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United States/Stamps : Need one more stamp to finish page


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

27 Oct 2022
I just got a fantastic copy of US #2 from Carl in the post this morning. I now only need one stamp to finish the first page in my US Harris Liberty album - #13. A pit pricey but you never know!!!
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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27 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

How about scanning in an image of this new acquisition???

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

28 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Real sorry - for the last while I haven't had a scanner or a camera. I will get someone to do it for me at a later date and put it up especially if I can manage to finish the page. My computer is old and sensitive and there is material I don't want to take a small chance of losing - even though it is backed up. I am working on a book and have many files saved and don't really want to lose any of the programs they are connected to. So installing a scanner or camera is not an option at the moment - hopefully soon. The copy of #2 was picked up from Carl on SOR and I'm sure most of you saw it.
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With apologies to Carl I am showing his image, I hope he doesn't mind!! Note the gorgeous margins and the fantastic postmark. Stuff like this is not cheap, but probably should be grabbed when the chance arrives. Carl had some amazing very scarce US stuff on offer lately, I wish more sellers would post better quality items here and give us a chance to pick them up before sticking them on E-Bay!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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28 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Harvey, anything you need to know about US #2


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

28 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Thanks for the link - very interesting! I'm not worried about authenticity since there was a certificate posted with the stamp which I saved a copy of. It's great to see the differences between the #2 and the slightly later #4. I've always been a bit surprised that the official reproductions are listed in Scott's since they were not postally used. At least my album doesn't include #3 - #6 and also lists 8A instead of #8, makes it much easier to fill the page without worrying about gaps!! Before someone comments about this, I really don't worry about gaps. The last time I made a comment like this someone said if I worry about the gaps I should get rid of them by printing new pages. I actually like to see the gaps, it's something to aim for, if possible, and if not it gives a sense of "completeness" to the page - I know that sounds silly! I don't imagine finding #13 at a reasonable price from someone I trust will be easy. Thanks again for the interesting link!
I also got a nice copy of 10X1 from Carl at the same time - probably the only affordable provisional!! Again, hopefully Carl won't mind if I use his image!!
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

30 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

What are the initals at the bottom of this #2?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

30 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I assumed they have something to do with the seller's numbering system. Nothing mysterious, when I sold antiques I always numbered items according to where I had them listed.
EDIT: I assume you mean the 102B, I can't see any other initials. It seems to just be an identifying number for the package used to protect the stamps. I don't think it has any other meaning than that.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

30 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

From your scan I can't make out the initals at the bottom of your stamp, could you please look and tell us all what the initials are?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

31 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Sorry, I finally figured out there are actually are initials there - very small and very hard to read!!
R, W H & E for Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson for the "producers" as Scott calls them. If you hadn't mentioned it I never would have seen that!! Thanks!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

31 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Thank you.

I guess you and I are different on how we piurchase stamps. To each his own.

For me, this is how I would examine an expensive stamp before buying it.

#1 Find out everything to look for (example the initials at the bottom of the stamp)

#2 Examine the condition of the stamp, employ the water marking process (did you use the water marking process?) to determine condition!

#3 Examine the margins using a magnifer glass 10x to make sure there was added margins or not.

#2 To me is the most important!

How about the cancel, perhaps it's ok, but just doesn't look right to me, I'd suggest you check it out, I would!

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

31 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I would normally be very careful. But this stamp had been certified by a very reputable company and you have to assume that they know more than you do!! I was also dealing with a person I trust and have bought from many times before so if there had been a problem I'm positive I could have returned the stamp. There is a difference between being careful and thinking that everyone is out to cheat you, i.e. paranoia. I'm really not trying to be offensive, but at some point we have trust the person you are dealing with. I've been a stamp collector for over fifty years and have made a couple mistakes but, all in all, I know what I am doing. I have also been a long time antique dealer and have been very rarely cheated and, to the best of my knowledge, have never cheated anyone else. I am very knowledgeable about what I do and never buy from people I don't trust!! And, by the way, I did have a very good look at the stamp when it arrived and it looks fine to me. I also have a copy of the certification and it would point any problems if they existed. Also most sellers on this site would not knowingly pass on a suspect item.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

31 Oct 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

"I guess you and I are different on how we piurchase stamps. To each his own."

