I don't collect US and without digging out my Scott, I don't know the stamp(s) in question. I suppose, therefore, that my help may be a bit minimal!
However, my first port of call is always visual if I have two stamps side by side and can't reach my colour guide (get one ), ultramarine will remind you of the slightly greenish tinge of the ocean. I found this listing of 1894 Bureaus which clearly highlights my thought process.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/OUTSTANDING-GEN ...
Or, I'm pining for the beach.
Thanks so much. The eBay listing is quite helpful. I do have the Stanley Gibbons Colour Key, but I understand that the correspondence to the color names used by Scott leaves much to be desired and that there is no comparable Scott-issued color guide.
There's a degree of difficulty that some folk find in the blues that I don't. The reds for me are a nightmare.
I maintain that the best colour key is the old 1920's-1940's SG folder. Actual stamps printed in actual colours.
Given that Scott offers no help in distinguishing among colors, one piece of advice I've received is to find stamps known to exist only in single colors and using them as standards against which to compare other stamps. Are there US stamps from the 1900-1920 period that exist only in ultramarine (and no shades) and only in blue (and no shades) that might serve as benchmarks for those two colors? It would be ideal if those stamps came from the same series.
I ask because I collect US special delivery stamps and am stumbling over the color distinctions for the 1917 issues - E11 ultramarine (with two other shades - pale ult and dark ult - noted) and E11(c) blue. (There's a third color, E11(b) gray violet, which poses less of a problem for me.)
I understand this could be fool's errand, but that's never stopped me before.
re: Blue and Ultramarine Colors
I don't collect US and without digging out my Scott, I don't know the stamp(s) in question. I suppose, therefore, that my help may be a bit minimal!
However, my first port of call is always visual if I have two stamps side by side and can't reach my colour guide (get one ), ultramarine will remind you of the slightly greenish tinge of the ocean. I found this listing of 1894 Bureaus which clearly highlights my thought process.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/OUTSTANDING-GEN ...
Or, I'm pining for the beach.
re: Blue and Ultramarine Colors
Thanks so much. The eBay listing is quite helpful. I do have the Stanley Gibbons Colour Key, but I understand that the correspondence to the color names used by Scott leaves much to be desired and that there is no comparable Scott-issued color guide.
re: Blue and Ultramarine Colors
There's a degree of difficulty that some folk find in the blues that I don't. The reds for me are a nightmare.
I maintain that the best colour key is the old 1920's-1940's SG folder. Actual stamps printed in actual colours.