I typed this into Ebay Australia, no quotes
usa stamps sc13
it worked.
I won't go into silly things like US buyers and sellers being unable to mention a year of issue in descriptions!!!
Limit the category. "Scott 13" in the US 19th century used category returns only 87 items, most of which are CSA or DWI, but It doesn't take long to scan through and find the 1 or 2 that are actually there.
I was trying to search US stamp #13 on E-Bay and tried various combinations and putting quotes around various things and kept getting lots of crap to search through. Part of the problem is that 13 cents was a US denomination for a time. Does anyone have a suggestion for something that might work? I'm usually pretty good at this but am stumped this time!!
re: some search advise please
I typed this into Ebay Australia, no quotes
usa stamps sc13
it worked.
I won't go into silly things like US buyers and sellers being unable to mention a year of issue in descriptions!!!
re: some search advise please
Limit the category. "Scott 13" in the US 19th century used category returns only 87 items, most of which are CSA or DWI, but It doesn't take long to scan through and find the 1 or 2 that are actually there.