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General Philatelic/Identify This? : Carole Lombard stamps year of issue


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10 Oct 2022
Not so much an ID, more of a what year were they issued. I would like to have a stamp featuring Carole Lombard in my Douglas DC-3 collection for the sad reason that she was killed in a DC-3 crash in 1942 while on a war bonds sales tour. The plane was actually a TWA DST (Douglas Sleeper Transport) which was how the DC-3 was first ordered. The two stamps I know of were issued by Sierra Leone and Karakalpakia (a part of Uzbekistan) and both are rather suspect over having legitimate postal use. I've drawn a blank on the Stampworld online catalogue. Does anyone have any idea when they were issued to make my searching for them on stamp sales website easier. Of course if anyone had one they would like to part with we could probably come to an arrangement. Happy I have added the pictures below.

Image Not Found Image Not Found

Within a very few minutes of posting this it was already picked up by Google in its search results. That was quick. I went from Stamporama to continue searching for the stamps and this post shows up.

NO, NO, NO I have that totally wrong. It was linking to a 2019 post of mine on the same subject. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

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10 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Daniel Speight said,

"I would like to have a stamp featuring Carole Lombard in my Douglas DC-3 collection for the sad reason that she was killed in a DC-3 crash in 1942 while on a war bonds sales tour. The plane was actually a TWA DST (Douglas Sleeper Transport) which was how the DC-3 was first ordered."

The crash that killed Carole Lombard is one of the 20th Century’s aviation mysteries — the airliner’s crew reported no problems, but they were well off course almost from the moment they took off from Las Vegas and flew straight into the rocky face of a mountain. Robert Matzen wrote a fascinating book about the crash, titled Fireball — Carole Lombard and the Mystery of Flight 3:

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The following excerpt is from Fireball:

“Among the reporters on the scene was twenty-six-year-old Gene Sherman of the Los Angeles Times. Sherman had a way with words that he would use to cover the war in the Pacific on the front lines in 1944 and 1945 with his column ‘Pacific Echoes,’ and he would earn a Pulitzer Prize a generation later for his coverage of drug trafficking between Mexico and southern California. Sherman painted a chilling picture of the mountaintop that Sunday morning: ‘The totally demolished, luxurious Douglas DC-3 “Sky-Club” presented a grim, sorrowful picture on its rocky resting place. Wreckage was scattered in a radius of 500 yards and some of the victims were strewn around the waist-high snow. Bits of the plane, personal effects of the passengers, including handkerchiefs, overcoats and other apparel, were strung from the branches of stunted pine trees like macabre Christmas ornaments.’”

Note that Matzen describes the Douglas aircraft as a DC-3 Sky Club, registered NC 1946, not a Douglas DST (Day Sleeper Transport) as Daniel says. The plane’s identity is confirmed on the Lost Flights web site.

Daniel is correct that the DST pre-dated the DC-3. The DST offered seats that could be converted to beds for nighttime flights. Above those seats were sleeping births with small windows above the cabin’s regular windows. Coast-to-coast passengers would experience the same comfort, day and night, they would experience travelling by train in a Pullman sleeping car, but at a much greater speed. Soon, however, TWA realized that they could make more money by removing all 14 seats and the sleeping births, and replacing them with 21 seats.

This is a contemporaneous photo of a DC-3 Sky Club airliner, identical to the plane in which Carole Lombard died:

Image Not Found

This is a postcard from my collection, picturing a DST with the small berth windows, followed by a detail image:

Image Not Found

Image Not Found

Fireball — Carole Lombard and the Mystery of Flight 3 is available as a Kindle ebook or from the Advanced Book Exchange.


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10 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Thanks Bob. I got the DST from the Wikipedia article on Carole Lombard. Wikipedia does get it right on their article about the crash of TWA flight 3 here.

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11 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Has Carole Lombard ever been featured on a postage stamp?
The answer is "yes," from some unlikely places.
In 2007, we discovered she was on stamps issued in obscure former Soviet republic of Karakalpakia (https://carole-and-co.livejournal.com/53 ... ),
and two years later, we learned the tortured African nation of Sierra Leone did likewise (https://carole-and-co.livejournal.com/26 ... ).