I think this deserves a bit of a comment. Different people do collect in different ways. I am probably a bit more trusting than some, that might be good or bad! I have a dealer whose family have been in the business for over 50 years. If they were inherently dishonest or not knowledgeable they would have folded many years ago. I bought a BC #1 from them earlier this year for a very large sum of money. They gave me proof of where this item was originally sold years ago. The auction company (Maresch) is a well respected company well versed in selling stamps. That in itself was enough to assure me of the authenticity of the product. You have to trust that they would not pass on a fake, and they would know more about the product than me. The US #1 that is being discussed here had a letter of authentication from a well recognized company who again would know more than I do. If I can't trust experts I would never buy anything that costs more than a few dollars. At some point we have to trust the experts, and the veterans, in our hobby. Otherwise why do they even exist? 'nuff said!!
Definition of an expert: Arthur C. Clarke) “An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until finally he knows everything about nothing.” (A manager, therefore, must be someone who knows less and less about more and more until finally she knows nothing about everything.)

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page


What can you tell us about the #13 you are looking for?

Is there a back story to this #13?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Just Scott's #13 for US - a 10 cent George Washington green imperforate listing for about $900 used (mint $19000!!) in my 2016 Scott's US specialized. It's the last one I need(?) for the page and will probably set me back about $500. It'd be nice to get eventually but, like any stuff like this, I'll still live without it.
Here's a slightly overpriced used copy: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/255549338729?has ...
If that's still there when I've finished buying all the BC stamps in a month or so I will be tempted to make an offer. I've never bought from this person before so I'll have to be very careful!! I'd have to make sure it actually is #13 and not one of the cheaper look-a-likes, like #14 or #15 which I already have. The margins seem OK so it probably isn't a cheaper perforated version cut back!! One problem with this seller is that he doesn't accept returns - that's a bad sign. So even if the price seems OK he might be someone to stay away from.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

The Scan of the back looks like perfs were trimed on the bottom.

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Praying for Ukraine

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I agree with vinman. If that guy is a stamp dealer/collector, how could he have ever missed that?

I'd pass, especially with the no returns policy.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Yup, you're right. The other sides look a bit strange too!! I thought at least one margin looked big enough but now I really doubt it. I'm pretty sure I would have taken a better look before buying. There are only a few dealers on E-Bay I bother with anyway. I've had good experiences with about four that I keep coming back to. This person will definitely not join that select club!! The part that really bothered me was that returns were not allowed. When I sold on E-Bay years ago I always said I'd accept returns - never had one though!! I can understand the reluctance now with the games some buyers play. Most sellers I know take copious photos of what they sell and even that's not usually good enough. Things have changed!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Harvey correct me if I'm wrong, #13 is type 1, there were 4 types of the 1855 ten cent stamp imperf. I suppose there really was only 3 types 1, 2, and 3. Type 4 was just the resultof one of the transfer rollls being recut.

Types 1, 2, 3, all appear on the sheet of 2 panes of 100 each.

#13 type 1 only occurs on the bottom row of each pane (I'm not sure if I got this right or not, Harvey let me know if this is correct?)

Are either the left side or right side pearls important in the right and proper identification between the different transfer rolls?

Thanks in advance

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

From what I understand all types I, II, III and IV have complete "ornaments" at the sides of the stamps and three pearls at each outer edge of the bottom panel. So that would be the same for each type! And yes, type 1 only comes from the bottom row of the pane - that explains why it is quite a bit more expensive!! There are vertical pairs listed with types III and I, and IV and I, and blocks of 4 containing up to as many as 3 different types. This type of stuff is very very pricey!!! Not in the price range of an ordinary collector, maybe years ago, but not now. A block of four with types III, IV and I lists at $16 000+ used, no mint price given. I wonder if any full or partial sheets exist!! Types I, II, III and V represent stamps 13, 14, 15 and 16 of which I have 14 and 15, #16 is not even shown in my album and yes, it does come from re-cuts on top or bottom or both - very pricey, $1650 used and much much more mint!!! I'm not aiming for a copy of #16, unless someone has it at a very good saving. But you never know, my copy of BC #1 lists at $18 500 and #3 at about $11 000. But I did get them at 20% CV from my dealer, which was barely affordable because I used some of my investment $$$$. That sort of stuff might only surface once!!! As I've said before when I get the last two Steve will do up a set of pictures that I will send out to anyone who is interested. By the way, I have no working scanner or camera to give pictures of my US #'s 14 and 15, but I have checked them!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Harvey, thanks a bunch.

