German Empire (German: Deutsches Reich)
was the official name of Germany from 1871 to 1945. The term can also be used for the Holy Roman Empire (until 1806) and the unitary state that tried to bring about the revolution within the German Confederation in the years 1848 and 1849.
Since Charlemagne was crowned 'Roman emperor' in 800, his successors continued to use that title. This they emphasized in later centuries by calling their territories, originally the Frankish Empire, the 'Holy Roman Empire'. The designation "Roman Empire" referred to the earlier Roman Empire, which the Frankish rulers believed they had continued, and the additional designation "Holy" referred to its Christian character. Furthermore, there was the pretension that the emperor would be the equal secular monarch of all Christendom next to the pope as the prelate of the church. France and Great Britain gradually took less and less notice of this view, as a result of which the Empire increasingly became a 'German' Empire, to which the Netherlands, Bohemia, Northern Italy and parts of Burgundy also belonged for a long time. Since the 15th century, therefore, the name of the empire was often supplemented with the delimiting addition "of the German Nation": Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation. In 1806, under pressure from Napoleon Bonaparte, the then and last emperor Francis II proceeded to dissolve the empire.
In April 1848, the Frankfurt Parliament, the German national assembly, was elected. His task was to draft a new constitution. The existing German Confederation was revolutionary reformed into the German Reich, a unitary state with a provisional head of state and a Reich government. After the Prussian coup d'état, the National Assembly came to an end in May/June 1849; the Reich government under Reichsverweser Erzherzog Johann continued until December 20, 1849.
The economic cohesion between the various German states increased in the course of the 19th century. In 1867, under the leadership of Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian prime minister, they founded a North German Confederation. The parliament of this federal state was called Reichstag. During the war against France in 1870/71, the southern German states also joined the league, which was now called Deutsches Reich (see German Empire). The Prussian king became Deutscher Kaiser. Austria remained outside the new empire.
The state, founded in 1867, became a republic in 1918/1919 through a new constitution. For the period from 1919-1933 one speaks of the Weimar Republic, for the period from 1933 of National Socialist Germany ('Nazi Germany') or also “Drittes Reich”. In constitutional law, however, the name for Germany changed in 1943 to Greater German Reich.
In 1945, the empire became incapacitated because the four victors of the Second World War took over government power. Delegates of the German states occupied by the US, UK and France founded the Bundesrepublik Deutschland in 1949 with the Grundgesetz. According to German jurisprudence and the Constitutional Court, the Federal Republic is identical with the German state established in 1867, no successor state. Laws and international treaties from the time of 1867-1949 are still valid (pre-constitutional law, Art. 123 Grundgesetz).
The German Empire 1871-1918
Prussia and its allies fought in the German War of 1866 against Austria and the other states of southern Germany. After the victory, Prussia established a federal state, the North German Confederation, with a large number of northern and central German states. Despite the name, this was a federal state with a constitutional monarchy. Prussia was the dominant power within the federation, with the Prussian king as the Bundespräsidium, effectively the head of state.
During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/1871, the remaining southern German states joined the North German Confederation. Baden, Bavaria, Württemberg and Hessen-Darmstadt signed treaties with the North German Confederation, the so-called “Novemberverträge”. Despite the rhetoric in the treaties, which spoke of the establishment (= Gründung) of a new German Confederation, it was about joining an existing federal state.
On this occasion, the federal state received a new constitution twice. The constitution of January 1, 1870 already mentioned the accession of Baden and Hesse and changed the name of the federal state to German Reich. The Federal Presidency (= Bundespräsidium) or the Prussian king was given another title: “Deutscher Kaiser”. These new terms were approved by the Reichstag and Bundesrat, the legislative bodies of the North German Confederation, on 8/9 December 1870.
On January 18, 1871, most of the German monarchs gathered in Versailles, the German headquarters in France. They hailed King Wilhelm I of Prussia as emperor, who had recently refused to accept that title. However, he had already had this title since January 1 due to the new constitution. Erroneously, the Emperor Proclamation of Versailles ( = Kaiserproklamation von Versailles) was later celebrated as the Founding Date ( = Reichsgründungstag) of the German Reich.
