First it is a dubious practice to determine color shade from a scan or a photo.
So, I doubt it is a 1d, probably the more common 1b. It might be an early impression but again the scan is not good enough to tell. It looks like a decent copy but not a four margin copy as the bottom frame on left is cut in.
So call it a Fine with a CV of $290. Cash value say, $100-150.
Do you have a #2 to sell, that's one of the stamps on my "bucket list" of stamps!!
That also looks like a fairly nice copy of #1 (I stay away from the a's, b's, etc.) with all 4 margins, I think! If I were you I would probably try for about $200. Buts that's just an opinion.
My doctor's father passed away. I mentioned I was a stamp collector. He told me his father was a stamp collector. He has entrusted me to sell his valuable U.S. collection for him. this is the first postage stamp in the collection. I want to be sure I have the right # for it.
Please help. I tend to think it's a 1d. All opinions will be gratefully acknowledged. Carl.
Actually, the scan shows it as browner than it is. Also, that's a red cancel.
Well now, I am mistaken, this is the 2nd stamp in the collection. the 1st one is a postmaster provisional #10X1. didn't see it because it looked the same as the page illustrations.
re: U.S. #1
First it is a dubious practice to determine color shade from a scan or a photo.
So, I doubt it is a 1d, probably the more common 1b. It might be an early impression but again the scan is not good enough to tell. It looks like a decent copy but not a four margin copy as the bottom frame on left is cut in.
So call it a Fine with a CV of $290. Cash value say, $100-150.
re: U.S. #1
Do you have a #2 to sell, that's one of the stamps on my "bucket list" of stamps!!
That also looks like a fairly nice copy of #1 (I stay away from the a's, b's, etc.) with all 4 margins, I think! If I were you I would probably try for about $200. Buts that's just an opinion.