So Sierra Leone version in 2009
And Karakalpakia version in 2007

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11 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

"So Sierra Leone version in 2009
And Karakalpakia version in 2007"

Yes, that website seems to be the only place that has information on these stamps. It's where I found them. The problem with the dates are they are the dates when this website heard of them. That could be different to the date they were issued, but we could guess those years or before.

I thought I would go to the Stampworld online catalogue where I can show stamps by years. First of all Karalpakia wasn't in their country lists either under Uzbekistan or by itself. Second the Carole Lombard stamp didn't show up under the Sierra Leone listings. Now we have to take into account that whatever stamp agency Sierra Leone is using is capable of putting out a 1000 new issues in some years so maybe not everything gets listed. I went back through their lists to the 1990s to see if the stamp popped up.

I think you can probably see why I asked the question now.Happy

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12 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Maybe this is interesting for you :

The Lombard stamp is part of a nine-stamp series honoring stars of classic Hollywood:

https://golowesstamps.com/reference/Ill ...

Karakalpakia is an autonomous republic of Uzbekistan (a former Soviet republic), occupying the western part of the country.
It has a population of 1.2 million, about evenly divided among Karakalpaks (a formerly nomadic group), Uzbeks and Kazakhs.
The economy was once dominated by fishing, but the contraction of the Aral Sea (an ecological disaster over the past few decades) has changed that. Leading crops are cotton, rice and melons.

So what is Carole Lombard doing on a Karakalpakian stamp, especially considering that during her lifetime, it was part of the Soviet Union and few if any American films were shown there?
Well, a number of small countries have tried to put themselves on the map by issuing stamps on topics that have nothing to do with their homeland — but will draw attention (and revenue) from collectors.
Many current stars are on stamps, as other countries’ looser postal regulations allow their images to be put on stamps before they’re deceased. (There are even phony stamps produced; for example, in 1999 there was a series of so-called Afghan stamps honoring Hollywood stars — but the country was then under control of the Taliban, which prohibited movies.
In those pre-9/11 days, few in the West were aware, and some neophyte collectors were duped.)

Image Not Found

Image Not Found

And the posting I found was from 23-11-2007 at 00:11

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12 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Many thanks Henry. If I'm reading the UPU notice in the link correctly Karakalpakia does not issue stamps so this one is a Cinderella at best and dishonest attempt at cheating collectors at worse. That leaves me the Sierra Leone stamp where the output of stamps is past the ridiculous stage.

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12 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Could the real Cary Grant step forward, please.

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Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..

14 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

" ... Could the real Cary Grant step forward, please. ...."

" ... Smile, when you say that, pa
rtner. ..." Gary Cooper

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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14 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Charlie, you notice too that the sheets have both version of CG, male and female!

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14 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Who is Carol Flynn in the bottom left corner of the lower sheet? Internet searches are not showing anyone that seems too famous or associated with Hollywood with that name.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

14 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

ERROL FLYNN - How soon we forget!!

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"You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there - George Burns"
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15 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Did I just not read the stamp right? Never heard of Errol Flynn either, but at least searching I can look up.

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15 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Josh, Australian Errol Flynn was a leading man in Hollywood movies in the 1940s and a well known womanizer. "In like Flynn" was a phrase used in London at least, to refer to a man that picked up women very easily. His son became a foreign correspondent who went missing in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge takeover of Phnom Penh. He was probably killed by the Khmer Rouge while on a motorbike ride to find the front line outside the capital. From those that knew him he was the embodiment of the macho crazy foreign correspondent.

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15 Oct 2022
re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Thanks Danny. Golden Age of Hollywood was a bit before my time, but I at least recognized most of the other names.