The constitution was already outdated, because Württemberg had ratified the accession treaty just in December. Bavaria followed, with retroactive effect, on January 29. Also, some terms in the constitution had not yet been adapted to the new name of the federal state. The newly elected Reichstag (March 1871) therefore soon accepted a new constitution, which was adopted on April 16 and came into force on May 4. Since then, for example, the Federal Chancellor was really the Reich Chancellor. Chancellor remained Otto von Bismarck; despite the new title, a reappointment was not necessary because the federal state was the same.
From May 1871 Alsace-Lorraine also belonged to the German Reich as a kind of protectorate or “Reichsland”. From 1884, Germany also had several colonies in Africa and Asia.
The constitution of 1867 described a political system that was hardly changed despite the changes in 1870/1871. The new state was described quite summarily because the founders were in a hurry. The actual construction of the new state followed in the period 1867-1878, thanks to Bismarck's cooperation with the national-liberal and liberal-conservative dominated Reichstag. The German Empire developed prosperously in the economic, scientific/technical and military fields and even took over the leadership from Great Britain, but politically Germany was still dominated by the aristocratic/conservative elite. Due to the mutual competition of the European superpowers, a major confrontation became more and more inevitable and in 1914 the First World War broke out. In Germany, the ruling aristocracy became increasingly unpopular during the war and in October 1918, more than two weeks before the end of the monarchical system, the emperor and conservatives agreed to a constitutional amendment that required the Reichstag to have the confidence of the Reichstag. Thus, the parliamentarianism that had become a practice since 1917/1918 was also given legal status.
On November 9, 1918, Chancellor Max von Baden was afraid that an angry mob in Berlin was about to take over power. He had therefore asked the unpopular Kaiser Wilhelm II to abdicate. But a clear answer from the Emperor, who was staying at the German headquarters in Belgium, was not forthcoming, and eventually von Baden announced the abdication of the Emperor and Crown Prince on his own initiative. Von Baden handed over his office to the leader of the right wing of the Social Democrats, Friedrich Ebert, because his faction was the largest in the Reichstag. However, such a transfer was not valid under the old constitution. Ebert, a moderate socialist, initially wanted to further transform the political system into a full-fledged parliamentary monarchy and place a capable replacement for the deposed emperor on the throne. But on that same day, leading socialist Philipp Scheidemann proclaimed the republic to precede the communists who wanted to do the same.
Ebert set up a transitional body, the “Rat der Volksbeauftragten”. This body of left and right social democrats controlled the government and prevented the meeting of the Reichstag and Bundesrat. In January 1919, De Rat allowed the German people to elect a new national assembly that met in the city of Weimar.
The German Empire between 1919 and 1937 (Weimar republic)
After the fall of the monarchy, a democratic republic was proclaimed by social democrats, later informally called the Weimar Republic after the city where the constitution was promulgated. When the final peace treaty with the Allies was signed, the Peace of Versailles, the German Empire had to give up a large part of its territory, mainly to Poland and France. And Germany's military and economic power was also severely curtailed in the peace treaty by the dismantling of most of the army and huge reparations to the victors. From the outset, the new republic had to contend with the instability and chaos of post-war Germany, exacerbated by the harsh provisions of the peace treaty. During this period, prices for food and other necessities rose rapidly, pushing a large part of the population into poverty. This created a lot of unrest and dissatisfaction among the German people, which led to radicalization on the right and left, in which the two camps literally fought each other in the street with left- and right-wing radical thugs. In the later 1920s, the country became more stable and the economy also improved, so that unemployment fell and people voted for the more moderate middle parties again. The country seemed to have entered calmer waters. But this came to an abrupt end with the stock market crash of 1929, which collapsed the global economy and caused mass unemployment. Chaos returned to the streets and desperately sought a 'strong man' who would clean up the political and economic mess and restore order and discipline. In the early 1930s, Adolf Hitler became increasingly popular among voters and eventually his NSDAP came to power. Almost immediately after taking office in January 1933, Hitler finally killed the already shaky democracy of the Weimar Republic (see Gleichschaltung) and turned Germany into a totalitarian dictatorship. Historiography usually ends the period of the Weimar Republic with this.
Nazi Germany (1933-1945)
Even during the National Socialist regime, the name of the German Reich remained. The propaganda term Third Reich was only used for a short time.
