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General Philatelic/Gen. Discussion : Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think


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Collector, Webmaster

26 Mar 2022
I was at the Northern Philatelic Library this morning for a presentation on "Identifying Fakes". The presenter was running late so we were just sitting around enjoying coffee and cookies. Brian, one of my good friends, was looking through a batch of covers that had been donated to the Library and handed me one, saying with a big smile on his face, this must be one of your relatives. Sure ... right?

The cover was cancelled on Dec 11th 1973 and was addressed to my mother, Mrs Betty Auld. This is the address that I lived at all my teenage years. It was sent to her by my sister. How the heck did this cover find its way to me in a little obscure Stamp Library in Minneapolis 48 years later. This one just blows my mind.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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26 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

There is a theory that nothing happens accidently. Assuming that to be true, can we assume that this was a 'reachout' to you at this time.? If so, where is your sister now, when was the last time you guys spoke, is there something important for you to try to make contact now? Just saying, and trying to read the signs.
Dan C.

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads

26 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think


is "messenger delivery" the Aussie equivalent of Special Delivery? and did it stay within OzPost or go to a third party?

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

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Collector, Webmaster

26 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

I'm very close to my sister. We talk often. This message from the past quite shocked me.

I don't know what the "messenger delivery" is all about. I'm going to have to call my sister to see if she can remember what she was sending to Mum that needed urgent delivery. But going back 48 years, I'll be lucky if she can remember.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Tom in Exton, PA

26 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Amazing story! You can't make this stuff up.

I hope you can get more information on this story. Namely who/how/when did your mother give away the cover?

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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Collector, Webmaster

26 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Hi Tom,
Yes, it is one of those freaky things isn't it. I talked to my sister about it this evening. My Mum had Parkinson's and covers like this were collected and given to help fund research for treatment, which could explain how it got sold on, but how it made it over here to me in Minnesota beats me. She thinks she was probably sending photos to Mum.


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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Tom in Exton, PA

26 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Tim, on a much lower note...

I bought boxes of covers from both Roy and Mel in Texas. Both lots included a show cover from CENJEX 1976 stamp show in New Jersey. I was 17 at the time, and had volunteered to do much of the cover work for the show. So there is a very good chance that I put the stamps on those covers, and I manned the hand cancel at the show.

So here's two covers that made their way to me in Pennsylvania from Canada and Texas, that could probably yield my DNA!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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26 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think


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27 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Or a reachout from your Mom? (Still trying to read the signs!!)
Dan C.

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27 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

From past experience on reading quite a few stories not unlike this it would seem that they occur mostly to warn and/or protect someone, ie. the recipient. Just a thought.

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Collector, Webmaster

27 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Charlie, I'm sure you are correct.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "


27 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

I agree with Charlie. Avoid licking any stamps this weekend. Remember what happened to George Costanza’s fiance.

Cheers, Dave.

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Collector, Webmaster

27 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

For those who aren't sure of what Dave(HolcaustStamps) is referring to, here is a link:


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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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27 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

About a year ago, I decided to collect a few picture postcards and postmarks from my own hometown of Belmont, NY. (Upstate NY, and no connection to the horse racing track, which does make these searches a bit more tedious.....)
I discovered a Christmas postcard being offered by an eBay seller in Florida, and was a bit gobsmacked to discover that it was addressed to a gentleman for whom I formerly worked as a teenager!
Postmarked and hand-dated December 25th, 1917, the greeting was "Dear Laddie", it contained Christmas wishes from an aunt, and referenced the recent birth of his brother. He was my grandmother's next-door neighbor when I knew him in the early 1990's, and it brought back many memories.

I also obtained another local RPPC which shows a street scene, and from the angle of the photo, the photographer must have been standing in my grandparent's front yard when they took the photo! My great-uncle made his living by creating and selling postcards, but this one was definitely not one of his imprints. My grandmother was the local librarian from the 50's-80's, and I now have a few sepia cards showing "her" library, although they pre-date her tenure there.

My grandfather was a radio personality in the 30's-40's, before receiving a calling to the ministry. In high school, I participated in a radio program, and the local station was aligned with my grandfather's old station in Rochester, NY. I mentioned my grandfather during a conversation with the station owner, and a few weeks later, I received several photocopies of old radio program scripts, photos, press releases, etc.... from their archives. My grandmother was thrilled to see this stuff again.

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27 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Dear Parts Guy,
Just a random coincidence, or another example of a 'reachout" ?
Dan C.

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I still have more questions than answers

30 Mar 2022
re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

That is amazing. I believe that God and your Mom in heaven have everything to do with this.

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Collector, Webmaster
26 Mar 2022

I was at the Northern Philatelic Library this morning for a presentation on "Identifying Fakes". The presenter was running late so we were just sitting around enjoying coffee and cookies. Brian, one of my good friends, was looking through a batch of covers that had been donated to the Library and handed me one, saying with a big smile on his face, this must be one of your relatives. Sure ... right?