But what does BC #1 and #3 has to do with your quest of a USA #13? It confuses the subject, it does not add anything!

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

What I'm trying to say is that since I managed to pick up those two stamps, maybe I'll also be able to find US #13 and 16 - there's always hope!!!!
The two BC stamps I haven't picked up yet are actually two of the medium valued ones #13 and 14, so almost there!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

What two stamps did you pick up? This is very confusing!

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

01 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Sorry - I have BC #1 - #12 and #15 - #18. My dealer has the whole collection and I have been picking them up one at a time and only have #13 and 14 to go. My point is that since I have BC #1 and 3, there is hope that eventually I might get US #13 and 16. I know the two events aren't even slightly connected but I'm just saying if one can happen maybe there's hope for the other. It sure would be great to finish the first page in my US album by finding #13 and maybe find #16 sometime and stick it on the side of the page! The page shows 8A instead of #8 and leaves out #3 - #6 as well. With the prices of some of this US material it's hard to imagine that someone eventually did make up a complete US collection when he traded an inverted Jenny for that rare Z-grill - can't remember his name. This has nothing to do with the original item, but just ignore it if it bothers you.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

02 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Just got an offer from the seller on E-Bay with the US#13(?) and he took almost $100 off (https://www.ebay.ca/itm/255549338729)
He must really want to get rid of it!! Too bad about the probable trimmed perfs, and if you look at it carefully it seems pretty obvious. Does anyone have any idea what the funny little symbol on the back means? I don't remember it being there before but it must have been. Is it an owners mark or some kind of s certifier's mark? I would imagine that sort of stuff can be faked as well! It's interesting that Scott's specialized actually warns about trimmed perforations.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

02 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

It is trimmed perfs - no "probable" about it. If he took three or four hundred dollars off the price it would still be too much. People have gotten good results getting this stuff removed on the Hip - sometimes within a couple of hours after they report it (depends on who does the reporting). Back in the day stuff like this got exposed and removed from Ebay but not for a long time now. Buyer beware.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

02 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I used to sell on E-Bay back in the early days of E-Bay and the understanding was that if you saw items that were grossly overpriced or misrepresented you could report the abuse to E-Bay and they would look into it. I doubt if you could do this any more, way too much stuff for sale!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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Collector, Moderator

03 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Given the listings, it would take an army to research all the complaints.

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"Stamp Collecting is a many splendored thing"
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Tom in Exton, PA

03 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

"I used to sell on E-Bay back in the early days of E-Bay and the understanding was that if you saw items that were grossly overpriced or misrepresented you could report the abuse to E-Bay and they would look into it. I doubt if you could do this any more, way too much stuff for sale!!"

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These could be yours for $1000!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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03 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Wait! I can buy ALL SIX STAMPS for only $1000? Who would have EVER guessed I could join the philatelic big leagues for a mere pittance?


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

03 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I really don't understand people who offer stamps like this. They are either deluded as to value, hoping to rope a sucker or dumb enough to think someone would be stupid enough to bite!! Surely they really don't expect to get a buyer. It's been a long time since I've sold on E-Bay, how are the posting fees determined? They really should be based on asking price and maybe this foolishness would end! But maybe that's not fair to honest, or knowledgeable sellers, with quality items.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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04 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

As far as I know, sometime ebay changed it so listing is free, you pay fees only when it sells. Looks like limit is 250 free listings a month. Which I guess is good as ebay has more competition now, sell rates seem lower than what I remember from 15-20 years ago.

There are tons of stamp listings where the seller seems clueless. There is also a bizarre phenomenon - if you look at sold listings for Disney VHS tapes, there are a bunch sold for around $1000 each, but the sellers always have minimal feedback and the buyers seem to have 0 feedback and no longer a registered user.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

04 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

"Does anyone have any idea what the funny little symbol on the back means?"