Hitler made Germany more of a unitary state by systematically weakening the powers of the individual states. The Imperial Council (Reichsrat), the organ of the federated states, was abolished. In August 1934, after the death of Reich President Hindenburg, Hitler united the office of Reich President with that of Reich Chancellor and since then called himself Führer und Reichskanzler. The Reichstag consisted only of members of the National Socialist party and a few non-party guests. Opponents of the regime and certain minorities such as Jews were oppressed and murdered.
Before 1940, Austria with the Anschluss and the Czech Republic were annexed to the German Reich with the Munich Agreement without the need for war. But with his continued aggressive foreign policy, Hitler inevitably headed for war, which began with the attack on Poland in 1939 (see also the article on World War II). Germany overran a large part of Europe in this, but when Hitler wanted to destroy the Soviet Union in 1941 in order to obtain lebensraum for Germany, he set his sights too high. Initially, in the first months of the attack, Germany seemed to bring the Soviet Union to its knees, but by December a stalemate had developed. However, Hitler refused to accept peace proposals from the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Over the next few years, Hitler's allied opponents, mainly the British, Americans and Soviets, slowly pushed the German armies back into Germany. In the meantime, in 1943, Hitler had officially rejoined the German Reich not only the areas ceded since 1919, but also large areas that originally lay outside it, such as parts of the dissolved Poland and Czechoslovakia in the east and Luxembourg in the west.
This whole was now referred to as the Greater German Reich. However, this never became official. Greater German referred to the 19th century political current the Greater German direction that sought a unification of all German-speaking areas of Europe. With the Anschluss (1938) of Austria, Hitler had already largely realized this ideal. The Greater German Reich only lasted for a short time, namely until 1945, when a catastrophic defeat finally followed in which the entire (Greater) German Reich was occupied by the Allies. On May 8, 1945, the German armed forces capitulated, and on May 23, the last German Reich government was arrested. The western part of Germany was occupied by the Americans, French and British, the eastern part by the Soviet Union.
Watermarks German Empire / Weimar republic / Third Reich :
Difference between "Kleines Burstschild" and "Grosser Burstschild"
Michelnumber 1-11 (Kleine Brustschild)
Michelnumber 12-13
Michelnumber 14-15
Michel 16-28 (Grosser Burstschield)
16, 17a and 18
19, 20 and 21a
22, 23a and 24
25, 26 and 27a
Michel 29 and 30
Michel 31-36
Michel 37b
Michel 37e
Michel 38
Michel 39-44
Michel 45-50
Michel 52
Michel 53-66 Inschrift REICHSPOST
I have a lot of trouble with my scanner and my new computer......
In the next days I will try to scan the images first and then post them here.
Michel 83 - 97A I (Friedensdruck) (WITH WATERMARK)
Michel 84 - 93 II (Kriegsdruck) (WITH WATERMARK)
Michel 94 - 97B II (Kriegsdruck) (WITH WATERMARK)
I = Friedensdruck
Stamps made with peace materials, clear print on glossy artinated paper, central piece mostly glossy, watermark clearly visible, matt gum, finely fractured and white
II = Kriegsdruck
Stamps made with war material, unclear print on dull raw paper, central piece mostly dull, watermark poorly visible, gum shiny and smooth
Catalog difference between A and B :
So count the perforation holes on the top op the stamps.
Flugpost am Rhein und Main
Michel I, II and III and IV and VI (do not have number V)
Certificate of IV (Gelber Hund)
Michel 98-100
Michel 101a
Michel 102-104
From here on the stamps are from the Weimar Republic
Michel 105-106
Michel 107-110
Michel 111a- 112a
Well it is easier for me to scan the whole album pages.
The down side is that you can only see the unused stamps.
And for the real sleuths among us. Gepr means Certified
Other note :
* means Unused
** means MNH
0 means stamped
176a Gepruft
243a Gepruft
256c Gepruft
261a Gepruft
Emergency spending of hyperinflation
August 24 to November 30, 1923
290 = 100 tausend auf 400 mark (hellgrun)
300 = 400 tausend auf 40 Pfg (Ockerbraun)
312Ab 2 Millionen auf 5000 Mark Gepruft
329A = 20 Millarden Mark
337 = 10 Millarden auf 100 Millionen Mark
Flugpost ausgaben :
265 = 25 Mark holztaube
Block 1 ( Iposta 1930 )
To all those here on the forum who have sent me compliments via private messages.