The cover was cancelled on Dec 11th 1973 and was addressed to my mother, Mrs Betty Auld. This is the address that I lived at all my teenage years. It was sent to her by my sister. How the heck did this cover find its way to me in a little obscure Stamp Library in Minneapolis 48 years later. This one just blows my mind.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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26 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

There is a theory that nothing happens accidently. Assuming that to be true, can we assume that this was a 'reachout' to you at this time.? If so, where is your sister now, when was the last time you guys spoke, is there something important for you to try to make contact now? Just saying, and trying to read the signs.
Dan C.

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Editor, Seal News; contributor, JuicyHeads
26 Mar 2022


re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think


is "messenger delivery" the Aussie equivalent of Special Delivery? and did it stay within OzPost or go to a third party?

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"Save the USPS, buy stamps; save the hobby, use commemoratives"

juicyheads.com/link. ...
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Collector, Webmaster
26 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

I'm very close to my sister. We talk often. This message from the past quite shocked me.

I don't know what the "messenger delivery" is all about. I'm going to have to call my sister to see if she can remember what she was sending to Mum that needed urgent delivery. But going back 48 years, I'll be lucky if she can remember.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Tom in Exton, PA
26 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Amazing story! You can't make this stuff up.

I hope you can get more information on this story. Namely who/how/when did your mother give away the cover?

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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Collector, Webmaster
26 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Hi Tom,
Yes, it is one of those freaky things isn't it. I talked to my sister about it this evening. My Mum had Parkinson's and covers like this were collected and given to help fund research for treatment, which could explain how it got sold on, but how it made it over here to me in Minnesota beats me. She thinks she was probably sending photos to Mum.


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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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Tom in Exton, PA
26 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Tim, on a much lower note...

I bought boxes of covers from both Roy and Mel in Texas. Both lots included a show cover from CENJEX 1976 stamp show in New Jersey. I was 17 at the time, and had volunteered to do much of the cover work for the show. So there is a very good chance that I put the stamps on those covers, and I manned the hand cancel at the show.

So here's two covers that made their way to me in Pennsylvania from Canada and Texas, that could probably yield my DNA!

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"Check out my eBay Stuff! Username Turtles-Trading-Post"
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26 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think


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27 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Or a reachout from your Mom? (Still trying to read the signs!!)
Dan C.

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27 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

From past experience on reading quite a few stories not unlike this it would seem that they occur mostly to warn and/or protect someone, ie. the recipient. Just a thought.

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Collector, Webmaster
27 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Charlie, I'm sure you are correct.

Regards ... Tim.

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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "


27 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

I agree with Charlie. Avoid licking any stamps this weekend. Remember what happened to George Costanza’s fiance.

Cheers, Dave.

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holocauststampsproje ...
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Collector, Webmaster
27 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

For those who aren't sure of what Dave(HolcaustStamps) is referring to, here is a link:


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"Isaac Asimov once said if his doctor told him he was dying, he wouldn’t lament, he would just type a little faster. "

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27 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

About a year ago, I decided to collect a few picture postcards and postmarks from my own hometown of Belmont, NY. (Upstate NY, and no connection to the horse racing track, which does make these searches a bit more tedious.....)
I discovered a Christmas postcard being offered by an eBay seller in Florida, and was a bit gobsmacked to discover that it was addressed to a gentleman for whom I formerly worked as a teenager!
Postmarked and hand-dated December 25th, 1917, the greeting was "Dear Laddie", it contained Christmas wishes from an aunt, and referenced the recent birth of his brother. He was my grandmother's next-door neighbor when I knew him in the early 1990's, and it brought back many memories.

I also obtained another local RPPC which shows a street scene, and from the angle of the photo, the photographer must have been standing in my grandparent's front yard when they took the photo! My great-uncle made his living by creating and selling postcards, but this one was definitely not one of his imprints. My grandmother was the local librarian from the 50's-80's, and I now have a few sepia cards showing "her" library, although they pre-date her tenure there.

My grandfather was a radio personality in the 30's-40's, before receiving a calling to the ministry. In high school, I participated in a radio program, and the local station was aligned with my grandfather's old station in Rochester, NY. I mentioned my grandfather during a conversation with the station owner, and a few weeks later, I received several photocopies of old radio program scripts, photos, press releases, etc.... from their archives. My grandmother was thrilled to see this stuff again.

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27 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

Dear Parts Guy,
Just a random coincidence, or another example of a 'reachout" ?
Dan C.

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I still have more questions than answers
30 Mar 2022

re: Here is a cover with a back story that will make you think

That is amazing. I believe that God and your Mom in heaven have everything to do with this.

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