Australian Xmas stamps 3 x 65cents & 2 x $3-00 issued as sheet,S/S Embellished sheetlet S/A sheetlets of the Trees & Letter & a S/A sheetlet of 5 of the $3-00 Religious stamps.
re: New Issues from Australia for 2023
Here are more of the 1st of Novembers issues Christmas Island 1 x 65c & 1 x $3-00. Issued as sheet ,S/S ,Embellished sheetlet pack & a S/A sheetlet of 5 of the $3.00
Also the king's birthday 2 x $1-20 issued as sheet & S/S .
Just the coronation stamp to come!!