ah, I remember assembling everything with gallry type printed on film, glue pots, exactos.
Back in 1976 I wrote a local stamp column. I had just graduated high school with an interest in journalism so I applied to the newspaper for a summer job. I had submitted samples of my "Viewpoint of Youth" column from Linn's Stamp News and they offered me this gig! I just found this one in my old stamp storage chest of drawers. There are probably other columns around here somewhere as well!
It was a fun summer. This was a weekly newspaper and they let me do special interest stories of my choosing. The paper was assembled for printing on Tuesdays. It was a long manual process, I'd help with paste up over night. Paper and rubber cement!
re: My Stamp Column
ah, I remember assembling everything with gallry type printed on film, glue pots, exactos.