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Sales, Swaps, Auction & Approvals/Auction Disc. : BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.




18 Aug 2022
Can anyone tell me why a BUY IT NOW item listed in the auction that has been purchased for the BUY IT NOW price not being closed out by the system?

It is still showing active with a closing date and time of one day from the original date of listing.

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18 Aug 2022

re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

It looks like they placed a bid and did not use the BIN.


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18 Aug 2022
re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

Even if the buyer didn't click on the BIN button, wouldn't the lot close as soon as the bid reached the BIN price?

Strange! (IMO)

Does this mean that someone else could bid on the lot and the selling price would be higher than the BIN price?

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18 Aug 2022

re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

Here is the information.

Stamporama Auction Buy It Now Feature

The Stamporama Auction Buy It Now feature is an option that offers a seller the ability to set a price for an auction lot that the seller is willing to take for immediate purchase of the lot. When a buyer clicks on the Buy It Now button, the buyer immediately purchases the auction lot regardless of any other bids that may have been placed on the lot. The auction lot is removed from the open auction status, and is closed by the auction lot closing program on its next update. The auction lot closing program runs every few minutes.

Things that bidders and sellers should be aware of:

The Buy It Now feature is optional. If used, the feature remains active and available even if a bid has been placed on the lot.
Auction lots using the Buy It Now feature can be purchased immediately at any time that the auction lot is active.
Bidders with active bids on an auction lot that has the Buy It Now feature will lose the lot to another bidder who selects the Buy It Now feature.
A bidder who places a bid on an auction lot that is equal to or greater than the Buy It Now price will be the immediate winner of the auction lot at the Buy It Now price.

Page last updated March 2, 2016

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18 Aug 2022
re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

Hi all,


I had the same question that Liz posed. When I bid BIN $'s, the item was still showing next day as available.

..just saying!

Happy day, Wig

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18 Aug 2022

Auctions - Approvals
re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

When wanting to Buy It Now you MUST click the Buy It Now Button.

Of course you must also be logged in to the system.

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"


18 Aug 2022
re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

Another weird thing that happened with the same lot. The closing date and time showing now is 24 hrs. from the original listing even though when I listed the lots they had a closing date of August 24th. Now this one lot is closing tonight August 18th. I'm sure the person bidding was logged in as he purchased several BIN lots this morning.

No big deal.

'A bidder who places a bid on an auction lot that is equal to or greater than the Buy It Now price will be the immediate winner of the auction lot at the Buy It Now price.'

I take this statement to mean that if a bid was for the BIN price (which, by the way was the same amount as the opening bid), then the person bidding should have been the immediate winner of the auction lot and the lot should have closed.

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Praying for Ukraine

18 Aug 2022
re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

I had a weird BIN experience last week. I saw an item, chose to BIN it, but it came back that there was a bid already on it. I couldn't raise the BIN or even bid on it.

Maybe it was BIN'd a split second before I tried to BIN it, but it was just plain odd that it happened like that.

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18 Aug 2022

Can anyone tell me why a BUY IT NOW item listed in the auction that has been purchased for the BUY IT NOW price not being closed out by the system?

It is still showing active with a closing date and time of one day from the original date of listing.

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18 Aug 2022


re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

It looks like they placed a bid and did not use the BIN.


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18 Aug 2022

re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

Even if the buyer didn't click on the BIN button, wouldn't the lot close as soon as the bid reached the BIN price?

Strange! (IMO)

Does this mean that someone else could bid on the lot and the selling price would be higher than the BIN price?

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18 Aug 2022


re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

Here is the information.

Stamporama Auction Buy It Now Feature

The Stamporama Auction Buy It Now feature is an option that offers a seller the ability to set a price for an auction lot that the seller is willing to take for immediate purchase of the lot. When a buyer clicks on the Buy It Now button, the buyer immediately purchases the auction lot regardless of any other bids that may have been placed on the lot. The auction lot is removed from the open auction status, and is closed by the auction lot closing program on its next update. The auction lot closing program runs every few minutes.

Things that bidders and sellers should be aware of:

The Buy It Now feature is optional. If used, the feature remains active and available even if a bid has been placed on the lot.
Auction lots using the Buy It Now feature can be purchased immediately at any time that the auction lot is active.
Bidders with active bids on an auction lot that has the Buy It Now feature will lose the lot to another bidder who selects the Buy It Now feature.
A bidder who places a bid on an auction lot that is equal to or greater than the Buy It Now price will be the immediate winner of the auction lot at the Buy It Now price.

Page last updated March 2, 2016

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18 Aug 2022

re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

Hi all,


I had the same question that Liz posed. When I bid BIN $'s, the item was still showing next day as available.

..just saying!

Happy day, Wig

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18 Aug 2022

Auctions - Approvals

re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

When wanting to Buy It Now you MUST click the Buy It Now Button.

Of course you must also be logged in to the system.

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"Gonnae no dae that!..........Just gonnae no!"


18 Aug 2022

re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

Another weird thing that happened with the same lot. The closing date and time showing now is 24 hrs. from the original listing even though when I listed the lots they had a closing date of August 24th. Now this one lot is closing tonight August 18th. I'm sure the person bidding was logged in as he purchased several BIN lots this morning.

No big deal.

'A bidder who places a bid on an auction lot that is equal to or greater than the Buy It Now price will be the immediate winner of the auction lot at the Buy It Now price.'

I take this statement to mean that if a bid was for the BIN price (which, by the way was the same amount as the opening bid), then the person bidding should have been the immediate winner of the auction lot and the lot should have closed.

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Praying for Ukraine
18 Aug 2022

re: BUY IT NOW item not closing when purchased for BUY IT NOW price.

I had a weird BIN experience last week. I saw an item, chose to BIN it, but it came back that there was a bid already on it. I couldn't raise the BIN or even bid on it.

Maybe it was BIN'd a split second before I tried to BIN it, but it was just plain odd that it happened like that.

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