Thank you for the responses and complements.
And now more.......
All with watermark : WZ 2
And of course the Zeppelin stamps. All are genuine and experticed, except the last row.
And now the official stamps from that era :
Michel number 22 gepruft
Michel number 32 gepruft
Michel number 56
Michel number 73
Michel number 78
Michel number 90
This is the end of the stamps of the Weimar Republic.
From here on a new era will start : The Third Reich...........
Hitler adored Fredric the Great so the first serie was about Fredric the Great
The Hindenburg serie but now with watermark 2
The serie B is not shown here ( It will come later )
Block 2 is a little too big to scan it on my scanner. (Sorry)
The Hindenburg serie but now with watermark 4 (swastika)
LUFTPOST serie from 1934
Eintrittskarte EISHOCKEY / Ticket icehockey TCH - FRA 2-0
Eintrittskarte EISHOCKEY / Ticket CAN - USA 1-0
Eintrittskarte EISHOCKEY / Ticket GBR - CAN 2-1
Team Canada (Port Arthur Bear Cats)
Artificial Ice Stadium Garmisch Partenkirchen
The promised B variant of Michel numbers 500 - 505.
MNH and canceled
The olympic blocks (NORMAL PAPER)
The olympic blocks (THICK PAPER)
BLOCKS 7 and 8 MNH
BLOCKS 7 and 8 Canceled
BLOCK 4 and BLOCK 9 on enveloppe
BLOCK 9 and 11 MNH
BLOCK 9 and 11 Canceled
BLOCK 10 Canceled
Because I notice that loading this thread takes longer and my internet browser indicates that a lot of memory is used (Cache) I decided to make a part 2 of this thread.
Sorry for the inconvenience
So let us continue with the thread : ...
It has been awhile but here another thread about the german empire.
Hope you like it.
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
German Empire (German: Deutsches Reich)
was the official name of Germany from 1871 to 1945. The term can also be used for the Holy Roman Empire (until 1806) and the unitary state that tried to bring about the revolution within the German Confederation in the years 1848 and 1849.
Since Charlemagne was crowned 'Roman emperor' in 800, his successors continued to use that title. This they emphasized in later centuries by calling their territories, originally the Frankish Empire, the 'Holy Roman Empire'. The designation "Roman Empire" referred to the earlier Roman Empire, which the Frankish rulers believed they had continued, and the additional designation "Holy" referred to its Christian character. Furthermore, there was the pretension that the emperor would be the equal secular monarch of all Christendom next to the pope as the prelate of the church. France and Great Britain gradually took less and less notice of this view, as a result of which the Empire increasingly became a 'German' Empire, to which the Netherlands, Bohemia, Northern Italy and parts of Burgundy also belonged for a long time. Since the 15th century, therefore, the name of the empire was often supplemented with the delimiting addition "of the German Nation": Heiliges Römisches Reich deutscher Nation. In 1806, under pressure from Napoleon Bonaparte, the then and last emperor Francis II proceeded to dissolve the empire.
In April 1848, the Frankfurt Parliament, the German national assembly, was elected. His task was to draft a new constitution. The existing German Confederation was revolutionary reformed into the German Reich, a unitary state with a provisional head of state and a Reich government. After the Prussian coup d'état, the National Assembly came to an end in May/June 1849; the Reich government under Reichsverweser Erzherzog Johann continued until December 20, 1849.
The economic cohesion between the various German states increased in the course of the 19th century. In 1867, under the leadership of Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian prime minister, they founded a North German Confederation. The parliament of this federal state was called Reichstag. During the war against France in 1870/71, the southern German states also joined the league, which was now called Deutsches Reich (see German Empire). The Prussian king became Deutscher Kaiser. Austria remained outside the new empire.
The state, founded in 1867, became a republic in 1918/1919 through a new constitution. For the period from 1919-1933 one speaks of the Weimar Republic, for the period from 1933 of National Socialist Germany ('Nazi Germany') or also “Drittes Reich”. In constitutional law, however, the name for Germany changed in 1943 to Greater German Reich.