I'm still really curious about what looks like an appraiser's mark on the back of the stamp. It could mean the original stamp, before trimming, was appraised. If that's the case that was a very sneaky move - have a cheap stamp appraised and then alter the stamp. The mark really looks familiar to me, but then that can be faked as well!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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05 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

If I remember correctly, this #2 was offered with a certificate. After reading the info on the cert, it appeared to state that the stamp was repaired, part of the margin on the right side was added and the border line was drawn in with ink. At the price it was offered that would have been ok with me. But I sent a request for verification and never received a reply. So I missed out on filling one of the holes in my US collection.
Anyway, my point is that communications do help a sale and/or a purchase.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

05 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

The #2 did have a bit of a rebuild on one side that was mentioned on the certificate. It didn't bother me and I thought the price was fair. I saved a copy of the certificate and will put it with the stamp so if/when the album ever changes hands the damage will be known. I purposely didn't mention the repair since a few people responding to this post seemed a bit negative with the price and I was a bit leery to provide them with the information. The damage/repair didn't bother me and sort of kept the price down into my affordable range. We buy what we like and as long as we don't hide repairs from future buyers, as long as we are happy, that's really all that matters. The stamp looks great on the page and I thank Carl for the opportunity to acquire it!!! I also bought several of the higher valued Columbian and Mississippi series from him at what seemed to be very fair prices for mint stamps and they will really add to those pages!!! I look at my collections on a regular basis and find it very relaxing. My friends really don't understand how I can find these small pieces of paper pleasurable to look at! Even though I was a math teacher I've always had a major interest in history and these stamps are really little pieces of history. I collect many other things and own a few cheaper Roman coins and a small piece of Roman glass, a small jug. Part of the fum is imagining who made and handled these items about 2000 years ago. Collecting things is a way to connect to the past and the latest generations have little, or no, interest in doing this. Excuse my rambling please!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

07 Nov 2022
re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Back to the "#13" on E-Bay that has the trimmed perfs. Should I tell the seller why I am refusing his generous offer of over $100 USD off the original price? Or should I just let things stand as they are? I doubt it, but it is possible that he doesn't realize the stamp has been "messed with". Opinions please!! Usually, if I think someone has something "not quite right", I let them know. This time, unless the seller is a total idiot, I am a bit leery!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."



This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
27 Oct 2022

I just got a fantastic copy of US #2 from Carl in the post this morning. I now only need one stamp to finish the first page in my US Harris Liberty album - #13. A pit pricey but you never know!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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27 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

How about scanning in an image of this new acquisition???

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
28 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Real sorry - for the last while I haven't had a scanner or a camera. I will get someone to do it for me at a later date and put it up especially if I can manage to finish the page. My computer is old and sensitive and there is material I don't want to take a small chance of losing - even though it is backed up. I am working on a book and have many files saved and don't really want to lose any of the programs they are connected to. So installing a scanner or camera is not an option at the moment - hopefully soon. The copy of #2 was picked up from Carl on SOR and I'm sure most of you saw it.
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With apologies to Carl I am showing his image, I hope he doesn't mind!! Note the gorgeous margins and the fantastic postmark. Stuff like this is not cheap, but probably should be grabbed when the chance arrives. Carl had some amazing very scarce US stuff on offer lately, I wish more sellers would post better quality items here and give us a chance to pick them up before sticking them on E-Bay!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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28 Oct 2022


re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Harvey, anything you need to know about US #2


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colnect.com/en/colle ...

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
28 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Thanks for the link - very interesting! I'm not worried about authenticity since there was a certificate posted with the stamp which I saved a copy of. It's great to see the differences between the #2 and the slightly later #4. I've always been a bit surprised that the official reproductions are listed in Scott's since they were not postally used. At least my album doesn't include #3 - #6 and also lists 8A instead of #8, makes it much easier to fill the page without worrying about gaps!! Before someone comments about this, I really don't worry about gaps. The last time I made a comment like this someone said if I worry about the gaps I should get rid of them by printing new pages. I actually like to see the gaps, it's something to aim for, if possible, and if not it gives a sense of "completeness" to the page - I know that sounds silly! I don't imagine finding #13 at a reasonable price from someone I trust will be easy. Thanks again for the interesting link!
I also got a nice copy of 10X1 from Carl at the same time - probably the only affordable provisional!! Again, hopefully Carl won't mind if I use his image!!
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

30 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

What are the initals at the bottom of this #2?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
30 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I assumed they have something to do with the seller's numbering system. Nothing mysterious, when I sold antiques I always numbered items according to where I had them listed.
EDIT: I assume you mean the 102B, I can't see any other initials. It seems to just be an identifying number for the package used to protect the stamps. I don't think it has any other meaning than that.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

30 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

From your scan I can't make out the initals at the bottom of your stamp, could you please look and tell us all what the initials are?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
31 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Sorry, I finally figured out there are actually are initials there - very small and very hard to read!!
R, W H & E for Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson for the "producers" as Scott calls them. If you hadn't mentioned it I never would have seen that!! Thanks!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

31 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Thank you.