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10 Oct 2022

Not so much an ID, more of a what year were they issued. I would like to have a stamp featuring Carole Lombard in my Douglas DC-3 collection for the sad reason that she was killed in a DC-3 crash in 1942 while on a war bonds sales tour. The plane was actually a TWA DST (Douglas Sleeper Transport) which was how the DC-3 was first ordered. The two stamps I know of were issued by Sierra Leone and Karakalpakia (a part of Uzbekistan) and both are rather suspect over having legitimate postal use. I've drawn a blank on the Stampworld online catalogue. Does anyone have any idea when they were issued to make my searching for them on stamp sales website easier. Of course if anyone had one they would like to part with we could probably come to an arrangement. Happy I have added the pictures below.

Image Not Found Image Not Found

Within a very few minutes of posting this it was already picked up by Google in its search results. That was quick. I went from Stamporama to continue searching for the stamps and this post shows up.

NO, NO, NO I have that totally wrong. It was linking to a 2019 post of mine on the same subject. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

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10 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Daniel Speight said,

"I would like to have a stamp featuring Carole Lombard in my Douglas DC-3 collection for the sad reason that she was killed in a DC-3 crash in 1942 while on a war bonds sales tour. The plane was actually a TWA DST (Douglas Sleeper Transport) which was how the DC-3 was first ordered."

The crash that killed Carole Lombard is one of the 20th Century’s aviation mysteries — the airliner’s crew reported no problems, but they were well off course almost from the moment they took off from Las Vegas and flew straight into the rocky face of a mountain. Robert Matzen wrote a fascinating book about the crash, titled Fireball — Carole Lombard and the Mystery of Flight 3:

Image Not Found

The following excerpt is from Fireball:

“Among the reporters on the scene was twenty-six-year-old Gene Sherman of the Los Angeles Times. Sherman had a way with words that he would use to cover the war in the Pacific on the front lines in 1944 and 1945 with his column ‘Pacific Echoes,’ and he would earn a Pulitzer Prize a generation later for his coverage of drug trafficking between Mexico and southern California. Sherman painted a chilling picture of the mountaintop that Sunday morning: ‘The totally demolished, luxurious Douglas DC-3 “Sky-Club” presented a grim, sorrowful picture on its rocky resting place. Wreckage was scattered in a radius of 500 yards and some of the victims were strewn around the waist-high snow. Bits of the plane, personal effects of the passengers, including handkerchiefs, overcoats and other apparel, were strung from the branches of stunted pine trees like macabre Christmas ornaments.’”

Note that Matzen describes the Douglas aircraft as a DC-3 Sky Club, registered NC 1946, not a Douglas DST (Day Sleeper Transport) as Daniel says. The plane’s identity is confirmed on the Lost Flights web site.

Daniel is correct that the DST pre-dated the DC-3. The DST offered seats that could be converted to beds for nighttime flights. Above those seats were sleeping births with small windows above the cabin’s regular windows. Coast-to-coast passengers would experience the same comfort, day and night, they would experience travelling by train in a Pullman sleeping car, but at a much greater speed. Soon, however, TWA realized that they could make more money by removing all 14 seats and the sleeping births, and replacing them with 21 seats.

This is a contemporaneous photo of a DC-3 Sky Club airliner, identical to the plane in which Carole Lombard died:

Image Not Found

This is a postcard from my collection, picturing a DST with the small berth windows, followed by a detail image:

Image Not Found

Image Not Found

Fireball — Carole Lombard and the Mystery of Flight 3 is available as a Kindle ebook or from the Advanced Book Exchange.


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www.ephemeraltreasur ...
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10 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Thanks Bob. I got the DST from the Wikipedia article on Carole Lombard. Wikipedia does get it right on their article about the crash of TWA flight 3 here.

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11 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Has Carole Lombard ever been featured on a postage stamp?
The answer is "yes," from some unlikely places.
In 2007, we discovered she was on stamps issued in obscure former Soviet republic of Karakalpakia (https://carole-and-co.livejournal.com/53 ... ),
and two years later, we learned the tortured African nation of Sierra Leone did likewise (https://carole-and-co.livejournal.com/26 ... ).

