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General Philatelic/Identify This? : RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing




31 Aug 2022
My question concerns the stamp on the right.

Image Not Found

It is Perf 13.3/4 which I believe should be #B6b. But that stamp should also be on pink coloured paper (like the fragment of #B5b on the left). But it's on white paper.

I have looked repeatedly but can't find the appropriate listing.

Any help is appreciated.


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

31 Aug 2022
re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

Hi Dave
I thought B5 - B8 were on coloured paper and B9 to B13 were on white paper. Check in Scott's because that's what my volume says and that's what's in my Minkus Russia album. By the way, for some reason B11 does not exist.
Edit: I just checked Scott's and it's very confusing when you look at the perfs. I actually have the SG Russia and it's more confusing there since they separate them into 6 different sets according to perfs. SG tens to claim that the white and coloured papers can all have the 3 different perforations. It seems that the difference is the colour. The 3 denomination in coloured paper is green and carmine/rose, in the white paper it is green and grey black. Your stamp appears to be the second colour which should make it B10. I think!!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."


31 Aug 2022
re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

B6 is maroon & gray-green, on pink paper, perf 11.1/2

B6a is maroon & gray-green, on pink paper, perf 12.1/2

B6b is maroon & gray-green, on pink paper, perf 13.1/2

B10 is carmine & gray-black, on white paper, perf 11./12

So for the stamp I have, B10 is the right colour and paper - but the perf is definitely 13.1/2 (like B6b) so that can't be right.

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"As of 07-10-2024 we have a new US Address that can be used to send large envelopes or boxes from the US without requiring Customs forms or additional postage costs!"

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

31 Aug 2022
re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

According to Stanley Gibbons the white and coloured papers all come in the 3 different perforations - 11.5, 12.5 and 13.5. My 2010 Scott's Classic doesn't specify perfs for the white paper so I am assuming all 3 apply. According to my 2016 Scott's the white paper is specified to come in all 3 perfs as well. So according to Scott's B10 can have any of the three perfs. If you're using a different year maybe this has changed. My Minkus album has both paper colours with all 3 perfs as well. So I'm pretty sure your copy is B10, but I might be missing something! I'm sure there are people out there more expert than me, would someone else please weigh in?

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."


31 Aug 2022
re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

Thanks Joe. My 2017 Scotts only lists the 11.1/2 perf version in white paper, so I guess it's not all-inclusive. I guess I'll just go with showing it as B10 with a note on the perfs.

Thanks again, Dave.

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"As of 07-10-2024 we have a new US Address that can be used to send large envelopes or boxes from the US without requiring Customs forms or additional postage costs!"

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31 Aug 2022
re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

My 2014 Scott shows B5-8 as perf 11.5 and 12.5.
B5a-8a as perf 13.5
Both above on coloured paper.

B9-B13 on White paper, all three perfs.
There is a note below the latter which reads:-

These stamps were sold for 1 Kopeck over face value. The surtax was donated to charities connected with the war of 1914-17.
No. B12 (7k) not regularly issued. It exists only perf 11.5 (with Specimen overprint) and 12.5.
Nos. B5-13 exist imperf. Value each unused or used, $400.

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01 Sep 2022
re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

Thanks Vic

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"As of 07-10-2024 we have a new US Address that can be used to send large envelopes or boxes from the US without requiring Customs forms or additional postage costs!"





31 Aug 2022

My question concerns the stamp on the right.

Image Not Found

It is Perf 13.3/4 which I believe should be #B6b. But that stamp should also be on pink coloured paper (like the fragment of #B5b on the left). But it's on white paper.

I have looked repeatedly but can't find the appropriate listing.

Any help is appreciated.


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"As of 07-10-2024 we have a new US Address that can be used to send large envelopes or boxes from the US without requiring Customs forms or additional postage costs!"

http//holocauststamp ...

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
31 Aug 2022

re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

Hi Dave
I thought B5 - B8 were on coloured paper and B9 to B13 were on white paper. Check in Scott's because that's what my volume says and that's what's in my Minkus Russia album. By the way, for some reason B11 does not exist.
Edit: I just checked Scott's and it's very confusing when you look at the perfs. I actually have the SG Russia and it's more confusing there since they separate them into 6 different sets according to perfs. SG tens to claim that the white and coloured papers can all have the 3 different perforations. It seems that the difference is the colour. The 3 denomination in coloured paper is green and carmine/rose, in the white paper it is green and grey black. Your stamp appears to be the second colour which should make it B10. I think!!!!

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."


31 Aug 2022

re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

B6 is maroon & gray-green, on pink paper, perf 11.1/2

B6a is maroon & gray-green, on pink paper, perf 12.1/2

B6b is maroon & gray-green, on pink paper, perf 13.1/2

B10 is carmine & gray-black, on white paper, perf 11./12

So for the stamp I have, B10 is the right colour and paper - but the perf is definitely 13.1/2 (like B6b) so that can't be right.

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"As of 07-10-2024 we have a new US Address that can be used to send large envelopes or boxes from the US without requiring Customs forms or additional postage costs!"

http//holocauststamp ...

This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
31 Aug 2022

re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

According to Stanley Gibbons the white and coloured papers all come in the 3 different perforations - 11.5, 12.5 and 13.5. My 2010 Scott's Classic doesn't specify perfs for the white paper so I am assuming all 3 apply. According to my 2016 Scott's the white paper is specified to come in all 3 perfs as well. So according to Scott's B10 can have any of the three perfs. If you're using a different year maybe this has changed. My Minkus album has both paper colours with all 3 perfs as well. So I'm pretty sure your copy is B10, but I might be missing something! I'm sure there are people out there more expert than me, would someone else please weigh in?

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."


31 Aug 2022

re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

Thanks Joe. My 2017 Scotts only lists the 11.1/2 perf version in white paper, so I guess it's not all-inclusive. I guess I'll just go with showing it as B10 with a note on the perfs.

Thanks again, Dave.

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"As of 07-10-2024 we have a new US Address that can be used to send large envelopes or boxes from the US without requiring Customs forms or additional postage costs!"

http//holocauststamp ...
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31 Aug 2022

re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

My 2014 Scott shows B5-8 as perf 11.5 and 12.5.
B5a-8a as perf 13.5
Both above on coloured paper.

B9-B13 on White paper, all three perfs.
There is a note below the latter which reads:-

These stamps were sold for 1 Kopeck over face value. The surtax was donated to charities connected with the war of 1914-17.
No. B12 (7k) not regularly issued. It exists only perf 11.5 (with Specimen overprint) and 12.5.
Nos. B5-13 exist imperf. Value each unused or used, $400.

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01 Sep 2022

re: RUSSIA - Paper Colour Is Confusing

Thanks Vic

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"As of 07-10-2024 we have a new US Address that can be used to send large envelopes or boxes from the US without requiring Customs forms or additional postage costs!"

http//holocauststamp ...

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