I guess you and I are different on how we piurchase stamps. To each his own.

For me, this is how I would examine an expensive stamp before buying it.

#1 Find out everything to look for (example the initials at the bottom of the stamp)

#2 Examine the condition of the stamp, employ the water marking process (did you use the water marking process?) to determine condition!

#3 Examine the margins using a magnifer glass 10x to make sure there was added margins or not.

#2 To me is the most important!

How about the cancel, perhaps it's ok, but just doesn't look right to me, I'd suggest you check it out, I would!

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
31 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I would normally be very careful. But this stamp had been certified by a very reputable company and you have to assume that they know more than you do!! I was also dealing with a person I trust and have bought from many times before so if there had been a problem I'm positive I could have returned the stamp. There is a difference between being careful and thinking that everyone is out to cheat you, i.e. paranoia. I'm really not trying to be offensive, but at some point we have trust the person you are dealing with. I've been a stamp collector for over fifty years and have made a couple mistakes but, all in all, I know what I am doing. I have also been a long time antique dealer and have been very rarely cheated and, to the best of my knowledge, have never cheated anyone else. I am very knowledgeable about what I do and never buy from people I don't trust!! And, by the way, I did have a very good look at the stamp when it arrived and it looks fine to me. I also have a copy of the certification and it would point any problems if they existed. Also most sellers on this site would not knowingly pass on a suspect item.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
31 Oct 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

"I guess you and I are different on how we piurchase stamps. To each his own."

I think this deserves a bit of a comment. Different people do collect in different ways. I am probably a bit more trusting than some, that might be good or bad! I have a dealer whose family have been in the business for over 50 years. If they were inherently dishonest or not knowledgeable they would have folded many years ago. I bought a BC #1 from them earlier this year for a very large sum of money. They gave me proof of where this item was originally sold years ago. The auction company (Maresch) is a well respected company well versed in selling stamps. That in itself was enough to assure me of the authenticity of the product. You have to trust that they would not pass on a fake, and they would know more about the product than me. The US #1 that is being discussed here had a letter of authentication from a well recognized company who again would know more than I do. If I can't trust experts I would never buy anything that costs more than a few dollars. At some point we have to trust the experts, and the veterans, in our hobby. Otherwise why do they even exist? 'nuff said!!
Definition of an expert: Arthur C. Clarke) “An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until finally he knows everything about nothing.” (A manager, therefore, must be someone who knows less and less about more and more until finally she knows nothing about everything.)

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page


What can you tell us about the #13 you are looking for?

Is there a back story to this #13?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Just Scott's #13 for US - a 10 cent George Washington green imperforate listing for about $900 used (mint $19000!!) in my 2016 Scott's US specialized. It's the last one I need(?) for the page and will probably set me back about $500. It'd be nice to get eventually but, like any stuff like this, I'll still live without it.
Here's a slightly overpriced used copy: https://www.ebay.ca/itm/255549338729?has ...
If that's still there when I've finished buying all the BC stamps in a month or so I will be tempted to make an offer. I've never bought from this person before so I'll have to be very careful!! I'd have to make sure it actually is #13 and not one of the cheaper look-a-likes, like #14 or #15 which I already have. The margins seem OK so it probably isn't a cheaper perforated version cut back!! One problem with this seller is that he doesn't accept returns - that's a bad sign. So even if the price seems OK he might be someone to stay away from.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

The Scan of the back looks like perfs were trimed on the bottom.

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Praying for Ukraine
01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I agree with vinman. If that guy is a stamp dealer/collector, how could he have ever missed that?

I'd pass, especially with the no returns policy.