So Sierra Leone version in 2009
And Karakalpakia version in 2007

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11 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

"So Sierra Leone version in 2009
And Karakalpakia version in 2007"

Yes, that website seems to be the only place that has information on these stamps. It's where I found them. The problem with the dates are they are the dates when this website heard of them. That could be different to the date they were issued, but we could guess those years or before.

I thought I would go to the Stampworld online catalogue where I can show stamps by years. First of all Karalpakia wasn't in their country lists either under Uzbekistan or by itself. Second the Carole Lombard stamp didn't show up under the Sierra Leone listings. Now we have to take into account that whatever stamp agency Sierra Leone is using is capable of putting out a 1000 new issues in some years so maybe not everything gets listed. I went back through their lists to the 1990s to see if the stamp popped up.

I think you can probably see why I asked the question now.Happy

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12 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Maybe this is interesting for you :

The Lombard stamp is part of a nine-stamp series honoring stars of classic Hollywood:

https://golowesstamps.com/reference/Ill ...

Karakalpakia is an autonomous republic of Uzbekistan (a former Soviet republic), occupying the western part of the country.
It has a population of 1.2 million, about evenly divided among Karakalpaks (a formerly nomadic group), Uzbeks and Kazakhs.
The economy was once dominated by fishing, but the contraction of the Aral Sea (an ecological disaster over the past few decades) has changed that. Leading crops are cotton, rice and melons.

So what is Carole Lombard doing on a Karakalpakian stamp, especially considering that during her lifetime, it was part of the Soviet Union and few if any American films were shown there?
Well, a number of small countries have tried to put themselves on the map by issuing stamps on topics that have nothing to do with their homeland — but will draw attention (and revenue) from collectors.
Many current stars are on stamps, as other countries’ looser postal regulations allow their images to be put on stamps before they’re deceased. (There are even phony stamps produced; for example, in 1999 there was a series of so-called Afghan stamps honoring Hollywood stars — but the country was then under control of the Taliban, which prohibited movies.
In those pre-9/11 days, few in the West were aware, and some neophyte collectors were duped.)

Image Not Found

Image Not Found

And the posting I found was from 23-11-2007 at 00:11

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12 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Many thanks Henry. If I'm reading the UPU notice in the link correctly Karakalpakia does not issue stamps so this one is a Cinderella at best and dishonest attempt at cheating collectors at worse. That leaves me the Sierra Leone stamp where the output of stamps is past the ridiculous stage.

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12 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Could the real Cary Grant step forward, please.

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colnect.com/en/colle ...

Silence in the face of adversity is the father of complicity and collusion, the first cousins of conspiracy..
14 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

" ... Could the real Cary Grant step forward, please. ...."

" ... Smile, when you say that, pa
rtner. ..." Gary Cooper

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".... You may think you understood what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you think you heard is not what I thought I meant. .... "
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14 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Charlie, you notice too that the sheets have both version of CG, male and female!

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colnect.com/en/colle ...
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14 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Who is Carol Flynn in the bottom left corner of the lower sheet? Internet searches are not showing anyone that seems too famous or associated with Hollywood with that name.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
14 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

ERROL FLYNN - How soon we forget!!

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"You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do while you're down there - George Burns"
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15 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Did I just not read the stamp right? Never heard of Errol Flynn either, but at least searching I can look up.

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15 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Josh, Australian Errol Flynn was a leading man in Hollywood movies in the 1940s and a well known womanizer. "In like Flynn" was a phrase used in London at least, to refer to a man that picked up women very easily. His son became a foreign correspondent who went missing in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge takeover of Phnom Penh. He was probably killed by the Khmer Rouge while on a motorbike ride to find the front line outside the capital. From those that knew him he was the embodiment of the macho crazy foreign correspondent.

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15 Oct 2022

re: Carole Lombard stamps year of issue

Thanks Danny. Golden Age of Hollywood was a bit before my time, but I at least recognized most of the other names.


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