In 1945, the empire became incapacitated because the four victors of the Second World War took over government power. Delegates of the German states occupied by the US, UK and France founded the Bundesrepublik Deutschland in 1949 with the Grundgesetz. According to German jurisprudence and the Constitutional Court, the Federal Republic is identical with the German state established in 1867, no successor state. Laws and international treaties from the time of 1867-1949 are still valid (pre-constitutional law, Art. 123 Grundgesetz).
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
The German Empire 1871-1918
Prussia and its allies fought in the German War of 1866 against Austria and the other states of southern Germany. After the victory, Prussia established a federal state, the North German Confederation, with a large number of northern and central German states. Despite the name, this was a federal state with a constitutional monarchy. Prussia was the dominant power within the federation, with the Prussian king as the Bundespräsidium, effectively the head of state.
During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/1871, the remaining southern German states joined the North German Confederation. Baden, Bavaria, Württemberg and Hessen-Darmstadt signed treaties with the North German Confederation, the so-called “Novemberverträge”. Despite the rhetoric in the treaties, which spoke of the establishment (= Gründung) of a new German Confederation, it was about joining an existing federal state.
On this occasion, the federal state received a new constitution twice. The constitution of January 1, 1870 already mentioned the accession of Baden and Hesse and changed the name of the federal state to German Reich. The Federal Presidency (= Bundespräsidium) or the Prussian king was given another title: “Deutscher Kaiser”. These new terms were approved by the Reichstag and Bundesrat, the legislative bodies of the North German Confederation, on 8/9 December 1870.
On January 18, 1871, most of the German monarchs gathered in Versailles, the German headquarters in France. They hailed King Wilhelm I of Prussia as emperor, who had recently refused to accept that title. However, he had already had this title since January 1 due to the new constitution. Erroneously, the Emperor Proclamation of Versailles ( = Kaiserproklamation von Versailles) was later celebrated as the Founding Date ( = Reichsgründungstag) of the German Reich.
The constitution was already outdated, because Württemberg had ratified the accession treaty just in December. Bavaria followed, with retroactive effect, on January 29. Also, some terms in the constitution had not yet been adapted to the new name of the federal state. The newly elected Reichstag (March 1871) therefore soon accepted a new constitution, which was adopted on April 16 and came into force on May 4. Since then, for example, the Federal Chancellor was really the Reich Chancellor. Chancellor remained Otto von Bismarck; despite the new title, a reappointment was not necessary because the federal state was the same.
From May 1871 Alsace-Lorraine also belonged to the German Reich as a kind of protectorate or “Reichsland”. From 1884, Germany also had several colonies in Africa and Asia.
The constitution of 1867 described a political system that was hardly changed despite the changes in 1870/1871. The new state was described quite summarily because the founders were in a hurry. The actual construction of the new state followed in the period 1867-1878, thanks to Bismarck's cooperation with the national-liberal and liberal-conservative dominated Reichstag. The German Empire developed prosperously in the economic, scientific/technical and military fields and even took over the leadership from Great Britain, but politically Germany was still dominated by the aristocratic/conservative elite. Due to the mutual competition of the European superpowers, a major confrontation became more and more inevitable and in 1914 the First World War broke out. In Germany, the ruling aristocracy became increasingly unpopular during the war and in October 1918, more than two weeks before the end of the monarchical system, the emperor and conservatives agreed to a constitutional amendment that required the Reichstag to have the confidence of the Reichstag. Thus, the parliamentarianism that had become a practice since 1917/1918 was also given legal status.
On November 9, 1918, Chancellor Max von Baden was afraid that an angry mob in Berlin was about to take over power. He had therefore asked the unpopular Kaiser Wilhelm II to abdicate. But a clear answer from the Emperor, who was staying at the German headquarters in Belgium, was not forthcoming, and eventually von Baden announced the abdication of the Emperor and Crown Prince on his own initiative. Von Baden handed over his office to the leader of the right wing of the Social Democrats, Friedrich Ebert, because his faction was the largest in the Reichstag. However, such a transfer was not valid under the old constitution. Ebert, a moderate socialist, initially wanted to further transform the political system into a full-fledged parliamentary monarchy and place a capable replacement for the deposed emperor on the throne. But on that same day, leading socialist Philipp Scheidemann proclaimed the republic to precede the communists who wanted to do the same.
