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Europe/Russia : What is the best Russia catalog


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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!

17 Jul 2022
I have been lucky enough to bid on, and get, some wonderful Russian BOB material from Eric Fried. This stuff all fits in my Minkus Russia album in their BOB section (except for some revenues) and most of it seems to be in Scott's Catalog - but not all. I also have the Stanley Gibbons Russia catalog but they are just slightly better than Scott's. Is there a Michel Catalog on Russia that has been translated into English, my knowledge of any other language is nonexistent!! And does it do a better job than the others? Also does a catalog exist that covers Russian revenues, maybe one of the Barefoot catalogs? I don't want to get heavily into Russia revenues since I can only imagine how many there are! My specialty is Canada and I stayed away from all revenues, except for Newfoundland, because of the huge number - I would guess Russia would be much worse!! My Minkus album does include some of the revenues, those with the Scott's AR code and I have all of them except for AR6. I have the feeling there are many more similar stamps from the same time period that I may be interested in if I just had an idea what they were. Can anyone recommend a good book?
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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

17 Jul 2022
re: What is the best Russia catalog

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06 Aug 2022
re: What is the best Russia catalog

I have very good experience with Zagorsky catalog, but it is in Russian language, Michel have it too Special for Russia, hope You are talking for catalog of Russia and not SSR - UdSSR ... but, You can use stampworld.com in English which have it good, not specialized but still good for "basic" collection!

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07 Aug 2022
re: What is the best Russia catalog

Russia Revenues. John Barefoot.

Illustrated and priced catalog. Covers imperial and Soviet Russia, provisionals, municipals, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tuva, and Ukraine.

Index in English and Russian.

Published in 2004. Softcover. 108 pages.

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07 Aug 2022
re: What is the best Russia catalog

Regarding the Zagorsky catalogue:

The review published in The American Philatelist (Jan 2022, page 52) states the catalogue was published in 2013, has 560 pages, and includes both Russian and English content.

Further the sample catalogue page which accompanies the review is in English.

So, which is it? Russian only? Or bilingual?

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This is my diabetic cat OBI! I think, therefore I am - I think! Descartes, sort of!
17 Jul 2022

I have been lucky enough to bid on, and get, some wonderful Russian BOB material from Eric Fried. This stuff all fits in my Minkus Russia album in their BOB section (except for some revenues) and most of it seems to be in Scott's Catalog - but not all. I also have the Stanley Gibbons Russia catalog but they are just slightly better than Scott's. Is there a Michel Catalog on Russia that has been translated into English, my knowledge of any other language is nonexistent!! And does it do a better job than the others? Also does a catalog exist that covers Russian revenues, maybe one of the Barefoot catalogs? I don't want to get heavily into Russia revenues since I can only imagine how many there are! My specialty is Canada and I stayed away from all revenues, except for Newfoundland, because of the huge number - I would guess Russia would be much worse!! My Minkus album does include some of the revenues, those with the Scott's AR code and I have all of them except for AR6. I have the feeling there are many more similar stamps from the same time period that I may be interested in if I just had an idea what they were. Can anyone recommend a good book?

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"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the humankind."

17 Jul 2022

re: What is the best Russia catalog

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06 Aug 2022

re: What is the best Russia catalog

I have very good experience with Zagorsky catalog, but it is in Russian language, Michel have it too Special for Russia, hope You are talking for catalog of Russia and not SSR - UdSSR ... but, You can use stampworld.com in English which have it good, not specialized but still good for "basic" collection!

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stampmusthave.blogsp ...

07 Aug 2022

re: What is the best Russia catalog

Russia Revenues. John Barefoot.

Illustrated and priced catalog. Covers imperial and Soviet Russia, provisionals, municipals, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tuva, and Ukraine.

Index in English and Russian.

Published in 2004. Softcover. 108 pages.

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07 Aug 2022

re: What is the best Russia catalog

Regarding the Zagorsky catalogue:

The review published in The American Philatelist (Jan 2022, page 52) states the catalogue was published in 2013, has 560 pages, and includes both Russian and English content.

Further the sample catalogue page which accompanies the review is in English.

So, which is it? Russian only? Or bilingual?

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