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Yup, you're right. The other sides look a bit strange too!! I thought at least one margin looked big enough but now I really doubt it. I'm pretty sure I would have taken a better look before buying. There are only a few dealers on E-Bay I bother with anyway. I've had good experiences with about four that I keep coming back to. This person will definitely not join that select club!! The part that really bothered me was that returns were not allowed. When I sold on E-Bay years ago I always said I'd accept returns - never had one though!! I can understand the reluctance now with the games some buyers play. Most sellers I know take copious photos of what they sell and even that's not usually good enough. Things have changed!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Harvey correct me if I'm wrong, #13 is type 1, there were 4 types of the 1855 ten cent stamp imperf. I suppose there really was only 3 types 1, 2, and 3. Type 4 was just the resultof one of the transfer rollls being recut.

Types 1, 2, 3, all appear on the sheet of 2 panes of 100 each.

#13 type 1 only occurs on the bottom row of each pane (I'm not sure if I got this right or not, Harvey let me know if this is correct?)

Are either the left side or right side pearls important in the right and proper identification between the different transfer rolls?

Thanks in advance

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

From what I understand all types I, II, III and IV have complete "ornaments" at the sides of the stamps and three pearls at each outer edge of the bottom panel. So that would be the same for each type! And yes, type 1 only comes from the bottom row of the pane - that explains why it is quite a bit more expensive!! There are vertical pairs listed with types III and I, and IV and I, and blocks of 4 containing up to as many as 3 different types. This type of stuff is very very pricey!!! Not in the price range of an ordinary collector, maybe years ago, but not now. A block of four with types III, IV and I lists at $16 000+ used, no mint price given. I wonder if any full or partial sheets exist!! Types I, II, III and V represent stamps 13, 14, 15 and 16 of which I have 14 and 15, #16 is not even shown in my album and yes, it does come from re-cuts on top or bottom or both - very pricey, $1650 used and much much more mint!!! I'm not aiming for a copy of #16, unless someone has it at a very good saving. But you never know, my copy of BC #1 lists at $18 500 and #3 at about $11 000. But I did get them at 20% CV from my dealer, which was barely affordable because I used some of my investment $$$$. That sort of stuff might only surface once!!! As I've said before when I get the last two Steve will do up a set of pictures that I will send out to anyone who is interested. By the way, I have no working scanner or camera to give pictures of my US #'s 14 and 15, but I have checked them!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Harvey, thanks a bunch.

But what does BC #1 and #3 has to do with your quest of a USA #13? It confuses the subject, it does not add anything!

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

What I'm trying to say is that since I managed to pick up those two stamps, maybe I'll also be able to find US #13 and 16 - there's always hope!!!!
The two BC stamps I haven't picked up yet are actually two of the medium valued ones #13 and 14, so almost there!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

What two stamps did you pick up? This is very confusing!

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
01 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Sorry - I have BC #1 - #12 and #15 - #18. My dealer has the whole collection and I have been picking them up one at a time and only have #13 and 14 to go. My point is that since I have BC #1 and 3, there is hope that eventually I might get US #13 and 16. I know the two events aren't even slightly connected but I'm just saying if one can happen maybe there's hope for the other. It sure would be great to finish the first page in my US album by finding #13 and maybe find #16 sometime and stick it on the side of the page! The page shows 8A instead of #8 and leaves out #3 - #6 as well. With the prices of some of this US material it's hard to imagine that someone eventually did make up a complete US collection when he traded an inverted Jenny for that rare Z-grill - can't remember his name. This has nothing to do with the original item, but just ignore it if it bothers you.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
02 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Just got an offer from the seller on E-Bay with the US#13(?) and he took almost $100 off (https://www.ebay.ca/itm/255549338729)
He must really want to get rid of it!! Too bad about the probable trimmed perfs, and if you look at it carefully it seems pretty obvious. Does anyone have any idea what the funny little symbol on the back means? I don't remember it being there before but it must have been. Is it an owners mark or some kind of s certifier's mark? I would imagine that sort of stuff can be faked as well! It's interesting that Scott's specialized actually warns about trimmed perforations.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

In loving memory of Carol, my wife for 52 years.

02 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

It is trimmed perfs - no "probable" about it. If he took three or four hundred dollars off the price it would still be too much. People have gotten good results getting this stuff removed on the Hip - sometimes within a couple of hours after they report it (depends on who does the reporting). Back in the day stuff like this got exposed and removed from Ebay but not for a long time now. Buyer beware.