Ebert set up a transitional body, the “Rat der Volksbeauftragten”. This body of left and right social democrats controlled the government and prevented the meeting of the Reichstag and Bundesrat. In January 1919, De Rat allowed the German people to elect a new national assembly that met in the city of Weimar.
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
The German Empire between 1919 and 1937 (Weimar republic)
After the fall of the monarchy, a democratic republic was proclaimed by social democrats, later informally called the Weimar Republic after the city where the constitution was promulgated. When the final peace treaty with the Allies was signed, the Peace of Versailles, the German Empire had to give up a large part of its territory, mainly to Poland and France. And Germany's military and economic power was also severely curtailed in the peace treaty by the dismantling of most of the army and huge reparations to the victors. From the outset, the new republic had to contend with the instability and chaos of post-war Germany, exacerbated by the harsh provisions of the peace treaty. During this period, prices for food and other necessities rose rapidly, pushing a large part of the population into poverty. This created a lot of unrest and dissatisfaction among the German people, which led to radicalization on the right and left, in which the two camps literally fought each other in the street with left- and right-wing radical thugs. In the later 1920s, the country became more stable and the economy also improved, so that unemployment fell and people voted for the more moderate middle parties again. The country seemed to have entered calmer waters. But this came to an abrupt end with the stock market crash of 1929, which collapsed the global economy and caused mass unemployment. Chaos returned to the streets and desperately sought a 'strong man' who would clean up the political and economic mess and restore order and discipline. In the early 1930s, Adolf Hitler became increasingly popular among voters and eventually his NSDAP came to power. Almost immediately after taking office in January 1933, Hitler finally killed the already shaky democracy of the Weimar Republic (see Gleichschaltung) and turned Germany into a totalitarian dictatorship. Historiography usually ends the period of the Weimar Republic with this.
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Nazi Germany (1933-1945)
Even during the National Socialist regime, the name of the German Reich remained. The propaganda term Third Reich was only used for a short time.
Hitler made Germany more of a unitary state by systematically weakening the powers of the individual states. The Imperial Council (Reichsrat), the organ of the federated states, was abolished. In August 1934, after the death of Reich President Hindenburg, Hitler united the office of Reich President with that of Reich Chancellor and since then called himself Führer und Reichskanzler. The Reichstag consisted only of members of the National Socialist party and a few non-party guests. Opponents of the regime and certain minorities such as Jews were oppressed and murdered.
Before 1940, Austria with the Anschluss and the Czech Republic were annexed to the German Reich with the Munich Agreement without the need for war. But with his continued aggressive foreign policy, Hitler inevitably headed for war, which began with the attack on Poland in 1939 (see also the article on World War II). Germany overran a large part of Europe in this, but when Hitler wanted to destroy the Soviet Union in 1941 in order to obtain lebensraum for Germany, he set his sights too high. Initially, in the first months of the attack, Germany seemed to bring the Soviet Union to its knees, but by December a stalemate had developed. However, Hitler refused to accept peace proposals from the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Over the next few years, Hitler's allied opponents, mainly the British, Americans and Soviets, slowly pushed the German armies back into Germany. In the meantime, in 1943, Hitler had officially rejoined the German Reich not only the areas ceded since 1919, but also large areas that originally lay outside it, such as parts of the dissolved Poland and Czechoslovakia in the east and Luxembourg in the west.
This whole was now referred to as the Greater German Reich. However, this never became official. Greater German referred to the 19th century political current the Greater German direction that sought a unification of all German-speaking areas of Europe. With the Anschluss (1938) of Austria, Hitler had already largely realized this ideal. The Greater German Reich only lasted for a short time, namely until 1945, when a catastrophic defeat finally followed in which the entire (Greater) German Reich was occupied by the Allies. On May 8, 1945, the German armed forces capitulated, and on May 23, the last German Reich government was arrested. The western part of Germany was occupied by the Americans, French and British, the eastern part by the Soviet Union.
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Watermarks German Empire / Weimar republic / Third Reich :
Difference between "Kleines Burstschild" and "Grosser Burstschild"
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michelnumber 1-11 (Kleine Brustschild)
Michelnumber 12-13
Michelnumber 14-15
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel 16-28 (Grosser Burstschield)
16, 17a and 18
19, 20 and 21a
22, 23a and 24
25, 26 and 27a
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel 29 and 30
Michel 31-36
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel 37b
Michel 37e
Michel 38
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel 39-44
Michel 45-50
Michel 52
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel 53-66 Inschrift REICHSPOST
I have a lot of trouble with my scanner and my new computer......
In the next days I will try to scan the images first and then post them here.
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel 83 - 97A I (Friedensdruck) (WITH WATERMARK)
Michel 84 - 93 II (Kriegsdruck) (WITH WATERMARK)
Michel 94 - 97B II (Kriegsdruck) (WITH WATERMARK)
I = Friedensdruck
Stamps made with peace materials, clear print on glossy artinated paper, central piece mostly glossy, watermark clearly visible, matt gum, finely fractured and white
II = Kriegsdruck
Stamps made with war material, unclear print on dull raw paper, central piece mostly dull, watermark poorly visible, gum shiny and smooth
Catalog difference between A and B :
So count the perforation holes on the top op the stamps.
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Flugpost am Rhein und Main
Michel I, II and III and IV and VI (do not have number V)
Certificate of IV (Gelber Hund)
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel 98-100
Michel 101a
Michel 102-104
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
From here on the stamps are from the Weimar Republic
Michel 105-106
Michel 107-110
Michel 111a- 112a
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Well it is easier for me to scan the whole album pages.
The down side is that you can only see the unused stamps.
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
And for the real sleuths among us. Gepr means Certified
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Other note :
* means Unused
** means MNH
0 means stamped
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
176a Gepruft
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
243a Gepruft
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
256c Gepruft
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
261a Gepruft
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Emergency spending of hyperinflation
August 24 to November 30, 1923
290 = 100 tausend auf 400 mark (hellgrun)
300 = 400 tausend auf 40 Pfg (Ockerbraun)
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
312Ab 2 Millionen auf 5000 Mark Gepruft
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
329A = 20 Millarden Mark
337 = 10 Millarden auf 100 Millionen Mark
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Flugpost ausgaben :
265 = 25 Mark holztaube
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Block 1 ( Iposta 1930 )
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
To all those here on the forum who have sent me compliments via private messages.
Thank you for the responses and complements.
And now more.......
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
All with watermark : WZ 2
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
And of course the Zeppelin stamps. All are genuine and experticed, except the last row.
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
And now the official stamps from that era :
Michel number 22 gepruft
Michel number 32 gepruft
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel number 56
Michel number 73
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Michel number 78
Michel number 90
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
This is the end of the stamps of the Weimar Republic.
From here on a new era will start : The Third Reich...........
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Hitler adored Fredric the Great so the first serie was about Fredric the Great
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
The Hindenburg serie but now with watermark 2
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
The serie B is not shown here ( It will come later )
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Block 2 is a little too big to scan it on my scanner. (Sorry)
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
The Hindenburg serie but now with watermark 4 (swastika)
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
LUFTPOST serie from 1934
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Eintrittskarte EISHOCKEY / Ticket icehockey TCH - FRA 2-0
Eintrittskarte EISHOCKEY / Ticket CAN - USA 1-0
Eintrittskarte EISHOCKEY / Ticket GBR - CAN 2-1
Team Canada (Port Arthur Bear Cats)
Artificial Ice Stadium Garmisch Partenkirchen
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
The promised B variant of Michel numbers 500 - 505.
MNH and canceled
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
The olympic blocks (NORMAL PAPER)
The olympic blocks (THICK PAPER)
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
BLOCKS 7 and 8 MNH
BLOCKS 7 and 8 Canceled
BLOCK 4 and BLOCK 9 on enveloppe
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
BLOCK 9 and 11 MNH
BLOCK 9 and 11 Canceled
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
BLOCK 10 Canceled
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
re: Deutsches Reich / German Empire
Because I notice that loading this thread takes longer and my internet browser indicates that a lot of memory is used (Cache) I decided to make a part 2 of this thread.
Sorry for the inconvenience
So let us continue with the thread : ...