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www.hipstamp.com/sto ...

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
02 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I used to sell on E-Bay back in the early days of E-Bay and the understanding was that if you saw items that were grossly overpriced or misrepresented you could report the abuse to E-Bay and they would look into it. I doubt if you could do this any more, way too much stuff for sale!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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Collector, Moderator
03 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Given the listings, it would take an army to research all the complaints.

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Tom in Exton, PA
03 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

"I used to sell on E-Bay back in the early days of E-Bay and the understanding was that if you saw items that were grossly overpriced or misrepresented you could report the abuse to E-Bay and they would look into it. I doubt if you could do this any more, way too much stuff for sale!!"

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These could be yours for $1000!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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03 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Wait! I can buy ALL SIX STAMPS for only $1000? Who would have EVER guessed I could join the philatelic big leagues for a mere pittance?


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www.ephemeraltreasur ...

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
03 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

I really don't understand people who offer stamps like this. They are either deluded as to value, hoping to rope a sucker or dumb enough to think someone would be stupid enough to bite!! Surely they really don't expect to get a buyer. It's been a long time since I've sold on E-Bay, how are the posting fees determined? They really should be based on asking price and maybe this foolishness would end! But maybe that's not fair to honest, or knowledgeable sellers, with quality items.

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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04 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

As far as I know, sometime ebay changed it so listing is free, you pay fees only when it sells. Looks like limit is 250 free listings a month. Which I guess is good as ebay has more competition now, sell rates seem lower than what I remember from 15-20 years ago.

There are tons of stamp listings where the seller seems clueless. There is also a bizarre phenomenon - if you look at sold listings for Disney VHS tapes, there are a bunch sold for around $1000 each, but the sellers always have minimal feedback and the buyers seem to have 0 feedback and no longer a registered user.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
04 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

"Does anyone have any idea what the funny little symbol on the back means?"

I'm still really curious about what looks like an appraiser's mark on the back of the stamp. It could mean the original stamp, before trimming, was appraised. If that's the case that was a very sneaky move - have a cheap stamp appraised and then alter the stamp. The mark really looks familiar to me, but then that can be faked as well!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."
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05 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

If I remember correctly, this #2 was offered with a certificate. After reading the info on the cert, it appeared to state that the stamp was repaired, part of the margin on the right side was added and the border line was drawn in with ink. At the price it was offered that would have been ok with me. But I sent a request for verification and never received a reply. So I missed out on filling one of the holes in my US collection.
Anyway, my point is that communications do help a sale and/or a purchase.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
05 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

The #2 did have a bit of a rebuild on one side that was mentioned on the certificate. It didn't bother me and I thought the price was fair. I saved a copy of the certificate and will put it with the stamp so if/when the album ever changes hands the damage will be known. I purposely didn't mention the repair since a few people responding to this post seemed a bit negative with the price and I was a bit leery to provide them with the information. The damage/repair didn't bother me and sort of kept the price down into my affordable range. We buy what we like and as long as we don't hide repairs from future buyers, as long as we are happy, that's really all that matters. The stamp looks great on the page and I thank Carl for the opportunity to acquire it!!! I also bought several of the higher valued Columbian and Mississippi series from him at what seemed to be very fair prices for mint stamps and they will really add to those pages!!! I look at my collections on a regular basis and find it very relaxing. My friends really don't understand how I can find these small pieces of paper pleasurable to look at! Even though I was a math teacher I've always had a major interest in history and these stamps are really little pieces of history. I collect many other things and own a few cheaper Roman coins and a small piece of Roman glass, a small jug. Part of the fum is imagining who made and handled these items about 2000 years ago. Collecting things is a way to connect to the past and the latest generations have little, or no, interest in doing this. Excuse my rambling please!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
07 Nov 2022

re: Need one more stamp to finish page

Back to the "#13" on E-Bay that has the trimmed perfs. Should I tell the seller why I am refusing his generous offer of over $100 USD off the original price? Or should I just let things stand as they are? I doubt it, but it is possible that he doesn't realize the stamp has been "messed with". Opinions please!! Usually, if I think someone has something "not quite right", I let them know. This time, unless the seller is a total idiot, I am a bit leery!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

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